Q#2: Attempt Any Twenty Two (22) Short Questions

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Q#2: Attempt any Twenty Two (22) short questions (44)

1. Write the dimensions of (i) power (ii) density.

2. Under what circumstances would a vector have components that are equal in
3. Can a body in equilibrium if it is in motion.
4. Prove that i . i = j . j = k . k = 1
5. Explain the circumstances in which velocity and acceleration are parallel and
anti parallel.
6. Can the velocity of an object reverse direction when acceleration is constant? If
so, give an example.

7. Motion with the constant velocity is a special case of motion with constant
acceleration, is this statement true. Discuss.
8. In long jump, what factors determine the span of jump?
9. Calculate the work done in kilo joules in lifting a mass of 10 kg ( at a steady
velocity) through a vertical height of 10 m.
10. An object has 1J of potential energy. Explain what does it mean?
11. After firing, the riffle moves slow as compared to bullet, why?
12. In rectilinear motion the mass of a body is ‘m’ what is the quantity
corresponding to mass in rotational motion?
13. Show that orbital angular momentum Lo = mvr.
14. Describe what should be the minimum velocity, for a satellite, to orbit
close to the Earth around it.

15. When mud flies off the tyre of a moving bicycle, in what direction does it
fly? Explain.
16. A disc and a hoop start moving down from the top of an inclined plane at
the same time. Which one will have greater speed on reaching the bottom?
17. How a lift is produced in the wing of an aeroplane?
18. Two row boats moving parallel in the same direction are pulled towards
each other. Explain
19. At what angle does a projectile has maximum range?
20. Name three different conditions that could make A1 x A2=0.
21. How one can obtain energy from biomass.
22. What is solar constant? Give two uses of solar energy.
23. What do you know about work energy principle?
24. What is the effect on earth happened so that our one day 24 hr decreased
to12 hr in a day?
25. Why does a diver change his body position before and after diving in the
26. What does ‘’ INTELSAT’’ stand for?
27. Find the velocity of a hoop rolling down along an inclined plane of height
28. How swing is produced in a fast moving cricket ball.
29. What do you understand about the term viscosity?
30. Why does a diver change his body position before and after diving in the
31. What is meant by angular momentum?
32. Can we talk about negative work? Give example.
33. Prove that P=F.v.

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