Key Sources That You'll Find in This Platform: E-Library E-Class Room E-Journals Department Level Competitive Tests Website: " "

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Dear Students,

Due to COVID-19 outbreak, you have suffered huge academic loss in this semester. We
don’t wish it to affect your career to a large extent. You can now take advantage of this
unexpected break to develop your Core Knowledge/ skills.

For this, we, the Department of civil Engineering, RGUKT Srikakulam have launched a
platform named “SAMARDHA” to help you learn safely from home. You can now view
video lectures, textbooks, e-journals/articles, online content and many more from this
platform. Also you can be a part of this team by presenting your hidden skills by
participating in different activities and sharing them with your peers through this platform.

Key sources that you'll find in this platform:

 e-library

 e-class room

 e-journals

 Department level competitive tests

Website: “ “

We hope you make good use of this opportunity and spend your time wisely.

- Team

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