Delayed Marriages

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There are some measures which should be taken to control the population bomb before it explodes:

1. Delayed Marriages

With high population in certain Asian countries e.g. India, Pakistan, child marriage is a highly noticeable
problem. Time span for giving birth to a child increases due to marriage at smaller age. Due to the
marriage at young age, people do not know penalties of raising many children because of the lack of
awareness and education. According to UN report, population can be control if the legal for marriage will
be declared as 20 years.

2. Medical Facilities

There is deficiency of the necessary medical facilities in developing countries. Good doctors and hospitals
are available to the urban centers only due to urban-rural division in developing countries and lead to high
newborn death rate in rural areas. In order to guarantee, rural people give birth to too many kids so that
some of their children stay alive. If centric medical facilities will be provided, there will be a great decline
in population.

3. Legislative Actions

If use of contraception and family planning will be an option, there will be not much population decline.
Steps for education, eradication of child labor, family planning, child marriage and beggary should be
taken necessarily in order to get the benefit. Laws against the beggary, child labor and slavery should be
enforced properly to certify that parents do not ask their children to go out for work or sell their children
so that changes mindset to raise few number of children.

4. Providing Incentives

The policy of providing incentives is considered to be an effective way to fight the many development
problems which includes population also. Efficient population measures may include providing of
educational, health and financial incentives. Giving education to a single child free or giving money to
people who do not have more than two kids etc. are some incentive policies which are being provided in
developing countries and these measures are proved to be efficient.

5. Spread Awareness

People should get awareness about the problems for having too many kids. There should be Campaigns
for giving awareness to people that they will not be able to provide the better education, medical facilities
or nutrition to large number of kids. Negative effects of the population growth should be discussed
publically so that they get more understanding as it is also the main reason for illiteracy and diseases.

6. Women Empowerment

In terms of power and force, women are considered less than men in most of the developing countries.
Such thoughts are more common in Islamic countries and even in India and Bangladesh. A big reason for
population growth is gender discrimination. People give birth to more and more kids for the sake of
having more sons than daughters. For a healthy and educated society, women should be empowered and
in the matters concerned to them e.g. giving birth to child and should be educated to fight against

7. Eradicate Poverty

Mostly poor countries have higher population than the rich countries. Poverty and population growth has
direct relation. Child labor, human trafficking and slave trading is a prevailing issue in the developing
countries of Asia and Africa. Trading of humans is not allowed and banned in world everywhere but
African countries have the maximum record of slave trading. People sell their infants to the rich people
and those people urge kids to do various unethical acts and laborious tasks. Other than selling, parents
also urge their kids to work or beg so as to earn money as much as they can for the family. Those people
think that they will have more money by having more kids to do work and for begging. Other methods for
the population control will not be much effective until the good measures are taken for the eradication of

8. Education

Main support of economy and an individual is education. Once the people are educated, they will get the
awareness about the troubles of having greater population rate. Education, specifically education of
women can do work not less than a wonder in population control. Benefits of small family can be easily
understood by an educated woman and man. Most of the measures like women empowerment and
campaigns for awareness will not be fruitful without sufficient education

9. Development

Why only developing nations like Asia and Africa are tackling the biggest challenge of huge population
and rapid increase in it while the developed countries like Japan, Europe or America are not having
problem of higher growth rate. Less Development schemes lead to lack of awareness, high poverty, lack
medical facilities, high discrimination and illiteracy which results in greater population growth rate. An
economy is considered as develop if it have non-discriminated and loyal people. So giving education and
reducing discrimination is a good step for the development of the whole population instead of specific
society through which it will be easy to control the population growth.

Bangladesh as a Role Model

Bangladesh also benefited from innovative government policies, says Professor John Cleland of the
Centre for Population Studies at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

From the mid-1970s, Bangladesh adopted a community-based approach, recruiting married, literate
village women trained in basic medicine and family planning to go door-to-door dispensing contraceptive
pills and condoms and referring women for clinical contraception.

“They acted as a bridge between the modern medical world and the village world,” says Cleland.
“Because they were literate, they were part of the elite, and as villagers, they had credibility among a
suspicious and very religious population.”

Simultaneously, the government prioritized girls' education. Continuing education delays marriage and
childbearing and equips girls with the knowledge, status and confidence to have greater control over their

“Education is a major predictor of fertility levels; when women have opportunities to work outside the
home it has a major impact on fertility,” says Ralph Hakkert, technical adviser at the UN Population Fund

Fertility rates in Bangladesh subsequently halved from about six children per women in the early 1970s to
fewer than three children per women today.

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