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Li-Fi (Light Fidelity)

The Future’s Wireless Communication Using Visible Light

Jay Pankhania, Savan Chhatrala, Jay Borsaniya, Ravi Loh

are used today which is very costly as well as slow as the

Abstract — This paper mainly focusing on the survey on the data transfer and the communication. The Li-Fi is no the
wireless communication and the data transfer using the Visible Update version of the Wi-Fi but we can say it is similar to
light communication (VLC). Where the data and communication the Wi-Fi .The Wi-Fi which is work on the Concept of the
can be done via the Light Emitting Diode (LED) . This is the era Radio waves where the Li-Fi is work on the Concept of the
of the mobile communication where each everyone wants to do
Visible Light Communication.
their work wirelessly no one want to do the work of to connect
the wires to the modems and configure (connect) the Modem and The Li-Fi which is used the visible spectrum of the Light
then do the data transfer. Now, in the present world the Wi-Fi bulbs which provide the high bandwidth for transfer of the
(Wireless fidelity) which is one the most popular communication data and also it is not affect anything to the humans as Wi-
technology. Where we are transfer the data on the form of the Fi sometime being reason of the human’s problem of the
radio waves and get a good speed of the data transfer. Also, there pain in the mind because of the too much destruction of the
is one of the popular wireless technology which is Bluetooth Radio Waves. Also, it will provide high bandwidth to the
which can pass the data wirelessly. The main purpose of this
communication as solve the problem of the heavy loads and
paper to give the information and some of the insight view of the
Li-Fi technology. This paper also contain some of the limitations the speeds.
of the Li-Fi technology. In today’s communication technology sometime have the
problem of the speed and also sometime problem of the
Keywords: - Light Fidelity, Light Emitting Diodes, Visible heavy loads which can be overcome using this Li-Fi
Light Communication, Wireless Fidelity, Bluetooth. technology.
Wi-Fi which uses the radio transmitter for the
1. INTRODUCTION communication with it. Where the transmitter have some

T HIS Technology which is introduced by the Harald

Hass during the TED(Technology ,Entertainment
,Design) Global Talk on the Visible Light Communication.
limitations for the device to connect with it and sometime
because of the heavy loads of the devices the frequency
which is divided among those devices so the each and
This technology was introduced by the Harald using the every devices get the low speed.
Table lamp using the LED bulb to transmit the Video of the Here the given image of the transmission shows the
Blooming flower. After it was projected on the big screen. data transfer through a light bulb to the computer in the
The Li-Fi is the Future communication technology for the form of light (0 and 1 binary). Where the logical signals 1
future. In now a days we are using the technology which is and 0 are passing to the laptop via visible light. Here the
Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) or the Bluetooth which are very lamp when on which shows the logical signal “1” and the
slow for the future’s the modification in the off condition of the LED bulb shows the Logical signal “0”.
every system which is required for the better Where the light bulb continuously on and off which human
communication and the data transfer. So, the modem which eyes cannot detect as the speed of light is fast so the data
which is also pass at the speed of the light. So, we can
achieve the faster communication and data transfer.

The Li-Fi technology which works on the LED bulb for the
communication. Li-Fi which uses the electromagnetic
spectrum between 400 THz and 800 THz as optical carrier
for the data transmission and illumination it uses the fast
pulses of the light to transmit information in wireless
medium. The main components of the basic Li-Fi system
may contain: (1) A high transmission LED which acts as
transmission source. (2) A silicon photodiode with good

response to visible light as receiving elements. The Data
transmission comprises the mostly LED bulb, Power
Fig. 1 Data Transfer using the Light bulb
Amplifier or LED Driver, PCB. Here the LED bulbs which
work as the transmitter of the data and the also as the light
source to the particular area. LED Driver or the Power
Amplifier circuit which is used to control the bulb in each
and every condition also this can be also used for the high
power and low power amplification which increase the life
of the LED and the Technology also. PCB which used to
take the electric input and output of the bulb and
microcontroller used inside the PCB which is used to
control the whole one unit of the Li-Fi communication.
Fig. 4 Construction of the LED

The LED bulb which is control by the PCB (Processing

Circuit Board)and the Power supply is control by the
PA(Power Amplifier Circuir)and this Whole Architecture is
enclosed into the Enclosure of the Aluminium material.


Fig 2 Architecture of the Li-Fi

The Above figure shows the transmission of the Data

using the Li-Fi technology. Here the server which is
connected with the transmitter controller and then the
Lamp driver which act as the Data input to the Lamp and Fig 3 Working model of the Li-Fi.
also provide the electric power supply to the lamp to
light it .The Lamp Driver also works to manage the Here into figure-3 we can see the LED bulbs are
function of the light bulb and controlling the electrical lighten and there a communication is perform between
signals. After this at the receiver side the Photo detector the two mobile phones as well as there where a some of
which is connected at the receiving side for receiving the the other device which is connected with each other via
data from the light source which reflect onto this photo
the light bulb like laptop and, we can also make
detector. Where the photo detector sends this data for the
a print through the light.
amplification to the amplifier and the processing circuit
Here into the Li-Fi a only single LED light which is not
where the amplifier again coverts the data from the
electric signal 0 and 1 to the computer known language used to communication or the data transfer but there where
and process it for the security purpose for missing any a thousand of the LED bulb which can function parallel or
data and other purposes. Procedure for Paper the serially as well. Which means we can pass the single
Submission. data using the all LED lamp or we can pass the different
When the Data is finally processed and the conversion data through the different LED lamps. Same as into the
of the data is done via the amplifier and the processing given figure the two transmission can be done at a time like
circuit and then it will pass to the laptop via the cable the communication between two mobile phones and we can
and then it will show into the laptop to the received work with a laptop to printer parallel as well. Also a lamp
window of the Li-Fi communication. Where the user can gives lighten up to the room as well.
pass the data also from the laptop. Here when the light will reflect on the photo detector
it will automatically connect with it. Also, during the
transmission of the data or during the communication the
LED lamp is on and off faster as the human eyes cannot
detect it. As the LED bulb will on and off millions of time
in a second which is not detect by the human eyes and the
function of the bulb which is manage by the PCB and the Connectivity for all areas of these sensitive locations. Also,
Driver of lamp inside its architecture. The internal the pressure on a power plant 12‘s own reserves (power
Architecture which is encapsulated inside the one consumption for Radio communications deployments) will
enclosure. The enclosure which is made of an aluminum be Lessened.
material. The inside architecture of the LED bulb which is g) Traffic management: In traffic signals Li-Fi can be
shown below. used to communicate with passing Vehicles (through the
LED lights of the cars etc.) which can help in managing the
traffic in a better manner resulting into smooth flow of
II. Future vision and applications of LIfi traffic and reduction in accident numbers. Also, LED car
The Li-Fi can be used into the following some of the lights can alert drivers when other vehicles are too close.
h) Mobile Connectivity: Mobiles, laptops, tablets, and
a) Education systems: Li-Fi is the latest technology that other smart phones can easily connect with each other. The
short-range network of Li-Fi can yield exceptionally high
can provide fastest speed for Internet access. So, it can
augment/replace Wi-Fi at educational institutions and at data rates and higher security.
I) Replacement for other technologies: Li-Fi doesn‘t work
Companies so that the people there can make use of Li-Fi
with the high speed. using radio waves. So, it can be easily used in the places
where Bluetooth, infrared, Wi-Fi, etc. are banned.
b) Medical Applications: Operation theatres (OTs) do not
allow Wi-Fi due to radiation Concerns. Usage of Wi-Fi at
hospitals interferes/blocks the signals for monitoring
Equipment’s. So, it may have hazardous effect to the
patient's health, due to improper Working of medical
apparatus. To overcome this and to make OT tech savvy
Li-Fi can be used to access internet and also to control
medical equipment’s. This will be beneficial for conducting
robotic surgeries and other automated procedures.
c) Cheaper Internet in Aircrafts: The passengers travelling
in aircrafts get access to low Speed Internet that too at a
very high price. Also Wi-Fi is not used because it may
interfere with the navigational systems of the pilots. In
aircrafts Li-Fi can be used for data Transmission. Li-Fi can
easily provide high speed Internet via every light source
such as Overhead reading bulb, etc. present inside the
d) Underwater applications: Underwater ROVs (Remotely
Operated Vehicles) operate from large cables that supply
their power and allow them to receive signals from their
Pilots above. But the tether used in ROVs is not long
enough to allow them to explore larger areas. If their wires
were replaced with light — say from a submerged, high-
powered Lamp — then they would be much freer to
explore. They could also use their Headlamps to
communicate with each other, processing data
autonomously and sending their findings periodically back
to the surface. Li-Fi can even work underwater where Wi-
Fi fails completely, thereby throwing open endless
opportunities for military Underwater operations.
e) Disaster management: Li-Fi can be used as a powerful
means of communication in times of disaster such as
earthquake or hurricanes. The average people may not
know the Protocols during such disasters. Subway stations
and tunnels, common dead zones for most emergency
communications, pose no obstruction for Li-Fi.
f) Applications in sensitive areas: Power plants need fast,
inter-connected data systems so that demand, grid integrity Advantages of the Li-Fi
and core temperature (in case of nuclear power plants) can a) Health Risk: - It is not scientifically proved but in real
be monitored. The Radio communication interference is time the Radio Waves are Carcinogenic in nature and thus
considered to be bad for such Sensitive areas surrounding can be a threat to the human health. Where thus the Visible
these power plants. Li-Fi can offer safe, abundant Light Communication can lighten up your life as well as
communication technology to transfer data and will be come in front of or in between the
communication with the concept of the Li-Fi. communication channel then it will be
b) Security: -The Li-Fi which is the best concept for the disconnected.
communication because the data of the Li-Fi cannot 2. Interference form the external source of the light
penetrate the Wall as the data can be confidential for the and the other source of the light bulb or light
particular room or for the some limited area. We can also source will cause disturbance the transmission of
implement the security by just blocking the Light. the light.
c) Energy Saving: - here in today’s wireless 3. The Wireless communication technology like Wi-
communication system a large amount of energy is spent Fi and the Bluetooth still needed into the forest
into the infrastructure and the maintenance of then on the areas where because of the trees and other
data transmission. In IOT used the energy to cool down the disturbance. Where the Li-Fi which is not able to
base station and we just need a LED with the high work.
brightness to transfer the data and for the communication. 4. VLC (Visible Light Communication) which has
d) Less Interface: - The light can be pass easily into the the high installation cost. But when it is
forest area as well as under water where it is nearly implemented and the installed then it will reduce
impossible to establish the Wi-Fi infrastructure. the maintenance cost, electricity bill and also the
e) Existing Infrastructure: - Here in Li0Fi we are using purchasing of the other transmission charges.
the current available infrastructure of light where the Light 5. A Line OF Sight connection must needed as light
bulb which is already install into the room is used as the can not pass any solid, the transmitter
medium of the transmission. and receiver must be needed to align to connect
f) Green House: -The Radio waves affecting the with this technology.
greenhouse unlike it the Li-Fi not affecting the greenhouse
technology as well it support the greenhouse technology to
increase the performance by reducing the radio waves
g) Availability: - Li-Fi which uses the LED as the medium
of the transmission of the data and for the communication Conclusion
and it will also use for sharing the internet with peoples. In this research, we have discussed the characteristics of
So, we are not need to be stay in the region of the Wi-Fi both the technologies of WiFi and LiFi, it’s the coexistence
area to connect with it. This technology can be used of both the technologies. We have demonstrated several
wherever we can use the light or the LED. So it will be ways to achieve this technology by LiFi and WiFi
easy and most convenient to connect more people with it frontends. Both of the technologies together can increase
and can get the high speed. Also, the easy access point via the throughput of for each mobile users and offer better
the light will provide the high speed as well as reduce the synchronization. This concept can also help us to achieve
cost of the internet and the charges of the modem to high data rate within indoors, it can also help us with 5 th
purchase Wi-Fi Modems. generation mobile networks. Finally, we already discussed
h) Capacity: - Li-Fi which uses the LED means the light as the future plans, ideas and research the scope of both the
the medium of the data passing and the communication. So, technologies coexisting together.
we can say that we can communicate and pass the data as
the speed of the light and using the collection of the LED’s
we can increase the bandwidth for passing the data and as
well. Here into the given figure we can assume the scenario
of passing the data

Limitations of the Li-Fi

1. The main disadvantage of the Li-Fi that it cannot

pass from the particular solid object. When we are
running any communication and any solid object

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