Literature Review: (CITATION Hen /L 16393)

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Literature Review

[ CITATION Hen \l 16393 ] Life style is considered as a mode of living that is identified by now
people spend their time (activities); what they consider important in their environment
(interests); and what they think of themselves and the world around them (environment). Life
styles affect individual behaviour as a consumer. His brand choice behaviour is also
influenced by life style. For example the brand choice behaviour of a college student and a
middle age man will not be same, since their life styles differ.

[ CITATION Tho88 \l 16393 ] Research suggests that than increase in market share is related to
improved brand loyalty. Thus brands that seek to improve their positions have to be
successful both in getting brand users and in increasing their loyalty.

[ CITATION Dor \l 16393 ] Brand loyalty not only selects some brands but also rejects certain
brands from a set of alternatives. Brand name may be more important for some products than
for other.

[ CITATION Ric92 \l 16393 ] Price sensitivity is an major issue in the market today, as a
customer would definitely adopt a product that is cheaper than a product which is above his
budget. Although brand image comes into picture, but it’s the money that plays vital role in
the consumer behaviour. It is the pricing of the product that affects or influences the
consumer to go ahead and choose a product that he wants.

[ CITATION Kel03 \l 16393 ] In today’s time, global warming is the topic of prime importance.
Due to the condition of the country, people may prefer to use products that are eco-friendly
and productive to the environment. In this, the socio-cultural variable is attached. It is
because of global warming that people use eco-friendly products.

[ CITATION Gup07 \l 16393 ] Brand management consultant, Mr. Ritvik Motwani says, “There
is tough competition in the market nowadays, so if a particular brand has to survive in the
market, it should be designed, packed and presented in such a way that a product carves a
permanent niche in the consumer’s mind. Brand management is all about furnishing
innovative and creating effective strategies and marketing techniques which may create a
standing for the product during fierce market competition.
[ CITATION Leo \l 16393 ] Social class membership often considered as a reference for the
development of consumer attitude or behaviour. Social class is defined as the "division of
members of a society into a hierarchy of distinct status classes, so that members of each class
have relatively the same status and members of all the other classes have either more or less

[ CITATION Dat10 \l 16393 ] Celebrity Endorsement is a publication tool that uses popular
personalities associate their public image with the brands to help in creating or developing the
brands’ image. It has become a profitable tool for organizations which creates a significant
image of brand in the minds of consumers over competitive brands present in the market

[ CITATION Vya07 \l 16393 ] Found that seasonality affects apparel sector and hence it becomes
critical for a retailer to clear off the stocks at the end of season. Otherwise he may have to
incur substantial inventory carrying costs, allocate scarce shelf space and out of fashion
apparels may be worthless and remain unsold forever.

[ CITATION Ste03 \l 16393 ] Observed in his research that consumers become perceptive to
global brands when consumers believe the brand is marketed in multiple countries and is
recognized as global in these countries This perception occurs in when consumers realize that
the same brand is found in other countries through media exposure, word of mouth
communication, or during travel overseas.

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