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Created by Duy Ân Mai

1. A complete ______of terms and conditions should be made before the agreement is signed.
(A) examine
(B) examining
(C) examination
(D) examined

2. All ______require advance ticket booking as seating is limited.

(A) performance
(B) performer
(C) performing
(D) performances
3. The talks between union ______and company managers will help the company avoid bankruptcy.
(A) represent
(B) representation
(C) representative
(D) representing

4. The company has given its employees unlimited______ to the main information system.
(A) accessing
(B) accessible
(C) access
(D) accessed

5. Alabama Medical Research Facility is

seeking a motivated ______ for upcoming medical study.
(A) volunteer
(B) volunteering
(C) voluntary
(D) voluntarily
6. If we can be of any assistance in the future, please ______free to contact us.
(A) feeling
(B) feel
(C) to feel

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(D) be felt

7. Customers may ______merchandise within 30 days of purchase if original tags are not removed.
(A) return
(B) returned
(C) be returned
(D) to return

8. This speaker was originally developed for laptop computers because of its ______ to temperature
(A) resistance
(B) resisted
(C) resistant
(D) resisting
9. It will be quite difficult for candidates to get a marketing position as______for it is fierce.
(A) competitively
(B) competitive
(C) competes
(D) competition

10. All department stores require ______not to bring food or beverage into the store.
(A) shopper
(B) shopping
(C) shop
(D) shoppers
11. The company has ______ in creative profit models and encourages its employees to come up with new
(A) interested
(B) interestingly
(C) interesting
(D) interests
12. Portland Square Hotel ______ a complimentary breakfast to all of its guests.
(A) providing
(B) be provided
Created by Duy Ân Mai

(C) provides
(D) provide

13. In the past decade, there has been tremendous ______of 10% in sales.
(A) grows
(B) growth
(C) grown
(D) grower

14. Price quotes for potential customers______taxes and shipping charges in the total.
(A) includes
(B) include
(C) including
(D) to include
Part 6
Questions 15-17 refer to the following notice.

We'd like to offer our apologies for the delay and inconvenience you experienced on Friday during the rush
hour. Buses were postponed ______ a traffic accident in the downtown area.
15. (A) because
(B) without
(C) due to
(D) in spite of

The accident took place around 5:00 p.m. and damaged signals in the main street, forcing the ______of
bus service for two hours. The accident also
16. (A) suspend
(B) suspending
(C) suspended
(D) suspension

led to traffic ______ and extensive delays for the next several hours.
17. (A) congestion
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(B) congest
(C) to congest
(D) congestive

Complete repairs were done over the weekend. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Vocabulary practice

I. Choose the best expression for each blank.

(A) come into effect
(B) an illegal practice
(C) free of charge
(D) reserve the right
(E) in compliance with

1. The new regulations will ______immediately and will be maintained until further notice.
2. The management ______to change the designs for this facility.
3. Plastic shopping bags are provided ______to customers in retail outlets.
4. The industry is ______ international laws prohibiting dumping practices.
5. Cutting workers' pay below the level, which is set in their contract, is______in the county.
II. Choose the best answer for each question.
6. Kohler Brand's ______ is that all payments must be made in United States dollars.

(A) adoption
(B) exhibit
(C) regard
(D) policy

7. Companies cannot share personal information on their customers without customers'______.

(A) interference
(B) assistance
(C) consent

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(D) awareness

8. In order to manage the production time and ensure adequate component supply, Baxter Corporation
regularly enters into ______ with contract suppliers.

(A) outcomes
(B) agreements
(C) journeys
(D) effects

9. If you are not fully satisfied, simply return your purchase to us for an immediate ______ or refund.

(A) receipt
(B) complaint
(C) replacement
(D) bargain

10. Teaching experience will be an______, but candidates with other working backgrounds will also be

(A) advantage
(B) advice
(C) admission
(D) adaptation
Part 5 – Incomplete sentences (điền từ vào câu) là phần đầu tiên của bài đọc hiểu, bắt đầu ngay sau khi
bài thi nghe kết thúc. Part 5 gồm 40 câu hỏi (từ 101 đến 140), chia làm hai dạng câu hỏi chính:
- Các câu hỏi ngữ pháp (từ loại, các dạng của động từ, mệnh đề quan hệ, câu điều kiện, liên từ, giới từ,…)
– chiếm từ 23 đến 25 câu.
- Các câu hỏi từ vựng (bắt buộc phải chọn đáp án theo nghĩa): chiếm từ 15-17 câu
Đôi khi một số câu hỏi kiểm tra đồng thời cả kiến thức ngữ pháp và từ vựng.
Lưu ý: Vì tổng thời gian làm phần đọc hiểu chỉ khoảng 75 phút, để đảm bảo thời gian cho các phần sau,
cần luyện tập để phân phối quỹ thời gian cho phù hợp. Đối với Part 5, chỉ nên làm trong khoảng 15 phút.

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Trong các chủ điểm ngữ pháp của bài thi part 5, có một nội dung quan trọng là “Từ loại” (Parts of speech),
thường chiếm từ 12 câu trở lên.
Từ loại là các loại từ tạo thành một câu nói. Trong tiếng Anh bao gồm: Danh từ (Nouns), Động từ (Verbs),
Tính từ (Adjective) và Trạng từ (Adverbs).
Yêu cầu để làm được bài tập từ loại:
(1) Có kiến thức chắc chắn về từ loại: có những loại nào? Vị trí, chức năng của chúng trong câu?
(2) Cần nắm được cấu tạo của từ loại (từ đó có các đuôi thông thường như thế nào -> đoán được nó là
danh từ, trạng từ, tính từ hay động từ).
Lưu ý làm bài: Khi xác định được câu hỏi thuộc dạng này, cần xác định được tương quan giữa từ cần điền
với các từ khác trong câu: từ cần điền nằm trong cụm nào, bị ảnh hưởng bởi các từ đằng trước hay đằng
sau như thế nào, nó bổ nghĩa cho từ nào, chức năng trong câu là gì… để chọn loại từ phù hợp. Nếu có
nhiều đáp án cùng loại từ đó, phải dịch nghĩa để chọn ra đáp án phù hợp nhất.
Tiết 1:
Danh từ (Nouns)
Danh từ (Nouns) là thành tố quan trọng trong câu.
Danh từ có những chức năng sau:
+ Làm chủ ngữ (subject): Subject + V
Customer service specialists are available Monday to Friday.
+ Làm tân ngữ (object of verb): Subject + V + Object
Responsibilities include occasional business trips.+ Làm bổ ngữ (complement) : Subject + V + complement
Our company has become one of the best office suppliers.
Trường hợp này, danh từ thường đứng sau động từ to be hoặc động từ nối.
+ Làm tân ngữ của giới từ (object of preposition): đứng sau giới từ
We wish to apologize for the error.
Xét về vị trí trong câu, ta thường dùng danh từ sao các mạo từ, tính từ sở hữu hay các đại từ chỉ định (a,
an, the, my, this, such, etc.). Danh từ thường đứng sau tính từ.
Ngoài danh từ đơn (customer, satisfaction, etc.), trong bài thi, ta có thể gặp các danh từ ghép – được tạo
thành bằng cách ghép hai danh từ đơn lại với nhau thành cụm từ có nghĩa (ví dụ: customer satisfaction).
Một số danh từ ghép thường gặp trong bài thi TOEIC:
Customer satisfaction:
Sự hài lòng của khách hàng
Construction site:
Công trường xây dựng

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Expiration date:
Ngày hết hạn
Application form:
Đơn xin việc
Assembly line:
Dây chuyền lắp ráp
Work permit:
Giấy phép lao động
Company policy:
Chính sách công ty
Evaluation form:
Mẫu đánh giá
Staff productivity:
Hiệu quả lao động của nhân viên
Delivery company:
Công ty vận chuyển
Award ceremony:
Lễ trao giải
Customs official:
Nhân viên hải quan
Overseas trip:
Chuyến công tác nước ngoài
Sales department:
Phòng bán hàng
Sales manager:
Giám đốc bán hàng
Cần phân biệt danh từ chỉ người và danh từ chỉ vật
Danh từ chỉ vật



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Danh từ chỉ người:







Created by Duy Ân Mai




Danh từ có thể chia làm hai loại: Danh từ đếm được và danh từ không đếm được.
(1) Danh từ đếm được (countable nouns)
- Có thể tách thành từng đơn vị, có thể đếm được
- Các danh từ đếm được thường gặp:
+ Các danh từ chỉ người (thường có đuôi “-er”, “-or”): teacher, writer, supervisor,…
+ Các danh từ chỉ vật: computer, project, account,…
+ Danh từ trong các cụm. Ví dụ như: get a refund (nhận khoản tiền hoàn trả), make an announcement
(thông báo), in an effort to (trong nỗ lực),…
- Danh từ đếm được được chia thành: danh từ số ít (dùng với các mạo từ a/an/the) và danh từ số nhiều
(thêm đuôi “s” hoặc “es” vào sau danh từ). Nếu không, danh từ phải đi kèm với tính từ chỉ số lượng hoặc
tính từ sở hữu. Danh từ đếm được thường không đứng một mình.
(2) Danh từ không đếm được (uncountable nouns)
- Danh từ không đếm được có thể đứng một mình, không cần mạo từ, không có dạng số nhiều.
- Danh từ không đếm được thường mang nghĩa chất liệu hay danh từ trừu tượng (hạnh phúc, niềm
vui,….). Một số danh từ thường gặp:
Thiết bị
Luggage/ baggage:
Hành lý
Hàng hóa
Bài tập về nhà
Thông tin
Sự hiểu biết
Created by Duy Ân Mai

Sự ô nhiễm
Lời khuyên
Đồ đạc
Văn phòng phẩm
Tin tức
Một số lưu ý :
Các đuôi thường gặp của danh từ: -or, -ist (hai đuôi này thường chỉ người), -ion, -ment, -ance.
Đôi khi gặp danh từ đuôi “-ant”, nhưng chỉ trong trường hợp chỉ người.
Đối với danh từ làm chủ ngữ, rất cần để ý dạng số ít hay số nhiều vì nó ảnh hưởng đến việc chia động
từ của câu.
Trong trường hợp có cụm danh từ, động từ chia theo danh từ chính
Cụm danh từ
Danh từ chính
The + N1 + of the N2:
N1 + sở hữu cách + N2:
N1 + for/ in/ of + N2:
Đôi khi chỉ bằng việc nhận xét động từ là số ít hay số nhiều cũng giúp loại trừ hoặc chọn được đáp án
Nhiều trường hợp, cần chú ý sự khác biệt giữa nghĩa của danh từ và danh động từ (hình thành bằng
cách thêm “-ing” vào sau động từ) để lựa chọn được đáp án đúng.
Ví dụ:
“Collection” là danh từ mang nghĩa bộ sưu tập

10 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

“Collecting” là danh động từ mang nghĩa việc sưu tầm, được hình thành bằng cách thêm “ing” và động từ

11 | P a g e Cô VŨ MAI PHƢƠNG – KHÓA TOEIC 2016

Mời các em làm các bài luyện tập sau. Nhƣ thƣờng lệ, các em chỉ xem đáp án sau khi đã làm bài
và nhớ dịch bài, học từ mới nhé. Chăm chỉ lên nào <3 <3 <3

Check-up Quiz
1. (Competitive / Competition) may be a good thing while performing difficult tasks
2. The (resign / resignation) of the manager disappointed the employees.
3. The (construction / constructive) of Central Hotel was successful.
4. Please let us have your bank account (inform / information) immediately.
5. Dortel negotiated with several major book (publishers / publishing) last year.
6. The (operate / operation) of photographic devices is not allowed in the museum.
7. People gain (access / accessible) to the Internet from their personal computers.
8. The company is responsible for all travel (expenses / expend).
9. (A / The) survey forms are available at the main office.
10. Her recent test scores declined in (comparison / compared) with last year’s.

Part 5: Choose the word that best completes each sentence

l. The_____for the building renovation is now available on the company bulletin board.
(A) schedule (B) scheduled (C) schedules (D) schedulers
2. Faster Shipping offers exceptional _____ in customer satisfaction.
(A) performer (B) performing (C) performed (D) performance
3. The bank will celebrate the _____ of the senior accountant at the upcoming monthly meeting.
(A) retire (B) retirement (C) retiring (D) retired
4. Thanks to his _____ to the project, we could complete it on time.
(A) commit (B) committed (C) commitment (D) committing
5. The newly installed system requires that every _____ should have a savings account.
(A) user (B) useful (C) used (D) using Hotline:

6. We introduced an innovative compensation plan to increase staff_____.
(A) produce (B) product (C) productive (D) productivity
7. It took the division almost a week to receive a _____from the manufacturer.
(A) response (B) respond (C) responding (D) responsive
8. When you receive your _____ to the grand opening, please respond to us ASAP.
(A) honor (B) invitation (C) expression (D) ovation
9. Executives agree that there is a ____for better equipment and financial resources.
(A) need (B) look (C) control (D) center
10. Employees can find out about the _____of the recent survey on the Web.
(A) events (B) chances (C) matters (D) results

Part 6: Text completion

Dear Prudent investment customer,

We are writing to inform you that an error might have occurred on your bill due to a recent ____to our
online system.
l. (A) update
(B) updated
(C) updating
(D) to update
Please contact our customer service representative regarding any suspected discrepancies within 30
days of receiving your bill.
The Prudent Investment Group feels____ about any inconvenience this might cause,
2.(A) regret
(B) regretted
(C) regrettable
(D) regrettably
and we will try our best to resolve any problems as ____as possible.
3. (A) temporarily
(B) currently
(C) effortlessly
(D) promptly
We sincerely appreciate your support and will continuously provide you with the best quality service Hotline:

you will ever experience.
Best regards,
Francesca Gonzalez
Customer Relations
The Prudent Investment Group

Part 7:
Questions 1-2 refer to the following notice.

Special Summer-Only Offer

Purchase a ticket to ride on the
Appalachian Express
and a friend rides for free!
This coupon allows the ticket-holder to one free ticket for your friend or family member on an
Appalachian Express train when buying one adult ticket at full price.
Our train tours provide wonderful sightseeing and an elegant five—course lunch while you are
enjoying the beautiful scenery of the Appalachian Mountains.
- Not valid on weekends or holidays
- Not valid when used with any other offer
- Expiry date of September 24

1. What is the advertisement for? 2. What limitation is written on the coupon?

(A) A ski resort (A) It cannot be used during the weekdays.
(B) A train tour (B) It can only be used after September 24.
(C) A hotel dinner (C) It cannot be used with another coupon.
(D) A mountain resort (D) It can be used only during lunch hours. Hotline:

Đáp án:
Check-up Quiz
1. Competition 2. Resignation 3. Construction 4. Information 5. Publishers
6. Operation 7. Access (sự truy cập/tiếp cận) 8. Expenses 9. The
10. Comparison

Part 5
1A 2D 3B 4C 5A 6D 7A 8B 9A 10D

Part 6
1A 2C 3D

Part 7
1B 2C Hotline:


Bài 1:
1. Please be aware that shipping [charges, fares] are not included in the total price.
2. Our technicians try to do their best to offer customers complete [appointment, satisfaction].
3. Please accept our [apologies, increase] for the inconvenience caused by the construction.
4. Increasing staff [analysis, productivity] is the new president’s main concern.
5. Only those applicants who meet the [requirements, growth] for the position will be interviewed.
6. She received a standing ovation for her outstanding [performance, approval].
7. You can contact my secretary if you have any urgent business that needs my [results, attention].
8. There is a growing [need, compensation] to develop alternative energy sources.
9. We want to express our thanks for Dr. Kim’s [contributions, shortage] to our research.
10. Our service representatives are trained to handle [complaints, forecast] from customers in a
professional manner.

Bài 2:
1. Restaurant employees should always take [precautions, proportion] to prevent fires.
2. This site gives customers detailed reviews of products [in agreement with, in conjunction with]
many informative resources.
3. The current price will remain [in effect, in writing] until further notice.
4. Smoking is no longer allowed in the building [in compliance with, in combination with] the
management’s policy.
5. Any illegally parked cars will be towed away at the owner's [policy, expense].
6. Please return the survey to our office at your earliest [convenience, invitation].
7. Teachers can take [profit, advantage] of an additional 10% discount for educators.
8. A special award will be given to Mr. Lennon [in honor of, in excess of] his dedication.
9. The development plan has been proceeding [on schedule, on request].
10. Please be aware that the company reserves the [right, facility] to change the prices.

Bài 3:
1. Companies usually ask applicants to submit a resume which summarizes their ________ and skills.
(A) education (B) educational (C) educate (D) educator Hotline:

2. _________ in computer technology have made it easy to find legal cases through the Internet.
(A) Advance (B) Advancement (C) Advances (D) Advancing
3. Free admission ___________ for the city music festival are available upon request.
(A) ticket (B) tickets (C) ticketing (D) ticketed
4. _______ for the new plant will begin next week.
(A) Construct (B) Construction (C) Constructive (D) Constructively
5. Downtown stores will be closed on Monday in ___________ of Independence Day.
(A) observe (B) observer (C) observing (D) observance
6. To take a day off, you need to get your supervisor’s _____________.
(A) approve (B) approval (C) approved (D) approving
7. To renew your license, please present two forms of ___________.
(A) identify (B) identification (C) identifiable (D) identified
8. The company will discontinue of ___________ the assembly line.
(A) operational (B) operate (C) operation (D) operated
9. Interview schedules were sent to each job ___________ by email.
(A) applicants (B) apply (C) applying (D) applicant
10. We have received many __________ for our new products since last week's advertisement
(A) request (B) requesting (C) requests (D) requested
11. Financial Times is offering all new ________ 20% discounts to celebrate the launch of its new
business magazine.
(A) subscriber (B) subscribed (C) subscribe (D) subscribers
12. Customers with concerns about the safety of the product are advised to call the ______ as soon as
(A) manufacture (B) manufacturing (C) manufacturer (D) manufactured
13.While the team’s _____ has improved, overall productivity has been in a noticeable decline for the
past three years.
(A) motivate (B) motives (C) motivational (D) motivation
14. Employees on official business are offered _____ for any expenses incurred for meeals – related to
workshops, business meetings, or company-related events.
(A) investment (B) dimension (C) reimbursement (D) expenditure
15. The _____ on foreign developments in the fashion industry will include refreshments and a 45-
minutes question period afterwards.
(A) increase (B) referral (C) policy (D) presentation
16. Our firm received _____ from numerous clients for our excellent work over the past twenty years. Hotline:

(A) compliment (B) complimented (C) compliments (D) complimentary
17. While we still take telephone calls, other _____ of correspondence are encouraged to avoid tying
up telephone lines unnecessarily.
(A) profiles (B) views (C) outlines (D) forms
18. Sales _____ are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the location of various merchandise in
the department store.
(A) representational (B) represent (C) represents (D) representaytives
19. Its _____ into Brazil has given Darrow textiles Ltd. An advantage over much of its competitions.
(A) expansion (B) process (C) creation (D) action
20. If you did not receive _____ for your order, please contact us at the customer service department.
(A) authorize (B) authorized (C) authorization (D) authoritative
21. The outstanding _____ from customers helped to ensure that Ms. Gilmore would stay with the
(A) evaluated (B) evaluating (C) evaluation (D) evaluate
22. Throughout the past two quarters, _____ of the new product lines has been running ahead of
(A) develop (B) development (C) developing (D) developer
23. Please hand your completed _____ to Ms. Kim at the Human Resources Department and we shall
contact you as soon as possible.
(A) appointment (B) application (C) commission (D) process
24. The government sends teams of _____ to check the quality of the tap water in both urban and rural
(A) inspected (B) inspectors (C) inspections (D) inspect
25. A ____ of officers dorm some American corporations will be attending the Future Tech Expo in
(A) nomination (B) revision (C) description (D) delegation
26. To be in _____ with labor standards, Hampton Phamacies’ offices will have to become wheelchair
(A) compliance (B) competence (C) arrangement (D) advancement
27. The website of Harvie Publishing Ltd. Has detailed _____ that can help potential authors locate
agents for their manuscripts.
(A) instructions (B) instruct (C) instructor (D) instructive
28. When completing international orders online, customers must remember the added shipping and
handling _____ in the total.
(A) guidelines (B) rights (C) charges (D) concerns Hotline:

29. Asperiode Power Corp. has agreed to prolong its long-term ____ with one of its suppliers of raw
(A) journeys (B) outcomes (C) agreements (D) effects
30. Transportation cost amidst rising oil prices and environmental issues are among the toughest ____
for Partridge Farms.
(A) challenge (B) challenging (C) challenged (D) challenges Hotline:

Đáp án:
Bài 1:
1. charges 6. performance
2. satisfaction 7. attention
3. apologies 8. need
4. productivity 9. contributions
5. requirements 10. complaints

Bài 2:
1. precautions 6. convenience
2. in conjunction with 7. advantage
3. in effect 8. in honor of
4. in compliance with 9. on schedule
5. expense 10. right

Bài 3:
1A 11D 21C
2C 22B
3B 12C 23B
4B 13D 24B
5D 14C 25D
6B 15D 26A
7B 16C 27A
17D 28C
8C 18D 29C
9D 19A 30D
10C 20C

Rất tốt! Các em đã vất vả rồi. Cố gắng chút nữa nhé. Keep up your good work!
Hẹn gặp lại các em trong các tiết học tiếp theo.
Cô Phƣơng Hotline:

Created by Duy Ân Mai

1. A number of proposals for the museum relocation project have been submitted by __________
(A) locate
(B) location
(C) local
(D) localize
2. As you are ordering a large quantity, we will offer you the items at __________ reduced prices.
(A) substantial
(B) substantially
(C) substantiality
(D) substantiate
3. After __________ requests by local residents the city government opened the private library to the
(A) repeated
(B) repeating
(C) repetition
(D) repeatedly
4. The actors were __________ unknown, but work to do on the original design before their performances
in the play were brilliant.
(A) relate
(B) relative
(C) relatively
(D) relativity
5. The results of the study should remain __________ until they are released to the public.
(A) confidential
(B) confidentiality
(C) confidentially
(D) confide
6. An __________ development may soon provide doctors with instant access to patients' medical
(A) innovate
(B) innovative
(C) innovation
(D) innovatively
7. The Arts Association ________ acknowledges the generosity of the Shell Foundation.
Created by Duy Ân Mai

(A) gracious
(B) graciously
(C) grace
(D) graceful
8. All participants should take care that they are __________ dressed when they come to the conference.
(A) decency
(B) decent
(C) decently
(D) more decent
9. The research group __________ has a lot of work to do on the original design before formal presentation
next month.
(A) always
(B) usually
(C) yet
(D) still
10. The award ceremony will begin ______ at 2:30, following the opening speech by the vice president.
(A) prompt
(B) promptly
(C) prompted
(D) prompting
11. Ms. Jung gave her supervisors the __________ impression that her positive attitude would be
beneficial to the company.
(A) consist
(B) consisted
(C) consistent
(D) consistently
12. Those in the time management seminar are learning how to utilize their time __________ at work.
(A) efficiency
(B) efficient
(C) efficiently
(D) more efficient
13. Almost all of our employees have reported that the company's pension plan would be quite _____
(A) benefit
(B) benefits
Created by Duy Ân Mai

(C) benefiting
(D) beneficial
14. The employee directory has __________ been changed to let customers know that Bill Mason is not
with the company.
(A) still
(B) already
(C) yet
(D) even
15. A warranty covers only __________ parts or workmanship, not normal wear and tear.
(A) defect
(B) defective
(C) defects
(D) defectively
16. The team is made up of wonderful athletes who have worked __________ in order to win a victory in
the tournament.
(A) hard
(B) hardly
(C) harden
(D) hardened
17. Mr. Li received an __________ evaluation, and we have few other employees who are so dedicated to
(A) impress
(B) impressing
(C) impressive
(D) impressed
I. Choose the best expression for each blank. (A) take advantage of (B) made a sincere apology (C) job
opening (D) safety precaution (E) excellent performance
1. The new equipment shows -------- while achieving a high efficiency rating.
2. The CEO --------- for the controversy caused by the company's layoffs.
3. The loan application should be signed within 10 days to ------ low interest rates.
4. As a ----------, we slightly adjusted the boundary of the children's play area to ensure a wider view of the
5. There is a middle-level ------- that requires relocation to another region.

Created by Duy Ân Mai

II. Choose the best answer for each question.

6. The city government will offer people extra ------ for joining a campaign to recycle beverage containers.
(A) earnings
(B) profits
(C) incentives
(D) budgets
7. For reimbursement purposes, staff returning from a business trip must keep all their receipts to verify ----.
(A) refunds
(B) expenses
(C) tariffs
(D) charges
8. Remarkable ------ in computer technologies allow scientists to preserve treasures of the ancient world.
(A) approaches
(B) revisions
(C) remainders
(D) advances
9. The Professional Performance Award is given annually to employees who made an exceptional -------- to
the firm.
(A) contributions
(B) attempts
(C) medicines
(D) evaluations
10. Authorities are examining new measures to ease traffic congestion, but -------may not be easy.
(A) indications
(B) contributions
(C) solutions
(D) transaction
ĐÁP ÁN: Lesson 2: Adjectives &amp; Adverbs 1C 2B 3A 4C 5A 6B 7B 8C 9D 10B 11C 12C 13D 14B 15B
16A 17C
Vocabulary 1E 2B 3A 4D 5C 6A 7B 8D 9A 10C
Tiết 2:
Tính từ và trạng từ
(adjectives and adverbs)
Created by Duy Ân Mai

I. Tính từ (Adjectives)
Tính từ là từ chỉ tính chất, đặc điểm của một sự vật hay việc nào đó, cung cấp nhiều thông tin hơn về
tính chất, đặc điểm, phẩm chất.
Tính từ có thường có các đuôi: -able, -ent, -ic, -ous, -ive, -al, -ical, -ly, -ful/ -less
Vị trí, chức năng
- Tính từ đứng trước một danh từ để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đó.
Dạng thông dụng của cụm tính từ + danh từ:
+ Dùng mạo từ: a/ an/ the + Adj + N
+ Dùng các từ chỉ số lượng: many/ much/ a lot of/ a great deal of/ some/ several/ a few/ a little/… + Adj + N
Khi sử dụng cách này cần chú ý danh từ là sô nhiều hay số ít, đếm được hay không đếm được để có kết
hợp từ phù hợp.
- Tính từ đứng sau động từ “to be” để bổ nghĩa cho chủ ngữ. Trong trường hợp này, “to be” đóng vai trò từ
nối giữa chủ ngữ và tính từ bổ nghĩa cho nó.
Cần chú ý: đứng sau “to be” ngoài danh từ, còn có thể là tính từ hoặc trạng từ.
- Tính từ mang chức năng bổ ngữ.
Tính từ đứng sau các động từ chỉ tri giác, cảm giác hay các động từ nối khác như: look, sound, smell,
taste, become, get, seem, remain,…
Trong đó cấu trúc rất thường gặp là: become/ remain + Adj
- Tính từ mang chức năng bổ ngữ cho một tân ngữ.
Một số cấu trúc cần nhớ:
Make + sb/ sth + Adj: làm cho ai/ cái gì như thế nào
Keep + sb/ sth + Adj: giữ cho ai/ cái gì như thế nào
Find it + Adj + to do sth: cảm thấy nó như thế nào để làm việc gì
- Phân từ: Các tính từ được hình thành bằng cách dùng dạng phân từ hiện tại hoặc phân từ quá khứ của
động từ, mang nghĩa chủ động hoặc bị động.Ví dụ:
The existing (tax system)
** Chú ý:
Trong nhiều câu kiểu “_______ + danh từ” có thể gây hoang mang giữa hai đáp án danh từ (để tạo thành
danh từ ghép) và tính từ (bổ nghĩa cho danh từ). Do đó cần phân biệt giữa hai dạng này. Thông thường,
nếu là danh từ ghép thì danh từ ở đáp án phải có nghĩa gần tương đương với danh từ sau chỗ trống.
Trường hợp này ít gặp hơn, yêu cầu phải ghi nhớ và học thuộc các danh từ ghép thường gặp trong bài thi
TOEIC. Cũng lưu ý rằng trong danh từ ghép, danh từ đứng sau có vai trò quan trọng

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Tự tin, tin tưởng
Bí mật
Đặc biệt, ngoại lệ, khác thường
Rẻ, giá cả phải chăng
Đáng tin cậy
Ổn định, đều đặn
Operational (adj):
Hoạt động
Hướng dẫn
II. Trạng từ (Adverbs)
Thường được hình thành bằng việc thêm đuôi “-ly” vào sau tính từ.
Chú ý:
- Từ có đuôi “-ly” thì chưa chắc là trạng từ. Một số tính từ cũng có đuôi này (friendly, lovely,…).
- Một số từ vừa có thể là tính từ, vừa có thể là trạng từ. Ví dụ: hard.Một số trạng từ dễ gây nhầm lẫn, cần
phân biệt rõ:
gần đây
hiếm khi
cao (vị trí)

Created by Duy Ân Mai

cao độ (mức độ)

gần (khoảng cách địa lý)
gần như
Vị trí, chức năng
- Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ thường, có thể đứng sau hoặc đứng trước động từ đó. Nếu động từ có
tân ngữ đi kèm, trạng từ không được phép xen vào giữa.
- Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho tính từ. Trong trường hợp này, trạng từ thường xen giữa “to be” và tính từ.
To be/ động từ nối + Adv + Adj
Cụm trạng từ tính từ đứng trước một danh từ để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đó:
Adv + Adj + N
- Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ chính ở dạng bị động.
Ví dụ: The job is well done.
Cụm to be + Adv + PII cũng được coi là một tính từ ghép, có thể đứng trước danh từ.
Ví dụ: It’s a well done job.
- Trạng từ chỉ tần suất có thể đứng trước động từ thường hoặc đứng sau “to be”.
Các trạng từ chỉ tần xuất thường gặp
- Trạng từ chỉ mức độ có thể đứng trước một tính từ hoặc trạng từ để thể hiện mức độ của tính từ hoặc
trạng từ đó.
Các trạng từ chỉ mức độ thường gặp:
Extremely/ very:
Quite/ rather:
Tương đối
Too/ so:
A little:
Hơi hơi
Đặc biệt
Created by Duy Ân Mai

Hoàn toàn
- Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho cả câu, thường nằm ở đầu câu, tách với câu bằng dấu “,”.


Mời các em làm bài tập sau. Đáp án đƣợc cung cấp sau mỗi phần luyện tập.

Check-up Quiz
1. This brochure provides (reliable / reliably) information on our products.
2. The new project will bring us (finance / financial) success.
3. The manager became (extreme / extremely) happy about the report.
4. After weeks of delay, the shipment has (final / finally) arrived at the factory.
5. Mike and Anna came to the party very (late / lately).
6. (Usual / Usually), we upgrade our system once a week.
7. Compared to last year, sales increased (near / nearly) 30% this year.
8. They have (complete / completely) agreed on the contract terms.
9. The employees were (cooperative / cooperatively) during the system upgrade.
10. Customers have remained (satisfied / satisfaction) with the after-sales service.

Part 5: Choose the word that best completes each sentence

1. The teleconference is scheduled to start ____at 10 A.M. next Tuesday.
(A) precisely (B) preciseness (C) precision (D) precise
2. Replacing the old building with a new one was a ____ impossible task.
(A) near (B) nearby (C) nearly (D) nearing
3. The construction site makes a visual impact that is ____ .
(A) impress (B) impression (C) impressed (D) impressive
4. The sales figures have been revised ____ due to the miscalculation.
(A) significant (B) significantly (C) significance (D) signification
5. The sales staff was especially ____ and willing to help the customers.
(A) friend (B) friends (C) friendly (D) friendship
6. The team members would reach an agreement under more ____ circumstances.
(A) favor (B) favorite (C) favorable (D) favorably
7. The insurance company does not seem to be _____ sound.
(A) finance (B) finances (C) financial (D) financially Hotline:

8. Best Computers is ____to increase its customer base in European countries.
(A) frequent (B) common (C) large (D) eager
9. New York state residents are ____to apply for a NYS library card.
(A) capable (B) valuable (C) eligible (D) flexible
10. Students who have not received their IDs should visit the Registrar’s Office ____.
(A) recently (B) especially (C) unexpectedly (D) immediately

Part 7:
Questions 1-2 refer to the following notice.

Peterson Environmental Awareness members

are warmly invited to a talk
entitled "Protecting the Oceans for our Children”
at the residence of
Michael and Kathy Mendez
5834 Lakeview Road
Los Angeles

Guest Speaker: Dr. Robert Harrison

of the Environmental Action Agency

July 18
6:00 P.M.
Snacks and drinks will be provided.

Responses are requested before July 1.

Send e-mail to

1. Who is giving a lecture? 2. By what date must members respond’?

(A) Dr. Robert Harrison (A) July 18
(B) Kathy Mendez (B) July 1
(C) Michael Mendez (C) June1
(D) Both Michael and Kathy Mendez (D) June 18 Hotline:

Đáp án:
Check-up Quiz
1. reliable 2. financial 3. extremely 4. finally 5. late
6. usually 7. nearly 8. completely 9. cooperative 10. satisfied

Part 5
1A 2C 3D 4B 5C 6C 7D 8D 9C 10D

Part 7
1A 2B Hotline:


Bài 1:
1. Employees are the most [valuable, upcoming] asset in our company.
2. We guarantee a full refund for any [prior, defective] items.
3. There is a need to hire [additional, comprehensive] programmers to finish the project on time.
4. Ms. Weiss is one of the most [similar, promising] members in the marketing team.
5. Technological advances are [likely, positive] to help improve staff productivity.
6. To better serve our customers, we run more than 100 [authorized, specific] service centers.
7. Shuttle services to the airport will be [sincere, available] starting from next Monday.
8. Because of its [convenient, temporary] location, the hotel attracts a lot of business travelers.
9. To run the assembly line more effectively, [close, accessible] supervision is recommended.
10. Items on sale are [limited, necessary], so you should take quick action.

Bài 2:
1. To apply for a loan, please fill out the application form [completely, necessarily].
2. It is important for service workers to respond [only, promptly] to customer complaints.
3. You can contact me [directly, securely] in case of emergency.
4. All department heads are reminded to work [collaboratively, exclusively] on the project.
5. We have a [appropriately, relatively] stringent policy for all students.
6. The two companies [finally, significantly] agreed to sign the merger contract.
7. The consultant has been asked to find ways to run the plant more [efficiently, absolutely].
8. We received many applications for the position from [highly, correctly] qualified candidates.
9. The average price of dairy products is expected to rise [late, significantly] in the next year.
10. We are [currently, remarkably] unable to accept orders due to a technical problem.

Bài 3:
1. The committee chose Sharon because she is [familiar, accustomed] with this field.
2. Requests for office supplies are subject to [approve, approval] from department heads.
3. By enlarging the dining area, we will be [able, capable] to provide better service.
4. Its stock price plummeted [immediately, already] after the merge announcement.
5. Only those who have worked more than a year will be [similar, eligible] for promotion. Hotline:

6. The production team has been working [hard, hardly] to meet the deadline.
7. [About, Seldom] 30 employees have shown their interest in the company soccer team.
8. Mr. Karl is [responsive, responsible] for translating official documents.
9. Consumer prices are closely [involved, associated] with ordinary people’s daily consumption of
ordinary goods.
10. Be sure to check if the software is [compatible, comparable] with our existing network system.
11. Our new products are selling very well due to [favorite, favorable] conditions in the market.
12. We have moved our office [late, lately] to a more convenient location.
13. His design was so [impressive, impressed] that the committee unanimously decided to give Pierce
the award.

Bài 4:
1. You need to develop your communication skills to remain ____________.
(A) compete (B) competition (C) competitively (D) competitive
2. Interest rates will _________ rise by several percentage points.
(A) probable (B) probability (C) prove (D) probably
3. Due to the financial constraints, the company had to reduce its travel budget__________.
(A) substantial (B) substance (C) substantiate (D) substantially
4. The population of thìs city has decreased_______for the last few months.
(A) slight (B) slightly (C) slightness (D) slighted
5. Sam, the marketing director, has been known for presenting many _______ advertising ideas.
(A) creation (B) creator (C) creating (D) creative
6. Evaluation forms are _______ placed outside the doors 80 that you can pick them up as you leave.
(A) convenience (B) conveniently (C) convenient (D) convene
7. This new automatic ordering system is designed to help customers place their orders more ______
regardless of time and location.
(A) quick (B) quickly (C) quickness (D) quickest
8. Patrick Simmons is _______ for both recruiting new sales personnel and training them.
(A) responsible (B) responsibly (C) responsibility (D) responsibilities
9. Because the train leaves _______ at 7:00, ticket holders should board before 6:50.
(A) prompt (B) promptness (C) promptly (D) prompted
10. Should you need any technical assistance with the computer system, please notify technical
support staff in a _______ manner.
(A) time (B) timely (C) timing (D) times Hotline:
11. Mr. Osman travels _______ for business to find out new investment opportunities throughout the
(A) regularly (B) regularities (C) regular (D) regulate
12. Because of financial concerns, our company decided to discontinue the ________ expansion
(A) proposing (B) proposed (C) propose (D) proposal
13. We finally decided to terminate the partnership because some of the terms of the contract were too
_________ to accommodate.
(A) frustrating (B) frustration (C) frustrate (D) frustrated
14. Several samples of office uniforms will be on display in the lobby for the ________ of the week.
(A) remaining (B) remainder (C) remained (D) remain
15. Safety experts stress that ________ inspections of the hospital facilities will ensure safety and
proper functioning.
(A) frequent (B) frequency (C) frequents (D) frequently
16. The president of Alliance Investment Co. ________ announced the cancellation of its plan to
expand its operation in Japan.
(A) regretfully (B) regretful (C) regretting (D) regretted
17. Workers who work with hazardous materials should remember to be ________ and always wear
protective clothing.
(A) cautious (B) caution (C) cautiously (D) cautiousness
18. Loan applications must be filled out ________ before being submitted to our loan office.
(A) complete (B) completes (C) completely (D) completed
19. Travelers are advised to make reservations for their trip before the ________ rate increase.
(A) predict (B) predicting (C) predicted (D) prediction
20. Ambition and diligence are the most important ________ of all successful businessmen.
(A) characteristic (B) characterize (C) characterizing (D) characteristically
21. To contend with increasing orders, we put an advertisement to hire ________ help.
(A) addition (B) additions (C) additional (D) additionally
22. We are working with city officials to identify potential sites for the ________ public library.
(A) proposing (B) proposed (C) propose (D) proposal
23. SIC Manufacturing Co. which has a 20% market share has become our ________ competitor.
(A) strongly (B) strength (C) strongest (D) most strongest Hotline:

24. Researchers from several chemical research institutions which will work ________ on this study
will have a meeting.
(A) collaboration (B) collaborates (C) collaboratively (D) collaborated
25. Financial experts agree that the nation’s trade deficit is deeply ________ and will have a negative
impact on the entire economy.
(A) troubled (B) trouble (C) troubling (D) troubles Hotline:

Đáp án:
Bài 1:
1. valuable 6. authorized
2. defective 7. available
3. additional 8. convenient
4. promising 9. close
5. likely 10. limited

Bài 2:
1. completely 6. finally
2. promptly 7. efficiently
3. directly 8. highly
4. collaboratively 9. significantly
5. relatively 10. currently

Bài 3:
1. familiar 7. responsible
1. approval 8. associated
2. able 9. compatible
3. immediately 10. favorable
4. eligible 11. lately
5. hard 12. impressive
6. About

Bài 4:
1D 2D 3D 4B 5D 6B 7B 8A 9C 10B
11A 12B 13A 14B 15A 16A 17A 18C 19C 20A
21C 22B 23C 24C 25C

Rất tốt! Các em đã vất vả rồi. Cố gắng chút nữa nhé. Keep up your good work!
Hẹn gặp lại các em trong các tiết học tiếp theo.
Cô Phƣơng Hotline:

Created by Duy Ân Mai

1. Please don't use the copy machine in the supply room since the ink cartridges ______ unavailable now.
(A) are
(B) is
(C) been
(D) being
2. A proposed change under consideration ______ a ban on riding a bicycle on a platform.
(A) include
(B) includes
(C) have included
(D) is included
3. The upcoming festival ______ a performance by famous pianist Julie Jung.
(A) feature
(B) to feature
(C) features
(D) will be featured
4. Although the meeting ______ late, we were able to discuss the entire project.
(A) begin
(B) will begin
(C) beginning
(D) began
5. I ______ one item early last week, but I am certain that I did not get the receipt at that time.
(A) purchase
(B) purchases
(C) purchased
(D) have purchased
6. If you ______ to get positive feedback from customers, you will have to produce creative products.
(A) wanted
(B) want
(C) will want
(D) wanting
7. The workers in the maintenance department ______ all office doors since last week.
(A) paints
(B) painted

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(C) were painted

(D) have painted
8. After the current model year, the computer manufacturer MGV______ five existing models and launch
three new ones.
(A) to discontinue (B) will discontinue (C) discontinued (D) have discontinued
9. The production ______ for two consecutive years if demands continue to grow next month.
(A) doubles (B) had doubled (C) is doubled (D) will have doubled
10. The seminars on technology development ______ the knowledge and expertise of employees.
(A) broaden
(B) broadens
(C) broad
(D) broadly
11. The shopping mall is not responsible for any damage to products that ______ from customers' improper
(A) result
(B) results.
(C) is resulted
(D) are resulted
12. Owing to damage caused by recent flood, the construction of the building ______ in three months.
(A) complete
(B) completes
(C) will have completed
(D) will be completed
13. By the time he retires next September, Shawn Ellensburg ______ with the company for six years.
(A) will have been
(B) had been
(C) to be
(D) will be
14. Late last month the committee formally ______ the application to establish designated parking areas.
(A) approves
(B) approved
(C) is approving
(D) has approved
15. The number of employees hired on a year basis ____ increasing drastically.
Created by Duy Ân Mai

(A) is
(B) are
(C) have been
(D) has
16. Until the buses s usual route ______, the drivers will have to take another road.
(A) is reconstructed
(B) are reconstructed
(C) have been reconstructed
(D) will be reconstructed
17. Your warning of the possible gas shortage in the coming winter _____ us find new energy sources.
(A) make (B) made (C) have made (D) was made
Part 6: Questions 18-20 refer to the following memo.
Date: June 17
To: Jane Lee, Chief Financial Officer
From: David Frost, President
Subject: Congratulations
Congratulations on your promotion to vice president. All department heads are planning to hold a great
casual party to celebrate your promotion. At the moment, the event hall located on the 10th floor in the
company building ------ as the appropriate venue for the celebration party.
18. (A) has considered
(B) consider
(C) are considered
(D) is considered
Please contact my secretary Frank Hopkins to let him know the date when you're available. The meeting for
board of directors ------ next Friday, June 24 at 11:00 a.m.
19. (A) took place
(B) take place
(C) will take place
(D) has taken place
I hope that you will -----the meeting so that I can introduce you to all the board members.
20. (A) attend
(B) participate

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(C) come
(D) go
Once again, congratulations
Check-up Quiz
1. He always (perform / performs) his duties efficiently.
2. You can get a (refund / refunds) if the item is not satisfactory.
3. Several (employee / employees) had to work overtime to help plan the budget.
4. (Few / Little) information on their products is available on the Internet.
5. Every (director / directors) at the company was required to show up for the meeting
6. The advertising company that worked with us (is / are) well known in the industry.
7. The timetable showing this month„s classes (is / are) posted on the bulletin board.
8. The suggestions made by the security personnel (was / were) presented at the monthly meeting.
9. Most (customer / customers) will take advantage of this month s special offer.
10. Mr. Kobayashi (direct / directed) the marketing team and worked brilliantly.
Part 5
Choose the word that best completes each sentence.
1. Our call center has recently received several ____about the defective item.
(A) complain (B) complaints (C) complaining (D) complained
2. The CEO decided to hire a new ____for the upcoming conference.
(A) interpret (B) interpreter (C) interpreting (D) interpretation
3. ____in computer technology allow people to communicate faster.
(A) Advancement (B) Advanced (C) Advance (D) Advances
4. ____people anticipated Dawson's rapid growth in sales volume.
(A) Little (B) Few (C) Much (D) Every
5. Mr. Brown„s superb attention to details ____won him a positive reputation.
(A) are (B) were (C) has (D) have
6. All ____ to the factory should report to the security office before entering.
(A) visit (B) visitor (C) visiting (D) visitors
7. With little ____ to technological subjects, the publication did not get good reviews.
(A) relevant (B) relevance (C) relate (D) relating
8. The charity concert will be held in the outdoor ____ of the DB Museum.

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(A) posting (B) exterior (C) event (D) area

9. Readers gave the mayor s recently published biography outstanding ____.
(A) reviews (B) surveys (C) articles (D) inspections
10. Deluxe Storage can also assist you with your ____ to an international location.
(A) transport (B) designation (C) move (D) position
Vocabulary practice
I. Choose the best expression for each blank (A) are entitled to (B) meet their needs (C) alleviate concerns
(D) be submitted (E) don t hesitate
1. Customers are required to complete the survey in order for the company to------.
2. The decision of the bank to increase interest rates has been good enough to ------ about the inflation. 3.
Applications should ------- to the personnel department to be considered for a sales position.
4. All female employees ------- take a maternity leave for at least three months.
5. If you have any questions or comments, please------ to call me directly.
II. Choose the best answer for each question. .
6. Most businesses are taking advantage of the Internet as an effective tool to ----- their markets.
(A) expand
(B) exhibit
(C) expose
(D) extend
7. The entire staff is working together to---- -the assignment by the deadline.
(A) invest
(B) complete
(C) suggest
(D) install
8. Analysts -------the rising stock market to a new economic report released by the government.
(A) convinced
(B) attributed
(C) contributed
(D) acclaimed
9. All visitors are required to ----- photo identifications before entering the building.
(A) inform
(B) assign
(C) present
Created by Duy Ân Mai

(D) allow
10. Leafman Capital would ------bthe historic heritage of Marriott Hotel but make necessary renovations.
(A) retain
(B) recall
(C) remake
(D) repeat
Đáp án: Lesson 3: Agreement
1A 2B 3C 4D 5C 6B 7D 8B 9D
10A 11B 12D 13A 14B 15A 16A17B
Part 6
18D 19C 20A
Vocabulary practise
1B 2C 3D 4A 5E 6A 7B 8B 9C 10A
Tiết 3:
Sự phù hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ
(subject – verb agreement)
Sự phù hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ thể hiện ở chỗ: nếu chủ ngữ là số ít thì động từ theo đó phải chia số
ít; ngược lại, nếu chủ ngữ là số nhiều thì động từ phải chia số nhiều.
Các trường hợp cần chú ý:
(1) Chủ ngữ là một cụm danh từ the + N1 + of + the + N2 thì động từ chia theo N1.
Chủ ngữ là cụm danh từ có sở hữu cách N1 + sở hữu cách + N2 thì động từ chia theo N2.
(2) Chủ ngữ là danh từ theo sau bởi mệnh đề quan hệ: động từ ở mệnh đề chính vẫn chia theo danh từ,
không bị ảnh hưởng bởi mệnh đề quan hệ.
(3) Trường hợp giảm mệnh đề quan hệ:
- Nếu là câu chủ động thì mệnh đề quan hệ được giảm thành V-ing.
- Nếu là câu bị động thì mệnh đề quan hệ được giảm thành PII.
(4) Với các tính từ chỉ định:
- a/ an, every, each, another: đi kèm với danh từ số ít, động từ theo đó chia số ít.
- much, less, (a) little: đi kèm với danh từ không đếm được, động từ cũng chia theo số ít.
- many, several, (a) few, other, a variety of, a list of, a series of,…: đi kèm với danh từ số nhiều, động từ
chia ở số nhiều.
- some, any, no, most, a lot of: có thể kết hợp với cả danh từ số ít và số nhiều, tùy trường hợp chia động từ
cho phù hợp với chủ ngữ.
Created by Duy Ân Mai

** Lưu ý:
- some/ most/ all + (of the) + N (đếm được số nhiều)
- almost không kết hợp trực tiếp với danh từ mà phải dùng: almost + every/ all of the + N
(5) Nếu chủ ngữ là khoản tiền, khoảng thời gian hay khoảng cách địa lý thì động từ chia ở số ít.
(6) Các cấu trúc:
Either + S1 + or + S2: hoặc… hoặc…
Neither + S1 + nor + S2: không… mà cũng không
Not only + S1 + but also + S2: không những… mà còn
→ Động từ chia theo S2

Các cấu trúc:

S1, + as well as/ along with/ accompanied by + S2
→ Động từ chia theo S1
** Lưu ý:
Phân biệt: a number of = many + N (số nhiều) → động từ chia số nhiều
với: the number of + N (số ít hoặc số nhiều) → chia theo “the number” nên động từ phải ở dạng số ít.
Tương tự, cũng cần lưu ý sự khác biệt giữa few – a few, little – a little.
*** Vocabulary
Chủ tịch
Sự chú ý
Người đặt báo dài hạn
Hội đồng
Nhanh chóng
Dự đoạn
Safety regulations:
Quy định an toàn lao động

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Cuộc đua


Mời các em làm bài tập sau. Đáp án được cung cấp sau mỗi phần luyện tập.

Check-up Quiz
1. He always (perform / performs) his duties efficiently.
2. You can get a (refund / refunds) if the item is not satisfactory.
3. Several (employee / employees) had to work overtime to help plan the budget.
4. (Few / Little) information on their products is available on the Internet.
5. Every (director / directors) at the company was required to show up for the meeting
6. The advertising company that worked with us (is / are) well known in the industry.
7. The timetable showing this month‘s classes (is / are) posted on the bulletin board.
8. The suggestions made by the security personnel (was / were) presented at the monthly meeting.
9. Most (customer / customers) will take advantage of this m0nth’s special offer.
10. Mr. Kobayashi (direct / directed) the marketing team and worked brilliantly.

Part 5: Choose the word that best completes each sentence

1. Our call center has recently received several ____about the defective item.
(A) complain (B) complaints (C) complaining (D) complained
2. The CEO decided to hire a new ____for the upcoming conference.
(A) interpret (B) interpreter (C) interpreting (D) interpretation
3. ____in computer technology allow people to communicate faster.
(A) Advancement (B) Advanced (C) Advance (D) Advances
4. ____ people anticipated Dawson's rapid growth in sales volume.
(A) Little (B) Few (C) Much (D) Every
5. Mr. Brown‘s superb attention to details ____won him a positive reputation.
(A) are (B) were (C) has (D) have
6. All ____ to the factory should report to the security office before entering.
(A) visit (B) visitor (C) visiting (D) visitors
7. With little ____ to technological subjects, the publication did not get good reviews.
(A) relevant (B) relevance (C) relate (D) relating Hotline:

8. The charity concert will be held in the outdoor ____ of the DB Museum.
(A) posting (B) exterior (C) event (D) area
9. Readers gave the mayor’s recently published biography outstanding ____.
(A) reviews (B) surveys (C) articles (D) inspections
10. Deluxe Storage can also assist you with your ____ to an international location.
(A) transport (B) designation (C) move (D) position

Part 6: Text Completion

Questions 1-3 refer to the following letter.

Date: June 13
To: Linda Wine
From: Tim Reynolds
Re: Our Singapore warehouse

Dear Linda,

Thanks for showing me around the warehouse last week. l have come back to my office and
had a meeting with my staff ____ our local warehouse in Singapore.
1. (A) before
(B) following
(C) regarding
(D) within

Overall, we received positive feedback; however, l have come up with one suggestion. The
stock managing system seemed to experience some minor system malfunctions, so we need
to upgrade it.

This should definitely ____ storage efficiency. l was thinking that maybe we should
2. (A) increase
(B) contribute
(C) prevent
(D) approve Hotline:

schedule a meeting sometime next week to discuss this in detail. Please let me know
what day is convenient for you.

I look forward to ____ from you shortly.

3. (A) hear
(B) hearing
(C) heard
(D) have heard

Best regards,


Part 7:
Questions 1-2 refer to the following notice.


Recipient: J. Harrison (1 -847-562-2533)

Sender: Jeremy Lee (1 -312-455-7000)

Remarks: Lease Contract

I am contacting you regarding the lease contract we previously discussed.
Attached to this facsimile is a copy of this contract. Please note that this is only a copy and is
therefore not the original. You must visit our office to sign the original contract within 15
days. If the contract is not signed by then, the lease will be provided to someone else.

Jeremy Lee Hotline:


1. What is the subject of the message?

(A) A lease agreement
(B) A lease cancellation
(C) A late payment on a lease
(D) A confusing facsimile

2. What must Mr. Harrison do to accept the lease?

(A) Return a signed copy of the contract by fax
(B) Ignore the fax for 15 days
(C) Sign the original copy of the contract
(D) Sign the contract after waiting 15 days Hotline:

Đáp án:
Check-up Quiz
1. performs 2. refund 3. employees 4. Little 5. director 6. is 7. is 8. were 9. customers 10. directed

Part 5
1B 2B 3D 4B 5C 6D 7B 8D 9A 10C

Part 6
1C 2A 3B

Part 7
1A 2C Hotline:


Bài 1:
1. We plan to [prevent, renew] our service contract with INC Shipping.
2. The company [reserves, hesitates] the right to revise the contents of the journal.
3. JP Associates will [intend, represent] our company for all future negotiations.
4. The new exhibition is expected to [present, attract] many visitors.
5. The products division will [introduce, enclose] a new microwave oven.
6. Please make sure that the hotel reservation has been [confirmed, delivered].
7. Employees are reminded to [handle, retain] all receipts during business travel.

Bài 2:
1. Plans to open an office in Asia (was / were) delayed for several months.
2. Employees at this firm (is / are) currently salaried will be asked to pull overtime this week.
3. (Manu / Much) fear that small business taxes will rise next year.
4. All computers in the office (was / were) damaged in the fire.
5. The guests brought to the convention (is / are) from the international branch in Germany.
6. Savings (bank / banks) in the western region have begun to increase loan activity.
7. The supervisor, together with investigators, (is / are) going to confront the accountant about fraud

Bài 3:
1. The research institute ________ an increase in the number of foreign workers.
(A) expect (B) to expect (C) expecting (D) expects
2. The information about the upcoming seminars ________ available on the Internet.
(A) are (B) were (C) is (D) be
3. Members who ________ their money to the museum will be eligible for free admission twice a year.
(A) donating (B) donates (C) to donate (D) donate
4. The solutions for the city's traffic problems ________ to be considered individually.
(A) needy (B) needs (C) needing (D) need
5. Following safety precautions ________ workers avoid any injury in the workplace.
(A) helping (B) helps (C) to help (D) help
6. The Sunstar Hotel which has expanded both in size and quality ________ to attract more tourists in
coming years.
(A) expects (B) expectation (C) expecting (D) expect Hotline:
7. The monthly business meeting which is hosted by the president ___________ an important role in
exchanging ideas.
(A) play (B) plays (C) playing (D) to play
8. An increasing school age population ___________ that there will be a need for more teachers.
(A) imply (B) was implied (C) implies (D) have implied
9. The recent meeting between the two companies _____ that a deal is near.
(A) imply (B) implies (C) was implied (D) implying
10. As the member of management have come to realize, the _____ of implementing the new business
proposition has to be studies further.
(A) prospect (B) prospective (C) prospects (D) prosperous
11. A decrease in the supply of clean water sources _____ sales in water purification products.
(A) aid (B) aids (C) aiding (D) was aided
12. A variety of colors _____ to be used in the painting, but we will not know how much which ones
until it is cleaned.
(A) appear (B) appears (C) is appeared (D) are appeared
13. Every employee _____ to consider what his or her prospects are for career advancement and
personal growth, and HRD will provide conseling sercives to assist them.
(A) have needed (B) needs (C) needing (D) to need
14. All of the consultants’ suggestions about the company’s position regarding the upcoming merger
_____ into consideration by the CEO.
(A) is taking (B) was taken (C) will take (D) have been take
15. Mr. Burns and the secretary of our Arlington branch _____ to the weekend gathering.
(A) is coming (B) are coming (C) comes (D) has come
16. The chef’s assistant and I _____ a special menu for this evening’s wine tasting event, which will be
attended by some top sommeliers.
(A) am preparing (B) prepares (C) are preparing (D) has prepared
17. The federal government, along with the cooperation of leading industrial companies, _____ to creat
more jobs for skilled workers.
(A) is pushing (B) are pushing (C) pushing (D) have been pushed
18. Files that ___ in the main facility are being removed in an effort to computerize all records and
(A) were stored (B) have stored (C) was stored (D) stores
19. Each year, we send representatives from our firm to job fairs that _____ at college campuses
throughout the country.
(A) held (B) are held (C) are holding (D) was held Hotline:
20. The number of users who _____ support has increased since the company released the latest
version of its software.
(A) required (B) requires (C) is required (D) are required
21. All _____ for long-distance phone calls made from the office are the employee’s responsibility.
(A) charge (B) charging (C) to charge (D) charges
22. Price-Rite and Herald chain stores are popular with the public, and _____ offer quality goods at
affordable prices.
(A) one (B) them (C) both (D) either
23. North America’s Atlas, featuring articles on individualism and capitalism, _____ in August by
Russell Palmer.
(A) publish (B) to publish (C) will be published (D) have been published
24. The cheap cost of labor in developing countries _____ as a motive for companies to move
production overseas.
(A) is seen (B) has seen (C) see (D) seeing
25. The shipment of construction tools _____ scheduled to be delivered last week, but a transportation
problem caused a short delay.
(A) was (B) are (C) were (D) is
26. Work on such infrastructure facilities as power and water supply, as well as roads and
telecommunications, _____ shape in the small town of Loieta.
(A) to take (B) taking (C) has taken (D) take
27. Disallowing the use of inappropriate language at the workplace _____ a long-standing rule that has
been enforced since the company’s establishment.
(A) have (B) has (C) is (D) being
28. A full tow-year warranty is provided to anyone who _____ an Eaton laptop computer during the
month of May.
(A) purchasing (B) purchased (C) purchaser (D) purchases
29. We would like to inform the participants that the fees for two-day educational event _____
reference materials, lodging and meals.
(A) cover (B) to cover (C) is covered (D) has covered
30. With corporate owenership increasing in the Eastern hemisphere, many _____ that labor jobs will
triple over the next five years.
(A) predicting (B) to predict (C) predict (D) has predicted
31. The selection committee _____ to review the résumé, portpolio, and refrence letters of each
potential candidate.
(A) is wanting (B) wants (C) wanting (D) have wanted Hotline:

32. The aforementioned increase in pay is offered only to _____ who have completed the required two-
year full-time employment contract.
(A) employ (B) employer (C) emplyees (D) employment
33. The tips listed on the first page of every issue _____ buyers determine what computer accessories
they really need and where to buy them.
(A) help (B) helping (C) is helping (D) to be helped
34. After completing his degree in business administration, Jeff Damon began working for a research
organization that _____ in marketing strategies.
(A) to specialize (B) specializes (C) was specialized (D) have specialized
35. The number of individuals being recruited by the company this summer for temporary jobs _____
to exceed fifty.
(A) is expected (B) are expecting (C) expects (D) expecting Hotline:

Đáp án:
Bài 1:
1. renew 5. introduce
2. reserves 6. confirmed
3. represent 7. retain
4. attract

Bài 2:
1. were 5. are
2. are 6. banks
3. Many 7. is
4. were

Bài 3:
1D 2C 3D 4D 5B 6A 7B 8C 9B 10A
11B 12A 13B 14D 15B 16C 17A 18A 19B 20A
21D 22C 23C 24A 25A 26C 27C 28D 29A 30C
31B 32C 33A 34B 35A

Nếu các em đã làm tốt được bài tập vừa rồi thì chúng ta sẽ tiếp tục sang bài mới nhé! Hotline:

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Lesson 4: Pronouns
1. After launching several new product models this year, we have accomplished ------ the goals.
(A) much (B) many (C) most of (D) a great deal of
2. Safety regulations should be reviewed regularly to ensure that --- been observed appropriately.
(A) most of (B) every (C) all (D) almost
3. Many market studies indicate that customers prefer to purchase ------- groceries on the online stores.
(A) ours (B) theirs (C) their (D) ourselves
4. With ----- new menus and excellent services, Strawberry Restaurant is once again ahead of the
(A) they (B) them (C) itself (D) its
5. The analysts remained in the conference room because ------- had to have a further discussion.
(A) they (B) their (C) them (D) theirs
6. Tracy said she would work on the report by -------- since her work style is quite different to those of her
(A) her (B) hers (C) herself (D) she
7. Please make sure that all personal belongings have ---- initials marked on them.
(A) you (B) your (C) yours (D) yourself
8. Employees created a warm atmosphere for clients by providing------- with friendly service.
(A) them (B) themselves (C) theirs (D) they
9. ------- inspectors were sent to visit the construction site to check safety risks.
(A) A little (B) A number of (C) A great deal of (D) The most
10. The travel agency often has flights at prices which are lower than ------ you could obtain yourself.
(A) that (B) this (C) those (D) these
11. Small companies often find ----- facing basic legal issues in a difficult and competitive market
(A) their (B) them (C) themselves (D) theirs
12. In order to launch a new computing system next year, ------- minor malfunctions should be found out.
(A) a little (B) much (C) all (D) few
13. ------ interested in attending this year's international conference should contact Ms. Lee at extension
(A) Whoever (B) Them (C) Some (D) Anyone
14. My father and I want to express ------- thanks to your store for issuing a refund so promptly.
(A) their (B) our (C) your (D) us
15. Expenses spent by employees for a business trip must be verified by ------ supervisors.
(A) they (B) their (C) them (D) theirs

Created by Duy Ân Mai

16. It is important for ---------- employees to understand what our plans are for the future.
(A) we (B) our (C) us (D)ours
17. We will send a written invoice to ------- whenever a new sale has been made.
(A) he (B) his (C) him (D) himself
Part 6
Questions 18-20 refer to the following letter.
Dear Mr. Philips:
The rapid growth of our company has made office space a real problem. Rather than buy or lease
additional space, we
believe our problem might be resolved --------making more efficient use of the space we now occupy. On a
visit to one of
18. (A) through
(B) with
(C) by
(D) because of
our suppliers, Landover Data System, I saw how well that company utilizes -------- available square foot
19. (A) every
(B) all
(C) few
(D) much
without hurting privacy or efficiency. Mr. Robbins, the administrative vice president of Landover Data
System, told me
that office equipment installed there was purchased from you. He also said you have different types of
equipment and
suggested that I visit your company and talk with you.
A colleague of ------- and I would like to visit you and discuss our problem. Would Wednesday,
20. (A) me
(B) mine
(C) my
(D) myself
April 18 at 9:30 a.m. be a suitable time for you? We will bring with us the layout of the three floors in our
building. If
there is any other information you need, please let me know.
Yours very sincerely,
Chuck Norris

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Vocabulary practice
I. Choose the best expression for each blank.
(A) as a result of
(B) serve as
(C) in writing
(D) collaborate on
(E) in order to
1. -------the acquisition of ACE Group, the total amount of corporate assets will skyrocket.
2. The professional interpreter should be able to communicate effectively both verbally and ------
3. The manager of the information system will --------- an internal consultant in documentation.
4. The management enabled the technical support team to access the database -------- enhance
5. They will ------ the project to develop environmentally friendly items.
II. Choose the best answer for each question.
6. ----- to issuing a Returned Item Number, we must
obtain confirmation that the item isn't damaged.
(A) Previous.
(B) Before
(C) Prior
(D) Earlier
7. We use encryption technology to prevent any access
to the classified files ------- permission.
(A) except
(B) without
(C) beyond
(D) out of
8. A corporate logo associated -------- a brand image is
more quickly recognizable and memorable.
(A) to
(B) with
(C) of
(D) by9. ------ some discussions on cost-cutting measures, we
will change our supply lists and ordering procedures.

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(A) Around
(B) Following
(C) Except
(D) Superior to
10. Dr. Sanjiv Ali will be honored ----- his commitment
to advancing medical science.
(A) throughout
(B) along
(C) for
(D) behind

Đáp án:
Lesson 4: Pronouns
1C 2C 3C 4D 5A 6C 7B 8A 9B
10C 11C 12C 13D 14B 15B 16B 17C
Part 6:
18C 19A 20B
Vocabulary practice
1A 2C 3B 4E 5D 6C 7B 8B 9B 10C
Tiết 4: Đại từ (Pronouns)
Đại từ là từ dùng để thay thế cho một danh từ.
Các loại đại từ
Đại từ nhân xưng (Personal pronouns): I, you, we, they, he, she, it
Đại từ tân ngữ (Objective pronouns): Me, you, us, them, him, her, it
Đại từ sở hữu (Possessive pronouns): Mine, yours,…
Đại từ phản thân (Reflexive pronouns): Myself, yourself,…
Đại từ chỉ định (Demonstrative pronouns): This, that, these, those
Đại từ bất định (Indefinite pronouns): Some, any, each, one, somebody, everything,…
Vị trí, chức năng của đại từ
(1) Đại từ nhân xưng
- Thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người ở trước đó. Đại từ nhân xưng giữ vai trò chủ ngữ trong câu.

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Chú ý: cần xem xét đại từ thay thế cho danh từ nào để dùng cho phù hợp. Ví dụ: “She” có thể
thay thế cho Ms. Phuong nhưng không thể thay thế cho Mr. Smith.
- Trong bài thi cũng thường gặp cấu trúc It + be + adj + to V: nó làm sao để làm gì
(2) Đại từ tân ngữ đóng vai trò tân ngữ trong câu.
(3) Đại từ sở hữu dùng thay thế cho danh từ chỉ quyền sở hữu.
Cần phần biệt đại từ sở hữu với tính từ sở hữu (possessive adjective).
+ Tính từ sở hữu (my, your, his,…) cần có danh từ kèm theo sau.
+ Đại từ sở hữu (mine, yours, his,…) dùng khi không muốn lặp lại một danh từ, thay thế cho
cụm Tính từ sở hữu + Danh từ. Do đó, đại từ sở hữu không bao giờ có danh từ đi kèm phía sau.
(4) Đại từ phản thân
- Cấu trúc S + V + Động từ phản thân: ai đang làm gì chính mình.Dùng để nhán mạnh. Ví dụ: He prefers to
clean the house himself instead of hiring a maid.
- Đứng sau “by” mang nghĩa tự mình, một mình.
(5) Đại từ chỉ định
- Phân biệt đại từ chỉ định với tính từ chỉ định:
+ Tính từ chỉ định có danh từ ở phía sau.
+ Đại từ chỉ định đứng một mình.
- Dùng trong câu so sánh giữa hai vật hoặc hai việc.
VD: His experience is different from that of his friends.
Trường hợp này chỉ dùng “that”/ “those”, không dùng “this”/ “these”.
- “Those” còn được dùng để chỉ “those people”.
(6) Đại từ bất định
- Phân biệt nghĩa các đại từ:
another 1 cái nữa
Other/ others những cái khác; đi với danh từ số nhiều
The other/ the others (những) cái còn lại cuối cùng
Each other với nhau, lẫn nhau (giữa 2 người với nhau)
One another ới nhau, lẫn nhau (giữa 3 người trở lên)
- Đại từ chỉ định chỉ số lượng:
Each/ every + N (đếm được số ít)
Some/ any
+ N(đếm được hoặc không đếm được)
No/ all

Created by Duy Ân Mai

- Phân biệt: a few – few, a little – little

+ a few: một vài (= some, several); đi kèm với danh từ đếm được số nhiều.
+ a little: một ít; đi kèm với dnah từ không đếm được
+ few/little: mang nghĩa rất ít, gần như không có.


Mời các em làm bài tập sau. Đáp án đƣợc cung cấp sau mỗi phần luyện tập.

Check-up Quiz
1. My staff and l would like to extend (their/ our) congratulations on your accomplishment.
2. Jeremy will leave the company and start (him / his) own business.
3. Let me have (your / yours) bank account information so I can make an automatic money transfer.
4. Richard will attend the sales conference by (him / himself) this time.
5. (Those / These) who cannot attend the workshop must notify their immediate supervisor.
6. (That / it) is necessary for the manufacturing division to increase its efficiency.
7. You need to cancel your current order to purchase (another / other) model.
8. Not the CEO (nor / but) the vice president is in charge of special promotions.
9. (Both / Either) your education and work experience seem promising for the job.
10. Our storage devices are inexpensive compared to (that / those) of SunMacro.

Part 5: Choose the word that best completes each sentence

l. For detailed information on our products, please refer to ____ brochure.
(A) We (B) our (C) ours (D) ourselves
2. If you are interested in the job position, you can ____ fax or mail your résumé to us.
(A) either (B) any (C) both (D) neither
3. All employees must answer all of the items on the questionnaire by ____.
(A) himself (B) herself (C) yourself (D) themselves
4. Please be reminded that neither eating ____ drinking is allowed inside the movie theater.
(A) or (B) and (C) nor (D) both
5. The director asked Andrea to finish the monthly budget report ____.
(A) she (B) her (C) hers (D) herself
6. The company wants to distinguish its product from ____ of the other company.
(A) this (B) that (C) these (D) those Hotline:
7. The purpose of the seminar is to keep employees in different branches in touch with _______.
(A) other (B) another (C) each other (D) one another
8. Construction materials for the new parking garage will arrive on ____.
(A) Schedule (B) appointment (C) authority (D) conditio
9. Dr. Watson has made significant ____ to the field of hospital management.
(A) evaluations (B) medicines (C) attempts (D) contributions
10. Take advantage of our free budget calculator to reduce your living ____and to save money.
(A) Values (B) customs (C) expenses (D) refunds

Part 6:
Questions 1-3 refer to the following letter.

From: Helen Kwan

To: Michelle Dewey
Sent: Monday, September 18
Subject: Product information on the website

Hi, Michelle.

Mr. Jenson asked me to update the product ____on our website this morning
1.(A) information
(B) orders
(C) companies
(D) approval

There are several new items missing from the product catalog Would you add this year's products to
the product list? Hotline:

While I ____ the site, I also noticed that some of the prices were inaccurate I guess
2. (A) will have been reviewing
(B) am reviewing
(C) was reviewing
(D) had been reviewing
they are the old ones from last year.

Could you ____ the entries when adding the new ones’?
3. (A) restore
(B) improve
(C) validate
(D) correct

Thanks for your support.

Helen Hotline:

Part 7:
Questions 1-2 refer to the following notice.

To: All Employees <AE ->; managers <>

From: Frank Berks <>
Subject: Jennifer's Surprise Party
Date: January 14

To all employees,

We are organizing a special party for Jennifer Zhang to congratulate her for her upcoming
promotion to Senior Manager at our company, 7 Harks & Zenith Corporation. Jennifer has
contributed much to the success of the company since she began working here 5 years ago.
Her first position was that of a customer service representative, but she quickly moved into
finance after her managers noticed her dedication to her work and her qualifications. Now,
she has proven herself once more and will receive another promotion.
Sarah Foster is in charge of the party and is asking for volunteers to help with the
preparations for the party and with the cleanup after the celebration is over. If you would like
to help, please contact Sarah as soon as possible. The party is set for February 14, so please
respond quickly. Also, please remember to keep this party a secret, especially from Jennifer!
Frank Berks
Human Resources Director

1. What is the subject of this e-mail? 2. What position did Jennifer Zhang first have
(A) A company anniversary party at the Company?

(B) A company holiday party (A) Finance manager

(C) A company party for an employee (B) Human resources assistant

(D) A company farewell party (C) Customer service employee

(D) Saleswoman Hotline:


Đáp án:
Check-up Quiz
1. our 2. his 3. your 4. himself 5. Those 6. it 7. another 8. nor 9. Both 10. those

Part 5
1B 2A 3D 4C 5D 6D 7D 8A 9D 10C

Part 6
1A 2C 3D

Part 7
1C 2C Hotline:


1. All customers are invited to complete the customer satisfaction survey to give ________ opinions about our
service and products.
(A) its (B) her (C) his (D) their
2. In case of an emergency, contact __________ at the number listed below.
(A) we (B) our (C) us (D) ours
3. We are proud that the quality of our service is far better than __________ of our competitors.
(A) those (B) that (C) they (D) them
4. Because two of the three construction plans are unacceptable, __________ will be considered.
(A) other (B) another (C) the other (D) others
5. The president _____________ welcomed the delegates at the airport.
(A) him (B) his (C) he (D) himself
6. Most of the start-up companies spend a relatively high percentage of ___________ budgets on advertising
(A) they (B) their (C) them (D) theirs
7. Because all members were busy doing their work, the sales manager had to finish the sales report by
(A) him (B) his (C) himself (D) he
8. Priority will be given to ___________ who do not have any previous experience in this field.
(A) they (B) those (C) him (D) that
9. Please be sure to keep all receipts and submit ___________ with your claim for reimbursement.
(A) they (B) their (C) them (D) themselves
10. You need to type the password when you want to send a document from your computer to ___________.
(A) other (B) each other (C) the other (D) another
11. The committee informed Mr. Yamamoto that ________ application cannot be accepted because he didn't
submit the required documents.
(A) he (B) himself (C) his (D) him
12. Whenever the company introduces new products, its employees try the products ________ before
marketing them.
(A) themselves (B) himself (C) herself (D) myself
13. Of the two final candidates, one is reluctant to work abroad so ________ will be considered for the
(A) others (B) the other (C) another (D) other
14. The system engineers work more efficiently as ________ began using the new technology.
(A) themselves (B) them (C) their (D) they Hotline:
15. Our hotline service is available for ________ who are not satisfied with our products and services.
(A) he (B) that (C) those (D) they
16. Mr. Fisher prefers to do his small company’s bookkeeping _____ instead of hiring an accountant.
(A) he (B) his (C) him (D) himself
17. Mr. Whatley unintentionally took Ms. Potvin’s timetable, thinking it was _____
(A) him (B) himself (C) his (D) he
18. Dr. Kay was by _____ until the arrival of Dr. DeSilva at 8:30 a.m..
(A) her (B) herself (C) she (D) hers
19. When interviewed, Beverley kirkpartrick explained that an inquisitive nature as a child made ____
interested in studying journalism.
(A) she (B) her (C) hers (D) herself
20. Even with our detailed website, many customers prefer to visit our store locations and see the products for
(A) they (B) their (C) theirs (D) themselves
21. The Blackwell KV, part of our newest series of headphones, is the most advanced model of _____ kind.
(A) its (B) our (C) your (D) their
22. Ms. Woolner is hoping to change _____ daily routine to be more conductive to a healthy lifestyle.
(A) herself (B) her (C) she (D) hers
23. The finace department would like to announce the addition of Jake Pastermak to _____ team of
(A) its (B) it (C) his (D) him
24. One employee at the company prefers working during fixed hours, while _____ appreciates the flex-hour
system recently installed by the manager.
(A) any (B) other (C) either (D) another
25. We are waiting for Anrom to turn in its annual fiscal report before we calculate _____.
(A) us (B) our (C) ourselves (D) ours
26. Mr. Eisenhower was offered a number of positions in the company, _____ of which was exactly what he
was looking for.
(A) few (B) none (C) both (D) all
27. The company cannot let _____ present problem with organizational restructuring affect its plans to merge
with Macro Tecnologies.
(A) its (B) it (C) itself (D) them
28. Famous people sometimes make good use of _____ celebrity status by launching their own product lines.
(A) they (B) their (C) them (D) themselves Hotline:

29. The assistant accounting manager doesn’t have _____ authority to release the documents the client is
(A) another (B) one (C) no (D) any
30. It is the company’s policy that the director _____ must abstain from any political involvement in carrying
out his responsibilities.
(A) him (B) himself (C) he (D) his
31. Employees working on an incentive-based contract are more efficient than _____ who are salaried and
locked into a one-year term.
(A) such (B) that (C) those (D) someone
32. _____ a single missing file has been retrieced from the main computer yet, causing widespread panic in the
(A) No (B) Any (C) None (D) Not
33. At the Svetle Health Club, all patrons should have _____ body fat percentage measured before they embark
on an exercise regimen.
(A) they (B) them (C) their (D) theirs
34. One associate remained in the main office with the visiting executives while _______ ran out to gather the
prepared reports and documents.
(A) other (B) the other (C) each other (D) one another
35. _____ them had two or three years of experience in graphic design before coming to our company.
(A) Most (B) Most of (C) Almost (D) Any of
36. larger businesses are expected by the government to donate a certain percentage of _____ earnings to
charities each year.
(A) its (B) their (C) it (D) them
37. The company requires _____ employees to wear proper headgear at all construction sites as an important
safety procedure.
(A) them (B) theirs (C) its (D) it
38. The bureau is hesitant to cut public sector health costs, but _____ proposal may be applied to the private
sector by the end of the week.
(A) that (B) those (C) them (D) theirs
39. You have illegally passed on confidential financial information to _____ corporation , so the police will
have to be notified.
(A) any (B) other (C) others (D) another
40. The court ordered that both parties present their copies of the original contract to ____.
(A) another (B) other (C) other one (D) each other
41. _____ determined to earn their holiday bonus must not miss any days between now and the Christmas
(A) They (B) That (C) Those (D) Someone Hotline:

42. The finance expert received the proposals and will now sift through _____ before determining which one
will best suit the company’s interests.
(A) it (B) them (C) theirs (D) ours
43. A(n) _____ conducted by a research center revealed that the majority of online shoppers are educated and
have an annual household income of $50,000.
(A) survey (B) summary (C) addition (D) copy
44. The International Chamber of Commerce recently announced that there was an increasing _____ for online
payment seevices among consumers.
(A) choice (B) preference (C) promotion (D) reaction
45. Mr. Powell, the new researcher, has requested _____ to the company’s archives to retrieve the information
he needs for a feasibility study.
(A) entrance (B) pass (C) access (D) approach
46. The laboratory’s _____ findings showed that the new line of cosmetics for Dawson Beauty Products were
environmentally friendly.
(A) survey (B) question (C) response (D) research
47. The customer services staff at Radcliffe Department Store spends a large _____ of its time dealing with
customers’ complaints.
(A) size (B) section (C) proportion (D) number
48. The driver of the blue sedan received a heavy _____ for deliberately driving through a red light.
(A) fee (B) fine (C) damage (D) dismissal
49. The owner purchased ten thousand dollars’ _____ of party favors for the grand opening of his posh new
(A) much (B) value (C) cost (D) worth
50. Market trends are a good _____ that this will be an ideal year for investments in all sectors of the market.
(A) record (B) show (C) indication (D) specification Hotline:

Đáp án:
1D 2C 3B 4C 5D 6B 7C 8B 9C 10D
11C 12A 13B 14D 15C 16D 17C 18B 19B 20D
21A 22B 23A 24D 25D 26B 27A 28B 29D 30B
31C 32D 33C 34B 35B 36B 37C 38A 39D 40D
41C 42B 43A 44B 45C 46D 47C 48B 49D 50C

Rất tốt! Các em đã vất vả rồi. Cố gắng chút nữa nhé. Keep up your good work!
Hẹn gặp lại các em trong các tiết học tiếp theo.
Cô Phƣơng Hotline:

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Check-up Quiz
1. Tommy has (good / better) qualifications than the other applicants.
2. Credit cards are issued more (easier/ easily) now than in the past.
3. Using two chemicals together produces much (strong / stronger) results than using one of them.
4. Our revised regulations are as (strict / stricter) as the previous ones.
5. This English program is more effective (than / as) those of other educational centers.
6. We would like you to respond to us (as / so) soon as you can.
7. The larger a company is, (less / the less) satisfied its employees.
8. Jenny has proven to be the (more / most) successful engineer of all.
9. The automobile company posted the (higher/ highest) profits in the entire industry.
10. Please complete the budget report no later (than / as) September 24.
PART 5: Incomplete Sentence
Questions 1-10 Choose the word that best completes each sentence.
1. Singapore Airlines cancelled more flights ____ any other airline this month.
(A) as (B) while (C) than (D) whether
2. Our new blender functions ____ than any of our other competitors’ products that are on the market.
(A) so efficiently (B) as efficiently (C) most efficiently (D) more efficiently
3. Sales in the third quarter this year were not ____ satisfactory as last year’s.
(A) as (B) so (C) more (D) most
4. According to the news article, M-Net sold the ____ MP3 players in the country.
(A) many (B) much (C) most (D) more
5. The newcomer had a(n) ____ better job performance than the long-term employees.
(A) very (B) even (C) so (D) such
6. The joint production of several factories has caused more problems ____ they had predicted.
(A) as (B) than (C) when (D) rather
7. Newly hired employees are expected to get to work by 7:30 A.M. at the ____.
(A) late (B) later (C) latest (D) lately
8. Computers are installed in the classrooms as ____ as in the computer labs.
(A) far (B) good (C) near (D) well
9. After careful examination, the CEO has ____ decided to sign the contract.
(A) finally (B) equally (C) annually (D) increasingly
10. We are ____ seeking assistants for the upcoming summer camp.

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(A) slightly (B) currently (C) completely (D) significantly

PART 6: Text Completion
Questions 1-3 refer to the following letter.
Power Finance Incorporated
2533 Patrick Street
London, UK
Dear Mr. Thompson:
We appreciate your request for the automatic loan payment received on June 23. As requested, your
monthly payment will be automatically deducted from your account.
____ you need further information, you can contact our service representatives by
1.(A) Did
(B) Had
(C) Should
(D) Could
phone during our regular office hours.
In case you wish to stop this service, you may mail us an ____ request form to the
2.(A) equivalent
(B) official
(C) intended
(D) outstanding
above address ____, you can fax it to us at 467-332-4778.
3.(A ) Favorably
(B) Originally
(C) Accordingly
(D) Alternatively
Andrea Limerick
PART 7: Reading Comprehension
Questions 1-3 refer to the following notice.
Living Well
Cordially invites you

Created by Duy Ân Mai

to a free information session

Learn how to become healthy, feel great, and have fun!
* All new members receive a free month of personal training.
* Membership comes with no contracts and no penalty fees.
* A children's playroom and babysitting are available at all times at no cost.
*We have state-of-the-art equipment and educated personal trainers.
This Month’s Special:
No enrollment fee For new members who sign up this month!
The usual enrollment Fee is $200.
6631 Denver St. Newark 10723 352-753-0906
1. Who is this advertisement intended for?
(A) New customers
(B) Mothers with young children
(C) Fitness instructors
(D) Fitness equipment salesmen
2. What can members receive for free?
(A) Coupons for refreshments
(B) The use of babysitting services
(C) Personal training for two months
(D) A two-month future membership
3. What is the customary enrollment fee?
(A) $150
(B) $175
(C) $200
(D) $50
Đáp án:
Check-up Quiz
1. better 2. easily 3. stronger 4. strict 5. than
6. as 7. the less 8. most 9. highest 10. than
Part 5
1C 2D 3B 4C 5B 6B 7C 8D 9A 10B
Part 6

Created by Duy Ân Mai

1C 2B 3D
Part 7
1A 2B 3C
Tiết 5:
Cấp so sánh (Comparison)
1. Cấp so sánh bằng và không bằng
- So sánh bằng: as + adj/adv + as
- So sánh không bằng: … not (…) so/as + adj/ adv…
L u ý:
+ Trong so sánh không bằng, “so” hay “as” đều có thể dùng được, nhưng “so” thì đúng hơn.
+ Trong cả hai dạng trên, tính từ và trạng từ được giữ nguyên dạng, không thêm bớt (khác với các dạng so
sánh bên dưới).
- Chúng ta cũng thường gặp so sánh bằng trong cụm: as … as possible (càng như thế nào đó càng tốt).
2. Cấp so sánh hơn (Comparative)
- Dùng để so sánh giữa hai người hoặc hai vật về đặc điểm, tính chất.
- Để hình thành cấp so sánh hơn:
+ Với tính từ/ trạng từ ngắn, chỉ có 1 âm tiết (short adj/adv): thêm đuôi “er” hoặc “r” (nếu từ đã có sẵn “e” ở
cuối) vào sau từ.
VD: strong → stronger
hard → harder
nice → nicer
+ Với tính từ/ trạng từ dài, gồm nhiều âm tiết (long adjadv): thêm “more” vào trước tính từ/ trạng từ đó
more + long adj/adv
VD: beautiful → more beautiful
** L u ý:
+ Các từ kết thúc bằng 1 phụ âm mà trước đó là 1 nguyên âm duy nhất khi chuyển sang dạng so sánh hơn
phải gấp đôi phụ âm cuối rồi mới thêm “er”.
VD: big → bigger;
thin → thinner
+ Hầu hết các trạng từ được hình thành bằng cách thêm “ly” vào sau tính từ, chúng được tính là có ít nhất
2 âm tiết. Do đó, thường gặp các trạng từ có “more” đằng trước hơn.- Có thể dùng much/ far + so sánh
hơn mang ý nghĩa là “hơn nhiều”.
VD: The new system is much more reliable than the existing one.
- Có thể dùng even + so sánh hơn mang nghĩa “thậm chí còn… hơn”

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Có thể dùng động từ dạng “ed” ở sau “than”: expected, scheduled, anticipated. Đây là dạng giản lược
VD: The sales figures this year were higher than expected.
Ở đây: expected = we had expected
- Ngoài dạng so sánh hơn, còn có dạng so sánh kém với cấu trúc tương tự: less + long adj/adv.
3. So sánh hơn nhất (Superlatives)
- Dùng để so sánh từ 3 người hoặc vật trở lên.
- Cấu trúc so sánh hơn nhất:
+ short adj/adv: thêm từ “the” đằng trước và đuôi “est” vào sau trạng từ hoặc tính từ.
the + adj/adv-est
Cấp so sánh hơn nhất phải có mạo từ “the” vì đã được xác định ở vị trí số 1.
Lưu ý gấp đôi phụ âm cuối tương tự như so sánh hơn.
strong → stronger → the strongest
nice → nicer → the nicest
big → bigger → the biggest
+ long adj/adv:
the most + long adj/ adv
*** L u ý về quy tắc chính tả ở dạng so sánh hơn và so sánh hơn nhất:
+ Nếu gốc của các tính từ hoặc trạng từ kết thúc là “y” thì chuyển sang dạng so sánh hơn/ hơn nhất là “-y”
→ “-i” + er/ est, bất kể là từ một hay nhiều âm tiết.
VD: happy → happier → the happiest
+ Một số trường hợp đặc biệt: trạng từ/ tính từ không phải 1 âm tiết nhưng vẫn thêm er/ est, phải học
thuộc. VD: narrow, quiet, clever, simple,…
+ Trường hợp đặc biệt: cách viết của từ không theo bất kì quy tắc nào, bắt buộc phải học thuộc
+ Có thể chuyển từ dạng so sánh bằng sang so sánh hơn/ kém
VD: She doesn’t earn as much as her huband.
= She earns less than her husband.
= Her husband earns more than her.
+ Các từ “less”, “more” có thể gây nhầm lẫn. Cần phân biệt giữa trường hợp dùng so sánh trực tiếp trong
câu (“more”/ “less” là dạng so sánh hơn của “much”/ “little”) và trường hợp sử dụng kết hợp với tính từ/
trạng từ dài.
+ Một số cụm từ thường đi với cấp so sánh: as soon as possible, at the latest, no later than,…
+ So sánh một thứ lớn thứ n (không phải nhất): thêm từ chỉ số thứ tự vào ngay sau “the” trong cấu trúc so
sánh hơn nhất.
+ Diễn tả ý “nhất có thể”: thêm “possible” vào sau dạng so sánh hơn nhất.

Created by Duy Ân Mai

4. So sánh kép
- Cấu trúc 1 chủ ngữ: có hiện tượng lặp từ.
+ short adj/ adv: lặp lại y nguyên từ đó, nối giữa hai từ bằng liên từ “anh”
+ long adj/ adv: sử dụng more and more + long adj/ adv
- Cấu trúc 2 chủ ngữ: Cấu trúc này đòi hỏi phải có 2 mệnh đề tương xứng, trong đó có mạo từ “the” + từ
chia ở so sánh hơn đảo lên đầu câu.
The + so sánh hơn + S + V, the + so sánh hơn + S + V.


Mời các em làm bài tập sau. Bài này tƣơng đối ngắn và dễ ^^

Bài 1:
Hackers practice
Chose a correc option…
1. Due to flight cancellations, the convention will be held tomorrow rather (as / than) today.
2. Second-hand car parts were obtained (easiest / more easily) in the past than they are now.
3. Club members are allowed to join the raffle contest as (often/ more often) as they wish.
4. (Hardly / No sooner) had the package arrived than we received a call from the sender.
5. Mr. Hanson’s propasals are (by far / far) the most far-sighted and well-balanced of all the
propositions submitted.
6. Purchasing the entire program is less costly 9(than / rather) bying and installing components
7. I believe Mr. Smith would be (much / just) as competent as the other candidates.

Bài 2:
1. We have experienced more production problems _________ we originally predicted.
(A) as (B) whether (C) than (D) or
2. Our company has a reputation of offering our customers the _______ selection of briefcases in the
(A) wider (B) widest (C) more widely (D) most widely
3. PDAs have become _____________ more versatile devices than before.
(A) very (B) really (C) so (D) much
4. For your convenience, our claims division will now open __________ weekday from 9 A.M. to 7
(A) every (B) few (C) a lot (D) many
5. Many job seekers consider internship experiences to be at least as valuable qualification ________ a
degree in business.
(A) than (B) more (C) as (D) most
6. Please contact your supervisor if you are __________ in the career development seminar.
(A) interest (B) interested (C) interesting (D) interests
7. The admission fee for the new art museum is __________ more expensive than we expected.
(A) far (B) well (C) quite (D) pretty
8. The architect had to revise the blueprint because it contained too much unusable __________. Hotline:
(A) space (B) spaced (C) spacious (O) spaces
9. Taking a subway is faster ________ any other available method to get to the airport.
(A) as (B) than (C) more (D) most
10. Improving our customer outreach program is ________ important than reorganizing our office
system right now.
(A) better (B) more (C) well (D) greater
11. A meeting sometime after the project deadline fits _____ for my schedule than trying to have one
this week.
(A) better (B) good (C) any better (D) any good
12. At this firm, young, motivated candidates who show enthusiasm have ____ value as experienced
(A) a lot (B) also (C) as much (D) so many
13. It is the company’s position that moving into a market with _____ competition will result in greater
(A) a few (B) least (C) often (D) less
14. _____ did the manager leave on vacation than the most important client walked in seeking an
urgent consultation.
(A) Sooner (B) No sooner (C) The sooner (D) Any sooner
15. The company is currently much _____ than it was five years ago.
(A) weaker (B) weakest (C) weak (D) weakness
16. Due to the alleged scandal, the corporation was receiving more attention ____ that which was good
for business.
(A) so (B) such (C) too (D) than
17. In the field of industrial arts and applied sciences, there are _____ positions open for entry-level
(A) lesser (B) fewer (C) sort of (D) much
18. Piles of old newspapers must be stacked and tied as _____ as possible before being loaded into the
truck and brought to the plant.
(A) tight (B) tigher (C) tightly (D) tightest
19. Bringing all of the brouchure and website information up to date is the _____ task the office team
has ever faced.
(A) challenged (B) challenging (C) more challenged (D) most challenging
20. The senior officers have decided that the current computers are _____ adequate for what the staff
must accomplish daily.
(A) enough poorly (B) too much (C) more than (D) such Hotline:

21. Of the two machine operators, the _____ qualified will be the one to run new equipment in the
(A) much (B) lot (C) better (D) so
22. Installing a new blower for an air ventilation system may seem expensive but actually costs _____
in the long run than repairing an existing one.
(A) less (B) lesser (C) lessen (D) least
23. The more _____ a camera is, the more the customers are willing to spend on the features that it
(A) sophisticate (B) sophisticated (C) sophisticating (D) sophistication
24. Commercial business are pleased that with the current state government, taxes have _____ been
lower than they are now.
(A) quite (B) none (C) anything (D) never
25. In determining whether to close a bank branch, the impact on the majority of community members
is the _____ important factor.
(A) very (B) most (C) much (D) mostly
26. Orders are filtered to separated departments when they arrive _____ given to the shipping
personnel right away.
(A) than (B) rather (C) rather as (D) rather than
27. This is to remind you that employees are required to submit personal information changes to the
administrative department ____ than December 20.
(A) no more (B) no less (C) no later (D) no longer
28. All persons who wish to register for the Skills in Marketing Workshop must sign up at the main
office _____ possible.
(A) as soon as (B) as long as (C) as much as (D) as many as
29. Of the many laborers at this plant, the _____ highly skilled will be transferred to a newly opened
(A) so (B) most (C) such (D) much
30. Although less popular than the phonograph, the projection box was the ____ of the home viewing
devices available in the early 1990s.
(A) success (B) successful (C) most success (D) most successful
31. Erickson Brands offers customers the _____ variety of cellular phone accessories in the
(A) wider (B) more widely (C) most widely (D) widest
32. Customers wanting refunds must bring in the product and its receipt _____ one week after the date
of purchase.
(A) no more than (B) no later than (C) no later as (D) no more as Hotline:
33. I would rather make the reservation now _____ risk not getting a ticket down the road.
(A) than (B) else (C) wheras (D) rather
34. Garson’s Manufacturing boasts in its afvertisement that it can produce stell rods ____ than any
other producer in the business.
(A) fast (B) faster (C) fastest (D) the fastest Hotline:

Đáp án:
Bài 1:
1.than far
2.more easily 6.than
3.often 7. just
4.No sooner

Bài 2:
1C 2B 3D
4A 15A 26D
5C 16D 27C
6B 17B 28A
7A 18C 29B
8A 19D 30D
9B 20C 31D
10B 21C 32B
11A 22A 33A
12C 23B 34B
13D 24D
14B 25B

Rất tốt! Các em đã vất vả rồi. Cố gắng chút nữa nhé. Keep up your good work!
Hẹn gặp lại các em trong các tiết học tiếp theo.
Cô Phƣơng Hotline:

Created by Duy Ân Mai

1. A ______technician was brought in to fix the problem with the air conditioning unit.
(A) maintenance
(B) maintain
(C) maintained
(D) maintaining
2. Critics regard Bergstein as one of the most _____ film directors of his generation.
(A) imagine
(B) imaginary
(C) imagination
(D) imaginative
3. _____ to the amusement park has more than doubled in price over the past couple of years.
(A) Admit
(B) Admitted
(C) Admissible
(D) Admission
4. Mr. Grant also reviewed the budget proposal _____ before forwarding it to the finance director for final
(A) he
(B) his
(C) him
(D) himself
5. The supervisor in charge of the production team _____ for next weekend's management workshop.
(A) registered
(B) registration
(C) registering
(D) registry
6. The finance director of the government health care agency _____ accepted bribes from pharmaceutical
(A) allegedly
(B) alleged
(C) allege
(D) allegations
7. Deni Raviso is_____ considered to be the most promising young executive at Cornatec Industries.
(A) wide
Created by Duy Ân Mai

(B) wider
(C) widely
(D) width
8. Jack &amp; Rose Home Appliances is the _____ largest electronics manufacturer in the entire country.
(A) two
(B) second
(C) twice
(D) double
9. Dr. Harrison's team will conduct _____ research into the effects of the medication on people's respiratory
(A) extend
(B) extensive
(C) extension
(D) extent
10. Tom Higgins will provide a detailed _____ of the new parking permit system at the staff meeting.
(A) explain
(B) explicable
(C) explanation
(D) explanatory
11. The supervisor halted work on the _____ line yesterday afternoon so that the maintenance crew could
inspect the malfunctioning machinery.
(A) assemble
(B) assembling
(C) assembled
(D) assembly
12. Trans Atlantic Inc. tour guides are _____ to be the most knowledgeable and friendly in the tourist
(A) consider
(B) considered
(C) considering
(D) considerable
13. Unfortunately, we will have to change all the dates and times _____ on the itinerary I sent you for Mr.
Fourie's visit.
(A) list
(B) listing
Created by Duy Ân Mai

(C) lists
(D) listed
14. VH Telecom spokesman, Greg Hollis, predicted that the company's performance would be even
______next quarter.
(A) strong
(B) strongly
(C) strength
(D) stronger
16. An extra customer service training session will be held before work tomorrow morning for _____who
were absent from Friday's seminar.
(A) them
(B) those
(C) these
(D) which
17. The paper factory in Slough, which employs over 3,000_____, has been in operation for more than 50
(A) locations
(B) locals
(C) local
(D) localize
18. A specialist mediator was brought in to help the two parties solve their dispute over the real estate
contract _____.
(A) quickly
(B) quicken
(C) quicker
(D) quickest
19. The hospital has a backup _______ just in case there is a power failure or a civil emergency.
(A) generate
(B) generating
(C) generator
(D) generation
20. At Jack's Kitchen, we sell top-quality knives and cooking equipment at surprisingly _____ prices.
(A) afford
(B) affording
(C) affordable
Created by Duy Ân Mai

(D) affordability
21 After days of wild fluctuation on the international monetary markets, analysts described yesterday's
trading as relatively _____.
(A) light
(B) lighten
(C) lightly
(D) lit
22. The electronics firm's sales have increased _____ over the last decade, increasing from around $25
billion in 1997 to over $700 billion today.
(A) steady
(B) steadily
(C) steadiness
(D) steadfast
23 _____, the IT technicians should be able to recover most of the data that was lost when the server
(A) Fortune
(B) Fortunate
(C) Fortuitous
(D) Fortunately
24. Mr. Kearns was made a very attractive _____ to come and work at Pilsner Beer, Scotland's largest
(A) offer
(B) offers
(C) offered
(D) offering
25 In order to stay focused and invigorated, office workers should take _____ refreshment breaks during
the day.
(A) regular
(B) regulate
(C) regulation
(D) regularity
26. The seminar leader wanted all the attendees to give him some _____ feedback about the session.
(A) construct
(B) construction
(C) constructive

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(D) constructs
27. Melbourne Super's fresh fruit and produce are _____ certified as organic and free of all additives and
(A) official
(B) office
(C) officially
(D) officiate
28. All employees must remember to have _____ annual medical checkups before the end of the month.
(A) theirs
(B) them
(C) themselves
(D) their
29. Ms. Wilson will conduct job interviews
with the 20 most promising _____ for the
vacancy in Sales.
(A) apply
(B) applicants
(C) applicable
(D) applications
30. Located near Kaitaia on the east coast of the North Island, 90 Mile Beach is one of New Zealand's most
_____ tourist sites.
(A) attract
(B) attracted
(C) attractive
(D) attraction
31. Once all the nominations are put forward, Andrew Joseph, a member of the judging panel, will _____
the contenders for This Year's Employee Award.
(A) announce
(B) announcement
(C) announces
(D) announcer
32. Mr. Slovania's flight to Frankfurt on the 2nd of July will cost $1,500 _____ the airport departure tax.
(A) exclude
(B) exclusive

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(C) excluding
(D) excluded
33. Ms. Djama talked with the heads of department about the company's new _____handling employee
(A) regulate
(B) regulatory
(C) regulations
(D) regulated
34. According to yesterday's report in the New York Times, more than 10,000 people _____ participated in
the anti-nuclear campaign.
(A) active
(B) action
(C) activate
(D) actively
35. In order to preserve fossil fuels for future generations, people must reduce their ______ of these
precious materials.
(A) consume
(B) consumer
(C) consuming
(D) consumption
36. The manufacturing firm, which had been searching for opportunities to expand its operations, has
_____ acquired a new factory in Newark.
(A) final
(B) finalize
(C) finalist
(D) finally
37. The financial _____ for next year indicate that we will need to cut spending drastically.
(A) projects
(B) projected
(C) projecting
(D) projections
38. The changes to the company's compensation plan have been _____ effective in improving the
employees' morale.
(A) remarkably
(B) remarked

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(C) remarks
(D) remarkable
39. During a _____ meeting with American Auto president John Valerie, Mr. Keith raised the need to
explore a joint venture between the two companies.
(A) private
(B) privately
(C) privacy
(D) privatize
40. Most applicants for the entry-level vacancies regarded the arithmetic section as the _____part of the
aptitude test.
(A) easy
(B) easier
(C) easily
(D) easiest
41. The authorities are describing driving conditions as extremely_____, and they are warning motorists to
stay indoors until the weather improves.
(A) dangerous
(B) danger
(C) endanger
(D) endangered
42. Colin Jackson asked Ms. Warren for her _____ to attend a seminar on budgeting and financial
forecasting next month.
(A) permit
(B) permitting
(C) permissible
(D) permission
43. After Ms. Jones receives all the customer evaluation forms, she will begin carefully reviewing ____.
(A) they
(B) them
(C) their
(D) theirs
44. In a recent public health survey, 7 out of 10 respondents said they feel _____ and healthier now than
they did 2 years ago.
(A) fitter
(B) fit

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(C) fittest
(D) fitness
45. It is very important in any organization that the people in positions of responsibility know how to
manage their time _____.
(A) efficiently
(B) efficient
(C) efficiency
(D) efficacy
46. The report which the accounting department manager submitted last month _____the payroll problem
in detail.
(A) Describes
(B) Description
(C) Describing
(D) Describe
47 Results from the customer survey are _____ used in order to suggest that the company is performing
(A) frequent
(B) frequency
(C) frequently
(D) more frequent
48. Readers feel that the city's best-selling newspaper fails to provide _____ news stories.
(A) substantial
(B) substance
(C) substantially
(D) substantiate
49. The head of the IT department called a meeting _____the company's new electronic security
(A) introducing
(B) introduce
(C) introduced
(D) introduces
50. All employees hired by the company _____ multiple training sessions to help acquaint them with
industry standards.
(A) undergoing
(B) undergo

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(C) to undergo
(D) undergoes
51. Financial analysts responded to the chairman's _____ news by predicting the eventual bankruptcy of
the organization.
(A) shocker
(B) shocking
(C) shockingly
(D) shocked
52. The new CEO has chosen to implement a _____ system of benefits overall than his predecessor did.
(A) most generous
(B) generously
(C) more generous
(D) generosity
53. One of the nation's largest car _____ announced today that it plans to close its primary facility later this
(A) producers
(B) production
(C) produce
(D) products
54. At an early press conference this morning, the president delivered a short speech _____ the state of
the economy.
(A) concern
(B) concerning
(C) concerns
(D) concerned
55 With its improved design, the city's transportation system will be able to serve citizens more _____.
(A) effect
(B) effective
(C) effects
(D) effectively
56. Members of the design team have submitted the preliminary findings of _____ study on digital security
(A) they
(B) their
(C) them
Created by Duy Ân Mai

(D) theirs
57. There is no doubt that we will need to allocate our _____ wisely to expand operations overseas
(A) resources
(B) resourceful
(C) resourcefully
(D) resourcefulness
58 Advertising representatives believe that our television commercials need to utilize an _____ format in
order to interest viewers.
(A) engage
(B) engaging
(C) enga

10 | P a g e Cô VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG – KHÓA TOEIC 2016

Các em làm hết 58 câu part 5 sau. Cô sẽ chữa đề này trong tiết 6 ^^

1. A ______technician was brought in to fix the 5. The supervisor in charge of the production
problem with the air conditioning unit. team _____ for next weekend's management
(A) maintenance workshop.

(B) maintain (A) registered

(C) maintained (B) registration

(D) maintaining (C) registering

(D) registry

2. Critics regard Bergstein as one of the most

_____ film directors of his generation. 6. The finance director of the government
(A) imagine health care agency _____ accepted bribes from
pharmaceutical companies.
(B) imaginary
(A) allegedly
(C) imagination
(B) alleged
(D) imaginative
(C) allege
(D) allegations
3. _____ to the amusement park has more than
doubled in price over the past couple of years.
(A) Admit 7. Deni Raviso is_____ considered to be the
most promising young executive at Cornatec
(B) Admitted Industries.
(C) Admissible (A) wide
(D) Admission (B) wider
(C) widely
4. Mr. Grant also reviewed the budget proposal (D) width
_____ before forwarding it to the finance
director for final approval.
(A) he 8. Jack & Rose Home Appliances is the _____
largest electronics manufacturer in the entire
(B) his country.
(C) him (A) two
(D) himself (B) second
(C) twice
(D) double Hotline:


9. Dr. Harrison's team will conduct _____ 13. Unfortunately, we will have to change all
research into the effects of the medication on the dates and times _____ on the itinerary I sent
people's respiratory organs. you for Mr. Fourie's visit.
(A) extend (A) list
(B) extensive (B) listing
(C) extension (C) lists
(D) extent (D) listed

10. Tom Higgins will provide a detailed _____ 14. VH Telecom spokesman, Greg Hollis,
of the new parking permit system at the staff predicted that the company's performance
meeting. would be even ______next quarter.
(A) explain (A) strong
(B) explicable (B) strongly
(C) explanation (C) strength
(D) explanatory (D) stronger

11. The supervisor halted work on the _____ 16. An extra customer service training session
line yesterday afternoon so that the will be held before work tomorrow morning for
maintenance crew could inspect the _____who were absent from Friday's seminar.
malfunctioning machinery. (A) them
(A) assemble (B) those
(B) assembling (C) these
(C) assembled (D) which
(D) assembly

17. The paper factory in Slough, which employs

12. Trans Atlantic Inc. tour guides are _____ to over 3,000_____, has been in operation for
be the most knowledgeable and friendly in the more than 50 years.
tourist industry. (A) locations
(A) consider (B) locals
(B) considered (C) local
(C) considering (D) localize
(D) considerable Hotline:


18. A specialist mediator was brought in to help 22. The electronics firm's sales have increased
the two parties solve their dispute over the real _____ over the last decade, increasing from
estate contract _____. around $25 billion in 1997 to over $700 billion
(A) quickly today.

(B) quicken (A) steady

(C) quicker (B) steadily

(D) quickest (C) steadiness

(D) steadfast

19. The hospital has a backup _______ just in

case there is a power failure or a civil 23 _____, the IT technicians should be able to
emergency. recover most of the data that was lost when the
(A) generate server malfunctioned.

(B) generating (A) Fortune

(C) generator (B) Fortunate

(D) generation (C) Fortuitous

(D) Fortunately

20. At Jack's Kitchen, we sell top-quality

knives and cooking equipment at surprisingly 24. Mr. Kearns was made a very attractive
_____ prices. _____ to come and work at Pilsner Beer,
(A) afford Scotland's largest brewery.

(B) affording (A) offer

(C) affordable (B) offers

(D) affordability (C) offered

(D) offering

21 After days of wild fluctuation on the

international monetary markets, analysts 25 In order to stay focused and invigorated,
described yesterday's trading as relatively office workers should take _____ refreshment
_____. breaks during the day.
(A) light (A) regular
(B) lighten (B) regulate
(C) lightly (C) regulation
(D) lit (D) regularity Hotline:


26. The seminar leader wanted all the attendees 30. Located near Kaitaia on the east coast of the
to give him some _____ feedback about the North Island, 90 Mile Beach is one of New
session. Zealand's most _____ tourist sites.
(A) construct (A) attract
(B) construction (B) attracted
(C) constructive (C) attractive
(D) constructs (D) attraction

27. Melbourne Super's fresh fruit and produce 31. Once all the nominations are put forward,
are _____ certified as organic and free of all Andrew Joseph, a member of the judging panel,
additives and preservatives. will _____ the contenders for This Year's
(A) official Employee Award.

(B) office (A) announce

(C) officially (B) announcement

(D) officiate (C) announces

(D) announcer

28. All employees must remember to have

_____ annual medical checkups before the end 32. Mr. Slovania's flight to Frankfurt on the 2nd
of the month. of July will cost $1,500 _____ the airport
(A) theirs departure tax.

(B) them (A) exclude

(C) themselves (B) exclusive

(D) their (C) excluding

(D) excluded

29. Ms. Wilson will conduct job interviews

with the 20 most promising _____ for the 33. Ms. Djama talked with the heads of
department about the company's new
vacancy in Sales. _____handling employee absenteeism.
(A) apply (A) regulate
(B) applicants (B) regulatory
(C) applicable (C) regulations
(D) applications (D) regulated Hotline:


34. According to yesterday's report in the New 38. The changes to the company's
York Times, more than 10,000 people _____ compensation plan have been _____ effective
participated in the anti-nuclear campaign. in improving the employees' morale.
(A) active (A) remarkably
(B) action (B) remarked
(C) activate (C) remarks
(D) actively (D) remarkable
39. During a _____ meeting with American
35. In order to preserve fossil fuels for future Auto president John Valerie, Mr. Keith raised
generations, people must reduce their ______ of the need to explore a joint venture between the
these precious materials. two companies.

(A) consume (A) private

(B) consumer (B) privately

(C) consuming (C) privacy

(D) consumption (D) privatize

36. The manufacturing firm, which had been 40. Most applicants for the entry-level
searching for opportunities to expand its vacancies regarded the arithmetic section as the
operations, has _____ acquired a new factory in _____part of the aptitude test.
Newark. (A) easy
(A) final (B) easier
(B) finalize (C) easily
(C) finalist (D) easiest
(D) finally
41. The authorities are describing driving
37. The financial _____ for next year indicate conditions as extremely_____, and they are
that we will need to cut spending drastically. warning motorists to stay indoors until the
weather improves.
(A) projects
(A) dangerous
(B) projected
(B) danger
(C) projecting
(C) endanger
(D) projections
(D) endangered Hotline:


42. Colin Jackson asked Ms. Warren for her 46. The report which the accounting department
_____ to attend a seminar on budgeting and manager submitted last month _____the payroll
financial forecasting next month. problem in detail.
(A) permit (A) Describes
(B) permitting (B) Description
(C) permissible (C) Describing
(D) permission (D) Describe

43. After Ms. Jones receives all the customer 47 Results from the customer survey are _____
evaluation forms, she will begin carefully used in order to suggest that the company is
reviewing ____. performing well.
(A) they (A) frequent
(B) them (B) frequency
(C) their (C) frequently
(D) theirs (D) more frequent

44. In a recent public health survey, 7 out of 10 48. Readers feel that the city's best-selling
respondents said they feel _____ and healthier newspaper fails to provide _____ news stories.
now than they did 2 years ago. (A) substantial
(A) fitter (B) substance
(B) fit (C) substantially
(C) fittest (D) substantiate
(D) fitness

49. The head of the IT department called a

45. It is very important in any organization that meeting _____the company's new electronic
the people in positions of responsibility know security guidelines.
how to manage their time _____. (A) introducing
(A) efficiently (B) introduce
(B) efficient (C) introduced
(C) efficiency (D) introduces
(D) efficacy Hotline:


50. All employees hired by the company _____ 54. At an early press conference this morning,
multiple training sessions to help acquaint them the president delivered a short speech _____ the
with industry standards. state of the economy.
(A) undergoing (A) concern
(B) undergo (B) concerning
(C) to undergo (C) concerns
(D) undergoes (D) concerned

51. Financial analysts responded to the 55 With its improved design, the city's
chairman's _____ news by predicting the transportation system will be able to serve
eventual bankruptcy of the organization. citizens more _____.
(A) shocker (A) effect
(B) shocking (B) effective
(C) shockingly (C) effects
(D) shocked (D) effectively

52. The new CEO has chosen to implement a 56. Members of the design team have submitted
_____ system of benefits overall than his the preliminary findings of _____ study on
predecessor did. digital security technologies.
(A) most generous (A) they
(B) generously (B) their
(C) more generous (C) them
(D) generosity (D) theirs

53. One of the nation's largest car _____ 57. There is no doubt that we will need to
announced today that it plans to close its allocate our _____ wisely to expand operations
primary facility later this year. overseas successfully.
(A) producers (A) resources
(B) production (B) resourceful
(C) produce (C) resourcefully
(D) products (D) resourcefulness Hotline:


58 Advertising representatives believe that our

television commercials need to utilize an
_____ format in order to interest viewers.
(A) engage
(B) engaging
(C) engagement
(D) engaged Hotline:


Các em luyện thêm các bài tập sau nhé. Chăm chỉ lên nào!!!!!

1. The _____ for this week’s publishing convention includes a poetry reading and book signing by
Dwayne T.White on Wednesday afternoon and a job fair on Friday afternoon.
(A) position (B) itinerary (C) circuit (D) pattern
2. Supervisors were expected not only to oversee their workers but to _____ their continued
(A) continue (B) encourage (C) proceed (D) ensure
3. This new software would _____ the accounting firm to process accounts more efficiently.
(A) inhibit (B) prefer (C) enable (D) keep
4. The mild summer weather _____ for the slow business this season.
(A) accounts (B) explains (C) states (D) adapts
5. Renovations this summer will increase Larchmere Concert Hall’s seating ______ by 80 seats.
(A) intensity (B) capacity (C) preparation (D) aptitude
6. Once a written _____ has been provided to the secretary, she can pass on the information to Mr.
(A) estimate (B) guess (C) suggestion (D) judgment
7. Several ____ errors with the new software delayed the release date by two months.
(A) overdue (B) minor (C) reliable (D) rapid
8. Students can _____ in the university’s education program starting July 6th.
(A) enroll (B) admit (C) apply (D) subscribe
9. Please omit ____ the details when you are reported the findings revealed at the symposium.
(A) decreased (B) insufficient (C) incidental (D) prerequisite
10. Tonight’performance is _____ to raise awareness about our city’s urban renewal initiative.
(A) intend (B) intended (C) intention (D) intentional
11. The _____ outlay of assets for the construction of the new streetcar lanes has been cites by
newspaper as the main cause of the project’s dismissal.
(A) initially (B) initiate (C) initiation (D) initial
12. At yesterday’s meeting, staff members were introduced to Peter McCabe, the recently _____
manager of the Dynasty Hotel in Washhington D.C.
(A) appointing (B) appointment (C) appoint (D) appointed Hotline:

13. The caterer will need _____ one hour to prepare the refreshments for the forum.
(A) approximately (B) briefly (C) rapidly (D) unpredictably
14. This year’s excellent _____ has earned our production plant reown in the company.
(A) performed (B) performable (C) performance (D) perform
15. The computer lab will undergo _____ renovations to meet the needs of our school’s growing
student body.
(A) matured (B) producing (C) substantial (D) consumable
16. The primary _____ concern among our manufacturers is acquiring the necessary resources at a
reasonable price.
(A) finances (B) financed (C) financial (D) financially
17. Those employees who cite their salaries as a reason for not renewing their contracts represent only
a _____ small number of employees who resign.
(A) nearly (B) closely (C) precisely (D) relatively
18. The board members meet only _____ usually only when there is a problem.
(A) occasion (B) occasions (C) occasional (D) occationally
19. Last week’s performance was judged to be a major ______ even though it received no local media
(A) success (B) succeed (C) successful (D) successfulness
20. Since the invention of seatbelts, certain automobile fatalities are now often _____.
(A) preventability (B) prevention (C) preventing (D) preventable
21. Dr. Ketterley is a _____ regarded professor of philosophy as well as a skilled orator.
(A) largely (B) luckily (C) gracefully (D) highly
22. Employee accoumts and other _____ paperwork must be stored under lock and key in the main
(A) achievable (B) related (C) alike (D) interested
23. Soaring fuel prices have _____ to manufacturers seeking raw materials from less remote suppliers.
(A) contributed (B) contributions (C) contribute (D) contributor
24. Beginning next April, financial benefits will be available _____ to those customers who signed the
necessary contracts.
(A) exclusiveness (B) exclusively (C) exclusionary (D) exclusion
25. Hyssop Chemists is _____ experienced pharmacists for the eight new locations they have opened
this year.
(A) seeking (B) looking (C) entering (D) requiring Hotline:

26. Ms. Julie Kennedy and her innovative marketing team have gained reown for creating _____
products for struggling companies.
(A) promotes (B) promotes (C) promotion (D) promotional
27. The new zoning laws should _____ improve the traffic congestion problem developing in the
(A) great (B) greatness (C) greatly (D) greatest
28. Because of the fire in the building, there were _____ 50 injured people taken to the neighboring
(A) estimation (B) estimated (C) an estimated (D) estimating
29. The manager, Mr. Farthing, and his assistant, Mr. Donahue, conducted an _____ inventory check
this weekend.
(A) impressive (B) impressively (C) impression (D) impressiveness
30. The price of organic foods is expected to rise _____ over the next several years because of an
increase in demand.
(A) dramatize (B) dramatically (C) dramatist (D) dramatic
31. With the hurricane season over, we can once more expect to see tourists more _____.
(A) accessibly (B) essentially (C) primarily (D) regularly
32. Most customers love the product but feel _____ with the price.
(A) impulsive (B) overstated (C) uncommon (D) dissatisfied
33. She has very high _____ for her new job, although she has only been there for a week.
(A) expected (B) expecting (C) expectedly (D) expectations
34. The research team in Atlanta has alerted the head office that their reports will be finished _____
(A) previously (B) shortly (C) overly (D) rarely
35. Emply boxes should be placed in the stockroom for _____.
(A) removable (B) remover (C) removed (D) removal
36. Mr. Wilt Flaherty from the Stemcor Company _____ announced some good mews to shareholders
at the last meeting.
(A) final (B) finalist (C) finalize (D) finally
37. At next November’s Fort Chester Telecommunications Exposition, Ms. Wnedy Wallace will _____
the capabilities of the new T200 notebook computer by Treble Inc.
(A) tolerate (B) encourage (C) demonstrate (D) astonish
38. Van Dusen Enterprises is a leader in exploring agricultural innovations that are environmentally
friendly and _____ beneficial.
(A) economics (B) more economical (C) economic (D) economically Hotline:

39. The research and Development Department has come to conclusion tha customers purchase kitchen
appliances more _____ compared to twenty years ago.
(A) attention (B) attentive (C) attentively (D) attentiveness
40. We can creat a visual identity for your company that is memorable and _____ recognizable to your
target market.
(A) abruptly (B) instantly (C) hastily (D) urgently
41. With the upgrading of the company website to a simpler format, potential stockholders can find the
information they seek more _____.
(A) sympathetically (B) sensitively (C) rarely (D) easily
42. The new CEO, Patrick Sinclair, has requested your _____ at the annual company banquet at the
end of this month.
(A) presence (B) occurrence (C) urgency (D) insistence
43. AmberCreek is the brand name associated with the most _____ and efficient agricultutal machinery
in the province.
(A) afford (B) affordable (C) affordability (D) affordably
44. A team of ten janitors has been hired for the _____ of the newest terminal at the airport.
(A) maintenance (B) anticipation (C) application (D) replenishment
45. More than 100 state-owned companies still remain _____ for privatization, according to the
Privatization Agency.
(A) available (B) cooperative (C) common (D) direct
46. It may take _____ 4 days for international orders to arrive at their destination, depending on the
(A) enough (B) so (C) more (D) approximately
47. New owners of Century Regal’s condominiums are advised to become more _____ with the
amenities and services available to residents.
(A) familiarity (B) familiarly (C) familiar (D) familiarize
48. Most bank are _____ to loan money to small businesses and that is the big reason for the recession
in this country.
(A) relevant (B) reluctant (C) redundant (D) reduced
49. The _____ of foods at Ricotta Supermarket makes it popular choice among customers who enjoy
preparing international cuisine.
(A) various (B) vary (C) variety (D) varied
50. Changes in automotive technology are making hybrid cars increasingly _____ to more consumers.
(A) affordable (B) affording (C) affords (D) afford Hotline:


Đáp án:
1B 2B 3C 4A 5B 6A 7B 8A 9C 10B
11D 12D 13A 14C 15C 16C 17D 18D 19A 20D
21D 22B 23A 24B 25A 26D 27C 28C 29A 30B
31D 32D 33D 34B 35D 36D 37C 38D 39C 40B
41D 42C 43B 44A 45A 46D 47C 48B 49C 50A

Nếu các em đã làm tốt đƣợc bài tập vừa rồi thì chúng ta sẽ sang bài mới nhé! Hotline:

Đáp án:
1D 2C 3D 4A 5A 6B 7A 8B 9B 10C
11A 12D 13A 14A 15C 16A 17B 18A 19B 20D
21D 22D 23C 24A 25A 26D 27C 28C 29D 30A
31C 32C 33B 34B 35C 36B 37B 38D 39A 40A
41D 42B 43D 44A 45C 46B 47C 48D 49B 50D

Rất tốt! Các em đã vất vả rồi. Cố gắng chút nữa nhé. Keep up your good work!
Hẹn gặp lại các em trong các tiết học tiếp theo.
Cô Phƣơng Hotline:

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Lesson 6: Gerunds &amp; Infinitives

1. As a manager, you are responsible for _____ these rules with your staff.
(A) discussing (B) discuss (C) discussion (D) discussed
2. _____ by the company, candidates should be well prepared for possible interview questions.
(A) To hire (B) Hiring (C) To be hired (D) To have been hired
3. In order to _____ the proofreading work, the editing team will need at least two more weeks.
(A) complete (B) completing (C) completed (D) be completed
4. It is important _____ the computer's serial number when you call for technical support.
(A) know (B) to know (C) knowing (D) known
5. As one of the major contents providers, we look ___ to meeting your demands for wireless Internet.
(A) up (B) for (C) toward (D) forward
6. Upon _____ the receipt, I noticed that I was charged for the product that I did not purchase.
(A) review (B) to review (C) reviewing (D) reviewed
7. Ms. Young has been able _____ a statistically valid conclusion from her survey analysis.
(A) draw (B) to draw (C) drawing (D) of drawing
8. Major airlines are considering _____ the number of domestic flights to ease air traffic congestion.
(A) reduce (B) to reduce (C) reducing (D) reduced
9. The collaboration is intended to _____ a strong partnership between the two rival companies in the
marketing area.
(A) establishing (B) established (C) establish (D) establishment
10. The Bureau of Licensing requires local restaurant owners _____ their licenses annually.
(A) renew (B) to renew (C) renewing (D) renewed
11. A navigation system is efficient in _____ roads that are not easy to find.
(A) location (B) locate (C) located (D) locating
12. _____ the market to be expanded in the future, businesses must take risks and find new
(A) For (B) Besides (C) If (D) Through
13. As a company dedicated to _____ good relationships with our customers, we offer you a 20 percent
discount on all telephone orders.
(A) maintain (B) maintaining (C) maintained (D) maintenance
14. Every employee is invited _____ the training course on weekends provided by the Tokyo office.
(A) attend (B) attending(C) to attend (D) attendance

Created by Duy Ân Mai

15. The committee began _____ tax frauds that two executives have been charged(A) investigate (B)
investigation (C) investigative (D) investigating
16. Andrew Barker suggested an increase in monthly fees _____ the cost of lawn treatment and
(A) to cover (B) covered (C) covers (D) with covering
17. We will need _____ new staff members to help with setting up and establishing operations.
(A) add (B) adding (C) added (D) to add
Part 6: Questions 18-20 refer to the following notice.
Parking Service Schedule
In order to _____ employees' requests for extended parking hours on weekends, the parking
18. (A) accommodation
(B) accommodating
(C) accommodate
(D) be accommodated
services department has announced a change in the parking schedules. Under current guidelines,
overnight parking has been prohibited in the A parking zone. However, many have requested that
the parking lot remain open for those who work at night. As of March 1, overnight parking will
be permitted in this parking area. _____, employees with A parking zone permits will have
access to the B parking zone
19. (A) In addition
(B) Otherwise
(C) Therefore
(D) In short
24 hours a day, seven days a week. Non-employees are prohibited from _____ their cars
20. (A) park
(B) parking
(C) parked
(D) to park
in the A parking zone. However, they can use the B parking zone any time during the day if they
pay $8 for parking.
Check-up Quiz
l. Profits are expected (to double / doubling) in the next quarter.

Created by Duy Ân Mai

2. Those interested in (apply / applying) for the job position should send their resume.
3. We look forward to (discuss / discussing) the possibility of working together.
4. In order to (maintain / maintaining) the air purifying system we hired another mechanic.
5. Fun Printing used to (offer / offering) over fifty different printer toners.
6. I enjoyed (to talk / talking) with many representatives from overseas branches.
7. You are strongly advised (to purchase / purchasing) medical insurance before traveling overseas.
8. They are considering (to offer/ offering) a special discount for the upcoming season.
9. We asked our reception staff (to check /checking) the registration list very carefully.
l0. Our staff members became accustomed to (communicate / communicating) with customers from
foreign countries.
PART 5: Questions 1-10 Choose the word that best completes each sentence.
l. Please contact one of our customer service representatives to ____ a membership.
(A) renew (B) renewing (C) renewed (D) renewal
2. Coal production for the following quarter is ____ to exceed the last quarter by five percent.
(A) expected (B) expecting (C) expects (D) expect
3. In order to ____ Western Hotel's image, executives started to focus more on publicity.
(A) promoting (B) promoted (C) promotes (D) promote
4. You should call the hotel ____ confirm your reservation at least one day in advance.
(A) for (B) to (C) so (D) at
5. The new air conditioning system will perform a better job of ____ the temperature.
(A) regulating (B) regulate (C) regulation (D) regulated
6. We are now considering ____ a better maintenance system to increase productivity.
(A) to develop (B) develop (C) developed (D) developing
7. Candidates for managerial positions at TTC ____ to have at least five years of experience.
(A) require (B) requires (C) are required (D) has required
8. The newly renovated museum is expected to ____ many tourists from throughout the country.
(A) capture (B) attract (C) observe (D) value
9. We are now ____ e-mailed applications for engineering positions.
(A) advising (B) running (C) renovating (D) accepting
10. If you have any further questions or suggestions, please do not ____ to contact us.
(A) provide (B) qualify (C) hesitate (D) compete

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Đáp án:
Lesson 6: Gerunds &amp; Infinitives
1A 2C 3A 4B 5C 6C 7B 8C 9C
10B 11D 12A 13B 14C 15D 16A 17D
Part 6
18C 19A 20B
Check up Quiz double 2.applying 3.discussing 4.maintain 5.offer
6.talking purchase 8.offering check 10.communicating
1A 2A 3D 4B 5A 6D 7C 8B 9D 10C
Tiết 7: Danh động từ và động từ nguyên mẫu
(Gerunds &amp; Infinitives)
1. Danh động từ (Gerund)
- Danh động từ được hình thành bằng cách thêm “-ing” vào sau động từ, có chức năng như một
danh từ.
- Danh động từ có thể có tất cả vị trí, chức năng như một danh từ thực thu. Cụ thể:
+ Đứng đầu câu làm chủ ngữ. VD: Collecting stamps is my hobby.
+ Đứng sau động từ, làm tân ngữ trong cấu trúc SVO. VD: I like watching movies.
Với trường hợp này, cần ghi nhớ các động từ theo sau bởi danh động từ như: admit, avoid,
consider, delay/ postpone, discontinue, enjoy/ feel like, finish, mind, quit, suggest/ recommend.
+ Làm bổ ngữ đứng sau “to be”. VD: Your duty is attending every meeting we organize.
+ Đứng sau giới từ, làm tân ngữ cho giới từ. VD: I am fond of reading novels.
Chú ý: Các giới từ in, on, off, of, with, from,… + V-ing. Tuy nhiên, “to” có thể kết hợp với cả
ing và V-infinitive (động từ nguyên mẫu), trong đó, cấu trúc to + V-infinitive phổ biến hơn. Ta chỉ hay gặp
to + V
-ing trong các trường hợp sau:
To be used to/ be accustomed to: Quen với cái gì
Look forward to: Trông mong việc gì
Object to: Phản đối việc gì
Be devoted to/ be committed to/ be dedicated to: Cam kết, tận tụy làm gì

Created by Duy Ân Mai

2. Động từ nguyên mẫu (Infinitive)

- Là dạng thức nguyên bản của động từ, không bị biến đỏi bởi dạng bởi dạng như số nhiều, số ít,
- Thông thường, động từ nguyên mẫu được hiểu là đi kèm với “to”. Nếu không có “to” thì gọi là
“bare infinitive”.
- Vị trí, chức năng:
+ Có thể đứng đầu câu làm chủ ngữ. VD: To become a doctor is my goal.
+ Có thể đứng sau động từ khác. VD: I expected to meet him there.
Các cấu trúc thường gặp:Want/ wish/ would like/ expect
+ to V-infinitive:
Muốn làm gì
Decide+ to V-infinitive: Quyết định làm gì
Hesitate+ to V-infinitive: Do dự làm gì
Afford+ to V-infinitive: Đủ khả năng (về tài chính) để làm gì
Fail+ to V-infinitive: Không làm được việc gì
Offer+ to V-infinitive: Đề nghị làm gì
Prefer+ to V-infinitive: Thích làm gì hơn
Attempt+ to V-infinitive: Cố gắng, thử sức làm gì
Intend+ to V-infinitive: Dự định làm gì
Manage+ to V-infinitive: Thành công trong việc gì
+ Đứng sau “to be” làm bổ ngữ. VD: My goal is becoming a doctor.
+ Đứng sau tính từ hoặc cấu trúc bị động: to be + PII + to V.
Be asked to do/ be required to do/ be requested to do: bị/ được yêu cầu làm gì
Be permitted to do/ be allowed to do: được cho phép làm gì
Be persuaded to do
Be encouraged to doBe advised to do
Be expected to do
Used to do: trước đây quen làm gì
+ Chúng ta cũng có thể gặp “to V” trong các cụm cố định:
In an effort to do: Trong nỗ lực làm gì
In order to do: Để làm gì
In an attempt to do: Cố gắng, thử sức làm gì
+ Các trường hợp sử dụng “bare infinitive” (không “to”). Ví dụ:

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Make sb do sth: bắt ai làm gì

Let sb do sth: cho phép ai làm gì* Vocabulary:
to adhere to Tuân theo
delay/ postpone Trì hoãn
Attempt Cố gắng
Afford Có khả năng tài chính (làm gì)
Hesitate Do dự (làm gì)
All – terrain vehicle Xe địa hình
Expedite Xúc tiến
Recipe Công thức nấu ăn
To be responsible for
doing sth
Có trách nhiệm làm gì
To be/ get used to
Quen với việc làm gì


Mời các em làm bài tập sau. Đáp án đƣợc cung cấp sau mỗi phần luyện tập.

Part 6:
Questions 1-3 refer to the following letter.

Intelligent Software, one of the world's biggest software companies, is ____ into
1. (A) evaluating
(B) expanding
(C) fluctuating
(D) concentrating

Asian countries. Intelligent Software will open approximately ten branch offices in the Asia
Pacific region. In accordance with its development plan, the company ____ 100 software 2.
(A) is recruiting
(B) recruiting
(C) recruited
(D) has recruited
engineers to work at the new offices in the Asia Pacific region.

Candidates must have a minimum of five years’ hands-on experience and should be ____
about the local market they wish to work in.
3. (A) know
(B) known
(C) knowledge
(D) knowledgeable

Part 7: Hotline:
Questions 1-2 refer to the following notice.

Farming & Development Officer

Association of Rice Production Research Corporations (ARPRC)
ARPRC is looking for an agricultural engineer to work at our three branch offices in Eat Asia
in the countries of South Korea, japan, and China. The individual will become a part of a
diverse team made up of scientists, economists, and financial analysts. The main goal of the
team will be to research current and new technologies to improve rice production and
distribution. The successful candidate will be based in South Korea but will be required to
travel throughout East Asia and the European Union. Responsibilities include developing
better farming equipment, researching more efficient routes for rice distribution and
cooperating with government agencies.

Successful candidates will have a master’s degree from a reputable university, have much
experience in agricultural engineering, and be trained in economics. Candidates should be
fluent in English and have a working knowledge of Korean, Japanese, or Chinese.

Candidates should also have excellent writing skills and research abilities. Please send a
cover letter, résumé, and three letters of recommendation to:

Human Resources Department

Reference Position #598686
ARPRC - Beijing, China Office
1859 ZhangTze Street

1. What is NOT a listed responsibility for this 2. What is a requirement for this job?
job? (A) An education that includes economics
(A) Working with farming equipment (B) A doctorate degree from a university
(B) Finding better ways to distribute rice (C) An ability to speak Russian
(C) Corresponding with government offices (D) Average writing abilities
(D) Purchasing new farm equipment Hotline:

Đáp án:
Part 6
1B 2A 3D
Part 7
1D 2A Hotline:


1. Now that the new branch has opened, the company can use this opportunity to _____ business in
Latin America.
(A) expand (B) expanding (C) expanded (D) have expanded
2. _____ regular donations to local charities form business profits it not only personally rewarding, but
is good for developing a reputation.
(A) Give (B) Gives (C Giving (D) Given
3. Department heads distributed a memo reminding employees to refrain from _____ their cell phones
during company meetings.
(A) to use (B) using (C) uses (D) use
4. The Dogwood Company is pleased _____ that you can now purchase seeds and all your gardening
needs directly from their website.
(A) to announce (B) announcement (C) announced (D) be announcing
5. Having failed _____ a consensus, the manager asked that the decision be postponed.
(A) creating (B) created (C) to creating (D) to create
6. The chef obtains interesting and different results with this dish by _____ the ingredients he uses in
the recipe.
(A) vary (B) varying (C) varied (D) varies
7. Please take time _____ the names on this invitation list and free to add anyone whom we might have
(A) review (B) be reviewed (C) to review (D) reviewing
8. The chef obtains interesting and different results with this dish by _____ the ingredients he uses in
the recipe.
(A) vary (B) varying (C) varied (D) varies
9. The CEO believes that the staff will be able _____ on the Albers Project once the staff evaluations
are completed.
(A) concentrate (B) concentrating (C) to concentration (D) to concentrate
10. Employees who want to do volunteer work sponsored by the company are to let their supervisors
____ before the end of the week.
(A) know (B) to know (C) known (D) knowing
11. Mr. Coulter designated a room for archive storage in order _____ the loss or damage of important
(A) to curtail (B) to be curtailed (C) curtailed (D) curtailment Hotline:

12. Customers who need _____ lengthy documents over the internet should have their network
connection configured to optimize large date transfers.
(A) receive (B) to receive (C) receiving (D) reception
13. It was important _____ the presentation before giving it to the over two hundred business school
graduates in the audience.
(A) rehearse (B) rehearsal (C) to rehearse (D) rehearsed
14. It would be wise of you to consider _____ with your firm, as the job market is tough right now.
(A) renegotiate (B) renegotiated (C) to renegotiate (D) renegotiating
15. Do not forget _____ the application form before submitting it to Ms. Radowick at the front desk.
(B) (A) signing (B) sign (C) to sign (D) signed
16. The problem is that nobody in the office has the authority _____ make a decision regarding her
employment status.
(A) for (B) with (C) to (D) as
17. Mr. Rosenberg had his secretary _____ out copies od the agenda to each of the members of the
Board of Directors.
(A) is mailing (B) mail (C) mailed (D) to mail
18. Some customers prefer _____ a minimum balance in their checking accounts rather than pay
monthly fees.
(A) to maintain (B) is maintaining (C) maintained (D) maintain
19. How the public will react to the soft drink’s new formula remains _____ seen.
(A) to be (B) being (C) have been (D) been
20. Customer complaints show that there may be a need for Net Manage ____ the present quality
assurance and monitoring systems.
(A) enhance (B) to enhance (C) enhancing (D) to enhancing
21. The building owner has a policy of letting lessees _____ to unoccupied units if they are dissatisfied
with the present unit.
(A) to move (B) be moving (C) move (D) to be moved
22. As a still-life photographer, Mr. Bryant aims to _____ a particular mood when he snaps the shutter.
(A) capture (B) captured (C) capturing (D) have captured
23. We called the mall _____ out whether the products were sold out.
(A) finding (B) for finding (C) to find (D) find
24. The candidate primised to _____ prescription drug by as much as 30 percent if voted into office.
(A) low (B) lower (C) lowering (D) having lowered Hotline:

25. It is necessary _____ all factory employees to sign out the tools they use and return them at the end
of the workday.
(A) for (B) further (C) because (D) these
26. If a client is not utterly satisfied with an ad campaign, we will return to the drawing board _____
(A) starting (B) for starting (C) to start (D) start
27. Three people from the research department have been asked to investigate ways _____ non-taxable
imported goods into country.
(A) bring (B) of bring (C) to bring (D) bringing
28. With the prices of natural gas and other energy sources increasing, utility companies are now
encourage people _____ energy.
(A) conserve (B) conserved (C) to conserve (D) for conserving
29. The frozen dinner company is utilizing consumer _____ on nutrition to formulate wholesome
menus for its products.
(A) research (B) to research (C) researching (D) researched
30. Mr. gray looks forward to _____ out more about investment opportunities with your growing
(A) find (B) finding (C) have found (D) be found
31. Age-related changes can contribute to one’s having problems _____ soundly.
(A) sleep (B) sleeps (C) slept (D) sleeping
32. The government’s report found that CIZMO Group had failed to take the necessary steps in _____
the building’s cash vault.
(A) secured (B) was secured (C) securing (D) has secured
33. Despite _____ more employees for the factory, the production manager still believes the facility is
(A) hired (B) have hired (C) having hired (D) were hired
34. All the employees are ready _____ the new project.
(A) implementing (B) to implement (C) implement (D) implemented
35. For further help _____ the program, please refer to the instructions on our website or e-mail us
with your specific question.
(A) install (B) to install (C) installed (D) be installed
36. The projects committee advised the proposal writer _____ to the project beneficiaries in order to
determine their real needs.
(A) talk (B) talking (C) talked (D) to talk Hotline:

37. Several new waiters and salespeople were hired _____ the influx of customers during the long
holiday season.
(A) to handle (B) handling (C) to be handling (D) to be handled
38. Because demand for sharp-toed boots has been decreasing, Martinique Shoemakers has decided to
siscontinue _____ this particular style.
(A) made (B) making (C) make (D) to make
39. The department is committed to _____ customers with a satisfactory resolution to theirs
(A) provision (B) providing (C) provides (D) provided
40. Please indicate your desire to renew your membership with our club within ten days of _____ this
(A) received (B) receipt (C) receive (D) receiving
41. The factory supervisor _____ equipment and machinery through a second-hand dealer who sells
slightly used items at a bargain prices.
(A) to purchase (B) purchase (C) purchasing (D) purchases
42. The cosmetics division is considering _____ a product line for men, which will probably include
facial creams and concealers.
(A) introduce (B) introducing (C) to introduce (D) introduced
43. The recent cuts in budget appropriations were aimed at _____ the company’s year-end deficit.
(A) reduce (B) reduced (C) reducing (D) reduction
44. Shopping websites can continue to ______ shoppers by ensuring product quality, offering low
prices, and being user-friendly.
(A) attractive (B) attract (C) attracting (D) attraction
45. Rather than go _____ at the local supermakets, residents of the town are urged to by produce
straight from the farms.
(A) to shop (B) shopping (C) for shopping (D) to shopping
46. _____ your business card to individuals you meet will allow you to advertise your business in an
inexpensive and effective way.
(A) Hand (B) Hands (C) Handed (D) Handing
47. I am calling to get some information on _____ the 15th International Symposium on Mobile Radio
Communications in September.
(A) to attend (B) attending (C) attended (D) attendance
48. A demonstration of the most recent PDA model will _____ place in the conference room on the
third floor before it goes on sale.
(A) take (B) be taken (C) be taking (C) have taken Hotline:

49. By May, the weather should become warm enough to permit _____ in the cellar or basement for
longer periods of time.
(A) stay (B) to stay (C) staying (D) stayed Hotline:

Đáp án:
1A 2C 3B 4A
5D 6B 7C 8B
8D 10A 11A 12B
13C 14D 15C 16C
17B 18A 19A 20B
21C 22A 23C 24B
25A 26C 27C 28C
29A 30B 31D 32C
33C 34B 35B 36D
37A 38B 39B 40D
41D 42B 43C 44B
45B 46D 47B 48A

Rất tốt! Các em đã vất vả rồi. Cố gắng chút nữa nhé. Keep up your good work!
Hẹn gặp lại các em trong các tiết học tiếp theo.
Cô Phƣơng Hotline:

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Relative Clauses – Mệnh đề quan hệ

1. The decision to raise subway fares drew criticism from many people ____ ride the trains.
(A) which (B) who (C) what (D) whose
2. The project, ____ offers the largest apartment complex, is expected to attract potential homebuyers.
(A) that (B) who (C) what (D) which
3. Company cars are available to all individuals ____ positions require them to travel on a regular
(A) who (B) whom (C) that (D) whose
4. Workshop participants may choose any seat in the auditorium except those in the front row, ____
are reserved for presenters.
(A) that (B) which (C) what (D) who
5. The original script is written by Julia ____ latest works have been well received by the public.
(A) who (B) whose (C) whom (D) that
6. ____ wins the election must make the national economy get out of the recession.
(A) Who (B) Whoever (C) Whichever (D) Whomever
7. You will receive a monthly newsletter ___ you will find information on car safety and maintenance.
(A) which (B) where (C) when (D) that
8. The industry opened 10,000 more jobs _________ increasing export forced employers to hire more
(A) who (B) if (C) as (D) which
9. If you visit our website, you will be able to download a program ____ should solve this problem.
(A) that (B) whose (C) what (D) where
10. Mr. Simpson is an aggressive activist in Kim Greenpeace, ____ previously worked for another
nonprofit organization.
(A) which (B) that (C) who (D) what
11 . Paul Allen will be sent to the Seattle branch ____ he is scheduled to deliver a presentation on a
new product model.
(A) which (B) what (C) where (D) when
12. ____ applicants need is a willingness to collaborate with other people.
(A) What (B) That (C) Which (D) Where
13. ____ way you look at, nuclear power is the key energy of the future.
(A) What (B) Which (C) Whichever (D) That14. We will continue to provide you with the high-quality
programs and service ____ you have

Created by Duy Ân Mai

become accustomed.
(A) to (B) to which (C) which (D) which to
15. Volunteers should keep in mind values of the charity event in ____ they participate actively.
(A) when (B) whose (C) that (D) which
16. You might want to consider a monthly pass, which ___ you a parking space anytime, day or night.
(A) guarantee (B) guarantees (C) guaranteeing (D) is guaranteed
17. You will promoted to replace the current sales ____, who is retiring next month.
(A) direct (B) direction (C) director (D) directive
Part 6
Question 13-20 refer to the following article.
A warning of water contamination has been issued to residents in Ellensburg and travelers to the
area. Lead and rust have been found in the tap agricultural area------ crops are cultivated. Tests
18. (A) which
(B) that
(C) where
(D) when
Environmental Protection Agency said that, by national standards, rates of bacteria increase the
region. The problem is probably due to animal wastes ----- have contact with reservoirs
supplying the region with water.
19. (A) whose
(B) whom
(C) what
(D) that
The local government is making efforts to-------this problem and restore a clean water supply to
the area.
20.(A) deal
(B) resolve
(C) interfere with
(D) deteriorate
However, they suggest that people buy mineral or bottled water for the time being.
Check-up Quiz

Created by Duy Ân Mai

1. The employee (who / whom) makes the most sales will get a bonus.
2. He is the person (who / which) is responsible for online purchase.
3. The people (who / whose) sales exceed $10,000 will get a bonus
4. We are offering a salary (that / that it) is highly competitive.
5. The candidate (whom / whose) they selected has extensive work experience.
6. Ms. Chao gave a presentation (that / whom) we fully appreciated.
7. The budget report (was submitted / submitted) by the Planning Department had some flaws.
8. She lived in France for several years, (which / that) helped her do businesses with Europeans.
9. Job applicants (whom / whose) résumés were received by last week will be contacted soon.
10. We are looking for a location (why / where) we can bund our next factory
Part 5
Questions 1-10 Choose the word that best completes each sentence.
l. Passengers ____wish to have vegetarian meals will have to notify flight attendants before takeoff.
(A) who (B) whose (C) when (D) what
2. Please refer to the attached agenda of yesterday's seminar ____ you asked for.
(A) then (B) that (C) what (D) when
3. We would like to welcome Dr. Zhang, ____ made such an excellent contribution by opening a
branch office in Africa.
(A) that (B) which (C) when (D) who
4. Our overseas staff is required to speak Spanish, ____ is essential to doing businesses in Latin
(A) which (B) whose (C) who (D) that
5. In order to stay competitive in the global market, we should know ____our customers need.
(A) that (B) when (C) which (D) what
6. The training session is for programmers ____ jobs involve entering computer codes and data.
(A) who (B) whom (C) whose (D) that
7. ____ is shown in commercials does not always affect the purchasing decisions of smart buyers.
(A) Who (B) What (C) Which (D) That
8. In accordance with federal law, applicants must be treated equally ____age and gender.
(A) whatever (B) based on (C) whether (D) regardless of
9. ____ the manual, all software programs should be shut down before installation,
(A) in common with (B) In case of (C) According to (D) On behalf of
l0. According to the report, items stay on the ____for periods of three to six weeks before they are

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(A) market(B) Place (C) sale (D) advertisement
Part 6: Questions 1-3 refer to the following letter.
Dear Mr. Kurtz,
My name is Daniel Goddard, and I am a journalist from Entrepreneur Weekly. We are preparing our next
____, which will feature the growth of advertising companies.
l.(A) show
(B) investment
(C) issue
(D) episode
We listed some of the most ____ business leaders in the field, and you were selected
2.(A) successful
(B) accurate
(C) consistent
(D) dramatic
as one of them.
We ____ to meet with you for an interview if you are available and willing to do so
3.(A) would like
(B) will be liked
(C) have liked
(D) liked
Please contact me at 217-447-2314.
We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
Daniel Goddard
Relative Clauses – Mệnh đề quan hệ
1B 2D 3D 4B 5B 6B 7B 8C 9A
10C 11C 12A 13C 14B 15D 16B 17C
Part 6
18C 19D 20B

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Check-up Quiz
1.who 2.who 3.whose 4.that 5.whom
6.that 7.submitted 8.which 9.whose 10.where
Part 5
1A 2B 3D 4A 5D 6C 7B 8D 9C 10D
Part 6
1C 2A 3A
Tiết 8: Mệnh đề quan hệ (Relative clauses)
Mệnh đề quan hệ (còn gọi là mệnh đề tính ngữ) cung cấp thêm thông tin cho một danh từ ở
mệnh đề chính, bắt đầu bằng các đại từ quan hệ như: who, whom, whose, which, that.
Mệnh đề quan hệ có thể đứng ở cuối câu hoặc nằm ngay sau chủ ngữ, nhưng luôn đi ngay sau từ
mà nó bổ nghĩa.
Các đại từ quan hệ
- Đại từ quan hệ thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người:
Who – thay thế cho chủ ngữ
Whom – thay thế cho tân ngữ
Whose – thay thế cho cấu trúc sở hữu cách; whose luôn theo sau bởi một danh từ.
She is talking with an employee. The employee works at the marketing department.
→ She is talking with an employee who works at the marketing department.
She is talking with an employee. We hired him two years ago.
→ She is talking with an employee whom we hired two years ago.
She is talking with an employee. His idea was proposed at the last meeting.
→ She is talking with an employee whose idea was proposed at the last meeting.
- Đại từ thay thế cho danh từ chỉ vật (làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ): which, that.
** Lưu ý:
+ “That” có thể thay thế chung cho cả người và vật. Tuy nhiên, nó không bao giờ thay thế cho
danh từ riêng hoặc danh từ đã được xác định bởi một tính từ. Nói cách khác, “that” không bao giờ
xuất hiện trong các mệnh đề không hạn định, tách biệt với mệnh đề chính bởi hai dấu “,”.
+ Nếu cuối mệnh đề quan hệ có giới từ, có thể đảo giới từ lên trước mệnh đề quan hệ.
VD: The man, whom she is talking about, has worked in our company for 35 years.
Có thể đảo thành “… about whom she is talking,…”.

Created by Duy Ân Mai

+ Có thể dùng “which” sau một mệnh đề để bổ nghĩa cho cả mệnh đề đó.
+ Có thể lược bỏ các đại từ “whom”, “that”, “which” khi chúng thay thế cho một tân ngữ.
+ Đối với các trường hợp trạng từ quan hệ “where”, “when”, “which”:
Có thể thay thế:
In which (mang nghĩa nơi chốn) = where
In which (mang nghĩa thời gian) = when
For which = why
*** Vocabulary
Reporter Phóng viên
Celebrate Tổ chức
Reward Thưởng
In charge of Chịu trách nhiệm
User-friendly Thân thiện với người dùng
Corporation Tập đoàn
Vegetarian Người ăn chay


Mời các em làm bài tập sau. Đáp án đƣợc cung cấp sau mỗi phần luyện tập.

Part 7:
Questions 1-5 refer to the following letter and receipt.

Mark Smithy, Manager

Farmer's Market
185 Main Street
Juliam, NJ 08865
Dear Mr. Smithy,
After carefully reviewing the receipt for my most recent grocery purchases at your market, I
found an error. It seems that I was charged for two bags of potato chips although I purchased
only one. I wanted to return to your market to fix the error, but I could not because I was
leaving for a vacation that same day. I will be on vacation for the next month, but I am
writing you this letter so that we can fix this error in a timely way.
I believe this was a simple and honest error by the cashier. I have been a customer of your
market for many years, and I hope that you will correct this error at your earliest
convenience. I am willing to accept store credit instead of cash if you find this to be easier. I
would appreciate your contacting me by e-mail at
Jim Henrys Hotline:

185 Main Street Juliam, NJ 08865
Telephone : 877-234-2455
Receipt of Purchase
1 Chicken Salad 4.45
1 Tuna Sandwich 3.15
2 Bags Potato Chips @2.50
1 Frozen Pizza 9.55
1 Box Ice Cream 7.25
1 Tissue Box 2.50
TOTAL 31.90
Cashier J. Hearts
5:23 P.M.
Wednesday. September 1
Thank you for visiting Farmer's Market
Hours of Operation 7 A.M. - 10 P.M.
1. Why did Mr. Henrys write the letter?
(A) To return a bad-tasting product
(B) To complain about a cashier’s error
(C) To request a market membership card
(D) To invite the manager on a vacation

2. When did Mr. Henrys leave for his vacation?

(A) September 1
(B) September 27
(C) September 2
(D) September 15 Hotline:


3. How should the store manager contact Mr. Henrys?

(A) By visiting Mr. Henrys’ home
(B) By mail
(C) By telephone
(D) By e-mail

4. What was most likely the cause of the error’?

(A) The cashier stealing money
(B) A sincere cashier mistake
(C) A mispriced product
(D) A manager’s mistake

5. Who is J. Hearts?
(A) The manager
(B) The customer
(C) The cashier
(D) The store owner Hotline:

Đáp án:
1B 2A 3D 4B 5C Hotline:


1. Any late entries which ________ submitted for the contest will not be considered.
(A) is (B) will (C) being (D) are
2. The human resources department has announced a new incentive program ________ will begin next
(A) that (B) such (C) when (D) until
3. Visitors ___________ need directions should ask at the information desk.
(A) which (B) they (C) who (D) since
4. The city council will sponsor the job fair _______ is scheduled to be held in the Maria Hotel.
(A) because (B) who (C) when (D) which
5. Mr. Kewell developed the product __________ won him the design award.
(A) he (B) that (C) it (D) so that
6. Mr. Kim knows the location of the office _________ issues parking permits.
(A) who (B) it (C) themselves (D) which
7. We are currently seeking an experienced sales manager _________ has at least five years of
(A) he (B) if (C) who (D) because
8. The number of foreign students _________ want to learn Korean is gradually increasing.
(A) which (B) that (C) for (D) while
9. A new security door, _________ can be operated by remote control, will be
installed next month.
(A) that (B) it (C) them (D) which
10. Many people _________ were surveyed indicated that they are planning to buy a new car.
(A) they (B) who (C) which (D) those
11. The hotel _________ is under renovation is expected to reopen next month.
(A) that (B) such (C) when (D) until
12. The airport limousine service, _________ has been running since January, has been favorably
received by travelers.
(A) who (B) what (C) when (D) which
13. Most of the products and goods ____ are traded online are sold directly by the owner.
(A) they (B) those (C) that (D) these
14. Recently the director released the list of engineers ____have been nominated to lead the bridge
project. Hotline:
(A) which (B) what (C) who (D) they
15. Dietary supplements _____ come from plants are generally known to be safe, but some may
interfere with a wound’s capacity to heal.
(A) whatever (B) what (C) whichever (D) which
16. Any contract ____ is not signed by the members of the Board of Directors would have no legal
power even though its terms may have already been executed.
(A) who (B) which (C) whom (D) of which
17. Gecko is an organization _____ mission is to provide financial relief to families left homeless by
natural disasters.
(A) which (B) that (C) whom (D) whose
18. Job candidates _____ are presently unemployed or are studying to obtain a degree must furnish this
information on their application forms.
(A) who (B) which (C) whom (D) whose
19. Electronic delivery methods such as e-mail and fax are the most common ways ____ which
international communications are made these days.
(A) to (B) for (C) by (D) of
20. There were more than 100 graduate students in attendance at our internship fair, many of _____
had prior work experience.
(A) who (B) whom (C) them (D) that
21. Of the three applicants _____ for appointment to a managerial position, two have worked in an
international setting.
(A) eligibility (B) eligible (C) eligibly (D) eligibleness
22. Any person ____ would like to visit the exhibition must have a written statement of permission
from administration.
(A) who (B) when (C) which (D) whose
23. The new shuttle service, _____ has been operating since last year, serves all of the city’s main
stopping points.
(A) who (B) which (C) what (D) where
24. She applied to the company _____ she had preciously worked when just out of university.
(A) which (B) when (C) of which (D) where
25. The director developed a list of criteria for development, _____ he feels will boost the company’s
(A) which (B) that (C) what (D) who Hotline:

26. A conference to discuss the terms of the settlement will be held at a time and place _____ to both
parties involved.
(A) acceptance (B) acceptingly (C) accept (D) acceptable
27. Interpid Travel employed eight certified agents, all of _____ were trained at the same institute in
(A) what (B) whom (C) this (D) their
28. Conference attendees _____ confirm their attendance early will be eligible for preassigned seating.
(A) whose (B) what (C) who (D) whom
29. At a meeting yesterday, we studied the most recent budget proposal, _____ the board thinks will
help pull the corporation out of debt.
(A) whether (B) where (C) which (D) that
30. Changes in our organizational structure have created ways of employees to explore opportunities
_____ were previously not available.
(A) what (B) those (C) that (D) there
31. People entering business administration need a broad knowledge of the culture in _____ they will
eventually put their professional training to work.
(A) which (B) that (C) whom (D) whose
32. Mr. Thompson collected a list of employees _____ were unable to attend the official company
(A) whose (B) who (C) whom (D) whoever
33. Enclosed with this letter is a pre-addressed, stamped envelope _____ to mail your application for
membership to our club.
(A) which (B) in which (C) what (D) whenever
34. The company is requested that high-level executives complete a survey _____ details what their
main tasks consist of.
(A) who (B) why (C) which (D) where
35. The package _____ was sent to Mr. Jones was returned to us when the mail carrier could not locate
the address on the shipping lable.
(A) when (B) who (C) what (D) that
36. GasCo sells more than 8 millions gallons of oil a year, half of _____ is consumed in the United
States alone.
(A) many (B) which (C) each (D) whose
37. Please tell the person in charge to let us know _____ the assessment forms have been completed by
the participants.
(A) when (B) that (C) what (D) whatever Hotline:

38. A dinner will take place next Friday to honor Richard Perkins, ____ has been a great asset to this
bank for over thirty years.
(A) who (D) which (C) whose (D) of which
39. When the director asked _____ responsibility the project was, he was told what it was the CEO’s.
(A) who (B) which (C) whose (D) that
40. Mr. McKenzie _____ has been working on the campaign longer than anyone else will take charge
of the project.
(A) whom (B) whose (C) who (D) which
41. Only Speedy Shipping offers a variety of delivery options _____ utilize both air and sea
(A) why (B) that (C) where (D) what
42. The Mother Nature Garden Show, _____ annually demonstrates the newest technology in
horticulture, draws over 5,000 attendees during its week-long run.
(A) when (B) which (C) where (D) whose
43. We are currently seeking a partner firm _____ marketing principles are similar to our own.
(A) who (B) which (C) whose (D) where
44. An employee _____ performance during a specified period is satisfactory is entitled to a wage
increase based on current pay standard.
(A) who (B) whom (C) whose (D) in which
45. When looking into the projected draft for construction of a new shopping mall, the supervisor
asked _____ was in charge od electrical engineering.
(A) that (B) who (C) which (D) whom
46. For those ____ are determined to attend the seminar, tickets are available at the Human Resources
(A) who (B) whose (C) what (D) their
47. Standard _____ when performing certain experiments in the laboratory have changed over the past
twenty years.
(A) procedures (B) developments (C) categories (D) qualifications
48. Mr. Keating, the CEO, has _____ concern about rising fuel prices on our ability to efficiently
transport raw materials.
(A) proposed (B) commented (C) regarded (D) expressed
49. Ms. Jane Millard will be the guest lecturer at a _____ of senimars on ethical journalism.
(A) present (B) scheme (C) series (D) progression
50. Ms. Yamaha was _____ for the successful funding campaign at the new business college.
(A) probable (B) responsible (C) trusting (D) powerful Hotline:
Đáp án:
1D 2A 3C 4D 5B 6D 7C 8B 9D 10B
11A 12D 13C 14C 15D 16B 17D 18A 19C 20B
21B 22A 23B 24D 25A 26D 27B 28C 29C 30C
31A 32B 33B 34C 35D 36B 37A 38A 39C 40C
41B 42B 43C 44C 45B 46A 47A 48D 49C 50B

Rất tốt! Các em đã vất vả rồi. Cố gắng chút nữa nhé. Keep up your good work!
Hẹn gặp lại các em trong các tiết học tiếp theo.
Cô Phƣơng Hotline:

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Check-up Quiz
1. Please do not hesitate to call us if you (notice / noticed) any problems.
2. He usually (spends / is spending) an hour reading a newspaper every morning.
3. Every month, we (update / have updated) the movie list on our website.
4. The clothing store (has / had) experienced financial problems for the last three.
5. The president (was / will be) out of town until next Thursday.
6. The meeting had already started when he (arrived / had arrived) there.
7. Mellissa (started / has started) working for me five years ago.
8. If we had tried harder, we (would completed / would have completed) the project on time.
9. If I (understand / understood) the system better, I could complete this project by myself.
10. Maintenance staff will be (working / worked) on the leak early tomorrow morning.
Part 5: Incomplete Sentence
Questions 1-10 Choose the word that best completes each sentence.
l. In the last ten years, the number of college graduates majoring in computer by ____ almost 20%.
(A) has risen (B) will have risen (C) was rising (D) had risen
2. Starting next month, salaries ____ paid through a newly installed electronic-paying system.
(A) were (B) are (C) had been (D) will be
3. Sales executives ____at the Glory Business Center for the annual conference last Friday.
(A) convene (B) convened (C) convenes (D) convening
4. After Ms. Williams ____ Levine Advertising, she made some innovative suggestions to reduce
(A) joins (B) joined (C) is joining (D) has been joining
5. When I returned from my summer vacation, I found that some of my best associates ____ a week
(A) fired (B) have been fired (C) had been fired (D) will have been fired
6. ____ you need secretarial services during your stay, please contact the hotel receptionist.
(A) May (B) Whether (C) Perhaps (D) Should
7. If you ____the irregularities earlier, we could have avoided doing the same work twice.
(A) find (B) had found (C) finding (D) were found
8. The construction materials have just ____, so we will be able to resume work next week.
(A) sent (B) arrived (C) delayed (D) examined
9. The Human Resources Department will ____ a survey on the new employee handbook,

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(A) detail (B) conduct (C) associate (D) foresee

l0. Questions regarding shipping schedules are ____ by customer service representatives
(A) expired (B) replied (C) retained (D) handled
Part 6: Questions 1-3 refer to the following letter.
To: All employees
From: Henry Morrison, Vice President
Subject: Employee Parking
I was told that there are concerns about the ____ amount of employee parking spaces.
1. (A) unable
(B) inadequate
(C) attractive
(D) frequent
Thus, the executives have finally decided to ____ the current employee parking lot.
2.(A) expand
(B) expansion
(C) expanded
(D) expanding
_____, we have agreed to compensate employees for public transportation fees
3. (A) On the contrary
(B) Therefore
(C) Furthermore
(D) in spite of
should they choose to take buses or trains to work. The decision on the amount of
compensation will be made very soon.
This should also prompt our employees to utilize more public transportation, thereby
ensuring adequate parking spaces.
Henry Morrison, VP

Đáp án:
Check-up Quiz
1. notice 2.spends 3.update 4.has 5.will be
6.arrived 7.started 8.would have completed 9.understood 10.working

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Part 5
1A 2D 3B 4B 5C
6D 7B 8B 9B 10D
Part 6
1B 2A 3C
Tiết 9: Thì của động từ (Tenses)
Câu điều kiện và đảo ngữ (conditional sentences &amp; invertion)
I. Thì của động từ
- Các câu hỏi về thì của động từ trong part 5 không nhiều, chỉ từ 1-2 câu.
- Trong tiếng Anh có 12 thì căn bản, tương ứng với 3 mốc thời gian (quá khứ, hiện tại, tương lai)
và 4 thì căn bản cho mỗi mốc (đơn giản, tiếp diễn, hoàn thành, hoàn thành tiếp diễn).
- Ngoài 12 thì căn bản, còn có: thì tương lai gần, cách sử dụng động từ khuyết thiếu, câu điều
kiện, cách dùng “would” trong câu giả định,…
Các thì hoàn thành tiếp diễn có cách dùng tương tự thì hoàn thành tương ứng (thay PII bằng
“been + V
-ing”), tuy nhiên cũng có điểm khác biệt:
+ Thì hoàn thành: nhấn mạnh đến kết quả ở hiện tại
+ Thì hoàn thành tiếp diễn: nhấn mạnh quá trình và khả năng có thể tiếp diễn ở tương lai.
Một số cách kết hợp thì đáng chú ý liên quan đến thời gian:
+ When (khi), until (cho tới), as soon as (ngay sau khi):
Sau liên từ chỉ thời gian không dùng thì tương lai, chỉ dùng thì hiện tại đơn giản.
When + mệnh đề hiện tại, mệnh đề tương lai.
Mệnh đề tương lai + as soon as/ until + mệnh đề hiện tại.
“When” thường đi với các kết hợp thì sau:
When QK, QK
When HT, TL+ By/ before/ by the time + 1 mốc thời gian trong quá khứ, mệnh đề còn lại chia ở thì quá khứ
hoàn thành.
By/ before/ by the time + 1 mốc thời gian trong tương lai, mệnh đề còn lại chia ở tương lai hoàn
+ Mệnh đề tiếp diễn + while + mệnh đề tiếp diễn: diễn tả 2 hành động xảy ra song song.

Created by Duy Ân Mai

+ Since + mốc thời gian trong quá khứ, mệnh đề hiện tại hoàn thành: kể từ khi…
Neighboourhood Hàng xóm
Make a decision Quyết định
Theft Ăn cắp
Measure Phương pháp
Consult Tư vấn
Handle Xử lý
Promote Quảng bá
Multimedia Đa phương tiện
II. Câu điều kiện và cấu trúc đảo ngữ
1. Câu điều kiện
Câu điều kiện gồm 2 thành phần: mệnh đề chỉ điều kiện và mệnh đề chỉ kết quả. Hai mệnh đề
này có thể đổi chỗ cho nhau trong câu.
Có 4 loại câu điều kiện căn bản: loại 1, loại 2 , loại 3 và câu điều kiện trộn. ngoài ra còn có câu
điều kiện loại 0.
- Câu điều kiện loại 1: diễn tả sự việc có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại và tương lai.
Mệnh đề 1 (t ơng lai đơn) + if + Mệnh đề 2 (hiện tại đơn)
Biến thể:
Mệnh đề 1 (might/ can/ should/ must +V) + if + Mệnh đề 2 (hiện tại đơn)
Dạng này dùng để chỉ khả năng có thể xảy ra/ phải, nên làm gì/ nếu như thế nào sẽ như thế nào.
- Câu điều kiện loại 0: cả 2 vế đều chia ở hiện tại đơn, nhằm diễn tả một chân lý hoặc quy luật.
- Câu điều kiện loại 2: là câu giả định không có thật, diễn tả sự việc không có thật ở hiện tại và
tương lai.
Mệnh đề 1 (would + V) + if + Mệnh đề 2 (quá khứ đơn)
Chú ý:
+ “to be” trong câu điều kiện 2 luôn chia là “were” với mọi ngôi.
+ Cấu trúc “If I were you…” thường được sử dụng để đưa ra lời khuyên.
- Câu điều kiện loại 3: chỉ hành động không có thật ở quá khứ.
Mệnh đề 1 (would/ could/ might + have + PII) + if + Mệnh đề 2 (quá khứ hoàn thành)
- Câu điều kiện trộn (dạng 2+3): nếu 1 hành động trái với quá khứ thì kết quả ở hiện tại hoặc
tương lai như thế nào.
Mệnh đề 1 (would + V) + if + Mệnh đề 2 (had + PII)

Created by Duy Ân Mai

** Ngoài dạng câu điều kiện với “If”, người ta còn có thể dùng:
Unless = if not: không dùng với dạng phủ định
In case: trong trường hợp, trừ khi; thường dùng trong câu điều kiện 1 và 2.
Or else
Otherwise: nếu không thì
As long as/ so long as/ provided that: với điều kiện là
Câu điều kiện ẩn: without, but for
2. Cấu trúc đảo ngữ trong câu điều kiện
- Đảo ngữ là hiện tượng đảo trợ động từ lên trước chủ ngữ mà câu vẫn giữ nguyên là câu tường
thuật chứ không phải câu hỏi.
Đảo ngữ trong câu điều kiện áp dụng với mệnh đề điều kiện với chữ “should” (loại 1), “were”
(loại 2), “had” (loại 3): đảo các từ này lên trước chủ ngữ thay thế cho “if”.
Loại 1: Should + S1 + V(hiện tại) + Clause
Dấu hiệu để nhận biết dạng này trong bài TOEIC: động từ chia ở dạng nguyên thể không “to”
Loại 2: Were + S1 + …, S2 + would/ might/ could + V-infinitive
Loại 3: Had + S1 + (not) + PII, S2 + would/ could/ might + have + PII
Lưu ý, sau “if” không bao giờ có thì tương lai


Mời các em làm bài tập sau. Đáp án đƣợc cung cấp sau mỗi phần luyện tập.


Part 7: Reading Comprehension

Questions 1-5 refer to the following list and e-mail

Employee NameIdentification Number

Cynthia Parks 4-26230521

Marie Louis 5-92832823
Mark Jacobs 2-75028475
Phillip Goldstein 9-28950125
Roger Menendez 3-85810582
William Smith 6-281 10034

The first number of each I.D. shows the floor on which the employee works. Hotline:


To: Henry Venys

From: Marie Louis
Date: Friday, December 12
Subject: Employee Mail

Dear Mr. Venys,

I am writing this letter as a reminder that I moved my office from the fourth floor to the fifth
floor last month. I have switched offices with Cynthia Parks. I believe that I previously sent a
letter telling you of this change.

However, I continue to receive numerous mail and correspondence in my office that is

addressed to Mrs. Parks. The large amount of mail that I receive daily is eating into my time
and making me frustrated. In addition, I have not received any mail that is addressed to me
although I usually receive a few letters every week.

I ask that you please fix this problem as soon as possible and collect Mrs. Parks’ mail for
proper delivery to her new office. In addition, please send any mail intended for me to my

Thank you for your time and assistance.

Marie Louis Hotline:

1. Who works on the sixth floor according to this list?
(A) Roger Menendez
(B) William Smith
(C) Mark Jacobs
(D) Phillip Goidstein
2. How many letters has Mrs. LOUIS previously written to Mr. Venys’?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Five
(D) None
3. In the e-mail, the phrase “eating into” in line 2 of paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to:
(A) Providing
(B) Capturing
(C) Hunting
(D) Destroying
4. According to the e-mail, which of the following is true about Marie Louis?
(A) She is receiving gifts.
(B) She has too many friends.
(C) She enjoys reading much mail.
(D) She exchanged offices with someone.
5. What is Marie Louis’ current identification number?
(A) 4-26230521
(B) 5-92832823
(C) 4-92832823
(D) 6-28110034 Hotline:

Đáp án:
Part 7
1B 2B 3B 4D 5B Hotline:


1. Almost everyone in the conference ______ agreed to proceed with the construction project.
(A) have (B) having (C) are (D) has
2. Production of recreational vehicles ________ significantly low this month.
(A) are (B) have (C) is (D) be
3. New vacation policies which are under discussion ____ expected to be introduced early next month.
(A) are (B) is (C) will (D) to be
4. Many economists have strongly ______ the government’s new bill to raise the property tax.
(A) criticism (B) criticize (C) criticizing (D) criticized
5. We usually _________ some money to help poor students in this area.
(A) donated (B) donate (C) will donate (D) are donating
6. Mr. Richmond _________ our company five years ago.
(A) will join (B) joins (C) joined (D) has joined
7. The wages for construction workers _________ steadily over the past few years.
(A) rose (B) risen (C) have risen (D) rise
8. An opening ceremony _________ tomorrow at 10 A.M. in Marian Hall.
(A) held (B) has been held (C) will be held (D) is held
9. If you ___________ any help to organize the meeting, please don’t hesitate to ask me.
(A) needs (B) needed (C) will need (D) need
10. The system engineer has requested that the existing computer system _______ as soon as possible.
(A) upgrades (B) is upgraded (C) be upgraded (D) upgraded
11. In almost every business, it is really imperative __________ responsive to customers’ needs.
(A) to be (B) being (C) is (D) that
12. Early last week, the city council formally ________ the downtown renewal project.
(A) approved (B) will approve (C) approves (D) has approved
13. After considerable effort, the company has succeeded in ________ the new environment-friendly
home appliances.
(A) development (B) develops (C) developed (D) developing
14. If commercial banks ______ mortgage rates, many households will have difficulty in repaying
(A) will raise (B) raise (C) to raise (D) raising Hotline:

15. It is important for security guards ________ the security guidelines while they are on duty.
(A) following (B) to follow (C) followed (D) follow
16. Some technical support workers ________ at the headquarters to leam how to operate
the new network access system over the past two months.
(A) trained (B) have trained (C) have been trained (D) are trained
17. The newly installed security system _______ requires that every user the four-digit access
(A) have (B) to have (C) having (D) has
18. Construction workers are responsible for _______ their own equipment and tools.
(A) provides (B) providing (C) provided (D) provision
19. The new managing director ___________ a more effective management structure.
(A) propose (B) proposed (C) proposal (D) proposing
20. The weather ___________ for tomorrow is partly cloudy with a chance of slight rain.
(A) forecasts (B) forecasted (C) forecasting (D) forecast
21. J&B Co. will be ___________ its new line of home appliances next month.
(A) introduce (B) introducing (C) introduces (D) introduced
22. Mr. Radford, the plant manager, recently ___________ a tour of the production plant for visitors
from Japan.
(A) conduct (B) conducted (C) to conduct (D) will conduct
23. Mr. Evan has ___________ that the contract with Value Software Co. be renewed.
(A) suggest (B) suggestion (C) suggested (D) suggesting
24. After the current fiscal year, the management ___________ the construction of overseas
manufacturing plants.
(A) discontinued (B) will discontinue (C) have discontinued (D) to discontinue
25. Sales reports show that our brand of seasonal products ___________ very well right now
throughout the country.
(A) selling (B) sold (C) is selling (D) are sold
26. Before you ________ a new study, be sure to properly file the documents from the previous one.
(A) begin (B) beginning (C) will begin (D) began
27. Two years ago, some of the athletes _____ school to pursue a professional career or the Olympics.
(A) leave (B) left (C) will leave (D) was left Hotline:

28. By the time Mr. Greenfield returns from his business trip, the company’s new policy _____.
(A) was decided
(B) will be deciding
(C) had decided
(D) will have neen decided
29. Aster Broadcasting Group _____ yesterday that it expects the semiconductor market to enter full
recovery mode next year.
(A) announced
(B) have announced
(C) announcing
(D) announce
30. A market by the ARC Advisory Group predicts that the geospatial industry _____ by 50% over the
next five years.
(A) growing (B) be grow (C) will grow (D) has grown
31. Before Gallux Corporation was related as one of the best telecommunications companies in the
country, it _____ expanding its operations worldwide.
(A) had not considered (B) will not consider (C) were not considered (D) does not considered
32. Whether you _____ many discussions or are new to leading discussions, we trust that this guide
will be helpful.
(A) has been led (B) have been led (C) has led (D) have led
33. Alternative parking areas will be provided while the parking lot _____.
(A) is repairing (B) repairs (C) is being repaired (D) has repaired
34. The leadership seminar will _____ ways to promote active employee participation in company
(A) addressing (B) be addressed (C) addressed (D) address
35. After _____ performance reviews of all the interns, the HR director will make a final decision
about who will be offered the full-time position.
(A) receive (B) received (C) has received (D) receiving Hotline:

36. I have been informed that Dr. Ikes decided that she _____ the medical conference being held in
Egypt next week.
(A) will not be attended
(B) will not have been attending
(C) would not be attending
(D) would not have been attending
37. Fortunately, the last shipment of computers, which was delayed due to the storm, reached its
destination a day earlier than we _____.
(A) anticipate (B) had anticipated (C) are anticipated (D) were anticpated
38. This coming Monday, the bus service running from Manchester Park to City Hall _____ from 9:00
p.m. to midnight due to roadworks.
(A) to suspend (B) is suspending (C) was suspended (D) will be suspended
39. The advertising company _____ next Tuesday to discuss possible models for the new campaign.
(A) came (B) had come (C) is coming (D) coming
40. Now that the final terms of the contract have been confirmed, Mr. Jackson _____ the construction
project before the end of this month.
(A) will begin (B) beginning (C) could have begun (D) had been beginning
41. For your own _____, you are strongly advised to put on earplugs while inside this vehicle.
(A) protection (B) completion (C) difficulty (D) quality
42. Nelson Data Research announced that it _____ 60 researchers to meet the new sales target.
(A) recruit (B) is recruiting (C) to recruit (D) was recruited
43. The bricks have to be _____ by Friday in order to finish the project on time.
(A) order (B) orders (C) ordered (D) ordering
44. Cisco Systems has been _____ a contract by Rothem Industries for a project to improve
productivity of their corporate electronic reimbursement system.
(A) awarded (B) approved (C) accepted (D) acknowledged
45. Emily Watson will be _____ proposals submitted by the finance team before approving the final
(A) adjoining (B) reviewing (C) proving (D) experiencing
46. In order to boost sales, T-store has now started to sell its books, posters and other _____ on its
(A) merchandise (B) selection (C) promoter (D) extension Hotline:

47. All respondents, who answered the corporate service survey rated the new cafeteria to be “good” or
“very good” without any _____.
(A) exception (B) transgression (C) separation (D) medication
48. The trainer presented many exciting and innovative marketing strategies for the new product,
which left the management team feeling _____.
(A) intricate (B) invigorated (C) unchanged (D) uneventful
49. Sheridan Fashions, now _____ throughout Japan, first began as a small tailor shop in Yukita
twenty years ago.
(A) operates
(B) have been operating
(C) could have operated
(D) operating
50. To ____ the increasing number of tourists who visit the museum, the National Arts Museum has
decided to build a bigger parking lot by next month.
(A) accommodate (B) encounter (C) justify (D) exchange Hotline:

Đáp án:
1D 2C 3A 4D 5B 6C 7C 8C 9D 10C
11A 12A 13D 14B 15B 16C 17A 18B 19B 20D
21B 22B 23C 24B 25C 26A 27B 28D 29A 30C
31A 32D 33C 34D 35D 36C 37B 38D 39C 40A
41A 42B 43D 44A 45B 46A 47A 48B 49C 50B

Rất tốt! Các em đã vất vả rồi. Cố gắng chút nữa nhé. Keep up your good work!
Hẹn gặp lại các em trong các tiết học tiếp theo.
Cô Phƣơng Hotline:

Created by Duy Ân Mai

1. All request forms for office supplies must be

_________ to Ms. Glenn by the end of this
(A) submission
(B) submitting
(C) submitted
(D) submit
2. A warning of possible oil shortage
__________ on the bulletin board at the
housing department last week.
(A) posts
(B) has posted
(C) was posted
(D) will be posted
3. Please accept the __________ coupon book
as thanks for opening your personal account
with South Branch Bank.
(A) enclose
(B) enclosed
(C) enclosing
(D) enclosure
4. The foreign exchange rates dropped once
again, __________ export-oriented companies
in a negative manner.
(A) affect
(B) affected
(C) affecting
(D) affects
5. City authorities are __________ all residents
to abstain from drinking tap water due to water
(A) advising
(B) advised

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(C) advisable
(D) advise
6. You must follow the proper procedures when
__________ your company's name with the
local government.
(A) register
(B) registered
(C) registration
(D) registering
7. Since I am your long-time __________
customer, I hope you will give me
complimentary coupons and credits.
(A) satisfying
(B) satisfied
(C) satisfactory
(D) satisfaction
8. Since the workshop schedule is still tentative,
we will keep you __________ of any savings
(A) inform
(B) to inform
(C) informing
(D) informed
9. When new products are developed, care must
__________ to comply with the corporate
(A) take
(B) to take
(C) be taken
(D) have taken
10. If __________ by Transit Authorities,
additional regulation changes would come into
effect on March 1 .

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(A) approve
(B) approved
(C) approving
(D) to be approved
11. A survey __________ by a polling firm
shows positive public responses to the proposed
city development plan.
(A) conduct
(B) to conduct
(C) conducting
(D) conducted
12. The decision to recruit more workers was
based on concerns __________ by the
(A) express
(B) expression
(C) expressing
(D) expressed
13. Building an industrial complex within the
city is impossible as building regulations
became too __________ to accommodate.
(A) frustrate
(B) frustrating
(C) frustrated
(D) frustration
14. Mobile headsets were returned to the
manufacturer because they arrived in
__________ condition.
(A) damage
(B) damaged
(C) damaging
(D) damages
15. The company strives to improve its ______

Created by Duy Ân Mai

products and develop new product lines.

(A) exist
(B) exists
(C) existed
(D) existing
16. Visa applications are processed within three
days if __________ in person by the applicant.
(A) submit
(B) to submit
(C) submitted
(D) submitting
17. We have __________ your yearly
subscription, which provides for 12 issues of
Gardening Pleasures at a price of $20.
(A) renew
(B) renewed
(C) renewal
(D) renewing
Questions 18-20 refer to the following fax.
Ms. Chen,
Enclosed is the estimate of the factory construction-------- by Cowlick Inc. If you are not satisfied
18. (A) request
(B) requesting
(C) requested
(D) to request
with any part of it, we would like you to make revisions and sign the approval line at the bottom.
Please send the ------- estimate to us within three days as the deadline for budget planning is next
19. (A) revised
(B) revise
(C) revising
(D) revision
------- your approval we will fax a copy of our invoice.

Created by Duy Ân Mai

20. (A) Excluding

(B) Regarding
(C) Barring
(D) Following
Review it thoroughly and return it by mail with a payment check. If you have any questions or
concerns, contact me at 02-555-4598 or send an e-mail to
Thank you,
Herrick J. Colburn
Vaughn Construction Co.
Check-up Quiz
1. The schedule (listing/ is listing) our activities is posted on the board.
2. His family is deeply involved (in/ by) his educational matters.
3. Updates on stock prices will (be listed/ have listed) on a real-time basis.
4. Some part-timers (were/ have) complained about their wages.
5. The book was (publishing/ published) five years ago and still sells well.
6. Your completed questionnaire must be (submitting/ submitted) to the division head.
7. The incident (happened/ were happened) because of an industrial dispute.
8. Revisions to the installation manual are currently being (making/ made).
9. Please examine very carefully the material (attaching/ attached) to this e-mail.
10. Oil prices have been (rising/ risen) dramatically for the last few months.
PART 5: Incomplete Sentence
Questions 1-10 Choose the word that best completes each sentence.
l. Beginning next month, a technician will ____ new security cameras on every floor of the building.
(A) install (B) be installed (C) installing (D) installed
2. A number of large corporations have recently been _____ considerable downsizing.
(A) undergo (B) undergone (C) underwent (D) undergoing
3. Tickets to Bob Mollen's charity concert will ____ online starting next Tuesday.
(A) have sold (B) selling (C) be sold (D) have been selling
4. Applications for bank mortgages must ____ by the end of this month.
(A) to receive (B) be received (C) received (D) receiving
5. Overall company profits at Kaplin Tech, Inc. ____steadily for the last five years.

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(A) risen (B) were risen (C) have risen (D) have been risen
6. The revisions ____ by the senior accountant should be included in the following budget report.
(A) were made (B) was made (C) to make (D) made
7. Sales personnel ____extra office supplies should get permission from their supervisor.
(A) purchasing (B) to purchase (C) purchased (D) have purchased
8. Please be aware that we have recently ____the name of our business to the HCC Corporation.
(A) used (B) agreed (C) differed (D) changed
9. Test takers should ____ the writing section before moving to the reading part.
(A) present (B) complete (C) retire (D) make
l0. The construction company recently signed a contract to ____ a new commercial area.
(A) revise (B) achieve (C) develop (D) contribute
PART 6: Text Completion
Questions 1-3 refer to the following letter.
Nathan &amp; Garrison LLP, a San Francisco-based law firm ____ in real estate litigation,
l.(A) specializing
(B) is specializing
(C) specialize
(D) to specialize
has relocated its headquarters. The business is now in operation in Boston, Massachusetts.
The main reason for the relocation was to ____ its increasing business on the East
2. (A) associate
(B) accommodate
(C) authorize
(D) announce
Coast. The company had been located in San Francisco since its _____ 20 years ago.
3. (A) found
(B) founder
(C) founded
(D) founding
Tiết 10: Câu bị động (Passive voice)

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Trong câu bị động, chủ từ không thực hiện hành động mà ngược lại bị tác động lên bởi một yếu
tố khác.
Cấu trúc câu bị động: Công thức câu bị động giống với câu chủ động ở thì tương ứng, chỉ khác
là thay V bằng “be + PII”, cụ thể:
Hiện tại đơn giản Is/ am/ are + PII
Quá khứ đơn Was/ were + PII
Tương lai đơn Will + be + PII
Hiện tại tiếp diễn Am/ is/ are + being + PII
Quá khứ tiếp diễn Was/ were + being + PII
Hiện tại hoàn
thành Have/ has + been + PII
Quá khứ hoàn
Had + been + PII
Tương lai hoàn
thành Will have + been + PII
Lưu ý:
+ Không có cấu trúc bị động ở thì tương lai tiếp diễn và các thì hoàn thành tiếp diễn.
Để thay thế cho cấu trúc bị động tương ứng cho thì tương lai tiếp diễn, người ta dùng bị động
của tương lai đơn.
+ Chỉ có ngoại động từ (có tân ngữ theo sau) mới có cấu trúc bị động.
Các ngoại động từ không có dạng bị động vì không có tân ngữ chịu tác động của hành động đó.
Một số ngoại động từ thường gặp: remain, happen, rise, appear, emerge, arrive, exist, disappear,
expire, occur/ take place,…
Nếu phía sau động từ vẫn còn tân ngữ thì động từ phải chia ở dạng chủ động chứ không phải bị
Câu bị động thường được sử dụng khi người ta không biết đối tượng thực hiện hành động đó là
Các cụm bị động thông dụng thường gặp:
Be equipped with Được trang bị với cái gì
Be involved in Tham gia vào cái gì
Be accompanied by/ with Theo sau bởi
Be concerned about/ with Quan tâm đến

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Be impressed with/ by Ấn tượng với cái gì

Be satisfied with Hài lòng với
Be interested in Có hứng thú/ quan tâm đến
** Cấu trúc bị động với động từ khuyết thiếu (model verbs)
Các động từ khuyết thiếu như: can, could, may, might, should, ought to,…
- Không cần chia ở ngôi thứ ba số ít
- Không có hình thức nguyên thể hay phân từ hai như động từ bình thường khác, gần như chỉ có
hai dạng là hiện tại và quá khứ
- Động từ chính phía sau động từ nguyên thể luôn ở dạng nguyên thể, không chia.
- Không cần trợ động từ trong câu hỏi, câu phủ định và câu hỏi đuôi. Trong trường hợp này,
người ta chỉ cần thêm “not” sau động từ khuyết thiếu hoặc đảo nó lên trước chủ ngữ (tùy loại câu).
Các động từ khuyết thiếu thường gặp:
- Can (quá khứ là could): diễn tả khả năng trong hiện tại hoặc tương lai là một người có thể làm
gì hoặc một sự việc có thể xảy ra.
Can, could còn dùng trong câu hỏi xin phép, yêu cầu.
- Must:
+ Diễn tả sự cần thiết, bắt buộc ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai, đưa ra lời khuyên, suy luận mang tính
chắc chắn, yêu cầu được nhấn mạnh.
+ Dạng phủ định là “must not” (mustn’t): chỉ sự cấm đoán.
- May:
+ Diễn tả điều gì có thể diễn ra ở hiện tại. Dạng quá khứ (might) diễn tả điều gì có thể xảy ra ở
quá khứ.
+ May/ might còn được dùng để xin phép.
Might được dùng nhiều trong văn nói, chủ yếu là câu gián tiếp.
- Would/ wouldn’t: diễn tả một giả định xảy ra hoặc một sự việc có thể xảy ra trong quá khứ.
- Should/ shouldn’t: đưa ra lời khuyên hoặc ý kiến dùng để suy đoán.
- Ought to/ ought not to: chỉ sự bắt buộc, mức độ mạnh hơn “should”, nhưng nhẹ hơn”must”.
Khi chuyển sang dạng bị động: đảo tân ngữ lên trước thành chủ ngữ (như câu bị động thông
thường) và chuyển cấu trúc động từ thành “modal verbs + be + PII”.
** Lưu ý: Thể truyền khiến với động từ have/ get
Công thức:
S + have + O + do sth
S + get + O + to do sth → S + have/ get + O + PII

Created by Duy Ân Mai

( chuyển từ “nhờ ai làm gì” thành “cho cái gì được làm bởi ai”)
Cấu trúc S + have/ get + O + PII còn được dùng để diễn đạt ai là nạn nhân của việc gì hoặc 1
điều không may xảy ra.


PART 5 – TIẾT 10
Mời các em làm bài tập sau. Đáp án đƣợc cung cấp sau mỗi phần luyện tập.


Part 7: Reading Comprehension

Questions 1-4 refer to the following list and e-mail

Save More with Our Points Program!

We offer the lowest prices to save you money. We have recently begun our Points Program
to save our wonderful customers even more. All customers are able to sign up for a Points
Program membership, and ten lucky customers will receive a $500 gift card. Please be aware
that this program does not apply to electronics and computer equipment purchases.

Spend $1 ~ $2,000 and receive one point per dollar.

Spend $2,001 ~ $5,000 and receive two points per dollar.
Spend $5,001 or more and receive three points per dollar.

You can make purchases by visiting our stores, by using the Internet, or by calling us on the
phone. To obtain your points, please remember to tell us your Points Program membership
number when making payments for purchases. A monthly statement will be sent to you
showing the number of points you have accumulated up to this time as well as the various
rewards that you can redeem your points for. Some examples of exciting rewards are office
furniture and DVDs.

This offer is available only at our stores in the United States.

You may apply for the Points Program by visiting our stores or our website. Hotline:

1. Who is eligible to sign up for membership?
(A) Customers who spend over $1,000
(B) Customers anywhere in the world
(C) Only customers in the United States
(D) Only customers with credit cards

2. How can customers benefit from the program?

(A) By receiving discounts off purchases
(B) By being able to buy special products
(C) By receiving weekly newsletters
(D) By receiving points for every dollar spent

3. How will customers be informed of prizes?

(A) Through the mail
(B) By visiting the store
(C) Over the Internet
(D) By calling the store

4. What is a limitation placed on the program?

(A) Customers must spend at least $500.
(B) Electronics are not included.
(C) Office furniture and DVDs are not included.
(D) Customers must live in Canada. Hotline:

Đáp án:
Part 7
1C 2D 3A 4B Hotline:

1. Though a great deal of money had ___________, the project was a failure.
(A) invested (B) be invested (C) been invested (D) invest
2. Public buildings throughout the country will soon __________ a no-smoking policy.
(A) implement (B) implementation (C) be implemented (D) implementing
3. It is a great pleasure to inform you that your company has __________ as our new supplier.
(A) selecting (B) selected (C) be selected (D) been selected
4. If you require additional information, __________ one of our sales representatives.
(A) contacting (B) contact (C) contacts (D) contacted
5. Because of a mechanical problem, the replacement parts could not __________ by tomorrow.
(A) shipped (B) be shipped (C) be shipping (D) ship
6. A special luncheon will be held in honor of the sales department, which has __________monthly sales
(A) reached (B) been reached (C) reaching (D) reaches
7. According to a new policy, overnight camping in all national parks is no longer __________.
(A) permits (B) permitting (C) permitted (D) permission
8. Please remember that all application materials should ________ by next Friday.
(A) send (B) be sending (C) be sent (D) sending
9. Money refunds will ______ into your account within 7 days of your claim.
(A) deposited (B) to deposit (C) depositing (D) be deposited
10. Before entering the laboratory, please ___________ to present your identification.
(A) remembering (B) remember (C) remembrance (D) to remember
11. The e-mail addresses and telephone numbers should be _____ carefully in the blanks provided.
(A) written (B) write (C) wrote (D) writing
12. _____ the mailing of the package, you will need to add five dollars more to the shipping fee.
(A) To expedite (B) Expedited (C) To be expedited (D) Will expedite
13. You must fill out the tax form, a copy of which is _____ to the contractual agreement you received on the
first day.
(A) attach (B) attachment (C) attaching (D) attached
14. Ray Murphy sumitted a requisition form yesterday to make certain he _____ given a projector for today’s
(A) has (B) have (C) is (D) are
15. Though somewhat new at making presentations, Paul Blakely is _____ the best public speaker of the team.
(A) consider (B) to consider (C) considering (D) considered Hotline:

16. The research team _____ to make back-up files of all their work to prevent loss of valuable data.
(A) reminded (B) was reminded (C) will remind (D) was reminding
17. Young businessmen who set up venture companies should guard against being _____ during the first year
of operations.
(A) disappoint (B) disappointed (C) disappointing (D) disappointment
18. When he took up cooking, Jerry was _____ to learn how easy it was to make inexpensive, great-tasting
(A) fascinate (B) fascinating (C) being fascinated (D) fascinated
19. The manager _____ her staff with news of an upcoming bonus if sales figures reached company goals by
the end of the quarter.
(A) encourage (B) was encouraged (C) encouraging (D) encouraged
20. The accounting team is _____ to providing accurate billing statements and resolving all customer enquiries
within twenty-four hours.
(A) dedicating (B) dedicated (C) dedicate (D) dedication
21. As a member of our office, you are invited _____ the annual charity auction.
(A) attending (B) to attend (C) attends (D) attend
22. We are truly _____ with the positive consumer response to our new marketing strategy.
(A) delight (B) delighting (C) delighted (D) delightedly
23. A replacement for the outgoing advertising manager has not yet been _____, but the possibilities have been
narrowed down to five applicants.
(A) chose (B) choice (C) chosen (D) choose
24. Each year, Gibbins Foods, a local food manufacturer, _____ five thousand cans of vegetables to the city’s
homeless shelters.
(A) donates (B) to donates (C) donating (D) are donated
25. The contract stipulates that an employee is _____ to do overtime during weeks that presentations or special
reports are being prepared.
(A) requirement (B) requires (C) required (D) requisition
26. The campaigns that _____ assigned to the broadcasting division have been scrapped due to lack of support.
(A) having (B) were (C) be (D) had
27. The announcement in the newsletter is meant to _____ Mr. Meyer;s remarks on the merger between the two
communications firms.
(A) clarified (B) be clarified (C) calrification (D) clarify
28. No matter what the brand, computers purchased at this shop will be _____ free of charge for a full year
from the date of purchase.
(A) service (B) servicing (C) to service (D) serviced Hotline:

29. First-class seats are _____ with Internet hook-ups, global telephones and faxing capabilities for all of your
airborne professional needs.
(A) equip (B) quipment (C) equipped (D) equipping
30. The manager is _____ to announce that Morgan & Co. will be giving stock options to all interested
(A) please (B) pleased (C) pleasant (D) pleasing
31. After today’s planning session is completed, the members of each group will be _____ a report of their
team’s objectives for the next three years.
(A) generation (B) generate (C) generated (D) generating
32. We would like you _____ by our assistant manager who will give you a tour of the company’s offices and
(A) escorting (B) to escort (C) to be escorted (D) escort
33. Harwood Department Store will be _____ later this weekend to allow our shoppers to take advantage of our
end-of-season clearance sale.
(A) close (B) closes (C) to close (D) closing
34. To meet the special needs of our branches in Asia, a total of twenty-four trained staff will _____ to Japan,
Hong Kong and Thailand.
(A) send (B) be sent (C) be sending (D) have sent
35. Membership at the exclusive sports club _____ benefits ranging from the use of all sports equipment to
discounted rates at the club’s restaurant and bar.
(A) includes (B) to include (C) have included (D) including
36. The introduction of the specially trained conflict resolution advisors _____ to reduce tension between
management anf frustrated employees.
(A) expected (B) is expected (C) has been expecting (D) will have been expecting
37. If the director _____ that the top candidate was still a consultant for Master Lines, Inc., he could have given
others greater priority.
(A) tell (B) telling (C) had told (D) had been told
38. _____ the machine’s continued operation, a thorough check by maintenance personnel should take place
(A) To be ensure (B) To ensure (C) Will ensure (D) Ensured
39. The winners of the logo contest are _____ to be at the dinner this evening, which will begin at 8:00 p.m. at
the International Plaza Hotel’s Blue Room.
(A) plan (B) plans (C) planning (D) planned
40. Participants in the seminar were _____ to make hotel reservations by the date indicated on the list of hotels
(A) advisable (B) advisory (C) advising (D) advised
41. Before structural renovations take place, all business must _____ the building as indicated in the official
notice issued last month.
(A) vacant (B) vacancy (C) vacate (D) be vacated Hotline:
42. Access to the computer terminals _____ during evening hours, so it is necessary for us to finish the work
during the day.
(A) restrict (B) to restrict (C) is restricted (D) has restricted
43. Our employee _____ program can boost employee morale and decrease employee turnover.
(A) motivation (B) reality (C) prevention (D) consequence
44. The company will ____ all its products from retailers’ shelves because of allergy concerns.
(A) undo (B) redeem (C) recall (D) unveil
45. There has been so much _____ in the demand for high-priced luxury cars that a few companies are
introducing a wide range of price options.
(A) invitation (B) irrelevance (C) fluctuation (D) repayment
46. When you are bying an adjustable bed, you should consider _____ features such as bed height, size,
material, and warranty.
(A) occupied (B) accountable (C) qualified (D) specific
47. Currently, there is an increasing demand for Internet access _____ the telecommunications industry.
(A) across (B) during (C) onto (D) next
48. The hotel installed a touchscreen computer to help guests _____ a restaurant, get weather updates, or obtain
other useful information.
(A) assist (B) remind (C) locate (D) conduct
49. Sales of Ferrer Industry’s tractors _____ increase during the autumn harvest season.
(A) openly (B) rigidly (C) approximately (D) frequently
50. Although _____ findings are encouraging, further research is needed to determine the effectiveness of the
advertising campaign.
(A) forward (B) ahead (C) initial (D) limited Hotline:

Đáp án:
1C 2A 3D 4B 5B 6A 7C 8C 9D 10B
11A 12A 13D 14C 15D 16B 17B 18D 19D 20B
21B 22C 23C 24A 25C 26B 27D 28D 29C 30B
31D 32C 33D 34B 35A 36B 37D 38B 39C 40D
41C 42C 43A 44C 45C 46D 47A 48C 49D 50C

Rất tốt! Các em đã vất vả rồi. Cố gắng chút nữa nhé. Keep up your good work!
Hẹn gặp lại các em trong các tiết học tiếp theo.
Cô Phƣơng Hotline:

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Check-up Quiz
1. The hiring committee was (impressive / impressed) by his work experience.
2. The trip to Malaysia was (tiring / tired) due to the changing weather.
3. Editors are required to review their (finishing / finished) products before printing them.
4. I deleted some old files because of my computer’s (limiting / limited) storage capacity.
5. We should improve the (existing / existed) tax system, which causes delays in processing.
6. Any inaccurate information (giving / given) on one’s personal background may lead to dismissal.
7. Thanks to the newly (purchasing / purchased) printer, we now have fewer problems.
8. With our renovations, customers will enjoy a pleasant (dining / dined) experience.
9. The contract terms (signed / is signed) by the manager will be Confirmed by the CEQ.
10. Anyone (ordering / ordered) our new laptop computer will receive a free optical mouse.
Part 5: Incomplete Sentence
Questions 1-10 Choose the word that best completes each sentence.
l. Enclosed is the complete listing of the ____ banks in the neighboring area.
(A) distinguish (B) distinguishing (C) distinguished (D) distinguishability
2. The recent oil spill along the Belgian coast resulted in ____ consequences for the industry.
(A) worried (B) worrying (C) worries (D) worrier
3. Please refer to the ____ bank statement for detailed information.
(A) enclose (B) enclosing (C) enclosure (D) enclosed
4. The keynote speech at the conference was both informative and ____.
(A) interest (B) interested (C) interesting (D) to interest
5. The renovation project has been led by a highly ____ group of designers.
(A) motivate (B) motivation (C) motivating (D) motivated
6. We were ____ by Dr. Albert's outstanding contributions to the development of the new vaccine.
(A) impression (B) impressive (C) impressed (D) impresses
7. Employees who have not submitted a ____ report should discuss it with their manager.
(A) revised (B) revising (C) revision (D) revise
8. We expect museum patrons to make continuous donations for the ____ season.
(A) prior (B) first (C) upcoming (D) current
9. Extra specialists were employed due to an ____ need to secure the mobile devices.
(A) accidental (B) increasing (C) outgoing (D) effective
l0. We regret to inform you that repairs for ____ applications will not be available any longer.

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(A) conditional (B) temporary (C) partial (D) discontinued

Part 6: Text Completion
Questions 1-3 refer to the following memorandum.
To: All Employees
From: John Parrison, Personnel Manager
Date: August 16
Re: Workshop
Please be informed that the System Management Workshop has been scheduled weekly in July and
August. The workshop will be held in Room 310 of the main building from 4 P.M. to 5:30 P.M.
every Thursday during the two-month period.
The ___ of this workshop is to familiarize our employees with our upgraded in
l.(A) study
(B) purpose
(C) influence
(D) decision
company communication system. All employees are ___ to attend one of the
2.(A) required
(B) imposing
(C) determined
(D) equal
sessions. Employees __ to schedule their participation with Jamie Song, a human
3.(A) advised
(B) have advised
(C) are advised
(D) were advised
resources coordinator, at least one week in advance.
Part 7: Reading Comprehension
Questions 1-3 refer to the following letter.
5232 Left Terrace, Evanston, CA 93309
October 22
Mrs. Michelle Rodgero

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Customer Service and Complaints

Wellphone, Inc.
254 Business Plaza .
Springfield, CA 95379
RE: Account #7399345-5746
Dear Madam:
I have been a customer of your company for nearly three years and subscribe to your services
for telephone calls, caller identification, and three-way calling. The usual monthly charge for
these services is $65, but I was recently sent a bill for $87 for September. The $87 charge
applies only for an upgraded service package, but l only subscribe to the basic package. Since
l first became one of your customers, I have never changed my service plan.
I have been a satisfied customer for many years and have never made a complaint before this
letter. I wish to continue to remain a customer and hope that you will resolve this problem as
soon as possible. Please check your records for the error and contact me at (283) 234-6823. If
you should need any more information, please contact me at your convenience.
I hope to hear from you in a timely manner.
Thank you for your continual service and help.
Mark Bands
1. What is the purpose of this letter?
(A) To voice a complaint
(B) To congratulate the company
(C) To cancel a subscription
(D) To apply for a different service
2. What is the phone company asked to do for Mr. Bands?
(A) Provide him with a copy of his bill
(B) Contact him about a mistake
(C) Cancel his subscription
(D) Visit him at his home
3. What service plan does Mr. Bands have?
(A) An Internet phone plan
(B) The most expensive plan

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(C) A television and telephone plan

(D) The basic plan
Đáp án:
Check-up Quiz
1. impressed 2.tiring 3. finished 4. limited 5. existing
6. given 7. purchased 8. dining 9. signed 10. ordering
Part 5
1C 2B 3D 4C 5D 6C 7A 8C 9B 10B
Part 6
1B 2A 3C
Part 7
1A 2B 3D
Tiết 11: Giảm mệnh đề quan hệ
(Reduced relative clauses)
Giảm mệnh đề là lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ (who, whom, whose, which, that) và chuyển đổi động
từ về dạng phân từ.
+ Dùng hiện tại phân từ dạng V-ing để rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ dạng chủ động.
VD: The people who use our service are satisfied.
→ The people using our service are satisfied.
+ Dùng quá khứ phân từ PII để giảm mệnh đề quan hệ dạng bị động.
VD: The service which is used on the internet is convenient.
The service used on the internet is convenient.
Nhận biết dạng giảm mệnh đề: Không thể có 2 động từ đi liền nhau. 1 chủ ngữ chính chỉ có 1
động từ chính, động từ còn lại phải ở dạng giảm mệnh đề (V-ing hoặc PII).
Cách sử dụng giảm mệnh đề:
+ Giảm các mệnh đề có cùng chủ ngữ.
VD: The writer had published his work. The writer took a short rest.
→ Having published his work, the writer took a short rest.
The company was founded in 1999. The company has now gained popularity all over the
→ Founded in 1999, the company has now gained popularity all over the country.

Created by Duy Ân Mai

+ Có thể dùng V-ing hoặc PII để giảm mệnh đề trong các mệnh đề trạng ngữ bắt đầu bằng when,
while, unless, if, although,…
VD: Children under six years of age can have a 50% discount when they are accompanied by a
→ Children under six years of age can have a 50% discount when accompanied by a coupon.
+ Đôi khi có thể giảm cả chủ ngữ và động từ “to be”

VD: While he was on the way to an important client meeting, Mr. Arnold realized he had forgotten the
→ While on the way to an important client meeting, Mr. Arnold realized he had forgotten the
** Lưu ý:
- Nhắc lại: Câu có dấu “,” không bao giờ chọn “that”.
- Để thay thế cho vật, người ta dùng “which”/ “that”, “what” dược dùng trong mệnh đề danh từ.
Phân biệt:
+ Mệnh đề danh từ là mệnh đề đứng vị trí danh từ trong câu.
+ Mệnh đề quan hệ đứng sau 1 danh từ.


Part 5 – Tiết 11
Các em làm hết 50 câu sau nhé, rất ngắn thôi ^^. Đáp án được cung cấp ở dưới cùng.

1. Because flu is a _____ public concern, pharmaceutical companies gave been marketing a variety of
(A) grow (B) grew (C) growth (D) growing
2. Photo-Ops is a bimonthly publication _____ by an organization of amateur photographers devoted
to their avocation.
(A) distributes (B) distributed (C) are distributed (D) will distribute
3. The resort keeps its patrons _____ by offering numerous services that ensure their comfort and well-
(A) satisfy (B) satisfies (C) satisfied (D) satisfaction
4. _____ completed the initial write-up of the study, the researcher submitted the draft to her
supervisor for feedback.
(A) Had (B) Having (C) Have (D) Has
5. Once _____, both corporations will examine what alternatives are available for the affiliates they
separately own.
(A) merged (B) merge (C) are merged (D) have merged
6. After carefully _____ the hotels in security, experts agreed that passwords should be changed once a
(A) review (B) reviews (C) reviewing (D) are reviewed
7. The receipts attached to the travel report indicate the total amount _____ for the trip to the overseas
(A) pay (B) pays (C) paid (D) paying
8. Mr. Sanders has decided to take on the position at Barker Technologies because the work seems
(A) interest (B) interests (C) interesting (D) interested
9. _____ in the downtown area, the information center for expatriates provides various types of
assistance and serves as a meeting place for young adults.
(A) Locating (B) Located (C) Locate (D) Location
10. For over three hundred years, cork has been the _____ means to cap wine bottles, but
manufacturers are now looking into metal screw caps.
(A) preferred (B) preferring (C) preference (D) preferably Hotline:


11. The new company regulation states that _____ tardiness will be grounds for suspension from work
without pay.
(A) repeating (B) repeats (C) repeated (D) repeatedly
12. The small shop recently won an award for the originality and outstanding quality of its _____
(A) handcraft (B) handcrafts (C) handcrafted (D) handcrafting
13. The hotel provides personal service and careful attention to detail, _____ that you have a relaxing
and comfortable stay.
(A) be ensured (B) ensure (C) ensures (D) ensuring
14. An invoice will be generated and included with the order being _____ to the address you indicated
on the form.
(A) send (B) sent (C) sending (D) sends
15. _____ in 2010, the gallery continues to add new exhibition rooms.
(A) Renovate (B) Renovated (C) Having renovated (D) Renovating
16. The editor spoke to his assistant about how to keep the writers _____ to write lively and interesting
(A) have inspiration (B) be inspired (C) inspired (D) inspiring
17. In his ten years at Sortel Networks, Mr. Gutierrez has shown that he performs admirably when
_____ with tight deadlines.
(A) face (B) facing (C) faces (D) faced
18. Readers find the young writer’s first novel _____ despite the fact that the initial reviews of the
book were so dismal.
(A) fascinate (B) fascination (C) fascinating (D) fascinated
19. From the moment he comes up with a concept, it usually takes Mr. Barnes a week to produce the
_____ product.
(A) finished (B) finishing (C) finish (D) finishes
20. The corporation head, who _____ a large city orphanage, will establish a non-profit computer
learning center for the underprivileged.
(A) foundation (B) founded (C) found (D) founding
21. The number of employees _____ to work at foreign branches in Asia and Europe will probably
continue to increase.
(A) agree (B) agreeing (C) agreed (D) agreement
22. Even though the business trip was _____, a lot of headway was made with our future Swiss
(A) tire (B) tired (C) tiring (D) tiredness Hotline:

23. If the front door is locked, punch in your access code while _____ down the green button on the
door handle.
(A) hold (B) holds (C) held (D) holding
24. Facilities have been established to facilitate pick-ups and drop-offs for passengers _____ the train
and subway station.
(A) used (B) using (C) use (D) will use
25. The symposium’s _____ event is the Peace Ball, where delegated can meet members of the
(A) culminate (B) culmination (C) culminating (D) culminated

26. Misuse or neglect can result in the equipment _____ damaged, requiring parts replacement or
extensive repair.
(A) was (B) been (C) having (D) being
27. Due to a significant change in the nation’s tax laws, we are likely to see _____ investments by
foreign individuals.
(A) decrease (B) to decrease (C) decreases (D) decreased
28. Mr. Morris and I are excluding the section _____ by Ms. Wood because her conclusion was based
on outdated information.
(A) be written (B) writing (C) was written (D) written
29. Employees are expected to use the newly _____ reference materials to expand their knowledge of
computer software and their applications.
(A) purchased (B) purchasing (C) purchases (D) purchase
30. The stadium was packed with thousands of people waiting to see the two soccer teams _____.
(A) playing (B) played (C) to play (D) are playing
31. The state government has decided to introduce a program targeting unemployed men and women
_____ to re-enter a highly competitive job market.
(A) are trying (B) try (C) trying (D) will try
32. Personal information gathered about customers _____ in leasing a solar panel system is only
accessible to appropriate personnel.
(A) interested (B) interests (C) interesting (D) interest
33. The government will _____ new policies today to obtain information about entrepreneurs operating
businesses online.
(A) convince (B) achieve (C) perform (D) implement
34. National fertilizers provided by True Organic Food can be _____ by their green labels.
(A) corrected (B) decided (C) distinguished (D) proposed Hotline:

35. This study follows yet another which carried out numerous _____ into using a precleaner to save
money on freight costs.
(A) investigations (B) configurations (C) substitutions (D) modifications
36. The lease agreement says the tenant of this unit is required to _____ renter’s insurance.
(A) declare (B) achieve (C) promote (D) obtain
37. We have beautifully furnished apartments that are fully _____ with the latest appliances, and the
electric bill is included in the rent.
(A) precise (B) equipped (C) assorted (D) estimated
38. In order to meet the needs of our ever-growing user population, we need a broad diversity of _____
in the creation of our products.
(A) indications (B) perspectives (C) depths (D) images
39. In a _____ interview, The Jamaica Observer spoke with an anonymous manufacturer who was
forced to retire.
(A) fascinate (B) fascinating (C) fascination (D) fascinated
40. The marketers make an _____ of products that appeal to a wide variety of potential customers.
(A) array (B) alleviation (C) origin (D) extension
41. Due to _____ need, applications will be reviewed on a daily basis and candidates may be
interviewed and positions filled before the closing date.
(A) irrelevant (B) surplus (C) optional (D) urgent
42. For more information about specific requirements, see the installation guide that _____ the
(A) accompanies (B) accompaniment (C) accompany (D) accompanying
43. Managing project risks and developing _____ plans to keep projects on track are critical
competencies for today’s project managers.
(A) suspension (B) prevalence (C) evacuation (D) contingency
44. The Bamboo House brought together an unusual blend of flavors, resulting in an _____ popular
(A) astonish (B) astonished (C) astonishingly (D) astonishment
45. All bank _____ that involve foreign currency must be reported to and controlled by the senior
(A) representatives (B) capacities (C) invitations (D) transactions
46. Though Ms. Thames is _____ to answer inquiries about Lakeward Food’s latest products, she may
decide to skip the press conference and attend the board meeting instead.
(A) expects (B) expected (C) expecting (D) expect Hotline:


47. Without _____ from the CFO, the pending bank loan deal cannot go through.
(A) permission (B) association (C) identification (D) reluctance
48. The LA-based fashion company Canari Noir hopes to expand its current _____ beyond California
and to the east coast by opening a new branch in New York.
(A) presence (B) estimate (C) incentive (D) vicinity
49. The _____ booklet contains information regarding services that are available through Harpers
Cleaning Service.
(A) enclose (B) enclosed (C) enclosure (D) enclosing
50. Stock analysts _____ a fall in sales of vehicles next year due to rising gas prices.
(A) inspect (B) predict (C) earn (D) hold Hotline:


Đáp án:
1D 2B 3C 4B 5A 6C 7C 8C 9B 10A
11C 12C 13D 14B 15B 16C 17D 18C 19A 20B
21B 22C 23D 24B 25C 26D 27D 28D 29A 30A
31C 32A 33D 34C 35A 36D 37B 38D 39B 40A
41D 42A 43D 44C 45D 46B 47A 48A 49B 50B


Nếu các em đã làm tốt được bài tập vừa rồi thì chúng ta sẽ chuyển sang bài mới nhé! Hotline:

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Lesson 12: Conjunction

1. _____ to the airline strikes, Mr. Jones had to postpone his business trip to Rome.
(A) Owed (B) Because (C) Due (D) As
2. I think you would be great at recruiting _____ you’re energetic and communicate exceptionally
(A) since (B) due to (C) unless (D) even though
3. Candidates should have strong research skills, be fluent in English, _____ have a college degree
in business.
(A) but (B) either (C) and (D) both
4. Applicants should not only have a degree in social science ____ also have at least four-year
experience in a research facility.
(A) and (B) but (C) or (D) nor
5. The bank will maintain exceptional service ____ renovations are under way in several branches.
(A) although (B) despite (C) in spite (D) however
6. To prepare for marathon, I ran 15 kilometers three ____ four days a week.
(A) either (B) only (C) but (D) or
7. ____ the housekeeping staff was getting the room ready, I decided to wait outside.
(A) During (B) While (C) For (D) BuT
8. Those in research positions are responsible for compiling and ____ research data.
(A) store (B) storage (C) storing (D) to store
9. Development expenditures are expected to grow in ____ the private and public sectors.
(A) both (B) either (C) neither (D) not only
10. If this notice was sent in error, please contact us immediately either by telephone ____ by email.
(A) and (B) or (C) nor (D) but
11. I had to wait for my food ____ the fact that the restaurant was rather empty.
(A) although (B) neverthless (C) despite (D) without
12. All visitors should present photo identifications ____ our security personnel can sensure
everyone’s safety.
(A) in order to (B) in case of (C) now that (D) so that
13. The tunnel will not repalce the existing brigde ____ will relieve traffic congestion on the roads.
(A) and (B) if (C) however (D) but
14. The marketing conference in Detroit was called off ____ the small number of attendees.
(A) resulting in (B) due to (C) owed to (D) thanks for

Created by Duy Ân Mai

15. Downsizing of Market Solution has resulted in more serious problems ____ analyst had predicted.
(A) while (B) whether (C) than (D) as
16. Emergency phone numbers must be provided to all lifeguards ____ on duty.
(A) while (B) during (C) for (D) as
17. The casual ____ professional environment will allow attendees to have a brief conversation about
(A) nor (B) but (C) as (D) although
Question 18-20 refer to the following invitation.
Dear Mr. Strobel.
You have been _____ recommended by several of our members as a keynote speaker for the banquet.
18. (A) far
(B) much
(C) highly
(D) so
The palce is the Sheraton Inn in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; the date is the evening of October 3.
The banquet is a purely social affair, climaxing three days of hard work, and we prefer a speech on the
light side, but with an insprirational theme. I would leave it to you to select a topic, which will be
appropriate _____ the occasion.
19. (A) about
(B) regarding
(C) with
(D) for
May I hear from you by June 14? Please indicate in your reply the financial arrangements you require.
_____ we have reached an agreement, I will send you more details, including a tentative convention
20. (A) As soon as
(B) Although
(C) Since
(D) Unless
Program schedule.
Check-up Quiz
1. Stewart Road is designated a bus-only street (during / while) peak hours.
2. Construction work will starts as soon as the materials (arrive / will arrive).

Created by Duy Ân Mai

3. You can get free repairs (so that / as long as) your warranty remains valid.
4. You will be allowed to move in (because / once) you sign the contract.
5. (Despite / Although) the beautiful design of the recorder, its quality is not satisfactory.
6. The meeting should start promptly (on / at) two o’clock in the afternoon.
7. Passengers are advised to arrive at least two hours (instead of / prior to) departure.
8. Harry applied for the job, (however / although), he did not submit any supporting documents.
9. (Because / Due to) the economy is picking up, Ennex showed a profit.
10. She quit her first job (because / even though) her work was not rewarding.
Part 5
1. _____ Mr. Sanchez was transferred to headquarters in New York, his wife decided to move, too.
(A) Whether (B) For (C) Since (D) Which
2. _____ the adverse weather conditions, the outdoor concert will begin on time.
(A) Prior to (B) Although (C) Because (D) In spite of
3. _____ the construction work on Benson Highway has finished, there will be much less traffic
(A) Now that (B) Regarding (C) Usually (D) Due to
4. The downtown shopping mall will be closed _____ further notice due to the renovation project.
(A) next to (B) in case (C) until (D) except
5. _____ the factory is short staff right now, the Human Resources Department will hire extra
workers soon.
(A) Although (B) Yet (C) Meanwhile (D) But
6. When Ms. Samantha _____ Beihing for a workshop next week, she will saty at the Ramada Hotel.
(A) visits (B) to visit (C) was visiting (D) visiting
7. _____ a new article in the Newark 77mes, the domestic economy will pick up in the coming
(A) Based on (B) According to (C) Even though (D) Nerverthless
8. For a limited time only, all of our customers can take _____ of our free online contents.
(A) merit (B) service (C) advantage (D) improvement
9. seminars will be offered _____ no additional cost to the workshop participants.
(A) at (B) by (C) over (D) from
10. _____ the management of TC, Inc., I would like to express my appreciation to the staff.
(A) Due to (B) In spite of (C) In as much as (D) On behalf of

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Part 6
From: david@creamsonbooks. Com
Date: September 29
Subject: Your order
We regret to _____ you that the book you are interested in purchasing in currently out of stock.
1. (A) notify
(B) notice
(C) note
(D) notification
However, we were informed by the publishing company that it will be available _____ the next two
2. (A) until
(B) between
(C) within
(D) since
If this _____ is still acceptable to you, please let us know by return e-mail so that we can order the
3. (A) moment
(B) author
(C) advantage
(D) option
item for you.
We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for placing an order with us.
David Martin
Creamson BOOKS
Đáp án:
Lesson 12: Conjunction
1C 2A 3C 4B 5A 6D 7B 8C 9A
10B 11C 12D 13D 14B 15C
16A 17B 18C 19D 20A

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Check-up Quiz
1. during 2. arrive 3. as long as 4. once 5. Despite
6. at 7. prior to 8. however 9. Because 10. because
Part 5
1C 2D 3A 4C 5C 6A 7B 8C 9A 10D
Part 6
1A 2C 3D
Tiết 12: Liên từ (Conjunction)
Liên từ là từ dùng để nối các từ loại, cụm từ hay mệnh đề.
Liên từ được chia làm 2 loại chính: liên từ đẳng lập song song và liên từ nối.
1. Liên từ đẳng lập song song
- Liên từ đẳng lập song song: nối các từ loại hoặc cụm từ, nhóm từ cùng loại hoặc là những mệnh
đề ngang hàng nhau.
- Những liên từ đẳng lập song song thường gặp:
And: và
Both…and…: cả thế này cả thế kia
As well as: cũng như
Not only… but also…: không những mà còn
Or: hoặc, either…or…: hoặc cái này hoặc cái kia
Neither…nor…: không cái này mà cũng không cái kia, thường dùng với cấu trúc câu
khẳng định mang nghĩa phủ định
But: nhưng,
Then: sau đó/ vậy thì
Consequently: tương đương với cụm as a consequent, as a result, resultedly
However/ nevertheless: tuy nhiên, thường theo sau bởi dấu “,”
Still/ yet: ấy thế mà/ tuy nhiên, mang nghĩa đối lập
Or/ else/ otherwise: nếu không thì
Therefore: do đó
Besides/ moreover: hơn thế nữa
So: vì vậy
Hence: vì thế
2. Liên từ dùng để nối các mệnh đề:

Created by Duy Ân Mai

- Liên từ nối với câu bao gồm chủ ngữ và động từ để tạo thành các mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời
gian, nguyên nhân, mục đích, kết quả, đối lập hay điều kiện.
- Các liên từ thường gặp:
+ Trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian:
After: sau
Before: trước
As/ when: khi
Once: khi, một khi (còn có nghĩa là một lần)
As soon as: ngay sau khi
Until: cho tới khi, thường dùng với cấu trúc “not until”
While: trong khi
*Giới từ “during” cũng có nghĩa là trong khi, nhưng during + N, while + clause
Since: kể từ khi
+ Trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ nơi chốn:
Where: nơi
Wherever: bất kì nơi nào
+ Trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thể cách:
As if/ as though: cứ như thể là
As: như
+ Trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ mang tính chất so sánh:
As: như là
Than: hơn
Trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lý do:
As/ because/ since/ for/ now that: bởi vì
*Cũng có thể dùng Because of/ due to/ owing to + N/ V-ing: bởi vì
+ Trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ mục đích:
So that/ in order that: để làm gì
* Còn có thể dùng in order to + V-infinitive cũng mang nghĩa mục đích.
+ Trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ điều kiện:
If: nếu
Unless = if not: trừ khi, nếu không
Provided that: với điều kiện là
In case: trong trường hợp, phòng khi

Created by Duy Ân Mai

As long as/ so long as: với điều kiện là

+ Trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự tương phản trái ngược:
As với cấu trúc adj/ adv + as+ S + V, clause: dù như thế nào thì vẫn như thế nào.
However với cấu trúc however + adj/ adv + S + V, clause cũng có nghĩa là dù như thế
nào thì vẫn như thế nào.
Although/ though/ even though: mặc dù
*Có thể dùng in spite of/ despite + N/ V-ing
Even if: mặc dù
** Phân biệt các loại mệnh đề:
- Mệnh đề danh từ (Noun clause): đóng vai trò như danh từ (đứng đầu câu làm chủ ngữ, đứng sau
động từ làm tân ngữ, đứng sau giới từ)
- Mệnh đề quan hệ hay mệnh đề tính ngữ (Relative clause): phải đứng sau một danh từ
- Mệnh đề trạng ngữ (Adverbial clause): các mệnh đề đứng ở đầu câu hoặc cuối câu, gần như
tách khỏi câu chính, chỉ thời gian, nơi chốn, lý do,… (như liệt kê bên trên), thường đi kèm với liên từ.


PART 5 – TIẾT 12
Mời các em làm bài tập sau. Đáp án đƣợc cung cấp sau mỗi phần luyện tập.

Part 7: Reading Comprehension
Questions 1-5 refer to the following list and e-mail

JOB POSTING – 847008

Highly qualified individuals are needed for work on an important H5-4 vaccine research program.
The Health First Organization is looking for statisticians or mathematicians to work on a team of
world-renowned researchers beginning June 15.

Duties: Individuals will be in charge of organizing and analyzing research data. Creating
presentations for government agencies will also be a duty.

Requirements: Applicants should possess a mathematics or statistic degree from a respected

university and have extensive experience in data analysis and presentation. Applicants should also
be familiar with the 6HOP data compiling program.

Successful applicants must send their résummé, cover letter, and three letters of recommendation
by May 12.

Job listing 79875 Dreamland Cruise Ships: Posted August 9

Do you want to travel the world while getting paid and working at a fun and career-building job?
Dreamland Cruise Ships has immediate positions available that will allow you to travel
throughout North and South America from our main port in Miami. Both highly experienced
sevice representatives and inexperienced new workers are welcome to apply. This is the perfect
opportunity to better your career or begin it.

Candidates must be enthusiastic to work with many people. Our cruise ships carry an average of Hotline:

3,500 vacationers, and, therefore, there are many positions that may be perfect for you. How
about becoming a restaurant manager, a lifeguard, a day-trip tour guide, or a children’s daycare
representative? For more information about these great positions, visit our website at

Our contracts are on a monthly basis, and the compensation is very competitive. Payment is made
in U.S. dollars. Your room and meals are free. So apply and begin your new adventure where you
can see the world and save to pay off debts or purchase your first home.

Dreamland Cruise Ships

Employment Offices
Click Here to Apply

1. When is the deadline to apply for ther Health First Organization job?
(A) July 1
(B) May 12
(C) August 9
(D) August 1
2. What requirement is implied in the cruise ship posting?
(A) An ability to work 16 hours a day.
(B) An ability to survive by oneself on the ocean
(C) An ability to be friendly to all passengers
(D) An ability to compete in any cruise ship sports program
3. What is mentioned as an available position in a cruise ship?
(A) Lifeguard
(B) Chef
(C) Ship engineer
(D) Security guard
4. According to the posting, what is NOT true about a job on the cruise ship?
(A) Employees can travel around the world while working.
(B) Salaties are not higher than other companies.
(C) There will be complimentary room and meals.
(D) Employees are paid in U.S. dollars.
5. According to the postings, what skill should applicants at both companies have?
(A) At least five years experience
(B) An ability to work on teams
(C) A bachelor’s degree
(D) Math skills Hotline:

Đáp án:
Part 7
1B 2C 3A 4B 5B Hotline:


Bài 1: Chọn từ phù hợp
1. [Unless, Since] she joined our company, Ms. Kim has been working as the accounting manager.
2. [Until, If] your billing address has changed, please contact us as soon as possible.
3. This special offer is valid [after, while] supplies last.
4. Visitors cannot enter the laboratory [unless, although] they present proper identification.
5. [As, Once] we finalize the contract, we will set up a joint venture.
6. His proposal was rejected by the committee [because, so that] it was submitted too late.
7. We have to consider several factors [before, between] we make the final decision.
8. [As, While] it was discussed in the last meeting, construction of the new parking lot will begin
next week.
9. [Because, Although] she majored in history in the university, Kelly chose accounting as her career.
10. The conference room is already reserved [so that, since] we have to find another meeting place.

Bài 2
1. Tenants in the office building should call the custodian directly _______ problems with the
heating occur.
(A) due to
(B) about
(C) if
(D) then
2. We are sorry to inform you that the processing of your order will be delayed __________ a problem
beyond our control.
(A) because
(B) while
(C) so
(D) due to
3. We will begin processing the loan application ________ we receive the supporting documents.
(A) which
(B) once
(C) despite
(D) according to Hotline:

4. The financial consultant has suggested ________ the management consider hiring an outside
(A) if
(B) who
(C) in
(D) that
5. Mr. Simmons presented his creative and __________ design for the contest.
(A) innovatively
(B) innovative
(C) innovate
(D) innovation
6. The furniture you ordered yesterday is expected to arrive ___________ today or tomorrow.
(A) neither
(B) both
(C) either
(D) not only
7. Security specialists from private companies ______ government agencies will meet to discuss the
(A) in
(B) both
(C) by
(D) and
8. Our primary goal is to educate children and ____________ them from violence and poverty
(A) protected
(B) protecting
(C) protection
(D) protect
9. Please complete this ________ and easy survey to give your opinions about our service.
(A) quickly
(B) quicken
(C) quick
(D) quicker Hotline:

10. The new promotion policy is applied to both new ________ existing employees.
(A) or
(B) but
(C) nor
(D) and
11. Students have to consider not only the tuition ________ the cost of meals and housing
(A) also
(B) and
(C) or
(D) but also
12. Visitors who want to renew their license can either complete the application by hand ________ use
the computers in the lobby.
(A) or
(B) but
(C) also
(D) and
13. The two applicants have experience in accounting, ________ only one is familiar with our
accounting software.
(A) nor
(B) but
(C) by
(D) or
14. Neither our company ________ the rival company will attend the trade show.
(A) for
(B) and
(C) nor
(D) or
15. The restaurant still tries to improve its quality and service ________ they usually receive excellent
feedback from customers.
(A) such as
(B) in addition to
(C) by means of Hotline:

(D) even though
16. The new convention center will not open until next January ________ the yesterday’s press
(A) as
(B) so that
(C) instead
(D) according to
17. ________ the six month's internship period is completed, all participants will be eligible to get a
(A) Once
(B) Soon
(C) Then
(D) Later
18. Dr. Kim's new study indicates ________ people are willing to spend money on career
(A) while
(B) that
(C) on
(D) however
19. The travel company introduced a new travel package _________ includes round-trip airfare and
(A) due to
(B) what
(C) since
(D) that
20. You need to let one of your colleagues take care of your job _________ you are on.
(A) in fact
(B) during
(C) unless
(D) while
21. _________ the director wants to see the budget report, give him a copy of the report.
(A) That
(B) Despite Hotline:

(C) If
(D) For
22. _________ he finishes reviewing the accounting procedures, the auditor will go over all the
financial reports.
(A) Whether
(B) Once
(C) As if
(D) Yet
23. It has been decided by the joint committee to equally distribute the research grant _________ the
participating research institutions.
(A) toward
(B) among
(C) after
(D) during
24. This copier will bring you reliable and quality service _________ maintenance checks are carried
out periodically.
(A) including
(B) in case
(C) as long as
(D) unless
25. We have rescheduled the meeting _________ that the delegates who will arrive tomorrow can
(A) so
(B) concerning
(C) over
(D) since
26. Mr. Bright arrived at the conference center on time _________ his flight was almost 30 minutes
(A) as if
(B) because
(C) even though
(D) regardless of Hotline:

27. _________ the new advertising campaign helps improve sales, the marketing team will have to
justify the expenses.
(A) Unless
(B) Only
(C) Whether
(D) While
28. We had to hire more than 30 sales personnel last month _________ we have noticed a strong
demand for our new products.
(A) that
(B) if
(C) as
(D) which
29. The employee-of-the-year prizes will be awarded to employees who demonstrated _____
contribution to the company’s overall sales.
(A) whole
(B) inclusive
(C) exceptional
(D) multiple
30. The summary contains not only a technical _____ but also solutions to adverse effects of urban
renewal developments.
(A) description
(B) attention
(C) information
(D) mistake
31. The job fair held in the City Center last week is considered the most _____ one so far, with over
3,000 people in attendance.
(A) overall
(B) successful
(C) wealthy
(D) delighted
32. All workers are required to use the sheet provided to _____ their working hours and have their
manager sign the form to verify the hours at the end of each day.
(A) practice
(B) rewind Hotline:

(C) record
(D) attend
33. With the election over, the new candidate could now _____ her attention toward solving the
unemployment problem.
(A) turn
(B) held
(C) change
(D) alter
34. Debbie Gillesple, chief financial officer off Alabaster Chemicals Ltd., is still _____ about a
favorable budget for the company this fiscal year.
(A) willing
(B) optimistic
(C) visionary
(D) assertive
35. The secretary in the 2nd floor office _____ e-mails between 8 a.m. and noon.
(A) answers
(B) talks
(C) responds
(D) replies
36. His _____ of more environmentally-friendly air-conditioning units has made Dr Miles Wilder very
famous in this city.
(A) sequence
(B) decision
(C) invention
(D) situation
37. Mr. Kim in the accounting department has the reputation of dealing with any sort of problem,
_____ how complicated it is.
(A) even if
(B) otherwise
(C) no matter
(D) therefore
38. Local residents are encouraged to _____ the unveiling of the new museum.
(A) occur Hotline:

(B) attend
(C) contain
(D) arrive
39. It is _____ that we fix this problem before we move on to the next one.
(A) requiring
(B) imperative
(C) indispensable
(D) impressive
40. Customers must bring in ____ for their refunds within two weeks of the purchase.
(A) procedures
(B) journeys
(C) directions
(D) receipts Hotline:

Đáp án:
Bài 1:
1. Since
2. If
3. while
4. unless
5. Once
6. because
7. before
8. As
9. Although
10. so that

Bài 2:
1C 2D 3B 4D 5B 6C 7D 8D 9C 10D
11D 12A 13B 14C 15D 16D 17A 18B 19D 20D
21C 22B 23B 24C 25A 26C 27A 28C 29C 30A
31B 32C 33A 34B 35A 36C 37C 38B 39N 40D

Rất tốt! Các em đã vất vả rồi. Cố gắng chút nữa nhé. Keep up your good work!
Hẹn gặp lại các em trong các tiết học tiếp theo.
Cô Phƣơng Hotline:


Các em làm hết 40 câu này. Cô sẽ chữa cụ thể trong tiêt sau nhé ^^
1. Order forms are available either at our company homepage ______ they can be filled out in person at any
branch office.
(A) nor
(B) not
(C) or
(D) but
2. If you keep your work area tidy, you will not only work more productively, ____ you will also impress your
(A) until
(B) or
(C) but
(D) and
3. ___when you place your order, we will do our best to get it filled by the time you request.
(A) As if
(B) As though
(C) No matter
(D) Even so
4. BioTech will change its end user licensing agreement policy ______ the complaints that we have received
regarding its practicality.
(A) despite
(B) although
(C) because
(D) in light of
5. Lear Industries has decided to hire 50 new employees ______ they recently signed a government contract
worth an estimated ten million dollars.
(A) due to
(A) owing
(B) because
(C) although
6. I thought I could find authentic Korean antiques in Insa-dong, yet they had nothing ______ reproductions.
(A) and
(B) but
(C) or
(D) so
7. Several employees were speaking loudly _________ the presentation yesterday morning, and this behavior
will not be tolerated at future presentations.
(A) while
(B) during
(C) for
(D) within
8. _____ users with clear directions on how to use the website, you can cut back on technical service inquiry
(A) By providing
(B) By provision
(C) To provide
(D) As provided Hotline:


9. _________ falling sales, we are optimistic about our sales next year because we have high expectations for
the new product line.
(A) Nevertheless
(B) However
(C) Although
(D) Despite
10. ________ the weather permits, the annual company picnic will be held at the national park on Saturday,
the 9th.
(A) Providing
(B) Nevertheless
(C) In view of
(D) The fact that
11. Foreign corporations that invested in the country have increased significantly in recent years, largely
_______ the government's tax regulations.
(A) there by
(B) insofar as
(C) because of
(D) in spite of
12. ________ hard they have tried to surpass our company in semiconductor manufacturing technology,
they have never made any progress.
(A) Because
(B) Although
(C) However
(D) As
13. The merchandise that you purchased from us is still returnable __________ you have your receipt.
(A) whereas
(B) in case of
(C) as long as
(D) Together with
14. _____ Mr. Jones ask to get the recent sales figures, please provide him with a copy of the quarterly
(A) If
(B) When
(C) Should
(D) After
15. That we will see an increase in the production capacity of our auto parts manufacturing plant ______
the next year is obvious.
(A) during
(B) while
(C) when
(D) since
16. When asked ______ she has interviewed with other companies, she denied having done so.
(A) when
(B) whenever
(C) while
(D) whether Hotline:


17. The consortium consist of experts from over 12 different fields _____ advisors from the federal
(A) by
(B) both
(C) in
(D) and
18. The musical has sold out for six straight performances, and we have ______ decided to extend it for two
more nights.
(A) however
(B) therefore
(C) whereas
(D) by means of
19. To receive reimbursement for travel expenses, employees must make copies of all receipts and submit
them with the appropriate document on _______ before the first of the month.
(A) when
(B) nor
(C) or
(D) either
20. Smart shoppers will compare different _______ similar brands but before making a decision.
(A) but
(B) since
(C) because
(D) both
21. ______ the concert is cancelled, a refund minus shipping costs will be provided upon return of the
purchased tickets.
(A) In order that
(B) As well as
(C) In the event
(D) The fact that
22. Nobody has the right to see medical records _______ they have written authorization from the appropriate
(A) although
(B) in order
(C) unless
(D) despite
23. Children under six years of age can have a 50% discount _____ accompanied by a coupon.
(A) by
(B) now
(C) only
(D) when
24. Overtime charges are applicable _______ the holiday season, as well as every Saturday and Sunday night.
(A) when
(B) during
(C) if
(D) which Hotline:


25. Banks have introduced a call-banking system _________ customers do not have to go to the bank or cash
(A) in order
(B) despite
(C) so that
(D) because
26. The wearing of telephone headsets during business hours has been proven to present workplace injuries
______ improving productivity.
(A) while
(B) because
(C) since
(D) so that
27. The usual term of employment is one month to three months, depending on ___ many orders are received.
(A) that
(B) what
(C) quite
(D) how
28. As long as the construction of the new factory is completed on time, we predict that production will have
_____ doubled by the beginning of next year.
(A) ever than
(B) much more
(C) more than
(D) even more
29. _______ we will be losing a key person, I want to assure you that our organization remains strong.
(A) Because
(B) Despite
(C) The fact that
(D) Even though
30. The job requires you to have personal attributes _______ the ability to work as a team member.
(A) to
(B) by means of
(C) unless
(D) as soon as
31. If a concert is called off, TicketBox will promptly refund the cost of the ticket and any associated charges
________ applicable.
(A) whether
(B) if
(C) unless
(D) as soon as
32. Being fluent in French, he may be called upon to act as a translator for the group _____ the need arise.
(A) in case
(B) would
(C) if
(D) should Hotline:


33. ______ the heavy traffic on the freeway, the delegation of ambassadors arrived over one hour late at the
(A) Although
(B) Due to
(C) In addition
(D) However
34. An off-road vehicle, _______ its name implies, is designed for use where there are no roads.
(A) though
(B) as
(C) while
(D) whereas
35. ___________ any particular opposition, the plans for an outdoor rally at the city park are likely to
proceed as scheduled.
(A) Unless
(B) Because
(C) Barring
(D) Except

36. Please do not telephone our customer service department _______ previously contacted by a warranty
division staff member.
(A) but
(B) otherwise
(C) without
(D) unless
37. The major speaker was not able to arrive earlier than expected ______ the road construction was not
(A) as
(B) despite
(C) for
(D) however
38. Under this warranty policy, repairs to damaged products are coverd, ______ they are performed by
certified agency.
(A) in order that
(B) provided that
(C) depending on
(D) rather than
39. Special dietary meals will be provided in flight if you request one upon making a reservation ______ at
least one day before departure.
(A) neither
(B) nor
(C) either
(D) or
40. The federal mail service is in operation every weekday, _____ there is rain or snow.
(A) regardless of
(B) even if
(C) while
(D) despite Hotline:

Created by Duy Ân Mai

1. Order forms are available either

at our company homepage
______ they can be filled out in
person at any branch office.
(A) nor
(B) not
(C) or
(D) but
Đáp án: C
Cấu trúc : either or Mẫu đặt hàng đang có
sẵn ở cả trang chủ của công ty
chúng tôi hoặc
chúng có thể được
điền trực tiếp tại bất kì
văn phòng chi nhánh nào.
If you keep your work area tidy,
you will not only work more
productively, ____ you will also
impress your supervisor.
(A) until
(B) or
(C) but
(D) and
Cấu trúc "not only but
also": không những mà còn
Nếu bạn giữ cho chỗ làm
việc của bạn gọn gàng thì
bạn sẽ không những làm việc
hiệu quả hơn mà còn gây ấn
tượng với người quản lý của

Created by Duy Ân Mai

___when you place your order,
we will do our best to get it filled
by the time you request.
(A) As if
(B) As though
(C) No matter
(D) Even so
Lựa chọn từ phù hợp
As if: Như thể, cứ như là
As though: Như thể, cứ như là
No matter: Bất kể/ bất luận
Even so: Tuy nhiên, tuy
Bất cứ khi nào bạn đặt
hàng, chúng tôi cũng sẽ cố
gắng hết sức để có thể đáp
ứng trong khoảng thời gian
mà bạn yêu cầu.
BioTech will change its end user
licensing agreement policy
______ the complaints that we
have received regarding its
(A) despite
(B) although
(C) because
(D) in light of
Mệnh để sau chỗ trống giải
thích cho mệnh đề đứng trước

Created by Duy Ân Mai

=&gt; cần chọn liên từ chỉ

nguyên nhân - kết quả
despite : Despite + N/Ving:
mặc dù
although: Although + clause:
mặc dù
because: Because + clause:
BioTech sẽ thay đổi chính
sách về hợp đồng chuyển
nhượng quyền sử dụng của
người dùng cuối cùng của nó
bởi vì những lời phàn nàn mà
chúng ta nhận được về tính
thiết thực của nó.
Licensing agreement: hợp
đồng chuyển nhượng quyền sử
Lear Industries has decided to
hire 50 new employees ______
they recently signed a
government contract worth an
estimated ten million dollars.
(A) due to
(B) owing
(C) because
(D) although
Về mặt nghĩa: mệnh để sau
chỗ trống giải thích cho mệnh
đề đứng trước =&gt; cần chọn
một liên từ chỉ nguyên nhân kết quả
due to: Due to + N/Ving: Bởi

Created by Duy Ân Mai

vì, do, tại

owing: Owing to + N/Ving:
do, bởi vì
because: Because + clause:
bởi vì
although: Although + clause:
mặc dù
Công ty Lear đã quyết định
thuê thêm 50 nhân công mới
bở vì họ vừa mới kí một hợp
đồng với chính phủ trị giá
ước lượng là 10 triệu đô-la.
6.I thought I could find authentic
Korean antiques in Insa-dong, yet
they had nothing ______
(A) and
(B) but
(C) or
(D) so
Theo văn cảnh, chọn liên từ
phù hợp
“have nothing but…”: không
có gì ngoài
and: và
but: ngoại trừ
or: hoặc
so: để (chỉ mục đích)
Tôi đã nghĩ rằng tôi có thể
tìm thấy những món đồ cổ
Hàn Quốc thật ở Insa-dong,

Created by Duy Ân Mai

nhưng họ chẳng có gì ngoài

các bản sao.
Authentic (adj): đáng tin
cậy, chắc chắn, xác thực
Antique: đồ cổ, tác phẩm mĩ
thuật cổ
Several employees were
speaking loudly _________ the
presentation yesterday morning,
and this behavior will not be
tolerated at future presentations.
(A) while
(B) during
(C) for
(D) within
Theo văn cảnh, lựa chọn giới
từ phù hợp
While: While + S + V: trong
During: During + N (danh từ
chỉ thời điểm mà một việc đó
xảy ra, vd: the film, the night, ): trong lúc
For: For + a period of time:
trong khoảng thời gian
Within: Within + period of
time: trong khoảng thời
Một vài nhân viên nói chuyện
lớn tiếng trong suốt buổi
thuyết trình sáng ngày hôm
qua, và hành động này sẽ

Created by Duy Ân Mai

không được chấp nhận tại

những buổi thuyết trình trong
tương lai.
______ users with clear
directions on how to use the
website, you can cut back on
technical service inquiry calls.
(A) By providing
(B) By provision
(C) To provide
(D) As provided
Theo văn cảnh, lựa chọn cụm
từ có nghĩa phù hợp
By providing: Bằng việc cung
By provision: Bởi sự cung
To provide: Để cung cấp
As provided: Như được cung
Bằng việc cung cấp cho
người dùng những hướng
dẫn rõ ràng cách làm thế
nào để sử dụng trang web,
bạn có thể giảm bớt những
cuộc gọi yêu cầu dịch vụ kỹ
To cut back: tỉa bớt, giảm
_________ falling sales, we are

Created by Duy Ân Mai

optimistic about our sales next

year because we have high
expectations for the new product
(A) Nevertheless
(B) However
(C) Although
(D) Despite
Thiếu một liên từ chỉ sự đối
However và Nevertheless đều
được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh
sự đối lập (nevertheless
thường trang trọng hơn
however). Khi đứng đầu câu,
however và nevertheless
thường đi với 1 mệnh đề
Although + mệnh đề: mặc dù
Despite + N/Ving: mặc dù
Tuy doanh số đang giảm
sút, chúng tôi vẫn rất lạc
quan về doanh số năm sau
________ the weather permits,
the annual company picnic will
be held at the national park on
Saturday, the 9th.
(A) Providing
(B) Nevertheless
(C) In view of
(D) The fact that
Theo văn cảnh, lựa chọn cụm

Created by Duy Ân Mai

từ thích hợp
Providing: với điều kiện là,
miễn là
Nevertheless: tuy nhiên, tuy
In view of: xét thấy, bởi vì
The fact that: sự thật/ thực tế

Nếu thời tiết cho phép, buổi
dã ngoại thường niên của
công ty sẽ được tổ chức tại
coogn viên quốc gia vào ngày
thứ 7, ngày mùng 9.
Foreign corporations that
invested in the country
have increased significantly
in recent years, largely
_______ the government's
tax regulations.
(A) there by
(B) insofar as
(C) because of
(D) in spite of
Về mặt nghĩa, mệnh đề sau
dấu phẩy giải thích cho mệnh
đề trước dấu phẩy
=&gt; cần chọn từ chỉ mối quan
hệ nguyên nhân - kết quả
there by: Bằng cách, do đó
insofar as: Đến nỗi mà
because of: Bởi vì

Created by Duy Ân Mai

in spite of: Mặc dù

Những tập đoàn nước ngoài
đầu tư vào trong nước đã tăng
lên đáng kể, phần lớn là nhờ
chính sách thuế của chính phủ.
To invest: đầu tư
________ hard they have tried to
surpass our company in
semiconductor manufacturing
technology, they have never
made any progress.
(A) Because
(B) Although
(C) However
(D) As
Về mặt nghĩa, mệnh đề trước
và sau dấu phẩy có sự đối
lập: “họ cố gắng…, họ không
tạo được bước tiến…”
Do đó, cần chọn từ nhấn
mạnh sự đối lập
Cấu trúc đảo ngữ:
However/ no matter how +
adj/adv + S + V + …
Cho dù họ có cố gắng như
thế nào để vượt qua công ty
của chúng ta trong lĩnh vực
sản xuất chất bán dẫn, họ
cũng không bao giờ tạo được
bất kì bước tiến nào.
To surpass: hơn, vượt trội

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Semiconductor: chất bán
The merchandise that you
purchased from us is still
returnable __________ you
have your receipt.
(A) whereas
(B) in case of
(C) as long as
(D) Together with
Lựa chọn cụm từ có nghĩa phù
whereas: Ngược lại, trong
in case of: In case of + N:
Trong trường hợp
as long as: Miễn là
together with: Cũng
như/ cùng với
Hàng hóa mà bạn đã mua từ
chúng tôi vẫn có thể trả lại
miễn là bạn có hóa đơn.
Receipt (n): hóa đơn
_____ Mr. Jones ask to get the
recent sales figures, please provide
him with a copy of the quarterly
(A) If
(B) When

10 | P a g e
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(C) Should
(D) After C
Đây là câu điều kiện loại
1: đưa ra giả thiết và kết
luận có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại
và tương lai
Chú ý động từ "ask" trong câu
không chia, mặc dù chủ ngữ
"Mr. Jones" là ngôi thứ 3 số ít
=&gt; Đảo ngữ trong câu điều
kiện loại 1
If + S +V = Should + S +
Nếu ông Jones yêu cầu lấy
những số liệu doanh số gần
đây, làm ơn cung cấp cho
ông ấy một bản sao báo
cáo hàng quý.
That we will see an increase in
the production capacity of our
auto parts manufacturing plant
______ the next year is obvious.
(A) during
(B) while
(C) when
(D) since
Chọn từ có nghĩa phù hợp
During: During + N (danh từ
chỉ thời điểm mà một việc đó
xảy ra vd: the film, the
night, )

11 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

While: While + S + V: trong

When: When + S + V: Khi
Since: Sau khi
Việc chúng ta sẽ nhìn thấy khả
năng sản xuất các bộ phận ôtô
tăng lên theo kế hoạch trong
suốt năm tiếp theo là rõ ràng.
Capacity (n): khả năng
sản xuất, công suất
Obvious (adj): rõ
When asked ______ she has
interviewed with other companies,
she denied having done so.
(A) when
(B) whenever
(C) while
(D) whether
Lựa chọn từ có nghĩa phù hợp
When: Khi
Whenever: Bất cứ khi nào
While: Trong khi
Whether: Có hay không
Khi được hỏi liệu cô ấy có
phỏng vấn với những công ty
khác hay không, cô ấy đã
phủ nhận việc đó.
To deny: phủ nhận
17.The consortium consist of experts
from over 12 different fields

12 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

_____ advisors from the federal

(A) by
(B) bot
(C) in
(D) and
Lựa chọn từ có nghĩa phù
By: bởi
Both: cả hai
In: vào
And: và
Hiệp hội bao gồm các chuyên
gia từ 12 lĩnh vực khác nhau
và những cố vấn từ chính
quyền liên bang.
To consist of: gồm có
Consortium: liên minh, hiệp
Advisor: cố vấn
Federal (adj): thuộc liên
The musical has sold out for six
straight performances, and we
have ______ decided to extend it
for two more nights.
(A) however
(B) therefore
(C) whereas
(D) by means of
Về mặt nghĩa, mệnh đề trước

13 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

dấu phẩy giải thích cho mệnh

đề sau dấu phẩy =&gt; cần liên
từ chỉ nguyên nhân - kết quả
However: Tuy nhiên
Therefore: Cho nên, vì thế
Whereas: Ngược lại, trong
By means of: Bởi vì
Buổi hài nhạc kịch đã bán hết
vé cho 6 buổi biểu diễn thông
thường, và vì thế chúng tôi
quyết định kéo dài thêm 2
đêm diễn nữa.
Musical (n) = musical
comedy: hài nhạc
To receive reimbursement for
travel expenses, employees must
make copies of all receipts and
submit them with the appropriate
document on _______ before the
first of the month.
(A) when
(B) nor
(C) or
(D) either
Lựa chọn từ có nghĩa phù hợp
When: Khi
Nor: Cũng không( thường đi
cùng "neither")
Or: Hoặc

14 | P a g e
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Either: Hoặc cái này hoặc cái

Để được hoàn trả chi phí đi
lại, nhân viên phải phô tô tất
cả hóa đơn và nộp chúng với
những tài liệu phù hợp vào
hoặc trước ngày đầu tháng.
Reimbursement: sự bồi
hoàn, sự hoàn trả
Appropriate (adj): thích
hợp, thích đáng
Smart shoppers will compare
different _______ similar
brands but before making a
(A) but
(B) since
(C) because
(D) both
Lựa chọn từ có nghĩa phù hợp
But: Trừ ra, ngoài ra
Since: Bởi vì
Because: Bời vì
Both: Cả hai
Ngoài những nhãn hàng
giống nhau, những người
mua sắm thông minh sẽ so
sánh những nhãn hàng
khác nhau trước khi đưa ra
quyết định.

15 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

______ the concert is cancelled,

a refund minus shipping costs will
be provided upon return of the
purchased tickets.
(A) In order that
(B) As well as
(C) In the event
(D) The fact that
Lựa chọn từ có nghĩa phù hợp
In order that: Để mà (chỉ
mục đích)
As well as: Cũng như
In the event: Trong trường
The fact that: Thực tế/ sự thật

Trong trường hợp buổi
hòa nhạc bị hoãn, một
khoản tiền hoàn trả được
trừ vào phí vẩn chuyển sẽ được đưa ra dựa trên số
tiền thu được từ những
chiếc vé đã bán được.
Nobody has the right to see
medical records _______ they
have written authorization from
the appropriate doctor.
(A) although
(B) in order
(C) unless
(D) despite

16 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

Lựa chọn từ có nghĩa phù hợp

although: Mặc dù
in order: Để mà (chỉ mục
unless: Trừ khi
despite: Mặc dù
Không ai có quyền xem hồ
sơ bệnh án trừ khi họ có
giấy phép từ bác sĩ có thẩm
Authorization: sự cho
Children under six years of age
can have a 50% discount _____
accompanied by a coupon.
(A) by
(B) now
(C) only
(D) when
Lựa chọn từ có nghĩa phù hợp
By: Bằng, bởi, do
Now: Ngay bây giờ
Only: Chỉ
When: Khi
Trẻ em dưới 6 tuổi có thể
được giảm giá 50% khi đi
kèm với phiếu giảm giá.
Overtime charges are applicable
_______ the holiday season, as
well as every Saturday and

17 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

Sunday night.
(A) when
(B) during
(C) if
(D) which
When: When + mệnh đề: khi
During: During + N( danh từ
chỉ thời điểm mà một việc đó
xảy ra vd: the film, the
night, ): trong lúc
If: If + mệnh đề: nếu
Which: Which + N: cái nào,
người nào
Phí ngoài giờ có thể áp dụng
trong suốt mùa nghỉ lễ cũng
như vào mỗi tối thứ bảy và
chủ nhật.
Applicable (adj): có thể áp
dụng được, có thể dùng được
Banks have introduced a callbanking system _________
customers do not have to go to
the bank or cash dispenser.
(A) in order
(B) despite
(C) so that
(D) because
Mệnh đề trước chỗ trống
mang nghĩa giải thích cho
mệnh đề sau chỗ trống
=&gt; cần liên từ chỉ nguyên nhân – kết quả

18 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

In order: để (làm gì)

Despite: mặc dù
So that: vì thế, cho nên
Because: bởi vì
Các ngân hàng vừa giới thiệu
một hệ thống tổng đài điện
thoại của ngân hàng, do đó
khách hàng không cần phải
đến ngân hàng hoặc máy rút tiền.
Despenser: máy rút tiền
The wearing of telephone
headsets during business hours
has been proven to present
workplace injuries ______
improving productivity.
(A) while
(B) because
(C) since
(D) so that
Lựa chọn từ có nghĩa phù
While: trong khi
Because: bởi vì
Since: bởi vì
So that: vì thế, cho nên
Việc đeo tai nghe điện thoại
trong giờ làm việc đã được
chứng minh rằng sẽ phòng
tránh được tai nạn ở nơi làm
việc trong khi nâng cao năng
suất lao động.

19 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

The usual term of employment is
one month to three months,
depending on _____ many orders
are received.
(A) that
(B) what
(C) quite
(D) how
“how many…”: có bao nhiêu
cái gì
Thời hạn lao động thường là
một đến ba tháng, phụ thuộc
vào lượng đơn hàng nhận
As long as the construction of the
new factory is completed on
time, we predict that production
will have _____ doubled by the
beginning of next year.
(A) ever than
(B) much more
(C) more than
(D) even more
Cấu trúc so sánh hơn:
“more than doubled”: hơn
gấp đôi
Chỉ cần việc xây dựng nhà
máy mới được hoàn thành
đúng hạn, chúng tôi dự đoán

20 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

rằng sản lượng sẽ tăng hơn

gấp đôi tính đế đầu năm sau.
_______ we will be losing a key
person, I want to assure you that
our organization remains strong.
(A) Because
(B) Despite
(C) The fact that
(D) Even though
Lựa chọn liên từ có nghĩa
phù hợp
Because: bởi vì
Despite: despite + N/ V-ing:
mặc dù
The fact that: thực tế, sự thật

Even though: cho dù là
Cho dù chúng tôi có để tuột
mất nhân vật then chốt, tôi
muốn đảm bảo với các bạn
rằng tổ chức của chúng ta vẫn
sẽ vững mạnh.
To assure: đảm bảo
The job requires you to have
personal attributes _______ the
ability to work as a team member.
(A) to
(B) by means of
(C) unless
(D) as soon as

21 | P a g e
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Lựa chọn liên từ có nghĩa phù
To: Để
By means of: Nhờ vào, bởi vì
From: Từ đâu/ bởi vì
Such as: Như là
Công việc yêu cầu bạn phải
có những phẩm chất cá nhân
như là khả năng làm việc
Attribute: thuộc tính, phẩm
If a concert is called off,
TicketBox will promptly refund
the cost of the ticket and any
associated charges ________
(A) whether
(B) if
(C) unless
(D) as soon as
Sau "whether", "if" và
"unless" phải là một mệnh
Chọn "as soon as"
"as soon as": ngay khi
Nếu buổi hòa nhạc bị hủy bỏ,
TicketBox sẽ hoàn trả lập tức
giá vé và bất cứ khoản phí
liên quan ngay khi có thể

22 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

thực hiện được.

To call off: hoãn lại, hủy bỏ
Applicable (adj): thích hợp,
có thể áp dụng được
Being fluent in French, he may
be called upon to act as a
translator for the group _____ the
need arise.
(A) in case
(B) would
(C) if
(D) should
- Câu điều kiện loại một =&gt;
chọn "if" hoặc "should"
-"the need" là chủ ngữ số ít
nhưng động từ "arise" không
chia =&gt; chọn "should"
Cấu trúc: Should + S +
V(infinitive) = If + S +
Vì thành thạo tiếng Pháp,
anh ta có thể được yêu cầu
làm biên dịch cho nhóm
nếu nhu cầu nảy sinh.
To call upon: yêu cầu
______ the heavy traffic on the
freeway, the delegation of
ambassadors arrived over one
hour late at the conference.
(A) Although

23 | P a g e
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(B) Due to
(C) In addition
(D) However
Mệnh đề sau dấu phẩy là kết
quả của mệnh đề trước dấu
phẩy =&gt; cần một liên từ chỉ
nguyên nhân =&gt; chọn “due
Bởi vì tắc nghẽn giao thông
trên đường cao tốc, đoàn
ngoại giao đã đến hội nghị trễ
một tiếng.
Delegation: phái đoàn, đoàn
đại biểu
Ambassador: đại sứ, nhà
ngoại giao
Freeway: đường cao tốc
34. An off-road vehicle, _______ its
name implies, is designed for use where there are no roads.
(A) though
(B) as
(C) while
(D) whereas
"though", "while" và"whereas" là 3 liên từ đều phản ánh sự đối lập
=&gt; không chọn
As: như là =&gt; phù hợp với
nghĩa của câu
Một chiếc xe chạy được trên mọi địa hình đúng như cái tên của nó, là
được thiết kế để sử dụng ở
những nơi mà không có

24 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

Off-road vehicle: xe chạy

được trên mọi địa hình
___________ any particular
opposition, the plans for an
outdoor rally at the city park
are likely to proceed as
(A) Unless
(B) Because
(C) Barring
(D) Except
Theo nghĩa của câu cần 1 từ
mang nghĩa loại trừ và có thể
đứng ở đầu câu.
Unless + mệnh đề
Barring + N
Trừ khi có sự chống đối đặc
biệt nào, kế hoạch cho cuộc
mít tinh ngoại trời tại công
viên thành phố dường như
vẫn được tiến hành như kế
Opposition (n): sự chống
đối, phản đối
Rally (n): đại hội, mít
Please do not telephone our
customer service department
_______ previously contacted by
a warranty division staff member.

25 | P a g e
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(A) but
(B) otherwise
(C) without
(D) unless
Đây là câu điều kiện loại một
=&gt; chọn unless
Vui lòng không gọi điện
thoại đến bộ phận chăm sóc
khách hàng trừ khi được liên
lạc trước bởi nhân viên bộ
phận bảo hành.
The major speaker was not able
to arrive earlier than expected
______ the road construction was
not completed.
(A) as
(B) despite
(C) for
(D) however
Mệnh đề sau giải thích cho
mệnh đề trước =&gt; cần chọn 1
liên từ chỉ nguyên nhân
Chọn "as"
Người diễn giả chính đã
không thể đến sớm hơn như
mong đợi vì việc thi công
đường vẫn chưa hoàn tất.
Under this warranty policy,
repairs to damaged products are

26 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

coverd, ______ they are performed by certified agency.

(A) in order that
(B) provided that
(C) depending on
(D) rather than
Theo văn cảnh, lựa chọn cụm
từ có nghĩa phù hợp
In order that: mục đích để
Provided that: với điều kiện

Depending on: phụ thuộc
Rather than: hơn là
Theo chính sách bảo hành
này, việc sửa chữa những sản
phẩm bị hỏng sẽ được hưởng bảo hiểm với điều kiện chúng
được thực hiện bởi đại lý
được chứng nhận.
Special dietary meals will be
provided in flight if you request
one upon making a reservation
______ at least one day before
(A) neither
(B) nor
(C) either
(D) or
Cần một liên từ đẳng lập nối 2
phần có vai trò ngữ pháp
ngang nhau trong câu ("making

27 | P a g e
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a resevation" và " at least one

day before departure")
Chọn "or"
Chú ý một số cấu trúc như
Either or
Neither nor
Những bữa ăn kiêng đặc biệt
sẽ được phục vụ trong
chuyến bay nếu bạn yêu cầu
nó trong lúc đặt chỗ hoặc ít
nhất 1 ngày trước khi khởi
Dietary (adj): thuộc
chế độ ăn kiêng
The federal mail service is in
operation every weekday,
_____ there is rain or snow.
(A) regardless of
(B) even if
(C) while
(D) despite
"while" và "despite" không
đứng sau dấu phẩy
Regardless of + N/Ving
Chọn "even if" : cho
dù là
Dịch vụ bưu điện liên bang
hoạt động vào các ngày
thường trong tuần, cho dù là
trời mưa hay có tuyết.

28 | P a g e Cô VŨ MAI PHƢƠNG – KHÓA TOEIC 2016

PART 5 – TIẾT 13
Các em luyện thêm một số câu liên từ và từ vựng này nhé. Đáp án đƣợc cung cấp ở cuối bài.

1. Ms. Lee will reserve the meeting room ________ Ms. Leno prepares copies of the meeting agenda.
(A) also (B) than (C) moreover (D) while
2. Successful applicants will be relocated to either New York ________ London.
(A) neither (B) nor (C) or (D) both
3. The new company building is relatively ________ and adequately ventilated.
(A) spacing (B) spaciousness (C) spaces (D) spacious
4. Due to your excellent performance, I will surely recommend your company to anyone ________ is
planning a move.
(A) who (B) which (C) what (D) when
5. Management consultants often stress ________ rewarding dedicated employees raises workplace morale.
(A) that (B) of (C) in (D) if
6. By sending gift certificates to regional managers, the director expressed his thanks for their hard work
________ commitment.
(A) as (B) and (C) but (D) yet
7. ________ the packages were sent by express delivery, the distributor has not yet received them.
(A) Although (B) Unlike (C) Already (D) Meanwhile
8. The award was presented to Dr. Marson ________ led the research on global warming.
(A) while (B) who (C) which (D) whose
9. The city auditorium is available for ________ private and business functions.
(A) even (B) both (C) either (D) whether
10. The community center runs community-based programs ________ include a wide variety of classes and
(A) whose (B) where (C) that (D) what
11. Please note that our service centers will be closed at 3:00 PM on Friday ________ the upcoming holidays.
(A) due to (B) while (C) since (D) as if
12. The sales director has suggested ________ all sales reports be submitted by the end of each week.
(A) on (B) even though (C) which (D) that
13. By volunteering, you can create lasting memories and ________ valuable experience.
(A) gain (B) gaining (C) gained (D) gains
14. Trainees should contact their trainer directly ________ they encounter any problem beyond their control.
(A) If (B) which (C) what (D) due to Hotline:

15. We are proud of our service technicians because of their professionalism and ________.
(A) expert (B) inexpert (C) expertise (D) inexpertly
16. ________ the replacement parts arrive in the factory, we will restart the assembly line.
(A) Once (B) Soon (C) Then (D) Later
17. Neither taking photographs ________ bringing soft drinks is allowed in the museum.
(A) or (B) nor (C) and (D) either
18. The budget report was due last Friday, ________ the finance director has agreed to a short extension.
(A) but (B) beyond (C) until (D) that
19. S&B Accessories began to sell cosmetics products in 2002, ________ now account for more than 50
percent of its total sales.
(A) what (B) which (C) if (D) it
20. The company is having difficulty securing funds ________ it has a lot of potential.
(A) which (B) in addition to (C) that (D) even though
21. Creating a friendly working environment can help reduce personal stress _________ increasing long-term
(A) but (B) whether (C) since (D) while
22. _____ the building permission is granted, the building site will be prepared for construction.
(A) However (B) While (C) As if (D) As soon as
23. ____ the concert finished late the audience still waited for me.
(A) Nevertheless (B) Still (C) Although (D) However
24. _____ working with the research department some of the time, the marketing team comes up with fresh
ideas for the company’s new ads.
(A) By (B) During (C) Because (D) So that
25. If you sell house before the end of this month, your taxes will be reduced by almost 30 percent _____ the
sale of your home.
(A) regarding (B) despite (C) supposing (D) regardless of
26. The movie producer was considering doing another film, _____ the last one was disaster.
(A) in spite of (B) otherwise (C) only if (D) even though
27. _____ the new Blanco brand of paints met all government standards for safety, it is still toxic if ingested.
(A) In spite of (B) Whatever (C) Even though (D) Moreover
28. Construction of the bank branch was completed on time _____ the unseasonable wet weather.
(A) even though (B) as if (C) in spite of (D) nevertheless
29. _____ not a mandatory form of ID, a valid driver’s license is a readily accepted form of identification.
(A) Despite (B) Unless (C) Since (D) Though Hotline:

30. Customersof Kent’s hardware have the choice of contacting store locations by phone _____ through the
(A) or (B) but (C) also (D) either
31. Employees wishing to receive more information _____ the neweast stock options are advised to make
inquiries at the human resources office.
(A) in (B) even if (C) about (D) so that
32. Caime Fitness Centers has decided to open a large facility in Manhattan _____ its financial situation is
unstable because of shifting property values.
(A) instead of (B) still (C) even though (D) however
33. Contractors will be renovating the office building _____ the stockroom will be on the first floor.
(A) in order to (B) so that (C) because of (D) just as
34. _____ those applicants who have graduated after four years at an accredited university will be considered
for the position.
(A) Almost (B) Only (C) Entirely (D) Neither
35. _____ Mr. Fowler or Ms. Bloch will have to travel to London for ther symposium on textle manufacturing.
(A) Both (B) Each (C) Either (D) Neither
36. All future team meetings will be ____ in room 414 at noon on the first Wednesday of every month.
(A) sustained (B) held (C) supported (D) meet
37. All members of the staff will be _____ with a bonus and two extra vacation days.
(A) refueled (B) rewarded (C) replenished (D) restocked
38. Perry and Monroe Inc. is one of the _____ companies in the field of environmentally-friendly household
(A) accustomed (B) indefinite (C) originated (D) leading
39. Everett-Buchanan Industries’ research _____ on the newest drug to combat stomach infections recently
received a grant from the National Gastrointestinal Medical research Foundation.
(A) project (B) scheme (C) method (D) format
40. Innovations in the electronic equipment used in hospitals have enabled doctors to _____ illnesses and
disorders more quickly and more accurately.
(A) diagnose (B) shift (C) collapse (D) respond
41. As as _____ measure, Cordell Financial Fund does not disclose information about its clients unless legally
mandated to do so.
(A) continuous (B) settled (C) rival (D) protective
42. Since the _____ between some new advances in technology and efficiency is tenuous, a little more research
is requested.
(A) relevance (B) connection (C) acquaintance (D) mixture Hotline:

43. Lancaster Productions _____ that all workers occasionally re-read their employee guideline booklets to help
refresh their memories on company policies.
(A) depends (B) adapts (C) specializes (D) recommends
44. Customers who purchase a Z-1000 desktop computer before February 3rd will receive a free printer at no
extra _____.
(A) charge (B) frequency (C) value (D) product
45. The music area will be enlarged to include practice room with immediate _____ to the stage.
(A) next (B) close (C) adjacency (D0 neighboring
46. All _____ products must be properly registered before being shipped out the distribution center.
(A) permissive (B) outgoing (C) reversed (D) absolute
47. We are unable to meet the present demand because of _____ plant capacity.
(A) reproductive (B) overran (C) inadequate (D) underwritten
48. Our _____ production goals will be directed by a skilled team of qualified managers.
(A) comparative (B) envious (C) pleased (D) ambitious
49. Remember to list fixed expenses _____ from variable expenses.
(A) arbitrarily (B) separately (C) definitely (D) mutually
50. The manager _____ Mr. Kames a promotion because of his successful handling of the company’s
accounting for the past two years.
(A) implemented (B) induced (C) surprised (D) granted Hotline:

Đáp án:
1D 2C 3D 4A 5A 6B 7A 8B 9B 10C
11A 12D 13A 14A 15C 16A 17B 18A 19B 20D
21D 22D 23C 24A 25A 26D 27C 28C 29D 30A
31C 32C 33B 34B 35C 36B 37B 38D 39A 40A
41D 42B 43D 44A 45C 46B 47C 48D 49B 50D

Rất tốt! Các em đã vất vả rồi. Cố gắng chút nữa nhé. Keep up your good work!
Hẹn gặp lại các em trong các tiết học tiếp theo.
Cô Phƣơng Hotline:

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Các em nhấn Pause và làm các câu sau tr ớc khi xem đáp án.
1. The University of New Mexico ranks ______ the best in the nation when it comes to graduate programs
in law, fine arts and medicine.
(A) at (B) among (C) from (D) in
2. Because you failed to obey the traffic signal at the time of the accident, the damages to your vehicle will
not be covered ______ the insurance policy.
(A) in (B) through (C) throughout (D) under
3. Increasing market share is regarded _____ an important business objective at McGahern Industries.
(A) with (B) to (C) in spite of (D) as
4.Although she has twelve years _______ experience in the advertising industry, I do not feel she is the
right person to lead this team.
(A) to (B) on (C) at (D) of
5. Customer service specialists are available Monday _____ Friday to answer any questions you may have
about your next purchase.
(A) through (B) in (C) on (D) at
6. If you are _____ doubt about anything, come and see me or one of the other teachers.
(A) in (B) with (C) for (D) of
7. According to your credit card agreement with our company, your account may be terminated _________
further notice if you fail to make timely payments.
(A) before (B) after (C) from (D) without
8. Several members of the board of directors want to know how the current marketing campaign will affect
profits and market share ______ the short term.
(A) of (B) in (C) at (D) to
9. Several employees were speaking loudly ____ the presentations yesterday morning, and this behavior
will not be tolerated at future presentations.
(A) while (B) during (C) for (D) within
10. The results of the promotion evaluation will be announced ______ the personnel manager.
(A) of (B) on (C) by (D) along
11. This year's Ferrari 400 TST has all the styles of previous models ___ several convenient new features.
(A) plus (B) together (C) both (D) within
12. Over 20 candidates showed up to compete ______ three job openings at the government agency.
(A) for (B) to (C) with (D) against
13. Because security measures have been heightened, please make sure to arrive at the airport in plenty of
time _____ check-in.
(A) through (B) until (C) for (D) in

Created by Duy Ân Mai

14. They will not resume supplying the building ______ electricity until full payment plus late charges has
been made.
(A) for (B) to (C) with (D) about
15. Foreign corporations that have invested in the country have increased significantly in recent
years,largely ____ the government's tax regulations..
(A) thereby (B) insofar as (C) because of (D) in spite of
16. It is strongly recommended that the government streamline banks and dispose _______ uncompetitive
(A) by (B) at (C) of (D) on
17. After reporting dramatic drops in sales __________ the year, SuperMart stores finally announced that it
will be filing for bankruptcy.
(A) throughout (B) along (C) between (D) at
18. If we are to meet the current deadline, it is essential that the entire team collaborate ____ drafting the
(A) with (B) on (C) in (D) at
19. In the manufacturing sector there is a growing concern _____ the rising cost of raw materials.
(A) over (B) around (C) along (D) into
20. Every month, the business club invites a business person who has been noted ______ his or her
accomplishments in the local area.
(A) for (B) to (C) with (D) of
21. In the event your vehicle is damaged ______ repair, we at Vehicle Locator Services can assist you in
locating a comparable replacement vehicle.
(A) between (B) below (C) beyond (D) beside
22. ______ two days of discussion, both parties involved in the contract have finally come to a meaningful
(A) Around (B) Between (C) Toward (D) Following
23. The group ticket to the amusement park is good for two adults and _______ two children.
(A) up to (B) including (C) many as (D) inside
24. Career consultants often advise their clients to reflect periodically _____ the approaches they take to a
job search.
(A) of (B) on (C) in (D) with
25. There's no need to elaborate _______ the matter any more since everyone seems to understand the
(A) about (B) on (C) with (D) of
26. Please call me back by five o'clock _______ the latest to confirm your attendance, if not, I will have to
give your seat to someone else.
(A) at(B) until (C) before (D) up to

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27. The president is available to see you _____ 3 o'clock onward on Monday of this week.
(A) from (B) at (C) during (D) between
28. Removing the current CEO is a huge step _______ in the right direction.
(A) through (B) forward(C) before (D) toward
29. Those researchers who read the report carefully commented ___ it has many errors.
(A) on (B) which (C) about (D) that
30. Eastways Airlines blames the bad weather _______ the delay in the flight.
(A) from (B) with (C) of (D) for
31. Someone from the embassy helped us to get our baggage cleared ____ customs.
(A) through (B) with (C) at (D) in
32. When traveling to a foreign country, learn the local laws and customs of the countries _____ which you
are traveling.
(A) for (B) to (C) by (D) with
33. If you're in a hurry, please call _____ with your order so that we can have it ready for you to pick up.
(A) above (B) along (C) ahead (D) aside
34. ______ July 16, there will be an opening for an experienced floor manager in the production
(A) In (B) As of (C) With (D) To
35. I don't think the supervisor has the right to interfere _______ our private affairs.
(A) of (B) with (C) in (D) at
36. Because of his large contribution, there was no argument in naming the memorial hall ____ his wife.
(A) for (B) after (C) from (D) of
37. The building for sale was _______ the house which had a slate roof and was a stream.
(A) in (B) by (C) through (D) from
38. Because I am more interested in the sessions for which I have registered, the location of the
conference is not ____ primary importance to me.
(A) in (B) for (C) of (D) by
39. The Internet has enabled consumers to choose ___ a variety of devices to access information and
technology anywhere and at any time.
(A) in (B) among (C) from (D) within
40. To ensure the two-year free maintenance guarantee, the enclosed questionnaire must be completed
and submitted ______ 30 days of purchase.
(A) by (B) before (C) within (D) under
41. If you default ______ your payments, the bank will be forced to repossess your car.
(A) at (B) with (C) of (D) on

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42. It's really surprising that these pieces of pottery had been buried _____ the earth for thousands of
(A) inside (B) down (C) beneath (D) toward
43. Even though products are temporarily out of stock due to the transportation strike, we will make all
possible efforts to fill your order ______ 15 days.
(A) until (B) by (C) before (D) within
44. After measuring temperatures throughout the winter, we found out that the average temperature was
two degrees ________ normal.
(A) within (B) against (C) below (D) underneath
45. Much ___ the surprise of all teachers, most students wanted to come to school during the summer
(A) of (B) in (C) to (D) at
46. Tour buses bound ____ the ancient capital city leave the main bus station every hour in Lima.
(A) for (B) to (C) at (D) from
47. Most companies created great advertising from outsourcing, but we decided to use the resources
available _______ our company.
(A) between (B) within (C) beyond (D) toward
48. All outstanding fees and charges must be paid ______ full before utility service can be restored to your
(A) on (B) above (C) in (D) without
49. The dream of most salaried workers is to have a vacation at a resort where there are long sandy
beaches and shady palm trees ______ the sea.
(A) between (B) above (C) beside (D) across
50. The job requires you to have personal attributes _______ the ability to work as a team member.
(A) to (B) by means of (C) from (D) such as
51. Please pay the full price by credit card or bank transfer as we do not accept payment ________
(A) out of (B) within (C) up on (D) up to
52. The new leader of the Union of European Nations will be _______ attendance at the summit in Prague
next Tuesday.
(A) in (B) on (C) at (D) under
53. The annual dividend that is payable _____ shareholders will not be paid until the end of the month.
(A) from (B) to (C) in (D) of
54. The person ________ you will be your guide for the next few hours, so feel free to ask her any
questions you may have regarding the exhibit.
(A) in support of (B) at odds with (C) with regard to (D) in front of

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55. Sales of our new wireless product have already doubled _____ we attended the hardware trade show
last month.
(A) by (B) before (C) since (D) past
56. ______ the time the Environmental Protection Act was passed, our company was already following
strict regulations for disposing of industrial waste.
(A) Of (B) Up (C) At (D) On
57. The association was set up ___ the aim of encouraging improved standards of recording and
(A) on (B) with (C) inside (D) in
58. All salespeople working ___________ commission must attend this year's sales conference in
Minneapolis in order to stay current with the latest developments in the industry.
(A) in (B) from (C) on (D) under
59. Recognizing the valuable ideas that all employees contribute to the organization is the key _____
effective management.
(A) at (B) from (C) through (D) to
60. We have now begun accepting applications ______ electronic form, but we strongly recommend
sending them by first-class mail.
(A) in (B) below (C) above (D) with
1. The University of New
Mexico ranks ______
the best in the nation
when it comes to
graduate programs in
law, fine arts and
(A) at
(B) among
(C) from
(D) in
(B) Lựa chọn giới từ phù
At: Tại
Among: Giữa, trong

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From: Từ
In: trong
Trường đại học New
Mexico được xếp
trong số các trường
tốt nhất cả nước đối
với chuyên ngành
luật, nghệ thuật và y
Rank: xếp hạng
Law: luật
Art: nghệ thuật
Medicine: y học
2. Because you failed to
obey the traffic signal
at the time of the
accident, the damages
to your vehicle will not
be covered ______ the
insurance policy.
(A) in
(B) through
(C) throughout
(D) under
(D) Lựa chọn giới từ phù
In: Trong
Through: Thông
qua, suốt
Throughout: Từ đầu
đến cuối
Under: Theo (điều

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Bởi vì bạn không

tuân thủ tín hiệu giao
thông tại thời điểm
tai nạn nên những
thiệt hại về phương
tiện của bạn sẽ không
được chi trả theo
chính sách bảo hiểm.
Traffic signal: tín
hiệu giao thông
Damage: thiệt hại,
hư hại
Insurance policy:
chính sách bảo hiểm
3. Increasing market
share is regarded
_____ an important
business objective at
McGahern Industries.
(A) with
(B) to
(C) in spite of
(D) as
(D) Theo văn cảnh, lựa
chọn giới từ phù hợp
With: Với
To : Hướng tới, đối
in spite of: Mặc dù
As: Như là
Việc tăng thị phần
được xem như là một
mục tiêu kinh doanh

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quan trọng tại công ty

McGahern Industries.
Market share: thị
Regard as: xem,
đánh giá như là
4. Although she has
twelve years _______
experience in the
advertising industry, I do not feel she is the
right person to lead
this team.
(A) to
(B) on
(C) at
(D) of
Theo văn cảnh, lựa
chọn giới từ phù hợp
To: Hướng tới
On: Trên
At: Tại
of: Về
Mặc dù cô ấy có 12
năm kinh nghiệm
trong ngành công
nghiệp quảng cáo, tôi không cảm thấy cô ấy
là người thích hợp để
dẫn dắt nhóm.
Years of experience:
năm kinh nghiệm.
Advertising: quảng

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Lead: lãnh đạo, dẫn

5. Customer service
specialists are available
Monday _____ Friday
to answer any
questions you may
have about your next
(A) through
(B) in
(C) on
(D) at
(A) Theo văn cảnh, lựa
chọn giới từ phù hợp
Through: Cho đến
In: Trong
On: Trên
At: Tại
Những chuyên viên
chăm sóc khách hàng
sẵn sàng từ thứ hai
đến thứ sáu để trả lời
bất cứ câu hỏi nào
của bạn về việc mua
sắm của bạn.
Specialist: Chuyên
gia, chuyên viên
Available: sẵn có,
sẵn sàng.
Purchase: mua sắm
6. If you are _____ doubt
about anything, come

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and see me or one of

the other teachers.
(A) in
(B) with
(C) for
(D) of
(A) Cấu trúc “to be in
dout”: hoài nghi,
không chắc
Nếu bạn không chắc
về bất cứ thứ gì, hãy
đến và gặp tôi hoặc
một trong số những
giảng viên khác.
To be in doubt:
không chắc, hoài nghi
7. According to your
credit card agreement
with our company,
your account may be
terminated _________
further notice if you
fail to make timely
(A) before
(B) after
(C) from
(D) without
Theo văn cảnh, lựa
chọn giới từ phù hợp
Before: Trước
After: Sau

10 | P a g e
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From: Từ
Without: Không có
Theo như hợp đồng
thẻ tín dụng của bạn
với công ty chúng tôi,
tài khoản của bạn sẽ
bị ngừng hoạt động
mà không có thông
báo gì nếu bạn không
thanh toán kịp thời.
Agreement: hợp
Account: tài khoản
Payment: thanh toán
8. Several members of the
board of directors
want to know how the
current marketing
campaign will affect
profits and market
share ______ the short
(A) of
(B) in
(C) at
(D) to
(B) Theo văn cảnh, lựa
chọn giới từ phù hợp
Of: Của
In: Trong
At: Tại
To: Hướng tới, tiến

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Một vài thành viên

của ban giám đốc
muốn biết chiến dịch
quảng bá, tiếp thị
hiện tại sẽ tác động
như nào đến lợi
nhuận và thị phần
trong thời hạn ngắn.
Board of directors:
ban giám đốc
Campaign: chiến
Effect: ảnh hưởng
Profit: lợi nhuận
9. Several employees
were speaking loudly
____ the presentations
yesterday morning,
and this behavior will
not be tolerated at
future presentations.
(A) while
(B) during
(C) for
(D) within
(B) Ta cần chọn giới từ
phù hợp
While: Trong khi +
period of time.
during: Trong khi +
For: Trong khi +
period of time

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Within: Trong
khoảng + period of
Một vài nhân viên nói
chuyện lớn tiếng
trong suốt buổi thuyết
trình sáng hôm qua,
và hành động này sẽ
không được chấp
nhận trong những
buổi thuyết trình
trong tương lai.
Presentation: thuyết
trình, trình bày
Tolerate: khoan
dung, chịu dựng
Behavior: hành vi,
hành động
10. The results of the
promotion evaluation
will be announced
______ the personnel
(A) of
(B) on
(C) by
(D) along
Cấu trúc câu bị động
chọn “by smb”: bởi
ai đó
Kết quả của việc xét
thăng chức sẽ được

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thông báo bởi quản lý

nhân sự.
Announce: thông
Personel manager: quản lý nhân sự
11. This year's Ferrari 400
TST has all the styles
of previous models ___
several convenient new
(A) plus
(B) together
(C) both
(D) within
(A) Theo văn cảnh, lựa
chọn từ có nghĩa phù
Plus: Cộng vào, thêm
Together: Cùng nhau
Both: Cả hai
Within: Bên trong,
phía trong
Ferrari 400 TST năm
nay có tất cả những
kiểu dáng của những
mẫu trước đó cùng
với một số tính năng
tiện ích mới.
Convenient: tiện lợi,
thuận tiện
Feature: tính năng,
đặc trưng

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12. Over 20 candidates

showed up to compete
___ three job openings
at the government
(A) for
(B) to
(C) with
(D) against
(A) Cấu trúc:
somebody: cạnh
tranh với ai
Compete in/for
something; cạnh
tranh vì cái gì
Hơn 20 ứng viên đã
có mặt để cạnh tranh
cho 3 vị trí công việc
tại cơ quan chính
Compete: cạnh tranh,
ganh đua
Government: chính
Agency: cơ quan,
cục, sở, chi nhánh.
13. Because security
measures have been
heightened, please
make sure to arrive at
the airport in plenty of

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time _____ check-in.

(A) through
(B) until
(C) for
(D) in
(C) Theo văn cảnh, lựa
chọn giới từ phù hợp
Through: Thông
qua, xuyên qua
Until: Cho đến khi
For: Để, vì
In: Trong
Bởi vì các biện pháp
an ninh đã được tăng
cường, hãy đến sân
bay sớm trước 1
khoảng thời gian để
làm thủ tục bay.
Security: an ninh
Measure: đo lường,
phương pháp, biện
Heighten: tăng thêm,
tăng cường
Check-in: làm thủ
tục chuyến bay
14. They will not resume
supplying the building ______ electricity until
full payment plus late
charges has been made.
(A) for
(B) to
(C) with

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(D) about
Cấu trúc “to supply
somebody with something”: cung
cấp vật gì cho ai
Họ sẽ không tiếp tục
cung cấp điện cho tòa nhà cho đến khi việc
thanh toán đầy đủ bao
gồm cả phí trả chậm
được thực hiện.
Payment: thanh toán
Late charge: phí trả
15. Foreign corporations
that have invested in
the country have
increased significantly
in recent years, largely
____ the government's
tax regulations..
(A) thereby
(B) insofar as
(C) because of
(D) in spite of
(C)Theo văn cảnh, lựa
chọn từ có nghĩa phù
thereby: Do đó
insofar as: Đến mức
độ mà
because of: Bởi vì
in spite of: Mặc dù
Những công ty nước

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ngoài đầu tư vào

trong nước đã tăng
trưởng đáng kể trong
những năm gần đây,
phần lớn là do những
quy định về thuế của
chính phủ.
Corporation: công
Significantly: đáng
Tax: thuế
Regulation: quy
định, điều lệ
16. It is strongly
recommended that the
government streamline
banks and dispose
_______ uncompetitive
(A) by
(B) at
(C) of
(D) on
(C) Cấu trúc “dispose of
something”: xử lý,
giải quyết, vứt bỏ cái

Chính phủ nên sắp
xếp hiệu quả hệ thống
các ngân hàng và xử
lý những công ty
thiếu năng lực cạnh

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Streamline: sắp xếp,
tổ chức hợp lý
Dispose of: xử lý,
giải quyết, vứt bỏ
không có tính cạnh
17. After reporting
dramatic drops in sales
__________ the year,
SuperMart stores finally announced that
it will be filing for
(A) throughout
(B) along
(C) between
(D) at
Throughout: giới từ
đi với 1 khoảng thời
Along: dọc theo (cái gì)
Between: khoảng
thời gian ngăn cách
giữa 2 thời điểm
At: Tại 1 thời điểm
xác định
Sau báo cáo về sự sụt
giảm nghiêm trọng
trong doanh số bán
hàng trong suốt cả năm, cuối cùng cửa
hàng Supermart đã

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thông báo rằng họ sẽ

nộp đơn xin phá sản.
Bankruptcy: phá sản
18. If we are to meet the
current deadline, it is
essential that the entire
team collaborate ____
drafting the proposal.
(A) with
(B) on
(C) in
(D) at
(B) Cấu trúc
“collaborate (with
someone) on
something”: cộng tác
với ai về cái gì
Nếu chúng ta muốn
kịp thời hạn đã định,
toàn bộ nhóm cần
phải hợp tác với nhau
trong việc phác thảo
kế hoạch.
Essential: cần thiết,
chủ yếu, cốt yếu
Collaborate: hợp tác
Draft: phác thảo, dự
Proposal: đề xuất, kế
19. In the manufacturing
sector there is a
growing concern _____

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the rising cost of raw

(A) over
(B) around
(C) along
(D) into
(A) Cấu trúc “concern
something”: bận
tâm, quan tâm về
điều gì
Ở bộ phận sản xuất,
có 1 mối quan tâm
ngày càng tăng về
việc tăng giá nguyên
liệu thô.
Manufacturing: việc
sản xuất
Raw: thô, chưa tinh
Material: nguyên
liệu, vật liệu
20. Every month, the
business club invites a
business person who
has been noted ______
his or her
accomplishments in the
local area.
(A) for
(B) to
(C) with
(D) of

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“to be noted for” nổi
tiếng về cái gì
Hàng tháng, câu lạc
bộ doanh nhân lại
mời 1 doanh nhân nổi
tiếng vì những thành
tựu của anh ấy hoặc
cô ấy trong khu vực
địa phương.
Accomplishment:thành tựu, thành tích
Local: địa phương
21. In the event your
vehicle is damaged ___
repair, we at Vehicle
Locator Services can
assist you in locating a
replacement vehicle.
(A) between
(B) below
(C) beyond
(D) beside
(C) Theo văn cảnh, lựa
chọn giới từ phù hợp
Between: Giữa
Below: Dưới
Beyond: Vượt quá
Beside: Bên cạnh, so
Trong trường hợp
chiếc xe của bạn bị
hư hỏng không thể

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sửa chữa, dịch vụ

định vị xe của chúng
tôi có thể hỗ trợ bạn
trong việc tìm kiếm
một phương tiện thay
thế tương đương.
Assist: giúp đỡ
Comparable: có thể
so sánh được.
Replacement: sự
thay thế
22. ______ two days of
discussion, both parties
involved in the
contract have finally
come to a meaningful
(A) Around
(B) Between
(C) Toward
(D) Following
(D) Theo văn cảnh, lựa
chọn giới từ phù hợp
Around: Khoảng
Between: Giữa
Toward: Gần, vào
Following: Sau, tiếp
Sau hai ngày thảo
luận, 2 bên liên quan
đến hợp đồng cuối

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cùng đã đưa ra được

một kí kết mang
nhiều ý nghĩa.
Invove in: liên quan
Contract: hợp đồng
Meaningful: có ý
23. The group ticket to the
amusement park is
good for two adults
and _______ two
(A) up to
(B) including
(C) many as
(D) inside
(A) Theo văn cảnh, lựa
chọn giới từ phù hợp
up to: Tối đa
including: Bao gồm,
kể cả
many as: Nhiều như

inside: Bên trong, ở
Vé nhóm vào công
viên giải trí phù hợp
cho 2 người lớn và
tối đa 2 trẻ nhỏ.
Amusement: giải trí
24. Career consultants often advise their
clients to reflect

24 | P a g e
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periodically _____ the

approaches they take
to a job search.
(A) of
(B) on
(C) in
(D) with
Cấu trúc “reflect on/upon”: suy nghĩ,
suy ngẫm
Những người tư vấn nghề nghiệp thường
khuyên khách hàng
của họ thường xuyên
suy nghĩ về phương
pháp mà họ dùng để
tìm việc làm.
Consultant: người tư
Approach: cách tiếp
cận, phương pháp
25. There's no need to
elaborate _______ the
matter any more since
everyone seems to
understand the issues.
(A) about
(B) on
(C) with
(D) of
(B) Cấu trúc “ elaborate
on”: nói thêm, chi
tiết thêm
Không cần thiết phải

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nói chi tiết vấn đề

này nữa, bởi vì mọi
người dường như đã
hiểu vấn đề này.
26. Please call me back by
five o'clock _______
the latest to confirm
your attendance, if not,
I will have to give your
seat to someone else.
(A) at
(B) until
(C) before
(D) up to
(A) Thành ngữ “at the
lastest”: chậm nhất
là, trễ nhất là
Vui lòng gọi lại cho
tôi muộn nhất là 5h
để xác nhận sự tham
dự của bạn, nêu
không tôi sẽ phải để
ghế của bạn cho
người khác.
Confirm: xác nhận
Attendance: sự có
mặt, tham dự
27. The president is
available to see you
_____ 3 o'clock onward
on Monday of this
(A) from

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(B) at
(C) during
(D) between
(A) Theo văn cảnh, lựa
chọn giới từ phù hợp
From: Từ lúc
At: Vào lúc
During: Trong thời
Between: Giữa (2
thời điểm)
Ngài chủ tịch có thể
gặp bạn từ 3h trở đi
ngày thứ 2 tuần này.
President: chủ tịch,
tổng thống
28. Removing the current
CEO is a huge step
_______ in the right
(A) through
(B) forward
(C) before
(D) toward
(B) Theo văn cảnh, lựa
chọn giới từ phù hợp
Through: Xuyên
qua, xuyên suốt
Forward: Hướng đến
Before: Trước
Toward: Hướng đến
Cách chức giám đốc
điều hành hiện thời là

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1 bước đi đúng
hướng quan trọng.
Remove: cách chức,
di chuyển
29. Those researchers who
read the report
carefully commented
___ it has many errors.
(A) on
(B) which
(C) about
(D) that
(D) Cấu trúc “comment
+ that”: bình luận,
phê bình rằng.
Mẹo: sau “that” là
một mệnh đề, còn
sau giới từ chỉ là
danh từ hoặc danh
động từ.
Những nhà nghiên
cứu, những người mà
đã đọc bản báo cáo
cẩn thận đã phê bình
rằng nó có rất nhiều
Researcher: nhà
nghiên cứu
Comment: phê bình,
bình luận
Error: lỗi, sai sót
30. Eastways Airlines
blames the bad

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weather _______ the

delay in the flight.
(A) from
(B) with
(C) of
(D) for
(D) Cấu trúc “to blame
g for something” :
đổ lỗi cho ai (cái gì)
về/vì cái gì
Hãng hàng không
Eastways đổ lỗi cho
thời tiết xấu về việc
trì hoãn chuyến bay.
Delay: chậm trễ, trì
Flight: chuyến bay
31. Someone from the
embassy helped us to
get our baggage
cleared ____ customs.
(A) through
(B) with
(C) at
(D) in
(A) Cấu trúc “clear
through customs” :
thông qua hải quan
Ai đó từ đại sứ quán
đã giúp chúng ta cho
hành lý được thông

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Embassy : đại sứ
Customs : hải quan
32. When traveling to a
foreign country, learn
the local laws and
customs of the
countries _____ which
you are traveling.
(A) for
(B) to
(C) by
(D) with
(B) “to” là giới từ đi sau
động từ “travel”
… the countries to
which you are
traveling = … the
contries which you
are traveling to
Khi du lịch nước
ngoài , hãy học luật lệ
địa phương và phong
tục của đất nước mà
bạn chuẩn bị đến.
Law: luật lệ
Customs : phong tục
33. If you're in a hurry,
please call _____ with
your order so that we
can have it ready for
you to pick up.
(A) above

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(B) along
(C) ahead
(D) aside
(C) Theo văn cảnh, chọn
giới từ phù hợp
above: bên trên
along: sát cạnh
ahead: trước
aside:sang một bên
Nếu bạn đang vội,
xin hãy gọi điện đặt
trước để chúng tôi có
thể chuẩn bị nó để
bạn mang đi.
34. ______ July 16, there
will be an opening for
an experienced floor
manager in the
(A) In
(B) As of
(C) With
(D) To
(B) Cần 1 giới từ chỉ thời
gian có nghĩa phù
In: Vào (thời điểm):
không dùng với ngày
(July 16th)
As of: Kể từ
With: Với
To: Trước (về thời

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Kể từ ngày 16 tháng
7, vị trí quản lý có
kinh nghiệm trong bộ
phận sản xuất sẽ bắt
đầu tuyển dụng.
35. I don't think the
supervisor has the
right to interfere
_______ our private
(A) of
(B) with
(C) in
(D) at
(C) Cấu trúc “ to
interfere in smth“:
can thiệp vào cái gì
Tôi không nghĩ là
giám sát viên có
quyền can thiệp vào
việc riêng của chúng
supervisor : người
giám sát
Affair : việc , chuyện
36. Because of his large
contribution, there was
no argument in naming
the memorial hall ____
his wife.
(A) for
(B) after

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(C) from
(D) of
(B) Cấu trúc “name sb
after someone”: đặt
theo tên (của người
Vì sự đóng góp to lớn
của anh ấy, không có
sự tranh cãi nào trong
việc đặt tên nhà
tưởng niệm theo tên
của vợ anh ấy.
contribution : sự
đóng góp
Argument : sự tranh
37. The building for sale
was _______ the house
which had a slate roof
and was a stream.
(A) in
(B) by
(C) through
(D) from
(B) Theo văn cảnh, chọn
giới từ có nghĩa phù
In: Trong
By: Gần
Through: Xuyên qua
From: Từ
Tòa nhà được rao bán
ở cạnh một ngôi nhà

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có mái lợp và một

con suối.
38. Because I am more
interested in the
sessions for which I
have registered, the
location of the
conference is not ____
primary importance to
(A) in
(B) for
(C) of
(D) by
(C) Cấu trúc “to be of
importance to
someone”: quan
trọng với ai
Bởi vì tôi hứng thú
hơn với phiên họp mà
tôi đã đăng ký nên vị
trí của hội nghị không
phải là điều quan
trọng hàng đầu đối
với tôi.
primary(adj): chính,
hàng đầu
39. The Internet has
enabled consumers to
choose ___ a variety of
devices to access
information and
technology anywhere and at any time.

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(A) in
(B) among
(C) from
(D) within
(C) Cấu trúc : “ to
choose from
someone/smth”: lựa
chọn từ một nhóm
người/ các đồ vật
Internet đã giúp cho
người sử dụng có thể
lựa chọn đa dạng các
thiết bị để truy cập
thông tin và công
nghệ mọi lúc, mọi nơi.
Consumer: người
tiêu thụ, người dùng
40. To ensure the two-year
free maintenance
guarantee, the enclosed
questionnaire must be
completed and
submitted ______ 30
days of purchase.
(A) by
(B) before
(C) within
(D) under
(C) Cần chọn một giới từ
mang nghĩa trong 1
khoảng thời gian nào
within : trong vòng

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(khoảng thời gian)

Để đảm bảo về chế
độ bảo hành miễn phí
2 năm, phần câu hỏi
đính kèm cần phải
được hoàn tất vả gửi
trong vòng 30 ngày
sau khi giao dịch.
ensure (v): đảm bảo ,
chắc chắn
maintenance (n):
bảo trì
enclosed (adj): đính
41. If you default ______
your payments, the
bank will be forced to
repossess your car.
(A) at
(B) with
(C) of
(D) on
(D) Cụm từ “ default on
payment”: không trả
được nợ, vỡ nợ,
không trả nợ đúng kỳ
Nếu bạn không trả nợ
đúng kỳ hạn, ngân
hàng sẽ buộc phải lấy
lại/tịch thu ôtô của
To be force to do st:

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bị buộc phải làm gì

Repossess: lấy lại
42. It's really surprising
that these pieces of
pottery had been
buried _____ the earth
for thousands of years.
(A) inside
(B) down
(C) beneath
(D) toward
(C) Cần chọn giới từ có
nghĩa phù hợp với
ngữ cảnh
Inside: Bên trong
Down: Xuống, xuôi
Beneath: Bên dưới
Toward: Về phía
Thật đáng ngạc nhiên
rằng những mảnh
gốm đã được chôn
vùi dưới lòng đất
hàng nghìn năm.
Pottery: gốm
43. Even though products
are temporarily out of stock due to the
transportation strike,
we will make all
possible efforts to fill
your order ______ 15
(A) until

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(B) by
(C) before
(D) within
(D) Dựa vào văn cảnh,
lựa chọn giới từ phù hợp
Until: Cho đến khi
By: Muộn nhất là
Before: Trước
Within: Trong vòng
(1 khoảng thời gian)
Mặc dù sản phẩm
đang tạm thời hết hàng do cuộc đình
công vận chuyển,
chúng tôi vẫn sẽ cố
gắng hết sức có thể
đáp ứng đơn hàng của
bạn trong vòng 15
Temporarily: tạm
Out of stock: hết
Strike: cuộc đình
44. After measuring
throughout the winter,
we found out that the
average temperature
was two degrees
________ normal.
(A) within
(B) against

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(C) below
(D) underneath
(C) Cần 1 giới từ có
nghĩa phù hợp
Within: Trong vòng,
trong khoảng
Against: Ngược lại
Below: ở dưới, bên
dưới (vị trí)
Underneath: Dưới
Sau khi đo lường
nhiệt độ trong suốt
mùa đông, chúng tôi
nhận ra rằng nhiệt độ
trung bình thấp hơn 2
độ so với bình
45. Much ___ the surprise
of all teachers, most
students wanted to
come to school during
the summer break.
(A) of
(B) in
(C) to
(D) at
(C) Much ở đây đóng vai
trò là phó từ, cấu trúc
“much to someone’s
surprise”: ai đó rất
ngạc nhiên
Tất cả các giáo viên
đều rất ngạc nhiên

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khi phần lớn học sinh

muốn tới trường
trong suốt kỳ nghỉ hè.
46. Tour buses bound ____
the ancient capital city
leave the main bus
station every hour in
(A) for
(B) to
(C) at
(D) from
(A) Cụm từ “Bound
for”: đi hoặc sắp đi
về hướng nào đó
Xe buýt du lịch
hướng đến thủ đô xưa
rời bến xe buýt chính
ở Lima mỗi giờ.
Ancient: cổ kính
47. Most companies
created great
advertising from
outsourcing, but we
decided to use the
resources available
_______ our company.
(A) between
(B) within
(C) beyond
(D) toward
(B) Theo ngữ cảnh, lựa
chọn giới từ phù hợp

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Between: Giữa
Within: Bên trong
Beyond: Vượt quá,
xa hơn
Toward: Về phía
Phần lớn các công ty
làm quảng cáo nhờ
những nguồn lực bên
ngoài, nhưng chúng
tôi quyết định sử
dụng những nguồn
lực có sẵn ở trong
công ty của chúng
Outsourcing: nguồn
lực bên ngoài
48. All outstanding fees
and charges must be
paid ______ full before
utility service can be
restored to your
(A) on
(B) above
(C) in
(D) without
(C) Cụm từ “in full”:
trọn vẹn, toàn bộ
Tất cả những khoản
tiền và phí chưa trả
phải được thanh toán
toàn bộ trước khi dịch
vụ công cộng được

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khôi phục lại tại nơi

cư trú của bạn.
Residence: nơi cư trú
Restore: khôi phục
Outstanding: chưa
giải quyết (vấn đề),
chưa trả (nợ)
49. The dream of most
salaried workers is to
have a vacation at a
resort where there are
long sandy beaches and
shady palm trees
______ the sea.
(A) between
(B) above
(C) beside
(D) across
(C) Theo văn cảnh, lựa
chọn giới từ có nghĩa
phù hợp
Between: Giữa 2 địa
Above: Trên
Beside: Bên cạnh
Across: Bắt chéo
qua, phía bên kia
Giấc mơ của phần lớn
những nhân viên có
lương là có 1 kì nghỉ
tại một khu nghỉ
dưỡng nơi mà có

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những bãi biển đầy

cát và những cây dừa
tỏa bóng râm bên bờ
50. The job requires you to
have personal
attributes _______ the
ability to work as a
team member.
(A) to
(B) by means of
(C) from
(D) such as
(D) Dựa vào văn cảnh,
chọn từ có nghĩa phù
to: Tới
by means of: Nhờ
vào, do đó, bởi vì
from: Từ phía
such as: Như là
Công việc yêu cầu
bạn phải có những
thuộc tính cá nhân ví
dụ như khả năng làm
việc nhóm.
Attribute: thuộc tính
Ability: khả năng
51. Please pay the full
price by credit card or
bank transfer as we do
not accept payment
________ delivery.

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(A) out of
(B) within
(C) up on
(D) up to
(C) Chọn giới từ phù hợp
với ngữ cảnh
out of: bên ngoài của
within: trong vòng,
trong khoảng thời
up on: trong lúc
up to: cho đến
Xin hãy thanh toán
toàn bộ qua thẻ tín
dụng hoặc chuyển
khoản ngân hàng vì
chúng tôi không chấp
nhận hình thức thanh
toán khi giao hàng.
Credit card : thẻ tín
52. The new leader of the
Union of European
Nations will be
_______ attendance at
the summit in Prague
next Tuesday.
(A) in
(B) on
(C) at
(D) under
(A) Cấu trúc “to be in
attendance at”: có

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mặt (để tham gia) ở

Nhà lãnh đạo mới của
liên minh châu Âu sẽ
tham dự hội nghị
thượng đỉnh ở Prague
vào thứ 3 tới.
attendance: sự có
summit: hội nghị
thượng đỉnh
53. The annual dividend
that is payable _____
shareholders will not
be paid until the end of
the month.
(A) from
(B) to
(C) in
(D) of
(B) Cấu trúc “pay
something to
somebody”: thanh
toán, trả cái gì cho ai
Cổ tức hàng năm phải
trả cho các cổ đông sẽ
không được thanh
toán cho đến cuối
dividend: cổ tức
shareholder : cổ
54. The person ________

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you will be your guide

for the next few hours,
so feel free to ask her
any questions you may
have regarding the
(A) in support of
(B) at odds with
(C) with regard to
(D) in front of
(D) Chọn giới từ có nghĩa
phù hợp
in support of: đang
ủng hộ
at odds with: xung
đột với
with regard to:liên
quan đến
in front of: ở phía
Người phía trước bạn
sẽ là người hướng
dẫn bạn trong vài giờ
tới , vì vậy hãy thoải
mái đặt cho cổ các
câu hỏi mà bạn có thể
có liên quan đến buổi
triển lãm.
55. Sales of our new
wireless product have
already doubled _____
we attended the
hardware trade show

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last month.
(A) by
(B) before
(C) since
(D) past
(C) Theo văn cảnh, lựa
chọn giới từ phù hợp
by: bởi
before: trước khi
since: kể từ khi
past: vượt quá
Doanh số bán sản
phẩm không dây mới
của chúng ta đã tăng
gấp đôi kể từ sau khi
chúng ta tham gia hội
chợphần cứng vào
tháng trước.
double(v): nhân đôi
attend(v) : tham gia
56. ______ the time the
Protection Act was
passed, our company
was already following
strict regulations for
disposing of industrial
(A) Of
(B) Up
(C) At
(D) On
C Theo văn cảnh, lựa

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chọn giới từ phù hợp

“At the time” =
when = vào một thời
điểm trong quá khứ
Vào thời điểm đạo
luật bảo vệ môi
trường được thông
qua thì công ty chúng
ta tuân thủ chặt chẽ
các nguyên tắc xử lý
rác thải công nghiệp
rồi .
Act: đạo luật
regulation: quy tắc
to dispose of: xử lí ,
định đoạt
57. The association was set
up ___ the aim of
encouraging improved
standards of recording and publication.
(A) on
(B) with
(C) inside
(D) in
(B) Theo văn cảnh, lựa
chọn giới từ phù hợp
On: trên
With: với
Inside: ở phía trong
In: trong
Hiệp hội được thành
lập với mục đích
khuyến khích nâng

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cao các tiêu chuẩn của ngành thu âm và

xuất bản.
association : hiệp
hội, liên đoàn
to encourage:
khuyến khích
Publication : sự xuất
58. All salespeople
working ___________
commission must
attend this year's sales
conference in
Minneapolis in order
to stay current with the
latest developments in
the industry.
(A) in
(B) from
(C) on
(D) under
(C) Cấu trúc “to work on
commission”: làm
việc dưới hình thức
hưởng hoa hồng .
Tất cả người bán
hàng hưởng hoa hồng
phải tham dự hội nghị
bán hàng năm nay tại
Minneapolis nhằm
theo kịp những bước
phát triển mới nhất
trong ngành công

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nghiệp này.
commission: tiền hoa
to stay current : theo
59. Recognizing the
valuable ideas that all
employees contribute
to the organization is
the key _____ effective
(A) at
(B) from
(C) through
(D) to
(D) Theo văn cảnh, lựa
chọn giới từ phù hợp
at: vào
from: từ
through: thông qua
to: đến
Nhìn nhận đến các ý
tưởng đáng giá mà
mọi nhân viên đóng
góp cho tổ chức là
chìa khóa cho quản
trị hiệu quả.
to contribute: đóng
góp , cống hiến
60. We have now begun
accepting applications
______ electronic form,
but we strongly

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Created by Duy Ân Mai

recommend sending
them by first-class
(A) in
(B) below
(C) above
(D) with
(A) Theo văn cảnh, lựa
chọn giới từ phù hợp
In: trong (dưới )
Below: ở bên dưới
Above: ở bên trên
With: với
Chúng tôi hiện đã
chấp nhận các đơn
ứng tuyển dưới dạng
điện tử, nhưng chúng
tôi xin khuyến cáo
rằng hãy gửi chúng
thông qua hộp thư ưu
tiên hạng nhất.
Tiết 14: Giới từ (Prepositions)
Giới từ chỉ nơi chốn
- In: trong,
+ Thường được dùng để chỉ một người hoặc vật ở trong một nơi nào đó
in a box, in a room, in a building, in a park, in a garden, in a bag
+ Dùng với phương tiện (xe hơi, taxi), đường phố
in a car/ taxi,
in/ on the street
+ Đi với danh từ không có mạo từ “the” để diễn tả 1 người đang ở tại đó
in bed, in hospital, in prison
+ Đứng trước các từ chỉ đất nước, thành phố, phương hướng

51 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

in Vietnam, in Hanoi,
in the east/ west/ south/ north
+ Dùng “in” để tạo thành một cụm từ chỉ nơi chốn
in the front of/ back of (the car,…)
in the middle of (the room,…)
- On: trên
+ Được dùng để chỉ vị trí bên trên và tiếp xúc với bề mặt 1 vật gì đó
on the door, on the floor, on the wall
+ Dùng với các phương tiện đi lại công cộng hoặc cá nhân
on a bus/ train/ ship/ plane/ bycicle/ motorbike
+ Dùng “on” để tạo thành một cụm từ chỉ nơi chốn
on the right/ left,
on horseback
on the way to (school,…)
on the back/ front of (the envelope,
- At:
+ diễn tả vị trí được xác định trong không gian hoặc số nhà:
at the door
at the bus stop
at the traffic light
at 69 Tran Hung Dao Street
*nếu chỉ có tên đường dùng “on”, nhưng thêm số nhà phải dùng “at”
+ Dùng “at” tạo một cụm từ chỉ nơi chốn:
at home/ school, college/ university/ work/…
at the top/ bottom of (the page,…)
at the end of (the street,…)
at the front/ back of (the line, …)
at/on the corner of the street
Giới từ chỉ thời gian
- In:
+ Chỉ buổi trong ngày, chỉ tháng, năm, mùa, thập niên, thế kỉ, thiên niên kỉ
in the morning/ afternoon/evening

52 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

in February
in 1999
in (the) spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter
In the 1990s
in the 21 st century
in the 3 rd millennium
+ Dùng “in” trong một số cụm từ để chỉ khoảng thời gian trong tương lai
in a few minites, in an hour, in a day/ week/ month/…
in the end = finally, at last: cuối cùng
*Phân biệt “in time” (kịp lúc) với “on time” (đúng giờ)
- On:
+ Dùng để chỉ thứ trong tuần, ngày trong tháng
on Monday, on 5th March
on this/ that day
+ Chỉ buổi trong ngày cụ thể, hoặc 1 ngày cụ thể nào đó
on Friday morning
on Christmas Day
on a New Year’s Day
on my birthday
- At:
+ Chỉ thời gian hoặc các bữa ăn trong ngày
at 5 a.m
at sunrise/ sunset/ dawn/ noon/ twilight/ night/ midnight
at breakfast/ luch/ dinner/ supper
+ Dùng “at” để chỉ một dịp lễ hội hoặc một thời khắc nào đó
at the weekend
at Christmas/ Easter
at present, at the moment
at the same time, at this/ that time
+ Dùng “at” để tạo thành một cụm giới từ
at the end/ beginning of
at the age of
at first/ last

53 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

** Không dùng in, on, at tr ớc các từ: all, every, this month/ year, next, last, tomorrow,
yesterday, today
- From… to…: từ lúc nào tới lúc nào
- Until/ till: cho tới
- Between… and…: giữa khoảng thời gian nào và khoảng thời gian nào
- Since + mốc thời gian: kể từ khi
- For + khoảng thời gian: trong khoảng bao lâu
- During + N: trong suôt
- By: trước, tới một thời điểm nào đó
- Before: trước khi
- After: sau khi
Những cụm có giới từ th ờng gặp trong TOEIC
At four o’clock
By the end of the month
For two weeks
In March
In 2008
In the morning
On Monday
Until next year
Throughout the week
Within two months
At the airport
In the world
In my division
On the second floor
Under your seat
Throughout the region
At a reasonable price
Under the supervision of
Within 24 hours
Các cấu trúc giới từ theo sau động từ th ờng gặp
Accuse of

54 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

Apologize for
Apply for
Believe in
Blame for
Live on
Look after
Look into
Object to
Participate in
Có khá nhiều cụm từ, cụm động từ, cụm tính từ theo sau bởi giới từ.
Các cụm th ờng gặp nhất trong TOEIC
According to
As well as
Due to
In advance/ instead of
On behalf of
On the market
Prior to
Regardless of
Take advantage of
In person
*** Vocabulary
Bankruptcy: sự phá sản
Objective: mục tiêu
Enclosed: được đính kèm
Peak hour: giờ cao điểm
Shopping mall: trung tâm mua sắm

55 | P a g e Cô VŨ MAI PHƢƠNG – KHÓA TOEIC 2016

PART 5 – TIẾT 14
Mời các em làm các bài tập sau. Đáp án đƣợc cung cấp ở phần cuối bài luyện tập.

Bài 1: Chọn từ phù hợp nhất

1. Please return the customer survey [within, by] 7 days of purchase.
2. The current high oil prices will have a negative impact [in, on] the economy.
3. The community center runs free English classes for residents [prior to, throughout] the year.
4. Detailed information about the seminar will be provided [by, within] the sales manager.
5. There is a growing demand [for, through] experienced teachers.
6. The survey results will be released [of, in] two weeks.
7. Any questions [concerned, concerning] the revised tax law should be forwarded to the accounting
8. S&P Co. ranks [among, at] the most influential consulting firms in the field.
9. Please submit the required documents [by, to] our loan office.
10. The company announced they will open a new hotel [with, for] a brand-new fitness center.
11. Travelers can obtain city guide books [from, to] one of the information centers.
12. You can be acquainted with the new system [on, through] frequent use.
13. The outdoor concert has been canceled [due to, concerning] the heavy rain.

Bài 2: Chọn từ phù hợp nhất

1. Construction workers should wear safety helmets [at, for] all times.
2. Product catalogs are available [at, upon] request.
3. Children under seven can enter the museum [at, with] no cost.
4. Tommy was transferred to Boston in accordance [at, with] his request.
5. Products which are within a year from purchase are [about, under] warranty.
6. The second-quarter earnings were significantly [above, upon] the director’s expectations.
7. The president expressed her sincere thanks to all employees on behalf [of, to] the board of
8. We offer comprehensive benefits in addition [to, with] special incentives.
9. Maggie has been noted [for, through] her bold and creative designs.
10. [On, Of] their way to New York, the delegates will stop over in the Tokyo office.
11. Please complete the budget report by this Wednesday [on, at] the latest. Hotline:

12. A special luncheon will be held [in, at] celebration of the opening of the new plant.
13. All the heavy office equipment has been moved [in compliance with, by means of] a crane.
14. Ms. Lee will be promoted [according to, regardless of] the company newsletter.
15. You need to report to customs officials if you have money in excess [over, of] $10,000.

Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất

1. There are a number of people who are interested _________ investing in overseas stocks and real
(A) about (B) on (C) for (D) in
2. Through our online graduate program, you can get your master’s degree _________ a year.
(A) instead of (B) within (C) under (D) besides
3. Thanks to its strong performance, the company's stock price has nearly doubled _________ it went
public twenty years ago.
(A) if (B) since (C) regarding (D) than
4. Please be aware that we are not able to process your loan application _________ proper
(A) upon (B) until (C) without (D) along
5. Each month, one outstanding employee will be honored _________ his or her exceptional
contributions to our company.
(A) for (B) at (C) across (D) over
6. Employees are reminded to turn off their computer equipment _________ leaving the office.
(A) before (B) until (C) because (D) then
7. It is advisable for employees to submit vacation preferences by next Friday _________ the
(A) at (B) before (C) until (D) up to
8. Mr. Nelson has been given a challenging assignment, which is to lead the research institute _________ the
process of restructuring.
(A) behind (B) above (C) except (D) through
9. As you can see, I have included a list _________ my previous supervisors in addition to a cover letter and
a resume.
(A) across (B) to (C) of (D) among
10. The proposed youth center has a spacious recreational area _________ a running track.
(A) across (B) beside (C) with (D) from
11. Further questions _________ the merge announcement should be directly forwarded to the public relations
department. Hotline:

(A) relating (B) connecting (C) concerning (D) referring
12. For those experiencing difficulties with Internet access, technical support is available _________
the day.
(A) from (B) about (C) between (D) throughout
13. The Queen of Hearts casino will be located somewhere _____ the new highway.
(A) into (B) among (C) without (D) along
14. Customers are advised to double-check their orders to ensure that they will be sent _____ the
correct address.
(A) until (B) upon (C) among (D) to
15. Mr. Fergison had to inform the secretary that he wouldn’t be able to return to work ___ January 22.
(A) between (B) within (C) above (D) before
16. The director _____ the new environmental safety committee, Mr. Tim Chamberlain, has studied
both economics and ecological science at North State University.
(A) on (B) of (C) to (D) by
17. The secretary, Ms. Lucy Tran, has been working _____ 7 a.m. at responding to e-mails.
(A) until (B) since (C) about (D) at
18. According to his contract, Mr. Jerry Campbell will be working in our software development for the
_____ two years.
(A) past (B) last (C) next (D) then
19. Construction of the new supermarket is expected to last _____ early September.
(A) with (B) on (C) in (D) until
20. The cheapest mode of transportation ______ the airport is the shuttle bus that ferries passengers to
the nearest subway station from the airport.
(A) on (B) off (C) next (D) from
21. The Prime Mnister’s decision to delay the upcoming election _____ a month will cause significant
controversy among lawmakers.
(A) to (B) for (C) within (D) with
22. Hitchens Financial Advisors has been hiring accountants _____ the highest ability.
(A) by (B) of (C) while (D) around
23. Patients may hang their coats in the closet ____ the vending machine in the waiting room.
(A) between (B) into (C) near (D) until
24. Customers should know that ordering one of the new JP-3000 laptops online _____ December 1st
will guarantee that it will arrive prior to the start of the Christmas shopping season.
(A) at (B) in (C) upon (D) before Hotline:

25. Whenever you look to make a deal _____ anybody, always establish the decision-making hierarchy
ahead of time.
(A) of (B) to (C) with (D) off
26. Software Mode and top Japanese electronics manufacturer will collaborate _____ the design and
production of a new hand-held device.
(A) for (B) by (C) with (D) on
27. We usually contend _____ the pressures of work at the end of each month.
(A) with (B) to (C) about (D) for
28. Wynonna Goldstein has committed herself _____ increasing sales for the housewares department
by 5 percent for this year.
(A) for (B) at (C) in (D) to
29. All visitors to the San Diego Zoo are kindly requested to refrain _____ feeding the animals.
(A) from (B) with (C) to (D) of
30. Following _____ his pledge to improve the company’s working environment, Mr Lawson has had
the entire office renovated and equipped with uo-to-date machines.
(A) out in (B) throughout (C) up on (D) across with
31. Please be reminded that all electronic equipment must be packed carefully or else it runs the risk
____ damage during shipment.
(A) to (B) for (C) of (D) by
32. Upon arrival at the airport, passengers must check _____ at any one of the designated counters.
(A) on (B) off (C) in (D) up
33. Meeting attendees are requested not to hold ____ opinions which may contribute to the fulfillment
of project goals.
(A) away (B) from (C) back (D) at Hotline:

Đáp án:
Bài 1
1. within 6. in 11. from
2. on 7. concerning 12. through
3. throughout 8. among 13. due to
4. by 9. to
5. for 10. with

Bài 2:
1. at 6. above 11. at
2. upon 7. of 12. in
3. at 8. to 13. by means of
4. with 9. for 14. according to
5. under 10. On 15. of

Bài 3:
1D 2B 3B 4C 5A 6A 7A 8D 9C 10C
11C 12D 13D 14D 15D 16B 17B 18C 19D 20D
21B 22B 23C 24D 25C 26D 27A 28D 29A 30A
31C 32B 33C

Rất tốt! Các em đã vất vả rồi. Cố gắng chút nữa nhé. Keep up your good work!
Hẹn gặp lại các em trong các tiết học tiếp theo.
Cô Phƣơng Hotline:


Sau đây là một đề Part 5 hoàn chỉnh. Các em làm trước để cô chữa trong tiết sau nhé!!!

100. The supervisor halted work on the _____ line yesterday afternoon so that the maintenance crew
could inspect the malfunctioning machinery.
(A) assemble (B) assembling (C) assembled (D) assembly

101. Mr. Astle, who runs groceries in several areas, ____ a member of the London Society Club for
over 30 years.
(A) is (B) was being (C) has been (D) is being

102. Mr. Astle, who runs groceries in several areas, ____ a member of the London Society Club for
over 30 years.
(A) is (B) was being (C) has been (D) is being

103. Trans Atlantic Inc. tour guides are _____to be the most knowledgeable and friendly in the tourist
(A) consider (B) considered (C) considering (D) considerable

104. Visitors are not allowed to park in the apartment parking lot unless they have obtained a parking
_____from the security office.
(A) division (B) permit (C) space (D) permission

105. Having discussed the benefits package with the company's top executives for several hours, the
union negotiators finally made a_____.
(A) facility (B) breakthrough (C) operation (D) edition

106. Corporate executives who are unwilling _____ calculated risks occasionally seldom manage to
reach the very top.
(A) at taking (B) taken (C) took (D) to take

107. Unfortunately, we will have to change all the dates and times_____ on the itinerary I sent you for
Mr. Fourie's visit.
(A) list (B) listing (C) lists (D) listed Hotline:

108. The plan to utilize direct marketing techniques _____ from the recommendations made in Ms.
Matai's research report.
(A) involved (B) revolved (C) devolved (D) evolved

109. VH Telecom spokesman, Greg Hollis, predicted that the company's performance would be even
______next quarter.
(A) strong (B) strongly (C) strength (D) stronger

110. The state government today_____ a study showing that the standard of living across society has
improved markedly over the last 2 years.
(A) released (B) enticed (C) avoided (D) grasped

111. Although he is very experienced, Gavin Hastings won't be promoted because he is not
_____appropriate for the executive position.
(A) advised (B) forced (C) given (D) deemed

112. The Federal Reserve Bank managed to keep inflation low _____the period that the economy was
in recession.
(A) throughout (B) among (C) without (D) beside

113. _____ his public speech on the new taxation plan, the governor answered many questions from
concerned citizens.
(A) During (B) For (C) Without (D) By

114. _____ you require any assistance during your trip, please don't hesitate to contact Maison Travel.
(A) Unless (B) May (C) Whatever (D) Should

115. Before _____the following program on your computer, please make sure you have read all of the
relevant terms and conditions.
(A) install (B) installed (C) installing (D) to install

116. Provided that Ms. Cunningham is willing to work cooperatively on the project, Mr. Phillips will
be assigned to help _____ collate the research results.
(A) she (B) her (C) hers (D) herself Hotline:

117. International analysts doubt that the Vietnamese economy will be able to_____ an annual growth
rate of 9% for very long.
(A) sustain (B) reveal (C) contend (D) polarize

118. Even though the finance executive didn't personally authorize the illegal purchase, he is
_____responsible for the actions of everyone on his team.
(A) ambiguously (B) temporarily (C) indirectly (D) thickly

119. An extra customer service training session will be held before work tomorrow morning for
_____who were absent from Friday's seminar.
(A) them (B) those (C) these (D) which

120. The freelance journalist will email a _____draft of the article to The International Roundup's
editor, Lesley Haggis.
(A) fundamental (B) traditional (C) chief (D) preliminary

121. The company directors decided not to follow _____ advice that the financial consultant gave
(A) an (B) those (C) the (D) every

122. The CEO still hasn't explained the reason _____ he rejected the proposal to purchase additional
production facilities.
(A) when (B) for (C) why (D) throughout

123. In accordance with Fed line Bus Co.'s safety policy, please _____that your seatbelt is fastened at
all times while on board.
(A) ensure (B) prove (C) immunize (D) endorse

124. The paper factory in Slough, which employs over 3,000_____, has been in operation for more
than 50 years.
(A) locations (B) locals (C) local (D) localize

125. A specialist mediator was brought in to help the two parties solve their dispute over the real estate
contract _____.
(A) quickly (B) quicken (C) quicker (D) quickest Hotline:
126. The airlines will _____all passengers on flight PA08 to Amsterdam of the delay in the departure
(A) report (B) explain (C) notify (D) convey

127. The hospital has a backup _______ just in case there is a power failure or a civil emergency.
(A) generate (B) generating (C) generator (D) generation

128. _____the fundraising auction has already been sold out, anyone who wants to donate money to
the charity can do so by contacting the donations manager.
(A) Despite (B) Although (C) Rather (D) During

129. Ms. Bendali is excited at the prospect of leading the company's main product_____in New York.
(A) opportunity (B) advancement (C) promotion (D) benefit

130. Keith Branson, the secretary of the company's social committee, will book the _____ for the
annual company banquet.
(A) place (B) venue (C) scene (D) position

131. At Jack's Kitchen, we sell top-quality knives and cooking equipment at surprisingly _____ prices.
(A) afford (B) affording (C) affordable (D) affordability

132. After days of wild fluctuation on the international monetary markets, analysts described
yesterday's trading as relatively _____.
(A) light (B) lighten (C) lightly (D) lit

133. Members of the Kentucky Library are only allowed to_____ up to 10 books, tapes video or CDs
at any one time.
(A) lend (B) exploit (C) loan (D) borrow

134. The electronics firm's sales have increased _____over the last decade, increasing from around $25
billion in 1997 to over $700 billion today.
(A) steady (B) steadily (C) steadiness (D) steadfast Hotline:

135. The senator was grateful for the opportunity to confront his detractors and_____ some important
(A) answer (B) answered (C) answering (D) answers

136. The warranty for the Campus Stock fax and copier will be considered invalid if the machine is
_____ handled by a customer.
(A) improperly (B) insufficiently (C) dishonestly (D) unfittingly

137. Foreigners who visit the United States on a tourist visa must leave the country within three
months, _____ they will face deportation.
(A) and (B) or (C) so (D) but

138. _____, the IT technicians should be able to recover most of the data that was lost when the server
(A) Fortune (B) Fortunate (C) Fortuitous (D) Fortunately

139. Miniature figures made _____plastic are considered safer than wooden or metal toys.
(A) in (B) at (C) of (D) up

140. The human resources division is currently _______ the possibilities of employing more college
interns next summer.
(A) glancing (B) exploring (C) viewing (D) watching Hotline:

Created by Duy Ân Mai

The supervisor halted
work on the _____
line yesterday
afternoon so that the
maintenance crew
could inspect the
(A) assemble
(B) assembling
(C) assembled
(D) assembly
Cụm danh từ assembly
line: dây chuyền lắp ráp
(A) assemble (v): lắp
(B) assembling: danh
động từ
(C) assembled : phân
từ quá khứ
(D) assembly (n) sự lắp
Trưa hôm qua người quản lý
đã tạm ngưng làm việc trên
dây chuyền lắp ráp vì vậy
đội ngũ bảo hành có thể
kiểm tra các máy móc gặp
trục trặc.
Supervisor: giám sát viên
Halt (v): tạm ngưng
Maintainance: bảo trì

Created by Duy Ân Mai

Malfunctioning : trục trặc

Mr. Astle, who runs
groceries in several
areas, ______ a
member of the
London Society Club
for over 30 years.
(A) is
(B) was being
(C) has been
(D) is being
Dùng thì hiện tại hoàn
thành cho một hàn động
kéo dài trong một
khoảng thời gian, vẫn
tiếp diễn ở hiện tại.
Dấu hiệu “for +khoảng
thời gian”
Ông Astle, một người điều
hành một cửa hàng tạp phẩm
ở nhiều khu vực, là thành
viên của cau lạc bộ xã hội
Luân Đôn 30 năm nay.
Grocery: cửa hàng tạp hóa
Run: điều hành, quản lý
Trans Atlantic Inc.
tour guides are
_____to be the most
knowledgeable and
friendly in the tourist

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(A) consider
(B) considered
(C) considering
(D) considerable
Cần một động từ ở dạng
bị động : to be + V
phân từ quá khứ
Các hướng dẫn viên của
công ty Trans Atlantic được
xem là những người có kiến
thức và thân thiện nhất trong
ngành du lịch.
Tour guide: hướng dẫn viên
du lịch
Knowledgeable: có hiểu biết
Industry: ngành
Visitors are not
allowed to park in the
apartment parking lot
unless they have
obtained a parking
_____from the
security office.
(A) division
(B) permit
(C) space
(D) permission
Cần một danh từ có thể
kết hợp với “parking”

Created by Duy Ân Mai

tạo thành nghĩa phù

(A) division :phân khu,
phân chia
(B) permit (v) : cho
(C) space (n) không
(D) permission (n) sự
cho phép, giấy phép
Khách đến thăm không được
phép đỗ xe ở bãi đỗ xe của
khu căn hộ trừ khi họ có giấy
phép đỗ xe từ chỗ phòng bảo
Parking lot: bão đỗ xe
Obtain: có được, lấy được
Having discussed the
benefits package with
the company's top
executives for several
hours, the union
negotiators finally
made a_____.
(A) facility
(B) breakthrough
(C) operation
(D) edition
Cần một danh từ có
nghĩa phù hợp.
(A) facility : phương

Created by Duy Ân Mai

(B) breakthrough:
bước đột phá
(C) operation : sự vận
(D) edition: ấn bản
Đoàn đàm phán cuối cùng
cũng thu được thành tựu sau
nhiều giờ thảo luận với
những giám đốc cao cấp về
gói lợi ích
Negotiator: người đàm phán
Executive:giám đốc điều
hành, cán bộ cấp cao
Corporate executives
who are unwilling
_____ calculated risks
occasionally seldom
manage to reach the
very top.
(A) at taking
(B) taken
(C) took
(D) to take
Cấu trúc “to be +
willing/ unwilling + to
V”: sẵn sàng/ không sẵn
sàng làm gì
Các giám đốc điều hành
doanh nghiệp, những người
không sẵn lòng tính toán các

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nguy cơ một cách thường

xuyên thì hiếm khi có thể
107. Unfortunately, we will have to change all the
dates and times_____
on the itinerary I sent
you for Mr. Fourie's
(A) list
(B) listing
(C) lists
(D) listed
D Phân từ quá khứ đứng ngay sau danh từ để bổ
nghĩa cho danh từ đó,
với ý nghĩa bị động
Thật không may, chúng tôi sẽ phải thay đổi toàn bộ ngày
và thời gian được niêm yết
trong lộ trình chuyến đi thăm
của ông Fourie mà tôi đã gửi
cho bạn trước đó.
Itinerary: lộ trình
The plan to utilize
direct marketing
techniques _____
from the
made in Ms. Matai's
research report.
(A) involved
(B) revolved
(C) devolved
(D) evolved

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Chọn động từ phân từ

quá khứ, có nghĩa phù
(A) involved + in: liên
quan đến, vướng vào
(B) revolved + tân
ngữ: thầm suy xét lại
cái gì
(C) devolved + on/
upon: trao cho ai
(D) evolved +from: rút
ra từ
Kế hoạch sử dụng kỹ thuật
tiếp thị trực tiếp được rút ra
từ đề xuất trong bản báo cáo
nghiên cứu của bà Matail.
Technique: kỹ thuật
Recommendation: đề xuất
Research report: báo cáo
nghiên cứu
VH Telecom
spokesman, Greg
Hollis, predicted that
the company's
performance would
be even ______next
(A) strong
(B) strongly
(C) strength
(D) stronger

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Sau to be, cần một tính

từ. Chọn “stronger” để
có nghĩa phù hợp hơn.
Đây là dạng so sánh
giản lược đối tượng so
sánh (than before: hơn
trước đây)
Greg Hollis, phát ngôn viên
của viễn thông VH, đã dự
đoán là hoạt động của công
ty sẽ thậm chí còn lớn mạnh
hơn tháng trước.
Spokeman: người phát ngôn
Performance: hoạt động,
hiệu suất làm việc
The state government
today_____ a study
showing that the
standard of living
across society has
improved markedly
over the last 2 years.
(A) released
(B) enticed
(C) avoided
(D) grasped
Chọn động từ với
nghiaz phù hợp.
(A) released : ban bố,
đưa ra
(B) enticed :dụ dỗ, cám

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(C) avoided : tránh
(D) grasped :nắm lấy,
ôm lấy
Hôm nay chính phủ đã đưa
ra một nghiên cứu chỉ ra
rằng tiêu chuẩn sống trong
toàn xã hội đã được cải thiện
đáng kể trong hai năm vừa
Study: nghiên cứu
Standard of living: tiêu
chuẩn sống
Society: xã hội
Improve: cải thiện, nâng cao
Although he is very
experienced, Gavin
Hastings won't be
promoted because he
is not
_____appropriate for
the executive position.
(A) advised
(B) forced
(C) given
(D) deemed
Chọn động từ với nghĩa
phù hợp.
(A) advised : khuyên
(B) forced :bắt buộc
(C) given :đưa cho,

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dành cho
(D) deemed :đánh giá,
coi là
Mặc dù là một người giàu
kình nghiệm, Gavin Hasting
vẫn sẽ không được thăng
chức vì anh ấy không được
đấnh giá là phù hợp cho vị
trí giám đốc điều hành.
Experienced (adj): giàu kinh
Promote: thăng chức
Appropriate: phù hợp
The Federal Reserve
Bank managed to
keep inflation low
_____the period that
the economy was in
(A) throughout
(B) among
(C) without
(D) beside
Chọn một trạng từ thích
hợp để nói về một
khoảng thời gian.
(A) throughout: xuyên
(B) among : trong số
(C) without : không có
(D) beside : bên cạnh

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Ngân hàng dự trữ trung ương

đã cố gắng xoay sở giữ mức
lạm phát thấp trong suốt giai
đoạn suy thoái kinh tế.
Manage to + V: cố gắng,
xoay sở
Inflation: lạm phát
Recession: suy thoái
_____ his public
speech on the new
taxation plan, the
governor answered
many questions from
concerned citizens.
(A) During
(B) For
(C) Without
(D) By
Chọn một trạng từ với
nghĩa phù hợp, kết hợp
với một khoảng thời
(A) During : trong suốt
(B) For : về, được bao
(C) Without : không có
(D) By : trước hoặc tại
một thời điểm
Trong suốt bài diễn thuyết
trước công chúng về kế
hoạch thu thuế mới, ngài thị

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trưởng đã trả lời rất nhiều

câu hỏi từ những người dân
quan tâm.
Speech: bài diễn thuyết
Taxation: việc thu thuế, hệ
thống thuế
Concerned (adj): có quan
Citizen: công dân, người dân
_____ you require any
assistance during
your trip, please don't
hesitate to contact
Maison Travel.
(A) Unless
(B) May
(C) Whatever
(D) Should
Hiện tượng đảo ngữ
trong câu điều kiện loại
1: Thay “if” bằng
“should” (“should”
được đảo lên trước chủ
Nếu bạn có yêu cầu bất kỳ
sự trợ giúp nào trong suốt
chuyến đi, đừng ngần ngại
liên hệ với Maison Travel.
Require: yêu cầu
Assistance: sự trợ giúp
Hesitate + to V: ngần ngại

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Before _____the
following program on
your computer, please
make sure you have
read all of the
relevant terms and
(A) install
(B) installed
(C) installing
(D) to install
Động từ đi sau giới từ
có dạng V-ing.
Trước khi cài đặt chương
trình dưới đây vào máy tình
của mình, hãy đảm bảo là
bạn đã đọc tất cả các điều
khoản liên quan.
Make sure: đảm bảo
Relevant: liên quan
Term and conditions: điều
Provided that Ms.
Cunningham is
willing to work
cooperatively on the
project, Mr. Phillips
will be assigned to
help _____ collate the
research results.

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(A) she
(B) her
(C) hers
(D) herself
Chọn một tân ngữ để bổ
nghĩa cho ngoại động từ
Cấu trúc “help
someone do/ to do
something” : giúp ai
làm gì
Miễn là bà Cunninghan sẵn
sàng hợp tác trong dự án
này, ông Phillips sẽ phân
phó việc trợ giúp bà ấy đối
chiếu kết quả nghiên cứu.
Work cooperatively: hợp
tác làm việc
Assign: phân phó, phân công
Collate: đối chiếu
International analysts
doubt that the
Vietnamese economy
will be able to_____
an annual growth rate
of 9% for very long.
(A) sustain
(B) reveal
(C) contend
(D) polarize

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Chọn một động từ có

nghĩa phù hợp với văn
(A) sustain :duy trì
(B) reveal :hé lộ
(C) contend :cho rằng
(D) polarize :phổ cập,
phổ biến
Các nhà phân tích quốc tế
nghi ngờ rằng nền kinh tế
Việt Nam sẽ có thể duy trì
được tốc độ tăng trưởng
hằng năm ở mức 9% trong
một thời gian dài.
Analyst: nhà phân tích
Be able to +V: có thể làm gì
Annual: hằng năm
Growth rate: tốc độ tăng
Even though the
finance executive
didn't personally
authorize the illegal
purchase, he is
_____responsible for
the actions of
everyone on his team.
(A) ambiguously
(B) temporarily
(C) indirectly
(D) thickly

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Chọn một phó từ phù

hợp, để bổ nghĩa cho
tính từ đứng ngay sau
nó. Đứng sau to be và
tính từ là một phó từ.
(A) ambiguously : mơ
hồ, nhập nhằng
(B) temporarily : tạm
(C) indirectly : một
cách gián tiếp
(D) thickly :thành lớp
dày đặc
Mặc dù giám đốc tài chính
đã không đích thân cho phép
mua bán bất hợp pháp, ông
ấy gián tiếp phải chịu trách
nhiệm cho hành động của
mọi người trong đội của
Personally (adv) về mặt cá
nhân, đích thân
Illegal: bất hợp pháp
Be responsible for: chịu
trách nhiệm về
An extra customer
service training
session will be held
before work
tomorrow morning
for _____who were
absent from Friday's

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(A) them
(B) those
(C) these
(D) which
Cần một tân ngữ số
nhiều, có thể dùng làm
tiền ngữ trước mệnh đề
quan hệ.
Một khóa đào tạo về chăm
sóc khách hàng bổ sung sẽ
được tổ chức trước giờ làm
buổi sáng ngày mai dành cho
những người vắng mặt trong
buổi hội thảo ngày thứ sáu.
Customer service: chăm sóc
khách hàng
Training session: khóa đào
Be absent from: vắng mặt ở
Seminar: hội thảo
The freelance
journalist will email a
_____draft of the
article to The
Roundup's editor,
Lesley Haggis.
(A) fundamental
(B) traditional
(C) chief

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(D) preliminary
Chọn một tính từ với
nghĩa phù hợp, bổ sung
nghĩa cho danh từ
(A) fundamental :gốc,
cơ bản
(B) traditional : truyền
(C) chief : chính
(D) preliminary: thô,
chưa chỉnh sửa
Phóng viên tự do sẽ gửi thư
điện tử một bài viết nháp
chưa chỉnh sửa cho biên tập
viên của The Internat
The company
directors decided not
to follow _____ advice
that the financial
consultant gave them.
(A) an
(B) those
(C) the
(D) every
“Advice” đã được xác
định cụ thể bởi mệnh đề
quan hệ đứng sau nó,
vậy nên dùng mạo từ
xác định “the”

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Các giám đốc công ty đã

quyết định không làm theo
thời khuyên mà cố vấn tài
chính đã đưa ra.
Director: giám đốc
Consultant: cố vấn
The CEO still hasn't
explained the reason
_____ he rejected the
proposal to purchase
additional production
(A) when
(B) for
(C) why
(D) throughout
Cần một đại từ quan hệ
chỉ nguyên nhân.
Ngài tổng giám đốc vẫn
không giả thích lý do vì sao
ông ấy từ chối đề xuất mua
thêm phương tiện sản xuất
bổ sung.
Reject: từ chối
Proposal: đề xuất
Purchase: mua
Facility: trang bị, phương
In accordance with
Fed line Bus Co.'s

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safety policy, please

_____that your
seatbelt is fastened at
all times while on
(A) ensure
(B) prove
(C) immunize
(D) endorse
Cần một độngtừ có
nghĩa phù hợp với văn
(A) ensure : đảm bảo
(B) prove :chúng minh
(C) immunize : miễn
(D) endorse : chuyển
Theo đúng với chính sách an
toàn của công ty Fedline
Bus, hãy đảm bảo luôn luôn
thắt dây an toàn khi còn ở
trên phương tiện.
In accordance with: theo
đúng với
Safety policy: chính sách an
Seatbelt: dây an toàn
Fasten: thắt
On board: ở trên xe, trên
phương tiện (nói chung)

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The paper factory in

Slough, which
employs over
3,000_____, has been
in operation for more
than 50 years.
(A) locations
(B) locals
(C) local
(D) localize
Cần một danh từ để
hoàn thành cụm danh từ
“over 3000 +N”, đóng
vai trò tân ngữ, bổ
nghĩa cho động từ
(A) locations (n) : địa
(B) locals (n) : dân địa
(C) local (n) : thuộc địa
(D) localize (v): khoanh
vùng, khu biệt
Nhà máy sản xuất giấy ở
Slough, là nhà máy thuê hơn
3000 người dân địa phương,
đã vận hành được hơn 50
Employ: thuê làm
Be in operation: vận hành,
hoạt động

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A specialist mediator
was brought in to
help the two parties
solve their dispute
over the real estate
contract _____.
(A) quickly
(B) quicken
(C) quicker
(D) quickest
Cần một trạng từ bổ
nghĩa cho động từ
Một chuyên gia hòa giải đã
được đưa đến để giúp đỡ hai
bên nhanh chóng giải quyết
tranh chấp xung quanh hợp
đồng bất động sản.
Mediator: người hòa giải
Bring in: đưa đến
Dispute over: tranh chấp về
Real estate: bất động sản
Contract: hợp đồng
The airlines will
_____all passengers
on flight PA08 to
Amsterdam of the
delay in the departure
(A) report

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(B) explain
(C) notify
(D) convey
Cần một động từ với
nghĩa phù hợp với văn
(A) report : báo cáo
(B) explain : giải thích
(C) notify : thông báo
(D) convey : chuyển,
vận chuyển
Cấu trúc “notify
someone of
something”: thông báo
cho ai về cái gì
Hãng hàng không sẽ thông
báo cho toàn bộ hành khách
trên chuyến PA08 đến
Amsterdam về việc hoãn lại
thời gian khởi hành.
Passenger: hành khách
Delay: hoãn
Departure time: thời gian
khởi hành
The hospital has a
backup _______ just
in case there is a
power failure or a
civil emergency.
(A) generate
(B) generating

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(C) generator
(D) generation
Cần một danh từ với
nghĩa phù hợp.
(A) generate (v) tạo ra
(B) generating
(C) generator (n):máy
phát điện
(D) generation (n): thế
Bẹnh viện có một máy phát
điện dự phòng chỉ để phòng
khi mất điện hoặc tình trạng
khẩn cấp.
Backup: dự phòng
In case: phòng khi, trong
trường hợp
Power failure:
Civil: dân sự
Emergency: khẩn cấp, cấp
_____the fundraising
auction has already
been sold out, anyone
who wants to donate
money to the charity
can do so by
contacting the
donations manager.
(A) Despite
(B) Although

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(C) Rather
(D) During
Cần một liên từ thể hiện
sự nhượng bộ, có thể
kết hợp với mệnh đề
đứng sau.
(A) Despite + N/ cụm N
(B) Although + mệnh
(C) Rather + that +
mệnh đề: huống hồ là
(D) During + danh từ/
cụm danh từ
Mặc dù cuộc bán đấu giá gây
quỹ đã bán hết hàng, bất kỳ
ai muốn quyên tặng tiền cho
tổ chức từ thiện có để tặng
bằng cách liên hệ với người
quản lý việc quyên tiền.
Seld out: bán hết
Donate: quyên góp
Charity: từ thiện
Ms. Bendali is excited
at the prospect of
leading the company's
main product_____in
New York.
(A) opportunity
(B) advancement
(C) promotion

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(D) benefit
Cần một danh từ với
nghĩa phù hợp với văn
(A) opportunity : cơ
(B) advancement : sự
tiến bộ
(C) promotion :việc
quảng bá
(D) benefit :lợi ích
Bà Bendali rất nóng chỉ đạo
việc quảng bá sản phẩm
chính của công ty tại Mỹ.
Be excited at: thấy nóng lòng
Prospect: triển vọng, viễn
Lead: dẫn dắt, chỉ đạo
Keith Branson, the
secretary of the
company's social
committee, will book
the _____ for the
annual company
(A) place
(B) venue
(C) scene
(D) position

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Cần một danh từ với

nghịa phù hợp.
(A) place : địa điểm(
dành cho không gian
rộng lớn, bao quát)
(B) venue : địa điểm,
nơi gặp gỡ
(C) scene : bối cảnh
(D) position : vị trí
Thư ký ban xã hội của công
ty, Keith Branson, sẽ đặt địa
điểm cho buổi tiệc hằng năm
của công ty.
Secretary: thư ký
Committee: ban, ủy ban
Book: đặt trước
Banquet: tiệc, thết tiệc
At Jack's Kitchen, we
sell top-quality knives
and cooking
equipment at
surprisingly _____
(A) afford
(B) affording
(C) affordable
(D) affordability
Cần một tính từ đứng
trước danh từ, bổ nghĩa
cho danh từ, để tạo
thành một cụm danh từ

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có nghĩa.
(A) afford (v): có khả
năng, chịu tốn
(B) affording
(C) affordable (adj) có
khả năng chi trả, hợp túi
(D) affordability (n):
có đủ điều kiện
Tại cửa hàng Jack’s Kitchen,
chúng tôi bán những loại dao
chất lượng hàng đầu và đồ
nấu ăn với giá cả hợp túi tiền
một cách đáng ngạc nhiên.
Top-quality: chất lượng
hàng đầu
Equipment: dụng cụ, đồ
Surprisingly: ngạc nhiên
After days of wild
fluctuation on the
monetary markets,
analysts described
yesterday's trading as
relatively _____.
(A) light
(B) lighten
(C) lightly
(D) lit
Cần một tính từ vì động
từ describe thường đi

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với cấu trúc describe

sth as + Adj.
(A) light (adj): nhẹ, nhẹ
(B) lighten (v) làm/ trở
nên nhẹ/ nhẹ nhàng hơn
(C) lightly (adv) nhẹ
(D) lit: quá khứ của
Các nhà phân tịch đã mô tả
việc giao dịch của ngày hôm
qua là khá nhẹ nhàng sau
nhiều ngày thị trường tiền tệ
quốc tế biến động lộn xộn.
Wild: lộn xộn
Influctuation: biến động
Monetary market: thị
trường tiền tệ
Relatively: khá, tương đương
Members of the
Kentucky Library are
only allowed to_____
up to 10 books, tapes
video or CDs at any
one time.
(A) lend
(B) exploit
(C) loan
(D) borrow
Cần một động từ có

29 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

nghĩa phù hợp

(A) lend: cho mượn
(B) exploit: khai thác
(C) loan: cho vay
(D) borrow: mượn
Thành viên của thư viện
Kentuckey chỉ được phép
mượn tối đa 10 cuốn sách,
băng hình, hoặc đĩa CD cùng
một lúc.
Allow: cho phép
Up to: lên tới
At any one time: cùng một
The electronics firm's
sales have increased
_____over the last
decade, increasing
from around $25
billion in 1997 to over
$700 billion today.
(A) steady
(B) steadily
(C) steadiness
(D) steadfast
Cần một trạng từ, bổ
nghĩa cho động từ
(A) steady (adj) vững
chắc, đều đều
(B) steadily (adv) một

30 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

cách vững chắc

(C) steadiness (n) sự
đều đều, tính vững chắc
(D) steadfast (adj):
kiên định
Doanh số của một doanh
nghiệp đồ điện đã tăng
nhanh chóng trong 10 năm
trở lại đây, tăng từ khoảng
25 tỷ đô la năm 1997 lên 700
tỷ như hiện tại.
Sales: doanh số
Decade: thập kỷ
The senator was
grateful for the
opportunity to
confront his
detractors and_____
some important
(A) answer
(B) answered
(C) answering
(D) answers
Cần một động từ
nguyên mẫu để hài hòa
với động từ “confront”
đã cho trước đó. Vì đây
là hai hành động có
quan hệ đẳng lập.
Ngài thượng nghị sỹ thấy

31 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

biết ơn cơ hội được đối chất

với những người gièm pha
mình và trả lời những câu
hỏi quan trọng.
Senator: nghị sĩ
Grateful for: biết ơn
Confront: đối chất
Detractor: người gièm pha
The warranty for the
Campus Stock fax
and copier will be
considered invalid if
the machine is _____
handled by a
(A) improperly
(B) insufficiently
(C) dishonestly
(D) unfittingly
Cần một phó từ phù
hợp với ngữ cảnh.
(A) improperly : không
phù hợp
(B) insufficiently :thiếu
(C) dishonestly : không
thành thật
(D) unfittingly : không
Phiếu bảo hành máy fax và
photocopy Campus Stock sẽ
được coi là không có giá trị

32 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

nếu như sản phẩm đó được

khách hàng xử lý không
đúng cách.
Invalid: không có hiệu lực
Handle: xử lý
Foreigners who visit
the United States on a
tourist visa must leave
the country within
three months, _____
they will face
(A) and
(B) or
(C) so
(D) but
Cần một liên từ thể hiện
quan hệ đối lập.
(A) and : và
(B) or : hoặc là
(C) so :nên
(D) but : nhưng
Những người nước ngoài
đến thăm nước Mỹ với thị
thực du lịch phải rời nước
này trong vòng ba tháng, nếu
không họ sẽ phải đối mặt với
việc bị trục xuất.
Visa: thị thực
Deportation: việc trục xuất

33 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

_____, the IT
technicians should be
able to recover most
of the data that was
lost when the server
(A) Fortune
(B) Fortunate
(C) Fortuitous
(D) Fortunately
Cần một trạng từ đứng
ở đầu câu, bổ nghĩa cho
cả câu
(A) Fortune (n): vận
(B) Fortunate (adj)
may mắn
(C) Fortuitous (adj)
tình cờ
(D) Fortunately(adv)
may mắn là
May sao các kỹ thuật viên IT
có thể khôi phục hầu hết dữ
liệu bị mất khi máy chủ gặp
trục trặc.
Technician: kỹ thuật viên
Recover: khôi phục
Data: dữ liệu
Server: máy chủ
Malfunctioned: bị trục trặc
Miniature figures

34 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

made _____plastic are

considered safer than
wooden or metal toys.
(A) in
(B) at
(C) of
(D) up
Cấu trúc “make of”:
làm từ
Những nhân vật thu nhỏ làm
từ nhựa được xem là an toàn
hơn so với đồ chơi từ gỗ
hoặc kim loại.
Figure: nhân vật
Miniature: thu nhỏ
Wooden: gỗ
Metal: kim loại
The human resources
division is currently
_______ the
possibilities of
employing more
college interns next
(A) glancing
(B) exploring
(C) viewing
(D) watching
Cần một động từ dạng
phân từ hiện tại có

35 | P a g e
Created by Duy Ân Mai

nghĩa phù hợp

(A) glancing: liếc nhìn
(B) exploring :thăm dò,
tìm kiếm
(C) viewing : ngắm
(D) watching: nhìn,
Bộ phận nhân lực hiện đang
tìm kiếm khả năng thuê thêm
thực tập sinh vào mùa hè tới.
Human resource: nhân lực
Division: phòng, ban, bộ
Possibility: khả năng
College intern: thực tập sinh
đến từ trường cao đẳng

36 | P a g e Cô VŨ MAI PHƢƠNG – KHÓA TOEIC 2016

PART 5 – TIẾT 15
Bài luyện tập gồm 5 đề full part 5. Các em làm và chữa kĩ từng đề nhé. Đáp án đƣợc cung cấp ở
phần cuối của bài luyện tập.

ĐỀ 1:
101. We apologize for the delay in processing ________ loan application.
(A) you
(B) your
(C) yourself
(D) yours
102. Every team member should meet with their immediate supervisor ________ the annual
performance evaluation.
(A) behind
(B) about
(C) toward
(D) into
103. Over the past few years, there has been tremendous ________ in the international marriage
(A) growth
(B) grows
(C) grown
(D) grower
104. According to a new study, the United States will face ever increasing ________ in the global
economy over the next decade.
(A) competes
(B) competition
(C) competitively
(D) competitive Hotline:

105. By using the search function, you can search for words or sets of words ________ a specific
(A) where
(B) while
(C) within
(D) wherever
106. ________ our team should complete the project quickly, the manager will have to hire additional
programming experts.
(A) Because
(B) Moreover
(C) Therefore
(D) Nevertheless
107. During the busy season, the ski resort will ________ reservations only for parties of five people
or more.
(A) accept
(B) accepts
(C) accepting
(D) accepted
108. As part of the trade conference, there will be a discussion ________ international trade policy.
(A) by
(B) to
(C) with
(D) on
109. Almost everyone who prepares to start a business finds that the financial projections and market
analysis are ________ than they expected.
(A) difficult
(B) difficulty
(C) more difficult
(D) much difficulty Hotline:

110. Attached is a ________ of the main agenda which should be addressed in the annual cooperate
strategy meeting.
(A) summary
(B) total
(C) product
(D) registration
111. An Iraqi industrial delegation ________ due to arrive yesterday to Washington to discuss with
American counterparts ways of cooperation and trade exchange.
(A) is
(B) are
(C) was
(D) were
112. One benefit of renting a house ________ buying is that you do not have to do any maintenance.
(A) according to
(B) when
(C) instead of
(D) however
113. Even though there are ________ available, the monthly commuter pass is the most economical
way to commute.
(A) other
(B) others
(C) the other
(D) another
114. Please visit our website to learn more about the innovative and ________ priced marketing
services we offer.
(A) virtually
(B) gratefully
(C) thoroughly
(D) reasonably Hotline:

115. The hotel is ________ located in London’s downtown within walking distance from banks, post
office and stores.
(A) convenience
(B) convenient
(C) conveniences
(D) conveniently
116. The New Products Development Department has been under the ________ of Mr. Harmon for
the past five years.
(A) attendance
(B) supervision
(C) sight
(D) provision
117. The conference organizer expressed their sincere thanks to Dr. Raymond, ________ gave an
insightful speech at the opening session.
(A) if
(B) anyone
(C) he
(D) who
118. If any parts manufactured by Brown Machine Inc. should prove defective within one year from
the date it is delivered new to the purchaser, the product will be ________ immediately.
(A) prepared
(B) replaced
(C) consumed
(D) revised
119. The City council has proposed ________ four municipal markets into modem shopping
complexes and also five multi-level parking complexes.
(A) to re vi se
(B) to achieve
(C) to develop
(D) to contribute Hotline:

120. Due to the ________ nature of medical information, it should only be available to persons
actively engaged in the treatment of the patient or in related administrative work.
(A) confidential
(B) limited
(C) former
(D) mandatory
121. Teachers should focus on teaching history properly because history is vital as ________ as
(A) well
(B) far
(C) good
(D) near
122. Once your answer has been verified, you will be prompted to ________ your account number
and create a new PIN.
(A) place
(B) offer
(C) impose
(D) enter
123. Over the years we have earned the ________ trust and confidence of hundreds of students
worldwide through our unmatched performance in English education.
(A) complete
(B) completely
(C) completed
(D) completing
124. Our MBA School is making it easy for employers to access our talents by ________ on-site
interviews and recruiting sessions.
(A) holding
(B) closing
(C) waiting
(D) meeting Hotline:

125. If you have ________ received an incorrect order or your shipment has arrived damaged please
see our Customer Service section for our Return Policy.
(A) mistook
(B) mistake
(C) mistaken
(D) mistakenly
126. Large numbers of people are in need of emergency assistance in Eastern Africa months of heavy
rains associated with El Nino.
(A) at
(B) following
(C) upon
(D) except
127. To ensure the accuracy of the survey results, all respondents must complete the questions by
(A) itself
(B) themselves
(C) herself
(D) himself
128. The Tokyo branch of the investment bank has launched an internal inquiry into the disappearance
of a computer disk thought to contain highly ________ client information.
(A) courteous
(B) sensitive
(C) affordable
(D) competitive
129. In order to use these materials for profit, you must gain formal ________ from our company in
(A) approving
(B) approval
(C) approved
(D) approves Hotline:

130. Language Bridge Co. provides ________ structured and intensive Japanese language training
programs through the Internet
(A) highly
(B) hopefully
(C) probably
(D) rarely
131. In an effort ________ the needs of students who have both the potential and the desire to
complete curriculum more demanding than that offered in the regular classroom, the Board of
Education will provide Advance Placement Programs.
(A) to meet
(B) meeting
(C) has met
(D) meets
132. Upon completion, the ________ parking garage will offer convenient parking for both patients
visiting the hospital and physicians in the medical office building.
(A) infrequent
(B) additional
(C) ongoing
(D) incidental
133. The government officials and economists will meet together to discuss the ways to effectively
implement the economic ________ proposed by the president
(A) reformed
(B) reformer
(C) reforms
(D) reformatory
134. The management of WalMex Electronics has decided to withdraw its business due to ________
market conditions in the country.
(A) unfavorable
(B) unwilling
(C) opposing
(D) reluctant Hotline:
135. By the time the FDA discovered its illegal production, the tobacco company ________ several
years to develop new narcotic tobacco products.
(A) are spending
(B) will have spent
(C) spend
(D) had spent
136. Because company websites which contain too much information are usually ignored by people, ft
is important to keep the information short and to the _________.
(A) grade
(B) point
(C) level
(D) spot
137. A rapidly growing beverage company is seeking qualified and _________regional and district
sales managers to work with local distributors.
(A) motivate
(B) motivator
(C) motivated
(D) motivation
138. More than half of the companies surveyed indicated that they have no plans for new investment
_________ the global economy is recovering from the recent downturn.
(A) in spite of
(B) so as
(C) despite
(D) though
139. According to a report, global oil demand is _________ to be higher in 2007 and 2008 than initial
(A) expected
(B) expecting
(C) expects
(D) expect Hotline:

140. To raise awareness of your company and products, we may _________ask you to provide
information to participate in certain voluntary promotions, surveys, or contests.
(A) prematurely
(B) marginally
(C) occasionally
(D) uncommonly

ĐỀ 2:
101. For ________ new or existing buildings, solar water heating is the most cost-effective way to
reduce your fuel bills.
(A) neither
(B) nor
(C) or
(D) either
102. Before submitting your essay, please be sure to include your ________ at the end of it
(A) signing
(B) signed
(C) to sign
(D) signature
103. Every three years, the board of directors should ________ a new independent auditor to review
financial reports.
(A) deposit
(B) appoint
(C) predict
(D) operate
104. A new study has ________ that depression in elderly people could result in earlier mortality.
(A) suggest
(B) suggestion
(C) suggested
(D) suggesting Hotline:

105. Design Tools Monthly, a monthly newsletter and software update service for graphic design
professionals, has been published since 1995 with ________ in 41 countries.
(A) subscribers
(B) spectators
(C) witnesses
(D) participants
106. Our university has one of the most ________ financial support programs in the US to ensure that
students can meet the cost of their college education, regardless of background.
(A) extend
(B) extent
(C) extensive
(D) extending
107. According to a recent study, Ginseng, One of the most ________ used herbs in traditional
Chinese medicine, may improve survival and quality of life after a diagnosis of breast cancer.
(A) conveniently
(B) correctly
(C) greatly
(D) widely
108. Because it would generate a lot of money, the ________ to win the contract will likely be
aggressive and fierce.
(A) competitively
(B) competitive
(C) competes
(D) competition
109. If you ________ tickets for any two games in this season, you can get a third game of your
choice free.
(A) support
(B) purchase
(C) achieve
(D) replace Hotline:

110. This book will teach you how to get ________ out of debt including your mortgage.
(A) total
(B) totaling
(C) totally
(D) totaled
111. ________ your order form has been received, it will be processed and your books will be sent to
(A) Unless
(B) Despite
(C) Like
(D) Once
112. Mr. Richmond had to go through all the financial difficulties by ________ to manage his own
(A) his
(B) him
(C) he
(D) himself
113. The company is trying to diversify its business by ________ in renewable energy resources.
(A) invest
(B) investing
(C) invested
(D) invests
114. This guidebook is designed to help you _______ the process of installing the operating system.
(A) accident
(B) accidental
(C) accidents
(D) accidentally Hotline:

115. The software company ________ sent out e-mails containing a virus to about 50,000 members on
an e-mail discussion list.
(A) accident
(B) accidental
(C) accidents
(D) accidentally
116. The president would like all staff ________ collaboratively and complete the ongoing renovation
as soon as possible.
(A) works
(B) working
(C) worked
(D) to work
117. To memorize names of people is not only an important social skill but also a highly
recommended ________.
(A) reference
(B) plot
(C) resource
(D) practice
118. Please be aware that Sky Airlines reserves the right to deny boarding to passengers ________
proper documentation.
(A) upon
(B) until
(C) without
(D) along
119. We have added some new, full-of-life postcards and message templates for you ________ that
you can enhance your marketing campaigns and please your subscribers with fresh and attractive
(A) so
(B) concerning
(C) over
(D) since Hotline:
120. Guided tours of Music Library are available to
individuals and groups ________ the year.
(A) from
(B) about
(C) between
(D) throughout
121. It is the responsibility of the proposing organization to thoroughly review each ________ prior to
(A) proposing
(B) propose
(C) proposes
(D) proposal
122. The information you requested is currently ________ due to the upgrade work for our existing
system and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.
(A) related
(B) stylish
(C) disinterested
(D) unavailable
123. The Bank of Citizens assured its customers that it ________ current levels of quality service
despite the proposed merger.
(A) maintaining
(B) maintain
(C) will maintain
(D) to maintain
124. When a supplier’s shipments start arriving ________ late, incomplete or damaged, it’s time to
consider looking for a new one.
(A) steadily
(B) sensibly
(C) exactly
(D) consistently Hotline:

125. A recent survey indicated that more and more consumers have become accustomed to purchasing
________ groceries on the internet.
(A) ours
(B) theirs
(C) their
(D) ourselves
126. Please be advised that you should provide exact billing addresses in order to ________ all orders.
(A) affect
(B) contain
(C) fulfill
(D) mention
127. Library supervisors and staff have been authorized to enforce security regulations and to ask
________ who do not comply to leave the library premises.
(A) patronage
(B) patron
(C) to patron
(D) patrons
128. A confirmation screen will appear once upload or download is ________.
(A) total
(B) complete
(C) entire
(D) whole
129. Most anti-virus programs are scheduled to perform a background check ________ throughout the
day on a set schedule.
(A) periodically
(B) periodic
(C) periodical
(D) period Hotline:

130. Houses and condominiums in the downtown area usually stay on the ________ for an average of
90 days before they are sold.
(A) sale
(B) place
(C) market
(D) advertisement
131. The interior of the high-speed trains is ________ and able to carry more than 500 passengers.
(A) space
(B) spacious
(C) spacing
(D) spaciousness
132. ________ to ensure that their claims are received on time, claimants are encouraged to file their
claims electronically or by fax, utilizing the special procedures described in this notice.
(A) Whether
(B) In order
(C) According
(D) How
133. We are very pleased to make a partnership with your company and look forward to a ________
beneficial relationship.
(A) mutually
(B) punctually
(C) respectively
(D) precisely
134. Your request for a refund or ________ must be sent by e-mail to us with a complete, detailed
description of the reason for the request.
(A) complaint
(B) replacement
(C) receipt
(D) promotion Hotline:

135. In a recent survey, people appear to consider changing their job when they find their current work
too ________.
(A) repeat
(B) repetitive
(C) repeating
(D) repetition
136. Mortgage applications fell for the first time in three weeks ________ mortgage rates dropped to
their lowest level since January.
(A) as if
(B) during
(C) because
(D) even though
137. Before signing a contract, you need to exercise extreme caution because there are many clauses
which could be ________ by the parties involved.
(A) misinterpret
(B) misinterpreted
(C) misinterpreting
(D) misinterpretation
138. By using this software, you can build a private network of friends or family or co-workers and
________ allow them access to specific folders on your computer which you've chosen to share.
(A) now that
(B) in case
(C) therefore
(D) otherwise
139. City leaders oppose plans ________ the extension of the South Lawrence Expressway.
(A) next
(B) while
(C) by
(D) for Hotline:


140. The success and continued improvement of the education program is dependent upon ________
evaluation including the feedback from the evaluation data.
(A) opportune
(B) eligible
(C) international
(D) appropriate

ĐỀ 3:
101. The existing law which applies to every case requires equal treatment for all, _________ race,
religion, or sex.
(A) in spite of
(B) due to
(C) regardless of
(D) on behalf of
102. Employees should _________ trust nor believe other employees, since people are only out for
(A) or
(B) and
(C) both
(D) neither
103. The first month of the course _________ participants with an overall understanding of
criticism in general.
(A) provides
(B) protest
(C) approach
(D) offer Hotline:

104. Today a lot of manufacturing firms have been too _________ about investment, opting to
amass cash reserves instead.
(A) caution
(B) cautiousness
(C) cautious
(D) cautiously
105. There are many folk cultures on the island, which are _________ distinct from the mainland.
(A) clearer
(B) clearly
(C) clearest
(D) cleared
106. I _________ at a summer camp in New York last summer and enjoyed supervising a group of
four children.
(A) have worked
(B) have been working
(C) will have worked
(D) worked
107. It was the first time James felt that he had achieved something, which is pretty difficult by
(A) him
(B) his
(C) himself
(D) he
108. In recent years there has been a continuously growing concern over the effects of the use of
_________ fertilizers.
(A) tender
(B) obstinate
(C) delicious
(D) artificial Hotline:


109. _________ for the extra positions at SIO company are required to possess at least ten years of
experience in the field.
(A) Application
(B) An applicant
(C) Apply
(D) Applicants
110. During the war, a lot of companies in Japan were able to add _________ to their wealth by
selling deadly weapons.
(A) consider
(B) consideration
(C) considerately
(D) considerably
111. The issue regarding the Automated Instant
Debit program will be discussed _________ detail at
the upcoming conference.
(A) on
(B) in
(C) during
(D) for
112. _________ minor it is, you should report any car accident to the headquarters as soon as it
(A) Although
(B) Despite
(C) As
(D) However Hotline:

113. A large number of people living in the countryside depend directly or indirectly _________ the
tobacco business.
(A) for
(B) on
(C) in
(D) with
114. The recent scandal, which is closely related to the political corruption, definitely_________
to their defeat in the last election.
(A) expected
(B) contributed
(C) reached
(D) organized
115. Only a few government ministers reached a 24-month agreement which was newly revised,
_________ from January 1.
(A) arrogant
(B) competitive
(C) efficient
(D) effective
116. YP International is _________ carrying out projects to develop gas mines in Oman, Vietnam
and Myanmar.
(A) currently
(B) quickly
(C) significantly
(D) promptly
117. In order to _________ cutting-edge stem cell break-throughs to humans, they should be
inexpensive and provide consistent results.
(A) applied
(B) apply
(C) application
(D) applying Hotline:

118. The friendship and cooperation in vast fields will enable both sides _________ further and
learn the wider world.
(A) to see
(B) seeing
(C) seen
(D) sees
119. Grace Airlines plans to spend $60 million seats on 12 of their medium- and large-sized aircraft
by the end of 2008.
(A) upgrade
(B) to upgrade
(C) upgrading
(D) upgraded
120. The other banks are going to be very eager to help, _________ they see that he has a specific
(A) otherwise
(B) in spite of
(C) provided that
(D) that
121. The report written by the marketing department showed that overall prices are up 7.5%
_________ the previous quarter.
(A) while
(B) since
(C) during
(D) within
122. _________ all those applying for the new opening position, Ms. Elizabeth was the most
experienced candidate.
(A) In
(B) For
(C) Against
(D) Of Hotline:

123. My strict supervisor tends to always lock our desk before he is leaving his office _________
that nobody can steal anything.
(A) such
(B) so
(C) because
(D) as
124. It has a major impact _________ the production of banana cultivators and is widespread in Asia,
Africa, Australia, South America and many other regions.
(A) that
(B) to
(C) of
(D) on
125. MK, one of the promising car manufacturers, is becoming extremely _________ in the U.S.
market, expanding their budgets for lobbying.
(A) aggressor
(B) aggressiveness
(C) aggressively
(D) aggressive
126. The MWCK, _________ n 2004, is the country's first state-funded center for migrant workers
although it is not so powerful as to advocate their right.
(A) to find
(B) finding
(C) founded
(D) found
127. From 2008, a female worker will be _________ for the childcare leave while her child is under
three years of age.
(A) likely
(B) eligible
(C) responsible
(D) reliable Hotline:


128. Chinatown is known as the center of commerce and culture for Chinese immigrants, as well as
a place to _________ them of their homeland.
(A) recall
(B) remind
(C) remember
(D) memorize
129. _________ the bad apples and throwing them out will prevent the whole barrel from rotting.
(A) Selecting
(B) Select
(C) Selected
(D) Selection
130. Cadets have to_________ 199 credits for graduation, compared to the average of 130 credits at
most local universities.
(A) completed
(B) completing
(C) completion
(D) complete
131. The _________ of these ancient burial grounds has given us a lot of useful information about
their culture.
(A) survive
(B) survivor
(C) survival
(D) survey
132. As mentioned _________ in the annual general meeting, these observations raised many
questions on the causes of insomnia.
(A) previous
(B) previously
(C) preview
(D) prevention Hotline:

133. We are looking _________ tourist guides who have broad knowledge of the European history
to work in England in the summer months.
(A) to
(B) after
(C) for
(D) at
134. The new committee established by many special prosecutors unanimously _________ to
accept the offers and fulfill them immediately.
(A) approached
(B) decided
(C) received
(D) postponed
135. All employees in our factory are going to receive a special bonus this month because sales
_________ the third quarter reached a record high.
(A) on
(B) with
(C) off
(B) in
136. All the details on the recent project should be completed _________ to the departure of our
delegation on April 8, 2007.
(A) before
(B) advance
(C) prior
(D) late
137. The board of directors decided to take _________ action to minimize the damage caused by
the cancellation of the upcoming convention.
(A) short
(B) immediate
(C) remote
(D) slow Hotline:


138. All people who want to make international calls by using the pay phone need to dial the
_________code first.
(A) dress
(B) security
(C) country
(D) secret
139. The money is among the highest ever paid for a first novel, and is _________ more unusual
when the writer's background is considered.
(A) extremely
(B) so
(C) very
(D) even
140. The nation’s economic growth rate _________ sharply over the next five years if there is no
special obstacle.
(A) increase
(B) has increased
(C) will increase
(D) increases

ĐỀ 4:
101. Companies producing commodities such as digital watches and cameras _________ like to do
many things their own way.
(A) clear
(B) clearly
(C) clearance
(D) clearing Hotline:

102. Usually many gyms where people go to exercise and get fit _________ to get very busy around
six o’clock in the evening.
(A) want
(B) tend
(C) fail
(D) encourage
103. Most novelists use their _________ experience as the basis for their novel, so sometimes they
try to visit the town where they grew up.
(A) personal
(B) personnel
(C) personality
(D) personally
104. They are criticized for making money _________ by charging high lending rates and excessive
service fees.
(A) easy
(B) easily
(C) ease
(D) easiness
105. Mr. Eugene has completely _________ into a happy, self-confident man since he recovered
from heart surgery.
(A) suffered
(B) differed
(C) expected
(D) changed
106. A variety of pictures are scanned into a form of proper _________ that computers can
(A) informal
(B) informative
(C) information
(D) informing Hotline:

107. Incheon International Airport Police arrested the suspect near _________ house in Southern
(A) him
(B) his
(C) himself
(D) he
108. People who put emphasis on the positive aspects of schools say that university is a place where
we can learn a _________ range of subjects.
(A) big
(B) broad
(C) large
(D) whole
109. It focuses on _________ merger and acquisition activities to create bigger players in the market
and to improve their competitiveness.
(A) promote
(B) promoting
(C) promotion
(D) promotional
110. Most insurance companies do business _________ in the domestic market
(A) primarily
(B) initially
(C) heavily
(D) significantly
111. Buying real estate involves the kind of _________ decision-making that happens only a few
times in a lifetime.
(A) criticize
(B) critic
(C) criticism
(D) critical Hotline:

112. _________ the government didn’t announce the specific number of employees to be laid off,
the number is estimated to range from 30 to 50.
(A) Nevertheless
(B) Although
(C) Despite
(D) Either
113. In order to _________ the internal market, exports were controlled, and foreign exchange and
issuance of permissions were used as foreign trade policies.
(A) regulate
(B) regulating
(C) regulation
(D) regular
114. Among other things, Mr. Lee has a deep _________ of Turkey and Turkish culture, because he
majored in Turkish literature.
(A) idea
(B) opinion
(C) knowledge
(D) ability
115. The life insurance industry suggested that they could contribute to a public fund to return a part
of _________ profits to society.
(A) them
(B) their
(C) themselves
(D) they
116. According to the recent survey, growth of facility investment tends to fall _________ there is a
presidential election.
(A) which
(B) in order that
(C) on behalf of
(D) when Hotline:


117. One hundred potential vaccines are ________ being tested on human volunteers to cure
an incurable disease in the future.
(A) commonly
(B) currently
(C) accidentally
(D) suspiciously
118. Those wanting to charter the airplane for an aerobatic flight should absolutely make a
reservation at least one month in _________.
(A) advertisement
(B) advance
(C) advantage
(D) adventure
119. Many local _________ have objected to the new road which can be harmful to the ecosystem.
(A) residents
(B) resident
(C) residence
(D) residential
120. We look forward to the expansion of our customer _________ and product distribution
capabilities in that region.
(A) supporting
(B) support
(C) supporter
(D) supported
121. The _________ use of medicine could lead to serious adverse reactions and even heart attacks.
(A) promising
(B) tender
(C) improper
(D) appropriate Hotline:


122. A bunch of books I borrowed from the local library were piled _________ on the desk.
(A) higher
(B) high
(C) highly
(D) highest
123. You may need to change your eating and _________ habits or take pills to keep your blood fats
at healthy levels.
(A) exercises
(B) exercising
(C) exercised
(D) exercise
124. The president should explain to the employees about the special _________ the company will
get through this contract.
(A) factors
(B) benefits
(C) interests
(D) regulations
125. I have seen many cases in _________ hospitals manipulate charts of medical records in the
process of legal battles.
(A) who
(B) what
(C) that
(D) which
126. Seven out of 10 teams _________ for Atlanta Dragons submitted written documents on the
promotion to the major league.
(A) until
(B) except
(C) next
(D) responsible Hotline:

127. _________ the island is barren and barely habitable, it has been drawing special attention
from the people of the two countries.
(A) Otherwise
(B) Despite
(C) Although
(D) If
128. Domestic financial firms have had no _________ but to attract foreign capital in the wake
of the financial crisis.
(A) choice
(B) choose
(C) chosen
(D) choices
129. Many _________ businessmen in this area contribute to political parties that have a strong
power to affect business loan.
(A) wealthy
(B) wealth
(C) wealthier
(D) wealthiest
130. The two sides should resolve the remaining 10 percent in less than 72 hours if they want to
reach a final _________ before the 7 a.m. deadline March 31.
(A) agreement
(B) agree
(C) agreements
(D) agreed
131. People seek more _________ ventilation facilities which can operate very quietly in houses and
(A) compact
(B) exceptional
(C) effective
(D) considerate Hotline:


132. Our company, which is in an urgent need for money, decided to push back the trip until
conditions were more _________.
(A) favorite
(B) favor
(C) favorably
(D) favorable
133. The prison has been turned to a museum to _________ visitors of the spirit of independence.
(A) recall
(B) memorize
(C) remember
(D) remind
134. According to existing British and U.S. drug _________, despite the negative influence, alcohol
and tobacco are still legal.
(A) manual
(B) policy
(C) procedure
(D) process
135. We often tend to overtook the importance of it even though water is an_________ element for
living as well as health.
(A) artificial
(B) eccentric
(C) essential
(D) complicated
136. Korean firms are attracted to the project which is worth approximately 500 million dollars
because they provide _________ cheap labor.
(A) exceptionally
(B) exception
(C) except
(D) exceptional Hotline:


137. The number of people suffering from respiratory illness in the countryside was _________
lower in the past than it is today.
(A) significantly
(B) repeatedly
(C) enthusiastically
(D) randomly
138. Mr. Rob is still having difficulties _________ the computer started and would like to send one
of your technicians to his house to fix it.
(A) get
(B) to get
(C) getting
(D) gotten
139. Problems can _________ when people try to defend themselves in court without help from a
(A) raise
(B) rise
(C) arise
(D) rose
140. The panda which has black and white fur and lives in the bamboo forests of China is classed as
an _________ species.
(A) economic
(B) endangered
(C) edible
(D) exaggerated Hotline:


ĐỀ 5:

101. The new route will _________ to further developing trade relations between the countries in the
(A) conduct
(B) contribute
(C) expect
(D) intend
102. _________ on the Caribbean Sea, Cancun is famous among European and American travelers
as a dream holiday destination.
(A) Locate
(B) Locating
(C) Located
(D) Location
103. Improvements to the factory’s manufacturing facilities _________ in savings of more than $7
million so far this year.
(A) resulted
(B) have resulted
(C) resulting
(D) has resulted
104. The contract between our company and star company is _________ approximately $300 million
over the next ten years.
(A) profitable
(B) painful
(C) worth
(D) qualified Hotline:

105. _________ Mr. Shane can’t find the magazines he wants at the local library, he is going to order
them himself through the internet.
(A) Whereas
(B) Although
(C) So that
(D) If
106. Having consecutively won their last three games, the Atlanta Braves go into the final round with
a lot of _________.
(A) concern
(B) confidence
(C) concept
(D) confrontation
107. If you get any products at a _________ price, please make use of the Universe Shopping Cyber
(A) distinct
(B) definite
(C) approachable
(D) reasonable
108. For business relations to continue between our two companies, a satisfactory _________ must
be reached and signed.
(A) assignment
(B) appointment
(C) prescription
(D) agreement
109. The countries in the Middle East with abundant oil money have commended to expand
_________ industrial investment, boosting the overseas plant orders.
(A) they
(B) theirs
(C) their
(D) them Hotline:

110. More than ever before, the food industry in America is paying _________ to young consumers
interested in their health.
(A) attendant
(B) attention
(C) attends
(D) attending
111. The coupon can be exchanged into an event admission ticket when submitted to the _________
information center at JFK International Airport.
(A) visit
(B) visitor
(C) visiting
(D) visited
112. Therefore, today's outcome is _________ for us and for the hundreds of other companies who
have licensed MP3 technology.
(A) disappoints
(B) disappointing
(C) disappointed
(D) disappointment
113. As a member of the International Olympic Committee, Mr. Franklin’s tares and hotel
_________ were paid for by the IOC.
(A) values
(B) customs
(C) refunds
(D) expenses
114. Some European Products lose their price competitiveness due to the high _________ costs to
Asia and the United States of America.
(A) exchange
(B) purchase
(C) transfer
(D) shipping Hotline:

115. There are no firm figures on the number of Iraqi civilians killed since the war began
_________ many estimates put the figure at more than 60,000.
(A) but
(B) beyond
(C) far
(D) otherwise
116. The movie, My Piano, didn’t really win the hearts of the audience due to its plain and rather
_________ storyline.
(A) predictable
(B) prediction
(C) predict
(D) predictably
117. Manufacturers would gain _________ trade status in the United States versus their main
competitors, China and Japan.
(A) favor
(B) favorably
(C) favorite
(D) favorable
118. Effective July 1st, all supply requests must be approved by a supervisor and _________ in
writing to the supply officer.
(A) advised
(B) submitted
(C) urged
(D) complied
119. If you have any questions or suggestions for improvement, please do not _________ to contact
our customer service center.
(A) provide
(B) complain
(C) compromise
(D) hesitate Hotline:

120. The existing mall contains three department stores, nine restaurants, more than fifty _________
shops, and a movie theater.
(A) retailed
(B) retailer
(C) retailing
(D) retail
121. The average price of milk Products is expected to rise considerably in the next month due to the
_________ costs associated with dairy farming.
(A) decreased
(B) increased
(C) approach
(D) impress
122. Our contract for the ink cartridge delivery _________ in 60 days, and our company needs to
decide whether to renew or change vendors.
(A) exists
(B) remodels
(C) expires
(D) involves
123. Before the game, the players asked me to believe in _________, promising not to make the
same mistake again.
(A) they
(B) them
(C) their
(D) theirs
124. JR company has three new pieces of equipment in the prototype stage that _________ the TX-3
series already in production.
(A) prevent
(B) complement
(C) encourage
(D) elevate Hotline:

125. The conference focuses on the question of _________ the EU may re-establish direct contact
with the government of the Palestinian Authority.
(A) although
(B) when
(C) because
(D) whether
126. The session was crowded with directors and managers in _________ of human resources
departments from large companies such as Samsung, POSCO and Maxon.
(A) responsibility
(B) charge
(C) chance
(D) duty
127. People who love animals always insist that the rights of animals _________ acknowledged and
(A) will be
(B) be
(C) are
(D) have been
128. The work of art, _________ is titled ‘Cosmic Magnet’, will be exhibited for several days in the
Central square of Milan.
(A) who
(B) which
(C) what
(D) whose
129. We’re learning how to _________ film in the darkroom and we're also learning how to set up
lights in the studio.
(A) reveal
(B) develop
(C) store
(D) handle Hotline:

130. There was no heavy industry, only agriculture, arts and crafts, and _________ of these things
damaged our environment.
(A) no
(B) not
(C) none
(D) much
131. Please make sure that all of your sales representatives understand and follow our policies
_________ this urgent matter.
(A) regard
(B) regarding
(C) regardless
(D) regards
132. Beginning next month, students who receive high scores on internationally authorized English
tests, such as TOEIC and TOEFL, will be exempt from taking _________ English courses.
(A) mandatory
(B) additional
(C) complex
(D) manageable
133. The applicants who meet the _________ for the position will be contracted in order to schedule
an on-site interview.
(A) requirements
(B) requires
(C) required
(D) requiring
134. It will be difficult for SKO company to _________ advance into American or European markets
because of the language barrier.
(A) repeatedly
(B) randomly
(C) fairly
(D) promptly Hotline:

135. If the complex real estate tax made by the NTS is deemed correct, it can be paid through the
bank with the _________ tax papers.
(A) enclose
(B) enclosure
(C) enclosed
(D) enclosing
136. Mr. Smith's study found that _________ one-third of all e-mail written or answered by
employees is not relevant to their jobs.
(A) nears
(B) nearing
(C) neared
(D) nearly
137. The payment is a sum of 550 million won in benefits and 50 million won in retirement grants,
_________ he lives to the age of 74.
(A) whereas
(B) so as to
(C) whether
(D) assuming that
138. If any part of the product proves to be _________ within one year of the date of purchase, it will
be repaired free of charge, or replaced if necessary.
(A) defective
(B) defects
(C) defect
(D) defectively
139. My team also took advantage of the resort’s local _________ tours of the area, including a
shopping trip to a village market.
(A) exercise
(B) excursion
(C) incident
(D) selection Hotline:

140. Public transportation to the construction area _________ because of concern for passenger
(A) was discontinuing
(B) discontinues
(C) discontinue
(D) was discontinued Hotline:


ĐỀ 1:
101. (B) 102. (B) 103. (A) 104. (B) 105. (C)
106. (A) 107. (A) 108. (D) 109. (C) 110. (A)
111. (C) 112. (C) 113. (B) 114. (D) 115. (D)
116. (B) 117. (D) 118. (B) 119. (C) 120. (A)
121. (A) 122. (D) 123. (A) 124. (A) 125. (D)
126. (B) 127. (B) 128. (B) 129. (B) 130. (A)
131. (A) 132. (B) 133. (C) 134. (A) 135. (D)
136. (B) 137. (C) 138. (D) 139. (A) 140. (C)
ĐỀ 2:
101. (D) 102. (D) 103. (B) 104. (C) 105. (A)
106. (C) 107. (D) 108. (D) 109. (B) 110. (C)
111. (D) 112. (D) 113. (B) 114. (D) 115. (D)
116. (D) 117. (D) 118. (C) 119. (A) 120. (D)
121. (D) 122. (D) 123. (C) 124. (D) 125. (C)
126. (C) 127. (D) 128. (B) 129. (A) 130. (C)
131. (B) 132. (B) 133. (A) 134. (B) 135. (B)
136. (D) 137. (B) 138. (C) 139. (D) 140. (D)
ĐỀ 3:
101.C 102.D 103.A 104.C 105.B
106.D 107.C 180.D 109.D 110.D
111.B 112.D 113.B 114.B 115.D
116.A 117.B 118.A 119.C 120.C
121.C 122.D 123.B 124.D 125.D
126.C 127.B 128.B 129.A 130.D
131.D 132.B 133.C 134.B 135.D
136.C 137.B 138.C 139.D 140.C Hotline:


ĐỀ 4:
101.B 102.B 103.A 104.B 105.D
106.C 107.B 108.B 109.B 110.A
111.D 112.B 113.A 114.C 115.B
116.D 117.B 118.B 119.A 120.B
121.C 122.C 123.B 124.D 125.D
126.B 127.C 128.A 129.A 130.A
131.C 132.D 133.D 134.B 135.C
136.A 137.A 138.C 139.C 140.B

ĐỀ 5:
101.B 102.C 103.B 104.C 105.D
106.B 107.D 108.D 109.C 110.B
111.B 112.B 113.D 114.D 115.A
116.A 117.D 118.B 119.D 120.D
121.B 122.C 123.B 124.B 125.D
126.B 127.B 128.B 129.B 130.C
131.B 132.A 133.A 134.D 135.C
136.D 137.D 138.A 139.B 140.D

Rất tốt! Các em đã vất vả rồi.

Đây đã là bài luyện tập cuối của Part 5. Làm xong các em nhớ ôn tiếp các đề online nhé.
Hẹn gặp lại các em trong các tiết học tiếp theo.
Cô Phƣơng Hotline:


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