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Std. X- English – Appreciation of all poems.

Title/Poem Poet Rhyme Favourite Line Theme/Central Idea Figure of Special feature-Type of poem, Why I like/dislike
Scheme Speech language style, tone, implied the poem
meaning etc.
1 A Teenager's J. Morse ‘abcb’ ‘I can choose to take The stage of teenager is important. He decides Alliteration :- This poem is a prayer by a teenager. The poem touches
Prayer the road of life That the path of life. So in this poem teenager prays Travel down the The teenager speaks up his mind and
leads to success’ God to show him the way of success. darkened road requests God to lead him. The choice the heart. The
Inversion : - of simple words creates the mood for poem is easy to
Decisions, I must prayer. The poet uses apostrophe to understand. It
make connect with God directly.
2 Basketful of Sunil There is no "I want to sow seeds The wish of a child to light up his village road Alliteration: - I Simple use of language and free verse.
displays a nice
Moonlight Sharma rhyme of moon on the sides by using moonlight. It makes travelling easier want to sow It touches simple rural life. The imagination. It is a
scheme. of the path." for the people in the village. It expresses his seeds of moon. innocent wish of the child. The child poem with very
The poem is love for his father also. Apostrophe: - lights up the village path using
an example O moon, give me moonlight.
nice rhythm. It
of ‘free moonlight. gives a useful
verse’. message to the
3 You Start Pablo There is no "If you do not The poem revolves around the idea the life Alliteration: - The poem brings out the spirit of readers. The poet
Dying Slowly Nerudo rhyme appreciate yourself must be enjoyed, lived and cherished. It says And their freedom. The poet has used metaphors
scheme. You start dying that we should look for passion, follow our turbulent emotion like "sounds of life" and "different has used symbolic
The poem is slowly…." dreams and take chances to make the most of Antithesis: If colours" to describe the different but simple
an example life. If we don't do that, we are wasting our life you do not risk aspects of life. language. He
of ‘free away. what is safe
verse’. makes the reader
4 The Twins Henry ababcdcd "What would you do, if This is a humorous poem. The entire poem Alliteration: The poem is a humorous take on to think over many
Sambrooke you were me, To speaks about the absurdities that occure due In form and identity. This poem is made up of four points. Various
Leigh prove that you were to the close resemblance between the twin feature, face and eight line stanzas with a regular rhyme
you?” brothers. The poet expresses how one's limb, scheme of 'abab cdcd". concepts in the
identities exchanged due to twin brothers. The Hyperbole: And poem remain in
irony depicted in this poem. when I died, the memory forever.
neighbours came
And buried Proper selection of
brother John. words adds to the
5 If…. Rudyard aaaa bcbc "If you can trust The poem is a piece of advice given by the Alliteration: The poet beautifully uses opposite beauty of the
Kipling abab cdcd yourself when all men father to his son. The poet has provided With worn-out ideas. It contast between right and
abab cdcd doubt you, But make different situations and expected behavior from tools wrong. The poet says if the conditions poem. The poet
allowance for their his son. The poet wants his son to be a man. Antithesis: are fulfilled one would be successful as makes us to relate
doubting too." If you can meet well as a good human being. the poem with the
with Triumph and
reader's personal
6 Stopping by Robert Frost aaba "And miles to go The poet describes a little incident happening Alliteration: The This is a lyric of extra-ordinary beauty. experiences. The
Woods on a bbcb before I sleep" in a snowy evening. As a traveller the poet is woods are lovely, The poem has a special rhyme poem makes us
Snowy ccdc fascinated by the beautiful scenes in the dark and deep, scheme. The length of all the lines are
Evening dddd woods. He stops to enjoy but his mind urges Repetition: And equal. The poet has used imagery and
compare with the
him to go on. miles to go before symbolism. The repetition of the last world in the poem
I sleep, lines adds a dramatic effect to the and the world
And miles to go meaning of the poem.
around us.
before I sleep.
7 The World is Joy aabcc "O God forgive me The poem is an insight beckoning the modest Alliteration: She The poet used imaginary to describe
Mine Lovelet abbccdd when I whine". things which people do usually ignored by seemed so gay every day. She has captured her
Crawford aabbcc themselves. The speaker is speaking about her Apostrophe: - observations about the people. Straight I like this poem for its
aaabb perfect creation in comparison with lame, blind O God, forgive forward manner simplicity.
and deaf person. me when I whine
8 O Captain! Walt aabbcded "But I, with mournful The poem is about the mixed emotions of the Alliteration: The In this poem a Captain and ship refer to
My Captain! Whitman tread, Walk the deck speaker at his Captain's death on-board, when ship is anchor'd the assassination of President
my Captain lies," they return voyage. The poem is symbolic of safe and sound Abraham Lincoln at the end of Civil
the mixed feelings of the Americans at the Repetition: But War. It brings two contrasting images of
death of President Abraham Lincoln. O heart! heart! happiness and grief. It has vivid
heart! description. The speaker directly
addresses the dead Captain.

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