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Assignment Brief (RQF)

Assignment Brief (RQF)

Higher National Certificate/Diploma in

Student Name/ID Number:

Unit Number and Title: Unit: 6 Managing a Successful Computing Project

Academic Year: 2019/2020

Unit Assessor: Ms. Prabashi Manjani

Managing a Succussful project on introduing AI elements to

Assignment Title:
Online Shopping for enhanced Customer Experience

Issue Date: 19th April 2020

Submission Date: 31st May 2020

Internal Verifier Name:


Submission Format:

The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise,
formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of
headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with
research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography
using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 2,000–2,500 words,
although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosen
LO2 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to
generate knowledge to support the project.
LO3 Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based
on meaningful conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis.
LO4 Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness to
support sustainable organisational performance.

Assignment Brief and Guidance:


Prepared by: Higher Education Qualifications (HEQ) Approved by: HEQ, QDAM (HE)
Version 1.0 – November 2017
DCL 1 – Public (Unclassified)
Assignment Brief (RQF)

Now adays online shopping has transformed the way people do their shopping around the world.
This concept is becoming increasingly popular in the many industries of Sri Lanka as well as
among all the customers.

Changing customer preferences along with rapid and continuous advancement of Technology and
Technology accessibility among people has prompted many industries to introduce alternate
service channels. Number of shops in Sri Lanka have already introduced online shopping apps
and many shops also are in the process of introducing them.

However, customers do not find these apps very convenient and user friendly to use all the time.
These online shopping apps can be further improved for an enhanced Customer Experience and

Shops must anticipate customer needs, customer flow, and required resources on a daily basis,
planning strategically using predictions based on past behaviour. The complexity in shops
operations often results in an inability to predict these factors with full accuracy, leading to – for
instance – long wait times, or not enough staff on hand.  The shops in Sri Lanka have formed an
association and are looking for ways to further improve their existing online shopping apps as
well as to come up with more innovative solutions through the use of Artificial Intelligance. For
this purpose, they wish to obtain the services of a Project Management Consultancy company.
Through this project, they intend to obtain expert recommendations for the above by introducing
the concept of Artificial Inteligence.

The association has selected ABC Consultants, a leading IT Project Management consultancy
company, which is the company you are working for, in order to work on this project.

Your initial task in this project is to select a shop of your choice who is currently providing online
shopping services or will provide online shopping services in future to their customers.
(Note:For the purpose of this assignment you can pick any local shop of your choice).

Thereafter, you are assigned with the project of providing expert recommedations on
improving their current Online Shopping app or to come up with more innovative Online
Shopping solutions by adding possible AI elemets to them. As a major part of this project, you
are required to carryout a small-scale research which would provide you with valuable
information and build a solid foundation for your project.

The above project assignmnet has been broken down for you as tasks to be carried out as follows:

Task 01 (LO1)

1.1 Establish the aims and objectives for your Project for the selected Shop . (P1)

Important: For this section, you are required to clearly list down the aims of your project and
the objectives of your project.

Prepared by: Higher Education Qualifications (HEQ) Approved by: HEQ, QDAM (HE)
Version 1.0 – November 2017
DCL 1 – Public (Unclassified)
Assignment Brief (RQF)

1.2 Define the scope of your project. (P3)

Important: For this section, you are required to clearly define the scope of your project
(i.e the work that needs to be accomplished/ the things that will be covered by your project).

1.3 Based on the scope of your project, produce a Work Break Down Structure (WBS) and a Gantt
Chart. (P3)

Important: For this section, you are required to first draw a WBS and then draw the Gantt Chart
based on it.

1.4 Prepare a plan for your project. Your plan should include the following:
Costs, Scope, Time & Resource schedules, how will you manage project risks?, how will you
manage project communications? & how will you manage quality of the outcomes of your
project? (P2)

Important: For this section, you are required to write a plan mentioning the above aspects (i.e.
Costs, Scope, Time & Resource schedules, Risk Management, Communication Management &
Quality Management) as relevant to your selected shop.

1.5 Briefly explain how your project plan would enable monitoring and completing the aims and
objectives of your project. (M1)

1.6 Write a brief Critical Evaluation on how you went about with the project management process
when carrying out your project. (D1)

Important: You can answer this section at the end of your project. Discuss both positives and
negatives when you are writing the Critical Evaluation. You can write about what you did during
the different phases of Project Management here.

Task 02 (LO2)

In this task, you are required to carryout a small-scale research which would provide you with
valuable information to build a solid foundation for your project.

2.1 Perform a secondary research (gather data from appropriate secondary data sources) that
provide a context (set the foundation) for a primary research. (P4)

Important: For this section, you are required to present (in writing) details of what you found
from different secondary data sources, in relation to your research. All your data sources need
to be referenced correctly using Harvard style.

Prepared by: Higher Education Qualifications (HEQ) Approved by: HEQ, QDAM (HE)
Version 1.0 – November 2017
DCL 1 – Public (Unclassified)
Assignment Brief (RQF)

2.2 Conduct a primary research using quantitative and/or qualitative methods as appropriate that
would lead to achieving the project aims & objetives. (P4)

Hint: A possible target group for your primary research could be for example Customers

Important: For this section, you are required to include details of your data collection method,
your population and the sample size. You are free to decide the best primary data collection
method appropriate for your research. Include sample data/summay of data collected from
your primary research (you may include them as Appendices)

2.3 Evaluate the accuracy and reliability of using Qualitative and Quantiative research methods for
primary research. (M2)

Important: For this section, you are required to mention to what extent Qualitative &
Quantative research methods are accurate and to what extent they are reliable, in terms of
your primary research.

2.4 Critically Evaluate the research method that you used to conduct your primary reseaarch. (D1)

Important: For this section, you are required to discuss both positives and negatives of the
research method that you used.

Task 03 (LO3)

3.1 Analyse the data collected during your primary research using appropriate data analysis
techniques. (P5)

Important: For this section, you are required to give details of your data analysis. You may draw
graphs, charts ..etc as appropriate.

3.2 Based on the information you gained from the data analysis of the primary research that you
conducted, formulate your recommendations on improving the existing online shopping app
or to
come up with more innovative online shopping solutions using AI elements and communicate
it to
the client in the form of a short report. (P6)

Important: For this section, you are required to write a brief report presenting your
recommendations to the client on how they can improve their current Online Shopping app or
introduce innovative Online Shopping solutions by adding possible AI elemets to it.

Prepared by: Higher Education Qualifications (HEQ) Approved by: HEQ, QDAM (HE)
Version 1.0 – November 2017
DCL 1 – Public (Unclassified)
Assignment Brief (RQF)

3.3 Justify the recommendation(s) that you made above, to the client. (M3)

Important: For this section, you are required to explain why you make each recommendation
with supporting reason(s).

3.4 Critically Evaluate the recommendation(s) that you made above, to the client. (D2)

Important: For this section, you are required to give pluses and minuses of each
recommendation that you made.

Task 04 (LO4)

4.1 Explain how valuable was the small-scale research that you undertook, in terms of fulfilling the
aims & objectives of your project and for your own personal learning. (P7)

4.2 Evaluate the value of following the project management process, in terms of fulfilling the aims
objectives of your project and for your own personal learning. (M4)

Important: For this section, you are required to discuss how following of Project Management
phases helped you to achieve the set aims and objectives of the project.

4.3 Critically evaluate the project outcomes, the decisionmaking process, any changes or
to the initial project plan. (D2)

Important: For this section, you are required to discuss the positives & negatives of the
outcomes of the project, the decision making process, any changes made to the initial project
plan and any other relevant points.

Prepared by: Higher Education Qualifications (HEQ) Approved by: HEQ, QDAM (HE)
Version 1.0 – November 2017
DCL 1 – Public (Unclassified)
Assignment Brief (RQF)

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:

Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Establish project aims, P1 Devise project aims M1 Produce a D1 Critically evaluate the
objectives and and objectives for a comprehensive project project management
timeframes based on the chosen scenario. management plan, process and appropriate
chosen theme milestone schedule and research methodologies
P2 Produce a project project schedule for applied.
management plan that monitoring and
covers aspects of cost, completing the aims and
scope, time, quality, objectives of the project.
communication, risk and

P3 Produce a work
breakdown structure and
a Gantt Chart to provide
timeframes and stages
for completion.
LO2 Conduct small-scale P4 Carry out small-scale M2 Evaluate the accuracy D1 Critically evaluate the
research, information research by applying and reliability of different project management
gathering and data collection qualitative and research methods process and appropriate
to generate knowledge quantitative research applied. research methodologies
to support the project methods appropriate for applied.
meeting project aims and

LO3 Present the project and P5 Analyse research and M3 Evaluate the selection D2 Critically evaluate and
communicate appropriate data using appropriate of appropriate tools and reflect on the project
recommendations based on tools and techniques. techniques for accuracy outcomes, the decision
meaningful conclusions and authenticity to making
drawn from the evidence P6 Communicate support and justify process and

Prepared by: Higher Education Qualifications (HEQ) Approved by: HEQ, QDAM (HE)
Version 1.0 – November 2017
DCL 1 – Public (Unclassified)
Assignment Brief (RQF)

findings and/or analysis appropriate recommendations. changes or developments

recommendations as a of the initial project
result of research and management plan to
data analysis to draw support justification of
valid and meaningful recommendations and
conclusions. learning during the project.
LO4 Reflect on the value P7 Reflect on the value M4 Evaluate the value of the D2 Critically evaluate and
gained from conducting the of undertaking the project management reflect on the project
project and its usefulness to research to meet stated process and use of outcomes, the decision
support sustainable objectives and own quality research to meet making
organisational performance learning and stated objectives and process and
performance. support own learning and changes or developments
performance. of the initial project
management plan to
support justification of
recommendations and
learning during the project.

Assignment Feedback

Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Prepared by: Higher Education Qualifications (HEQ) Approved by: HEQ, QDAM (HE)
Version 1.0 – November 2017
DCL 1 – Public (Unclassified)
Assignment Brief (RQF)

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor Signature Date

Student Signature Date

Prepared by: Higher Education Qualifications (HEQ) Approved by: HEQ, QDAM (HE)
Version 1.0 – November 2017
DCL 1 – Public (Unclassified)

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