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Why do students come to class late?

Feb 7, 2017

We as teachers have three options when dealing with students that come late to

class. One option is to let them continue their habit without any repercussions. If asked

if there are any implications of how we speak towards the students I would have to say

absolutely. A teacher may not say anything verbally but he/she is saying a great deal. The

teacher is telling the student that they accept the behavior that is being presented. The

second option is to verbally telling them they are late and that they need to be punctual.

If a student is habitually late then tell them to be punctual and that they will not be

allowed to make up missed work. If they continue the habit then they will be sent to the

office. Also, ask the student why they are late to your class and if there is anything you

can do to help them not be late to your class. The voice of the teacher can make or break

the classroom mood. So if a teacher has a harsh tone with the student then the student will

be defensive and if the teacher is calm the student will more likely be more

understanding. The third option is to not allow the student back into the class room and

to send them straight to the office. This is the harshest way to handle the situation but

many times will be the only way a student understands. The goal will be for students to

start taking responsibility for their actions. The tone of voice that a teacher uses when

instructing a student go to the office because of this infraction could lead to more class

room disturbances.

There are many possibilities for students being late to classes. The most feasible

reasons for students to be late to class are: students not taking responsibility for
themselves and student does not thinking that it is important to be in class on time

because there are no consequences. Students that do not take ownership over their

responsibilities will be late to school in the morning for first period. The student gives

excuses like I over slept or my alarm clock did not go off. The excuses that these

students give are many but there is usually a reason for the excuses. The second reason is

lack of class room management. If you instill in a student high expectations and strong

class room management techniques then they will not want to be late to your class unless

there is a personal issue. If you feel motivated, to find a reason for the behavior, the

student will greatly benefit from your caring heart. All students have a reason for their

behavior. It is educators who can help them solve the problem and get back on track.

Take the student aside and start asking them questions and let them know you are there

for them. Make sure you make them feel safe and comfortable.

Many people may have different things they feel we should avoid when

addressing situation “come to class late.” One thing I feel we should avoid is any female

issues or medical situations. This could be embarrassing every party involved. I do not

feel that medical issues or female issues should be used as excuses or as an excessive way

to be late to class but we should be sensitive to these issues. I would ask a professional if

there is a way to identify students that are using medical situations or female issues as


Luisa Hays

UNE 615
Factors Affecting Why Are the
Students Late in Going to the School in
Colegio de Las Hijas de Jesus
By markjosephdiaz, feb. 2013 | 8 Pages (1858 Words) | 2 Views

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Factors affecting why are the Students Late

In going to the school in Colegio de las Hijas de Jesus

An Action Research Presented to the

Science Department of Colegio de las Hijas de Jesus
Iloilo City
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements in
Research II

Chapter 1
Background of the Study
June is the start of classes in the Colegio de las Hijas de Jesus Iloilo. Many students are
getting ready for school. Everyday they do their home works and other paper works for
school. Student’s attendance is also part of the education. Some students are late in going
to school due to many reasons that are not understandable. When students come late in
class, they disturb the flow of a lecture and discussion, disturb other students, and impede
The researchers conducted this research study because this is commonly present when
school is back. This study objective is to help the persons that will be mentioned in the
Significance of the Study, and to know the reasons of the students to be late in school.

Statement of the Problem

Generally this research study aims to identify the reasons why the students are late in
going to school.
Specifically, it tries to answer the following questions:
1. What are the reasons affecting student’s tardiness?
2. How are the different factors affecting student’s tardiness in affecting student’s
performance in:
a. Academic aspect
b. Co-curricular aspect

1. There are no reasons affecting student’s tardiness.
2. The different factors affecting student’s performance does not directly affect the
academic and co-curricular respectively.

Significance of the Study

If this study will be implemented, many good results will come out and can help in the
school. There are persons too that will benefit in this study that’s why this study is very
The main purpose of this research study is to seek answers on the reasons affecting why

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