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Democracy is simply the rule of the people, by the people, on the people and for the people.
These are the four fundamentals of democracy viz., of, by, on and for. Among this, most
important are of the people and for the people. Cleisthenes is known as the father of
When we talk about of the people, it mean that people will have the authority to choose
their representative. When we talk about for the people, it means that chosen ones will
bring about legislation for the benefit of larger population.
Further more democracy can be disintegrated into following important factions:
Essentials of Democracy
 Political stability
 Education
 Awareness to masses about their rights
 Good civil-military relations
Norms of Democracy
All of the basic human rights enshrined in the UN charter including right to life, liberty,
property, self-determination, education, free and fair trial, education, health, transportation
and free will.
Systems of Democracy
 Presidential
 Parliamentary
 Mixed
Principles of Democracy
 Rule of law
 Freedom of press
 Respect of human rights
 Active political processes
Characteristics of Democracy
 Elected representatives
 Elections are held to elect the representatives
 Civil liberties
 Rule of law
 Independent judiciary
 Organized political parties

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