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DEFINITION OF LAW Makati Stock Exchange vs Campos

Right vs obligation
Sanchez Roman
A rule of conduct, just, obligatory, promulgated Right – claim or title to an interest in anything
by legitimate authority, and of common that is enforceable by law. Right is a power,
observance and benefit. privilege, or immunity guaranteed under a
constitution, statute or decisional law, or
GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF LAW recognized as a result of long usage, constitutive
1. Eternal law – God’s plan for all creation of a legally enforceable claim of one person
against the other.
2. Natural law – Part of eternal law that
applies to human beings. It can be 1156 – An obligation is a juridical necessity to
discerned by unaided human reason and give, to do or not to do.
consists of correct moral principles.
Arias Ramos
3. Divine law – Part of eternal law that God Obligation – juridical relation whereby a person
reveals to us human beings through the (creditor) may demand from another (debtor) the
Scripture. (part of a specific belief or observance of a determinative conduct (giving,
religion) doing or not doing), and in case of breach may
demand satisfaction from assets of the latter.
Aquinas insists that human laws are
genuine laws only if they do not Came from the Latin word “obligare” which
contradict natural or divine law. means to bind

For Austin, divine law are rules that God Elements of an obligation:
commands all human beings to follow.
1. Active subject (creditor) – possessor of the
4. Positive law – Valid laws are simply rules right
that come from certain people (kings, city
councils, etc), in accordance with certain 2. Passive subject (debtor) – has the duty to
procedures that society enforces. give, to do or not to do

Hart: Essence of legal positivism is the 3. Object or prestation – subject matter of

separation thesis: the obligation

Having a LEGAL RIGHT to do X does not 4. Efficient cause (vinculum or juridical tie) –
entail having a moral right to do it, and the reason why the obligation exists
vice versa.
Sometimes, FORM is also important.
something does not entail having a moral Juridical necessity – means non-compliance can
right to do it, and vice versa. result in juridical or legal sanction.


something does not entail having a moral
justification, and vice versa. From viewpoint of sanction:
1. Civil obligation (perfect obligation) –
sanction is judicial process

2. Natural obligation – duty not to recover

what has voluntarily been paid although
payment was no longer required. Sanction (5) Quasi-delicts. (obligations ex quasi-delicto or
is law ex quasi-maleficio)
e.g. duty to repair damage due to negligence
3. Moral obligation (imperfect obligation) –
Duty of a Catholic to hear mass on Sources of obligation is exclusive.
Sundays; holy obligation. Sanction is - Navales vs Rias, 8 Phil 508
conscience or moral compass.
What is a contract?
As to viewpoint of subject matter: Meeting of the minds between two persons
1. Real obligation – obligation to give whereby one binds himself with respect to the
a. Specific (set apart from a class) other, to give something or to render some
b. Generic or indeterminate (one or service. – Art 1305, NCC
part of a class)
Stages of a contract:
2. Personal obligation – obligation to do or 1. Negotiation – Period when prospective
not to do contracting parties indicate interest in the
contract to the time contract is concluded.
As to affirmativeness of the obligation:
1. Positive or affirmative obligation – to give 2. Perfection – Contract takes place upon
and to do concurrence of the essential elements. It
2. Negative obligation – not to do is when a contract is perfected that it
gives rise to an obligation.
As to viewpoint of persons obliged
1. Unilateral – one of the parties is bound 3. Consummation – begins when the parties
(e.g. simple loan) perform their respective undertakings
under the contract culminating in the
2. Reciprocal or bilateral – both parties are extinguishment thereof.
bound (e.g. sale)
What is a quasi-contract?
SOURCES OF OBLIGATIONS Certain lawful, voluntary and unilateral acts give
rise to the juridical relation of quasi contract to
1157. Obligations arise from: the end that no one shall be unjustly enriched or
(1) Law; (obligations ex lege) benefitted at the expense of another. – Art. 2142,
e.g. duty to pay taxes and support the family NCC

(2) Contracts; (obligations ex contractu) Conditions of unjust enrichment:

e.g. duty to repay a loan by virtue of an 1. A person is unjustly benefitted; and
agreement 2. Such benefit is derived at the expense of
or to the damage of another.
(3) Quasi-Contracts; (obligations ex quasi-
contractu) Kinds of quasi-contracts:
e.g. duty to refund excess change because of the 1. Solutio indebiti – If something is received
quasi contract solutio indebiti or undue payment when there is no right to demand it, and it
was unduly delivered through mistake,
(4) Acts and omissions punished by law; and the obligation to return it arises. – Art
(obligations ex maleficio or ex delicto) 2154, NCC
e.g. duty to return stolen carabao
a. Absence of a right to collect excess
b. Payment was made by mistake
2. Negotiorium gestio (unauthorized 3. Relation of cause and effect between the
management) – Whoever voluntarily fault or negligence of the defendant and
takes charge of the agency or the damage incurred by the plaintiff.
management of the business or property
of another, without any power from the Kinds of negligence or culpa:
latter, is obliged to continue the same 1. Culpa aquiliana or quasi-delict –
until the termination of the affair and its negligence resulting from failure to
incidents, or to require the person observe require diligence which causes
concerned to substitute them. – Art 2144, damage to another person
Culpa aquiliana (quasi-delicts) can refer to
No negotiorium gestio when: acts which are criminal in character,
whether the same be voluntary or
a. Property or business is not neglected negligent. (Elcano vs Hill, 77 SCRA 98)
or abandoned; and
b. If in fact, the manager has been tacitly 2. Culpa contractual – negligence in the
authorized by the owner. performance of a pre-existing contract

What is delict? *Both culpa aquiliana and culpa contractual are

Violation of penal laws that give rise to claim for civil negligence.
3. Culpa criminal – negligence resulting in
Every person criminally liable for a felony is also the commission of a crime (criminal
civilly liable. – Art 100, RPC negligence)

What is a quasi-delict? Examples

Whoever by act or omission causes damage to 1. While driving a car recklessly, I injured a
another, there being fault or negligence is obliged pedestrian.
to pay for the damage done. Such fault or
negligence, if there is no pre-existing contractual 2. While cleaning my window sill, my
relation between the parties, is called a quasi- negligence caused a flower pot to fall on
delict. – Art. 2176, NCC the street, breaking the arms of my
Simply, tort or culpa aquiliana
Basic rules on quasi-delict
Negligence is the omission of that diligence which 1. When the plaintiff’s own negligence was
is required by the circumstances of a person, the immediate and proximate cause of his
place and time. – Art. 1173, NCC. Thus, it is a injury, he cannot recover damages. But if
question of fact. his negligence was only contributory, the
immediate and proximate cause of the
Put another way, “Negligence is the failure to injury being the defendant’s lack of due
observe, for the protection of the interests of care, the plaintiff may recover damages,
another person, that degree of care, precaution, but the courts shall mitigate the damages
and vigilance which the circumstances justly to be awarded.
demand, whereby such other person suffers
injury.” (US vs Barrias, 23 Phil 434) Proximate cause – That reason or cause, which in
the natural and continuous sequence, unbroken
Elements of quasi-delict or negligence: by any efficient intervening cause, produces the
1. Fault or negligence of the defendant; injury, and without which the result would not
2. Damage suffered or incurred by the have occurred.
plaintiff; and
2. Whoever by act or omission, causes Damage suffered by Dela Cruz by reason of the
damage to another, there being no fault expenses incurred by him in remunerating his
or negligence, is obliged to pay for the lawyer is not caused by his act of shooting to
damage done. – Art. 2176, NCC death the gate crasher but by the filing of the
charge of homicide which made it necessary for
3. Father, or in his absence, the mother, or him to defend himself in court. Had no criminal
in her absence, the guardian, is charge been filed, there would have been no
responsible for damages caused by minor expenses incurred. The damage suffered by the
children who live in their company. plaintiff was caused by the improper filing of the
criminal charge. The shooting to death was not
If the minor or insane person has no the proximate cause of the damages suffered but
parents or guardian, the minor or insane may be regarded only as a remote cause, because
person shall be answerable with this own from the shooting to the damages suffered, there
property. was not that natural and continuous sequence
required to fix civil responsibility.
4. Owners and managers of an
establishment or enterprise are likewise 5. Employers are liable for damages caused
responsible for damages caused by their by their employees and household helpers
employees in the service of the branches acting within the scope of their assigned
in which the latter are employed or on the tasks, even though the former are not
occasion of their functions. engaged in any business or industry.

Domingo de la Cruz vs Northern Theatrical 6. Teachers or heads of establishments of

Enterprises, Inc. (GR No. L-7089, Aug 31, 1954) arts and trades shall be liable for damages
caused by their pupils and students or
Facts: Dela Cruz was hired by Northern Theatrical apprentices, so long as they remain in
as a special guard to man the main entrance of their custody.
the theater, to maintain peace and order and
report commission of disorders within the Defense: Observance of diligence of a
premises. A certain Martin tried to crash inside good father of a family (bonum pater
the establishment and attacked de la Cruz with a familias) to prevent the damage.
bolo. De la Cruz defended himself and when he
had no choice, shot Martin resulting to his death. 7. Possessor of an animal or whoever may
make use of the same is responsible for
De la Cruz was charged with homicide, where he the damage which it may cause, although
was acquitted. De la Cruz sought reimbursement it may escape or be lost.
for costs of legal services in the criminal cases
filed against him from Northern Theatrical Defense: Force majeure or from the fault
Enterprises. The company denied his claim that of the person who suffered damage.
he was acting as an agent thereof and is entitled
to reimbursement. 8. In motor vehicle mishaps, owner of
vehicle is solidarily liable with his driver, if
Issue: W/N an employee can reimburse from the the former, who was in the vehicle, could
employer legal expenses arising from damages have, by the use of due diligence,
caused by the employee while on duty. prevented the misfortune. It is disputably
presumed that a driver was negligent, if
Held: No, an employee cannot reimburse from he had been found guilty of reckless
the employer. driving or violating traffic regulations at
least twice within the next preceding two
months, or if at the time of the mishap, he
was violating any traffic regulation.
Defense: Diligence of a good father of a d. By emanations from tubes, canals,
family. sewers or deposits or infectious
matter, constructed without
9. Manufacturers and processors of food, precautions suitable to the place.
drinks, toilet articles and similar goods
shall be liable for death or injuries caused *If damage referred to should be the result of any
by any noxious or harmful substances defect in the construction mentioned in Article
used, although no contractual relation 1723, third person suffering damages may
exists between them and the consumers. proceed only against the engineer, architect or
– Art. 2187, NCC contractor.

Presumption of negligence on the part of the 13. Head of a family that lives in a building or
defendant if the death or injury results from his a part thereof is responsible for damages
possession of dangerous weapons or substances, caused by things thrown or falling down
except when possession or use thereof is from the same.
indispensable in his occupation or business. – Art.
Delict Quasi-Delict
2188, NCC
Wrong committed Wrong committed
10. Provinces, cities and municipalities shall against the state against a person
be liable for the death of, or injuries Criminal intent, Criminal intent, not
suffered by any person by reason of the necessary necessary
defective condition of roads, streets, Applies only when Actionable in any act
bridges, public buildings, and other public there is a law or omission where
works under their control or supervision. penalizing the action fault or negligence
– Art. 2189, NCC intervenes
Requires proof Requires
11. Proprietor of a building or structure is beyond reasonable preponderance of
responsible for the damages resulting doubt evidence
from its total or partial collapse, if it Employer’s liability is Employer’s liability is
should be due to lack of necessary repairs. subsidiary primary
– Art. 2190, NCC
1158 – Obligations derived from law are not
12. Proprietors shall also be responsible for presumed. Only those expressly determined in
damages caused: this Code or in special laws are demandable, and
shall be regulated by the precepts of the law
a. By the explosion of machinery which which establishes them; and as to what has not
has not been taken care of with due been foreseen, by the provisions of this Book.
diligence, and the inflammation of
explosive substances which have not 1159 – Obligations arising from contracts have
been kept in a safe and adequate the force of law between the contracting parties
place; and should be complied with in good faith.

b. By excessive smoke, which may be Contracting parties may freely stipulate their
harmful to persons or property; duties and obligations in their contract which
would be binding on them, as long as the terms
c. By the falling trees situated at or near are not contrary to law, morals, good customs,
highways or lanes if not caused by public order, or public policy. The agreement
force majeure; between the parties must be respected and given
the force of law between them.
Neither party may unilaterally and upon his own 5. Fire, flood, storm or other calamity
exclusive volition, escape his obligations under
the contract, unless the other party assented 6. Government to be reimbursed by person
thereto, or unless for causes sufficient in law and liable for expenses on compliance with
pronounced adequate by a competent tribunal. health or safety regulations concerning a
There must be “compliance in good faith.”
7. Finder of lost personal property
Difference between an obligation and contract
Obligation Contract 8. Possessor in good faith’s right to be
Result of a contract or If valid, always results reimbursed for necessary and useful
some other source in an obligation expenses
Not all obligations
come from contract 9. Third person, without knowledge of the
Not necessarily true Always presupposes debtor, pays the debt, the right to be
for all obligations meeting of the minds reimbursed only insofar as beneficial to
the debtor
Ex 1. A borrower agreed to pay his debt, and in
case of non-payment, to render free service as 10. Payment of another person’s tax –
servant. reimbursement.

Issue: Is the obligation valid? 1161 – Civil obligations arising from criminal
offenses shall be governed by penal laws,
Held: The obligation to pay is valid. But the subject to the provisions of Article 2177, and of
undertaking to render free domestic services is pertinent provisions of Chapter 2, Preliminary
contrary to law and morals. (Involuntary Title, on Human Relations, and of Title XVIII of
servitude) – De los Reyes vs Alejado, 16 Phil 499 this Book, regulating damages.
Ex 2. The parties in a case agreed to go to court in
Albay, although another court has jurisdiction. Is Every person criminally liable is also civilly liable.
this valid?
What is included in civil liability?
Held: No. Agreement is null and void. Jurisdiction 1. Restitution (return or restoration);
is conferred by law, and not by will of the parties.
2. Reparation of the damage caused (pay the
1160 – Obligations derived from quasi contracts value of the thing, including sentimental
shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 1, value);
Title XVII, of this Book.
3. Indemnification for consequential
Is a quasi-contract an implied contract? damages (to the injured party and his
No, because unlike in an implied contract, there is family)
NO meeting of the minds in a quasi-contract.
LG Foods Corp & Gabor vs Pagapong-Agraviador
Other examples of quasi-contracts: and Sps. Vallejera, GR No. 158995, Sept 26, 2006
1. Support from a stranger
Facts: Y was hit by a van owned by Z Corp and
2. Funeral expenses from a third person driven by its employee X. Y died as a result of the
3. Support to an orphan, insane person or
indigent person

4. Accident
During the case of reckless imprudence resulting - That degree of proof, which, excluding the
to homicide, X committed suicide and the court possibility of error, produces moral certainty
dismissed the criminal case. that the accused actually committed the
criminal offense.
H & W, parents of Y filed a complaint for damages
against Z Corp saying that the company failed to Example of independent civil action
exercise due diligence in the selection and
supervision of employees. Art. 33 (NCC) – In cases of defamation, fraud,
and physical injuries, a civil action for damages
Z Corp moved to dismiss the complaint saying entirely separate and distinct from the criminal
that conviction of X is a condition sine qua non to action, may be brought by the injured party.
hold the company liable. Since the driver died Such civil action shall proceed independently of
before conviction, Z Corp cannot be held liable the criminal prosecution, shall require only a
subsidiarily. preponderance of evidence.

Issue: Is Z Corp correct? *Reservation of the right to file a separate civil

action must be made to prove civil liability
Held: No, Z Corp is not correct. independent of the criminal liability. Otherwise,
civil liability will be deemed included in the
Victims of negligence or their heirs have a choice criminal liability, which must be proved with a
between an action to enforce the civil liability higher quantum of evidence.
arising from (1) delict under Art 100 of the RPC
and (2) independent civil actions (such as culpa *Civil case based on independent civil action can
contractual, culpa aquiliana or torts) under Art proceed despite filing of a criminal proceeding.
2176 to 2194 of the NCC.
Article 1162 – Obligations derived from quasi-
Effect of acquittal in criminal case delicts shall be governed by provisions of
NO CIVIL LIABILITY – if reason for acquittal was Chapter 2, Title XVII of this Book and by special
because accused could not have committed the laws. (Quasi-Delicts under Extra Contractual
act Obligations)

HAS CIVIL LIABILITY – if acquittal is due to Additional notes:

exempting circumstance (e.g. insanity) 1. There must not be pre-existing contractual
relation between parties
- If there is an independent civil action and
liability is proved by mere preponderance of 2. Liability under quasi-delict is solidary.
evidence (vs. beyond reasonable doubt)
3. Prescription of an action ex quasi-delicto is
Preponderance of evidence - evidence which is not a bar to an action ex-delicto.
of greater weight, or more convincing than that
which is offered in opposition to it (Republic vs - QUIZ -
Proof beyond reasonable doubt – does not
mean such a degree of proof as, excluding Art. 1163 – Every person obliged to give
possibility of error, produces absolute certainty. something is also obliged to take care of it with
Only moral certainty is required, or that degree the proper diligence of a good father of a family,
of proof which produces conviction in an unless the law or the stipulation of the parties
unprejudiced mind. (People vs Claro, April 5, requires another standard of care.
This article deals with the first effect of an Real right – jus in re or jus in rem; power over a
obligation to deliver a DETERMINATE THING (vs specific thing without a passive subject individually
generic thing), i.e., duty to exercise diligence. determined and may be personally exercised, and is
Unless diligence is exercised, there is a danger binding on the whole world. (e.g., right of ownership
that the property would be lost or destroyed, or possession)
thus, rendering illusory the obligation.
E.g. Purchase of land. Before land is delivered, proper
remedy is specific performance and delivery (personal
Generally, required diligence is that of a good rights), not accion reinvindicatoria (real right since it
father of a family, unless the (1) law or a (2) presupposes ownership)
contract provides for a different standard of care.
What is delivery?
E.g., (1) Extraordinary diligence - common Formal act of transferring something, such as a deed
carriers (Art. 1755, NCC); (2) high standards of or yielding possession of a thing to another.
integrity & performance - banks (Sec 2, GBL)
Kinds of delivery:
Diligence – care; caution, attention and care 1. Actual delivery - property physically changes
hands; actual transfer
required from a person in a given situation.
2. Constructive delivery – physical transfer is
Due diligence – Diligence reasonably expected implied; transfer by operation of law
from, and ordinarily exercised by a person who a. Traditio simbolica – keys to a bodega are
seeks to satisfy a legal requirement or to given
discharge an obligation.
b. Traditio longa manu – pointing out of an
Extraordinary diligence – Extreme care that a object
person of unusual prudence exercises to secure
rights or property. c. Traditio brevi manu – possessor of a thing
not the owner eventually becomes the
Art. 1164 – The creditor has a right to the fruits owner (e.g. tenant buys house he is
of the thing from the time the obligation to
deliver it arises. However, he shall acquire no d. Traditio constitutum possessorium –
real right over it until the same has been opposite of brevi manu; possessor of a
delivered to him. thing as owner retains possession no
longer as owner, but in some other
When is creditor entitled to fruits? capacity
A is obliged to give B on Dec 3, 2004, a particular
parcel of land. Before Dec 3, B has no right e. Tradition by execution of legal forms and
whatsoever over the fruits. After Dec 3, 2004, B, solemnities (e.g., execution of public
the creditor is entitled as a matter of right to the instrument selling land)
fruits. But if the fruits and the land are actually or
When does obligation to deliver arise?
constructively delivered only on Dec 15, 2004, B
1. It depends. If there is no term or condition,
becomes owner of said fruits and land only from from perfection of contract.
said date. Between Dec 3 and Dec 15, B had only
a personal right (enforceable against A). After Dec 2. If there is a term or condition, from the
15, B has a real right over the properties, which is moment the term arrives or the condition
a right that is enforceable against the whole happens.
Kinds of fruits
Personal right – jus in personam or jus ad rem; 1. Natural fruits – Spontaneous products of the
power to demand by one person from another soil and the young and other products of
the fulfillment of a prestation to give, to do or not animals. E.g. grass and plants produced by
lands w/o cultivation or labor; eggs and chicks
to do.
of chicken
2. Industrial fruits – are those produced by lands creditor cannot demand a thing of superior quality.
of any kind through cultivation or labor; rice Neither can the debtor deliver a thing of inferior
and vegetables produced by lands through quality. The purpose of the obligation and other
cultivation or labor circumstances shall be taken into consideration.”

3. Civil fruits – rents of buildings, price of leases Effect of fortuitous events

of lands and other property and amount of 1. In a specific obligation, general rule is loss of
perpetual or life annuities or other similar specific thing extinguishes the obligation.
2. In a generic obligation, loss of a generic thing
Art. 1165 – When what is to be delivered is a does not extinguish the obligation
determinate thing, the creditor, in addition to the
right granted him by Article 1170, may compel the EXCEPTIONS:
debtor to make the delivery. 1. Obligor is in delay or “mora”
2. Obligor is in bad faith (promising the same
If the thing is indeterminate or generic, he thing to two persons)
may ask that the obligation be complied with at the
expense of the debtor. Fortuitous event (caso fortuito) – Events which could
not have been foreseen, or which though foreseen,
If the obligor delays, or has promised to were inevitable. (Art 1174, NCC)
deliver the same thing to two or more persons who
do not have the same interest, he shall be Ordinary delay – non-performance at the stipulated
responsible for fortuitous event until he has effected time;
the delivery.
Legal delay or default – default that amounts to a
Specific or determinate things – if it is capable of virtual non-fulfillment of the obligation. As a rule, to
particular designation put debtor in default, there must be a demand for
fulfillment, either judicial or extrajudicial.
E.g. this car; the car owned by A on Sept 12, 2005; the
car with plate no. 1814 (2005); this particular picture Art. 1166 – The obligation to give a determinate
of Sofia Vergara in my notebook thing includes that of delivering all its accessions and
accessories, even though they may not have been
Generic or indeterminate things – if it refers only to a mentioned.
class, to a genus, and cannot be pointed out with
particularity Accessories – those joined to or included with the
principal for the latter’s better use, perfection or
E.g. a car; a 2005 BMW automobile; the sum of P5 enjoyment (e.g., keys to a house, dishes in a
million; a kilo of sugar restaurant)

Remedies of creditor when debtor fails to comply Accessions – additions to or improvements upon a
with this obligation (Art 1191, NCC) thing. These include alluvium (soil gradually deposited
1. Demand specific performance by the current of a river on a river bank) and whatever
2. Demand rescission or cancellation is built, planted, or sown on a person’s parcel of land.
3. Demand damages either with or without (1)
and (2) Principle: Accessory follows the principal.

E.g. If I am entitled to 10 kilos of Sugar from A, I can Exception to 1166: When there is stipulation to
demand that A obtain the sugar and give me 10 kilos. exempting accessories and accessions.
A cannot insist on just paying me damages or the
monetary value of the sugar. Upon the other hand, if I 1167 – If a person obliged to do something fails to do
desire to, I can just buy 10 kilos of sugar anywhere it, the same shall be executed at his cost.
and charge the expense to A.
This same rule shall be observed if he does it in
*Second paragraph should be read in together with contravention of the tenor of the obligation.
Art. 1246, NCC: “When the obligation consists in the Furthermore, it may be decreed that what has been
delivery of an indeterminate or generic thing, whose poorly done be undone.
quality and circumstances have not been stated, the
What type of obligation is referred to by the first judicially or extrajudicially demands from them the
paragraph? – POSITIVE PERSONAL OBLIGATION fulfillment of their obligation.

Remedies of creditor if debtor fails to do so However, the demand by the creditor shall not be
1. To have the obligation performed (by himself necessary in order that delay may exist:
or by another) at debtor’s expense, only if
another can do the performance (Chaves vs 1. When the obligation or the law expressly so
Gonzales, Apr 30, 1970) declares; or

2. Obtain damages (Art 1170, NCC) 2. When from the nature and the circumstances
of the obligation it appears that the
Damages alone cannot substitute for designation of the time when the thing is to
performance if: be delivered or the service is to be rendered
a. owners can do it was a controlling motive for the
establishment of the contract; or
b. purely personal or special (e.g., Amorsolo
painting) 3. When demand would be useless, as when the
In such case, only damages may be asked, obligor has rendered it beyond his power to
unless substitution is permitted. perform.

Q: Is specific performance a remedy in In reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs

personal obligations? NO. INVOLUNTARY in delay if the other does not comply or is not
SERVITUDE. ready to comply in a proper manner with
what is incumbent upon him. From the
Chaves vs Gonzales, L-27454, Apr 30, 1970 moment one of the parties fulfills his
obligation, delay by the other begins.
FACTS: Typewriter owner asked a repairman to fix his
typewriter. Despite repeated demands, no work was GEN RULE: To put debtor in default, demand is
done thereon. Repairman returned the typewriter still needed.
unfixed and part already missing. Owner claims
damages. Repairman says owner should have first Judicial: if through specific performance; extrajudicial
filed with the court a petition to fix period within w/c if w/o court proceeding.
the job of repairing was to be finished.
Exceptions (No need for demand):
ISSUE: Can the repairman be liable for damages? 1. When the law provides (taxes are due w/o
need for demand)
HELD: Yes, the repairman must pay damages. Art 2. Obligation expressly provides no need for
1167: if a person obliged to do something fails to do demand to have default. Fixing of period is
it, the same shall be executed at his cost.” not enough.
3. Time is of the essence / controlling motive
Failure of the owner of the computer notebook to first 4. Demand would be useless as when the obligor
ask the court for the fixing of the period to make the has rendered it beyond his power to perform.
repairs is of no significance. There is non-performance 5. Obligor expressly acknowledged that he is in
already; thus, a breach of contract. default.

When a thing may be ordered undone Different kinds of mora (or default):
1. If poorly made 1. Mora solvendi (default on the part of the
2. Obligation is a negative one (provided debtor)
undoing is possible) – Art 1168, NCC a. Mora solvendi ex re (debtor’s default
in real obligations)
Art 1168 – When the obligation consists in not doing, b. Mora solvendi ex persona (debtor’s
and the obligor does what has been forbidden him, it default in personal obligations)
shall also be undone at his expense.
2. Mora accipiendi (default on the part of the
Art 1169 – Those obliged to deliver or to do creditor)
something incur in delay from the time the obligee
3. Compensatio morae (when in a reciprocal 3. War between neutral country and country at
obligation both parties are in default); here it war with as long as substantial compliance is
is as if there is no default; mutual delay still possible
cancels out effects of default
1171 – Responsibility arising from fraud is
WHEN DAMAGES MAY BE LOST demandable in all obligations. Any waiver of future
A creditor entitled to damages because of mora may fraud is void.
lose the same when:
1. Principal obligation prescribes / allowed to * Past fraud may be waived. Future fraud, no.
2. Damages or interests are allowed to prescribe KINDS OF FRAUD
3. Damages or interests are condoned 1. Dolo causante / Causal fraud – deception used
by one party prior to or simultaneous with the
1170 – Those who, in the performance of their contract in order to secure consent of the
obligation are guilty of fraud, negligence, or delay other. (SERIOUS DECEIT)
and those who, in any manner contravene the tenor 2. Dolo incidente / Incidental fraud – Without
thereof, are liable for damages. which, the other party would still have
entered the contract anyway.
1. Moral – physical suffering, mental anguish, 1172 – Responsibility arising from negligence in the
serious anxiety, besmirched reputation, performance of every kind of obligation is also
wounded feelings, moral shock and social demandable, but such liability may be regulated by
humiliation the courts, according to the circumstances.
2. Exemplary – imposed by way of example
3. Nominal – to indemnify loss; vindication of Dolo (Fraud) Culpa (Negligence)
right There is deliberate Although voluntary (but
4. Temperate / Moderate – more than nominal intention to cause not done through force),
but less than actual damage (amount cannot damage still there is no
be determined) deliberate intention to
5. Actual / Compensatory – adequate cause damage
compensation for pecuniary loss
6. Liquidated – agreed by the parties in a Liability from dolo Liability due to
contract breached cannot be mitigated by negligence may be
the courts reduced in certain cases
PERFORMANCE OF AN OBLIGATION Waiver of an action to Waiver of an action for
1. Fraud (deceit or dolo) – intentional evasion of enforce liability due to liability due to future
fulfillment (Art. 1171) future fraud is VOID negligence may, in a
2. Negligence (fault or culpa) – omission of certain way, be allowed.
diligence required by the nature of obligations
and corresponds with the circumstances of
the persons, time and place. If bad faith, it is TYPES OF CULPA
fraud, not negligence) 1. Culpa contractual – Negligence is merely
3. Default (mora) – on the part of the obligor incidental, incident to the performance of an
4. Violation of the terms of an obligation – obligation already existing because of a
contravention of the tenor of an obligation contract
2. Culpa aquiliana – Negligence is direct,
EXCEPTION: Fortuitous event substantive and independent.
3. Culpa criminal – Negligence is direct,
EXCEPTION TO THE EXCEPTION: Default substantive and independent of a contract.

Does not excuse fulfillment:

1. Increase in cost of performance (US vs
Veradero de la Quintana)
2. Poverty (Repide vs Alzelius)
1173 – The fault or negligence of the obligor consists Usury – contracting for or receiving something in
in the omission of that diligence which is required by excess of the amount allowed by law for the loan or
the nature of the obligation and corresponds with use of money, goods, chattels or credits. It is the
the circumstances of the person, of the time and of exaction of excessive interests.
the place. When negligence shows bad faith, the
provisions of Article 1171 and 2201, paragraph 2, KINDS OF INTEREST
shall apply. 1. Interest for compensation or use of the
money (moratory interest)
If the law or contract does not state the diligence 2. Interest given by way of damages
which is to be observed in the performance, that (compensatory interest)
which is expected of a good father of a family shall
be required. SIMPLE LOAN or MUTUUM
By the contract of simple loan, one of the parties
Degrees of culpa under Roman Law delivers to another money or other consumable things
1. Culpa lata – grave negligence; requires just upon the condition that the same amount of the same
slight diligence; kind and quality shall be paid. (Art. 1933, NCC)
2. Culpa levis – ordinary diligence; requires
ordinary diligence; Legal rate: 6% per annum (BSP Monetary Board
3. Culpa levissima – slight negligence; requires Resolution 796, May 16, 2013)
great diligence.
1176 – The receipt of the principal by the creditor,
KINDS OF DILIGENCE UNDER THE CIVIL CODE without reservation with respect to the interest, shall
1. That agreed upon by the parties give rise to the presumption that said interest has
2. In the absence of (1), that required by law. been paid.
3. In the absence of (1) and (2), that expected of
a good father of a family The receipt of a later installment of a debt without
reservation as to prior installment, shall likewise
1174 – Except in cases expressly specified by the law, raise the presumption that such installments have
or when it is otherwise declared by stipulation or been paid.
when the nature of the obligation requires the
assumption of risk, no personal shall be responsible 1177 – The creditors, after having pursued the
for those events which could not be foreseen, or property in possession of the debtor to satisfy their
which, though foreseen, were inevitable. claims, may exercise all the rights and bring all the
actions of the latter for the same purpose, save those
General rule: No liability for a fortuitous event which are inherent in his person; they may also
impugn the acts which the debtor may have done to
Exceptions: defraud them.
1. When expressly declared by law
2. When expressly declared by stipulation or RIGHTS OF CREDITORS
contract 1. Exact payment
3. When the nature of the obligation requires 2. Exhaust debtors properties, generally by
the assumption of risk attachment, except properties exempt by law
3. Accion subrogatoria (subrogatory action) –
ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF FORTUITOUS EVENT Exercise all rights and actions except those
1. Cause must be independent of the will of the inherent in the person like parental authority,
debtor (freedom from participation or right to revoke donations on ground of
aggravation) ingratitude, hold office, carry out an agency.
2. Impossibility of foreseeing or impossibility of This is not remedy of subrogation referred to
avoiding it, even if foreseen in novation.
3. Occurrence must be such as to render it 4. Accion pauliana – Impugn or rescind acts or
impossible for the debtor to fulfill his contracts done by the debtor to defraud the
obligation in a normal manner. creditors.

1175 – Usurious transactions shall be governed by

special laws.
CANNOT BE TRANSFERRED BY CREDITOR 11. Monies, benefits, privileges, or annuities
1. Support accruing or in any manner obtained as such
2. Public office support, any pension or gratuity from the
3. Honorary degrees government;
4. Personal rights of husband and wife 12. Properties especially exempt by law
5. Right to revoke a donation
6. Right to appear in court proceedings EXCEPTION TO THE EXCEPTION – Article or property
recovered for its price or upon a judgment of
PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM EXECUTION foreclosure of a mortgage
(Except as otherwise expressly provided by law)
1. Family home, except: 1178 – Subject to the laws, all rights acquired in
a. (Judicial & extrajudicial) Non-payment virue of an obligation are transmissible, if there has
of taxes been no stipulation to the contrary.
b. (Judicial & extrajudicial) Satisfaction
of judgment on a debt secured by General Rule: Rights are transmissible.
mortgage constituted on the family
home, before or after constitution of Exceptions:
FH; 1. If the law provides otherwise;
c. (Extrajudicial) debts incurred before 2. If the contract provides otherwise;
declaration was recorded in the 3. If the obligation is purely personal.
Registry of Property;
d. (Extrajudicial) debts due to laborers, Non-negotiable promissory note
mechanics, architects, builders, Even if a promissory note is not negotiable, it may still
materialmen and others who have be given, donated, or assigned to another. The effects
rendered service or furnished will be governed not by the law on negotiation but by
material for the construction of the the law on assignment or donations. (Gonzales vs
building. Blas, 3 Phil 379) Payment can be made to transferee
2. Ordinary tools and implements personally provided he is in lawful possession of the credit.
used by him in his trade, employment or (Azarraga vs Rodriguez, 9 Phil 637)
3. Three horses, three cows, or three carabaos, Negotiable Instruments Law (Act No. 2031, Feb 3,
or other beasts of burden, such as the 1911)
judgment obligor may select necessarily used
by him in his ordinary occupation; DIFFERENT KINDS OF OBLIGATIONS
4. Necessary clothing and articles for ordinary
personal use, excluding jewelry; PRIMARY CLASSIFICATION OF OBLIG
5. Household furniture and utensils necessary 1. Pure vs conditional
for housekeeping, and used for that purpose 2. Pure vs with a term or period
by the judgment obligor and his family, such 3. Alternative or facultative vs conjunctive
as the judgment of obligor may select, of a 4. Joint vs solidary
value not exceeding P100k; 5. Divisible vs indivisible
6. Provisions for individual or family use 6. With a penal clause vs without a penal clause
sufficient for four months;
7. Professional libraries and equipment of SECONDARY CLASSIFICATION OF OBLIG
judges, lawyers, physicians, pharmacists, 1. Unilateral vs bilateral
dentists, engineers, surveyors, clergymen, 2. Real vs personal
teachers and other professionals, not 3. Determinate vs generic
exceeding P300k in value; 4. Positive vs negative
8. One fishing boat and accessories not 5. Legal vs conventional vs penal
exceeding the total value of P100k owne by a
fisherman and by the lawful use of which, he OTHER CLASSIFICATION OF OBLIG (Sanchez Roman)
earns his livelihood; 1. As to juridical quality and efficaciousness:
9. So much of the salaries, wages, or earnings of Natural vs civil vs mixed
the judgment obligor for his personal services 2. As to object: Possible vs impossible
within the four months preceding the levy as 3. Principal vs accessory
are necessary for the support of his family; 4. Simple vs compound (compound may be:)
a. Conjunctive – demandable at the
same time
b. Distributive – either alternative or Exercise:
facultative Death due to SARS. Is this a period or condition?
5. As to defects:
a. No defect (valid) ANS: condition, because death may be due to other
b. Defective causes
i. Rescissible
ii. Voidable An obligation is demandable at once when:
iii. Unenforceable 1. It is a pure obligation or
iv. Void 2. When it has a resolutory condition

1179 – Every obligation whose performance does not Example: I’ll give you my car but you should
depend upon a future or uncertain event, or upon a not marry Ms. X this year. – Demandable
past event unknown to the parties is demandable at NOW
I’ll give you my car but only after you can
Every obligation which contains a resolutory prove that by the end of this year, you have
condition shall also be demandable, without not married Ms. X. – Suspensive; not yet
prejudice to the effects of the happening of the demandable
*Past event unknown to the parties is not exactly a
PURE OBLIGATION – one without a condition or a CONDITION since as a matter of reality, the thing has
term; hence demandable at once, provided there happened already or not. What is really meant here is,
would be no absurdity FUTURE KNOWLEDGE OF A PAST EVENT will
determine whether an obligation will arise. Hence, a
Examples: condition is really a FUTURE AND CERTAIN event, not
1. I promise to pay you P1 million. This is a future OR certain event. (JBL Reyes, Observation on
demandable at once, unless a period was the New Civil Code, Lawyer’s Journal, Jan 31, 1951, p.
really intended as when a loan has just been 47)
contracted. In such case, it would be absurd
to lend money only to immediately demand CLASSIFICATION OF CONDITIONS
payment at once. 1. Suspensive – happening of the condition gives
2. When original period or condition has been rise to the obligation
cancelled by mutual stipulation of both 2. Resolutory – happening of the condition
parties. extinguishes the obligation

CONDITIONAL OBLIGATION – when there is a 3. Potestative – depends upon the will of the
condition for the fulfillment debtor (e.g. I’ll sell you my car if I like)
4. Casual – depends on chance or hazard or the
Example: will of a third person (e.g. if I win in the lotto)
1. I’ll buy your land for P10 million if you pass 5. Mixed – depends partly on the will of one of
the CPA board exam this year. the parties and partly on chance or the will of
2. I’ll buy your land for P10 million if you passed a third person (e.g. if I pass the Bar)
the Bar exam last year (suspensive condition
since you have to wait for the exam result) 6. Divisible – capable of partial performance
3. I’ll give you my land now, but should you fail 7. Indivisible – not capable of partial
in the last bar exam, your ownership will performance because of the nature of the
cease and it will be mine again (Resolutory thing, or because of the intention of the
condition because it ends upon failure) parties

CONDITION – Uncertain event which wields an 8. Positive – an act is to be performed

influence on a legal relationship (Manresa) 9. Negative – something will be omitted or not
TERM / PERIOD – That which necessarily must come
(like year 2030 or death) whether the parties know 10. Express – condition is stated
when it will happen or not 11. Implied – condition is merely inferred
Is Christmas bonus a demandable and enforceable
12. Possible – capable of fulfillment in nature an obligation?
in law; doable
13. Impossible – not capable of fulfifllment due to No, it is not. Unless it is made part of the wage or
the nature or due to the operation of the law salary. Even then, the bonus would be CONTINGENT
or morals or public policy or due to a (or conditional) on the realization of profits. (Luzon
contradiction in its terms Stevedoring Corporation vs CIR, 1965)

1182 – When the fulfillment of the condition depends

14. Conjunctive – all the conditions must be upon the sole will of the debtor, the conditional
performed obligation shall be void. If it depends upon chance or
15. Alternative – only a few conditions have to be upon the will of a third person, the obligation shall
performed take effect in conformity with the provisions of this
1181 – In conditional obligations, the acquisition of
rights, as well as the extinguishment or loss of those Potestative or facultative condition – depends on the
already acquired shall depend upon the happening exclusive will of one of the parties
of the event which constitutes the condition.
Potestative on the part of the DEBTOR
SUSPENSIVE condition – the happening of which will 1. If also suspensive – both the condition and
give rise to the acquisition of a right the obligation are void because the obligation
- Also called conditions precedent or conditions is really illusory
- What characterizes an obligation with a E.g. I’ll give you P1M next month if I live.
suspensive condition is the fact that its efficacy or
obligatory force is subordinated to the happening 2. If also resolutory – valid
of a future and uncertain event.
- If the suspensive condition does not take place, E.g. I’ll give you P1M now but if I decide to get
the parties would stand as if the conditional it back next month, you must return the
obligation never existed. same.

E.g. In his will, A gave some property to B, provided Potestative on the part of the CREDITOR – valid
that A would die within one year. A did not die within E.g. I’ll give you my phone if you desire to have it.
one year. Since the suspensive condition was not
complied with, B is not entitled to inherit. E.g. A owned a house rented by B. A sold the house to
C, and C agreed to pay the balance of the price as
E.g. Before the writ of preliminary injunction can be soon as B leaves the premises. C was able to take care
granted, the posting of a bond (to answer for of seeing to it that B vacated the house. A now says
consequent damages) is a condition sine qua non the contract is void because it is potestative on C’s
(indispensable condition) – San Miguel vs Elbinias, L- part.
48210, Jan 31, 1984.
Is the contract between A and C valid?
Assign: Integrated Construction vs Relova, GR No.
41117, Dec 29, 1986. Yes. It was not purely potestative on C’s part. B might
vacate on his own, and C would now have to pay.
RESOLUTORY condition – rights already acquired are Fulfillment really in part depended on the will of a
lost once condition is fulfilled (aka conditions third person (B). Also, If C did not ask B to leave, A
subsequent) could very well do so by an action for unlawful
detainer against B. And when B is ousted, C would
E.g. I’ll give you my car now but should you pass the have to pay. The condition is mixed; therefore, valid.
bar, the donation will not be effective. If you pass the (Jacinto vs Chua Leng, 45 OG 2919, CA)
bar, you must return the car to me.
E.g. D purchased 200 shares of stock in Corporation Q,
Assign: Parks vs Province of Tarlac, 49 Phil 142 subject to the condition that she would pay for the
same as soon as she would be able to harvest fish soon as the time expires or if it has become
from her fishpond. Is the condition valid? indubitable that the event will not take place.

No. It is a suspensive condition that is a purely This article deals with positive conditions.
potestative on the part of the debtor.
E.g. A bought B’s land on the condition that within a
Casual – depends on chance or upon the will of a third certain period of time, B would obtain a Torrens title.
person (valid). B did not do so within the stipulated term.

1183 – Impossible conditions, those contrary to good In this case, A is released from his obligation to
customs or public policy and those prohibited by law purchase. (Addison vs Felix, 38 Phil 404)
shall annul the obligation which depends upon them.
If the obligation is divisible, that part thereof which E.g. A sold B a parcel of land on the condition that the
is not affected by the impossible or unlawful price would be paid as soon as B had paid off the
condition shall be valid. mortgage and other debts of the estate. A waited for
some time, but since B had not yet succeeded in
The condition not to do an impossible thing shall be paying off the debts, A brought an action to cancel the
considered as not having been agreed upon. sale. Will the sale be cancelled?

Impossible condition No, the sale will not be cancelled. There was no time
1. Physical impossibility – to make a dead man stipulated here. Under par. 2, Art 1185, NCC, if no
alive time has been fixed, the condition shall be deemed
2. Logical impossibility – to make a circle that is fulfilled at such time as may have probably been
at the same time a square contemplated bearing in mind the nature of the
obligation. The court, in this case, considered the
Illegal condition - prohibited by good customs, public parties’ intentions. (Martin vs Boyero, 55 Phil 760)
policy; prohibited, directly or indirectly by law (killing)
1185 – The condition that some event will not
Effects happen at a determinate time shall render the
1. To do an impossible or illegal thing – BOTH obligation effective from the moment the time
condition and obligation are void, because indicated has elapsed, or if it has become evident
debtor knows that no fulfillment can be done that the event cannot occur.
and therefore is not serious about being liable
If no time has been fixed, the condition shall be
E.g. I’ll sell you my land if you can make a dead man deemed fulfilled at such time as may have probably
alive again. been contemplated, bearing in mind the nature of
the obligation.
2. To not do the impossible thing, just disregard
the condition but the obligation remains. *This article refers to negative obligations.

E.g. I’ll send you my land if you cannot make a circle E.g. I’ll give you P1 M if by Oct 1, 2005 you have not
that is at the same time square. (Becomes a pure and yet married Ms. X. If by said date, you are not yet
valid obligation) married or prior thereto, Ms. X had died, the
obligation is effective.
3. To not do the illegal thing, both condition and
obligation are valid What if, before Oct 1, 2005, you became a Roman
Catholic priest, is the obligation effective on the date
E.g. I’ll sell you my land if you do not kill X. (If you kill you entered the priesthood? No. because some
X, you have no right to buy my land.) priests, despite religious vows still contract legally
valid marriage.
>>These examples do not apply in testamentary
disposition or donations, bec. the consideration of the 1186 – The condition shall be deemed fulfilled when
gift is the liberality of the giver. the obligor voluntarily prevents its fulfillment.

1184 – The condition that some event happen at a *This article deals with CONSTRUCTIVE or PRESUMED
determinate time shall extinguish the obligation as FULFILLMENT. Reason for the article: One must not
profit by his own fault.
For this article to apply, there must be intention and In obligations to do and not to do, the courts shall
actual prevention. determine, in each case, the retroactive effect of the
condition that has been complied with.
E.g. A promised to sell his car to B if C could pass the
bar. On the day of the examination, A caused C to be *This article refers to a suspensive condition. When a
poisoned and be hospitalized. A is still bound to sell suspensive condition is fulfilled, the obligation
the car. becomes effective. But when?

But, if it turns out that C was really disqualified to take General rule: The obligation becomes effective
the bar, as when he had not finished high school, A is retroactively or the day when the obligation was
not bound. constituted.

What if, A actually knows that C was really Exception:

disqualified, will A be liable? Yes. This time it will 1. As to fruits and interests
become an (logically) impossible condition under 2. As to prescriptive period. Here, the period
1183. runs from the day the condition was fulfilled,
because it can be enforced only from said
E.g. Valencia bid for the installation of the plumbing in date.
a government building. The bid was accepted, and
Valencia was asked to put up the performance bond. Example:
Valencia did not put up the bond and did not begin
the work. When sued, his defense was that since he Jose in 2004 promised to sell to Maria his car provided
did not put up the bond, there was no contract since Maria passes the bar in 2006. Maria passed the bar in
the condition was not complied with. 2006.

Held: Valencia is liable. Putting up the performance Effect: as if Maria was entitled to the car since 2004.
bond was NOT a condition before he could be
compelled to make the installation, although of If Maria mortgages the car in 2004, will it be a valid
course it was a condition before he could insist on mortgage? -YES. General rule is mortgagor must be
working and on getting paid. Also, assuming that the owner. Since Maria is deemed the owner in 2004, her
condition was indeed conditional, it was he who mortgage that year of the same property is valid.
voluntarily prevented its fulfillment; therefore, he can
be held liable. Any alienation by Jose should, as a rule, be invalid.

*Article generally applies to suspensive conditions. *This retroactive effect can only apply to consensual
But it may sometimes apply to a resolutory condition. contracts (like sale), and not to real contracts such as
deposit or commodatum which are perfected only
E.g. upon delivery.
A sold a land to B on the condition that B marries C
within one year, otherwise, B would return the land. If *No retroactive effects as to fruits and interests,
A kills C, B does not have to return the land because A unless there is a contrary intent.
is at fault.
Reciprocal obligations: fruits are kept by one party;
1187 – The effects of a conditional obligation to give, legal interest is kept by the other one.
once the condition has been fulfilled, shall retroact to
the day of the constitution of the obligation. 1188 – The creditor may, before the fulfillment of the
Nevertheless, when the obligation imposes condition, bring the appropriate actions for the
reciprocal prestations upon the parties, the fruits preservation of his right.
and interests during the pendency of the condition
shall be deemed to have been mutually The debtor may recover what during the same time
compensated. If the obligation is unilateral, the he has paid by mistake in case of suspensive
debtor shall appropriate the fruits and interests condition.
received, unless from the nature and circumstances
of the obligation it should be inferred that the First paragraph means to bring action before the court
intention of the person constituting the same was to protect rights of creditors. Otherwise, the object
different. may be deliberately destroyed, hidden or alienated.
b. With fault of the debtor – Creditor
Second paragraph means protection against unjust chooses between RESCISSION OR
enrichment. FULFILLMENT, w/ damages lagi
c. Partly with and partly without the
(Option to skip 1189 to 1192) fault of the debtor – in pari delicto
1189 – When the conditions have been imposed with
the intention of suspending the efficacy of an 3. May be improved
obligation to give, the following rules shall be a. By nature or time – INURES TO THE
observed in case of the improvement, loss or CREDITOR
deterioration of the thing during the pendency of the b. Through the expense of the debtor –
condition: DEBTOR’S right as if a usufructuary;
c. Partly through nature or time and
1. If the thing is lost without the fault of the partly by the debtor – Creditor gets
debtor, the obligation shall be extinguished; benefit from improvement by nature
2. If the thing is lost through the fault of the or time; debtor entitled to rights of
debtor, he shall be obliged to pay damages; usufructuary.
it is understood that the thing is lost when it
perishes, or goes out of commerce, or 1190 – When the conditions have for their purpose
disappears in such a way that its existence is the extinguishment of an obligation to give, the
unknown or it cannot be recovered; parties upon the fulfillment of said conditions, shall
3. When the thing deteriorates without the return to each other what they have received.
fault of the debtor, the impairment is to be
borne by the creditor; In case of loss, deterioration or improvement of the
4. If it deteriorates without the fault of the thing, the provisions which, with respect to the
debtor, the creditor may choose between debtor are laid down in the preceding article shall be
rescission of the obligation and its applied to the party who is bound to return.
fulfillment, with indemnity for damages in
either case; As for obligations to do and not to do, the provisions
5. If the thing is improved by its nature, or by of the second paragraph of Article 1187 shall be
time, the improvement shall inure to the observed as regards the effect of the extinguishment
benefit of the creditor; of the obligation.
6. If it is improved at the expense of the debtor,
he shall have no right that that granted to Effects when resolutory condition is fulfilled
the usufructuary. 1. Obligation is extinguished. (Art 1181)
2. Because the obligation had been extinguished
This article applies only if: and considered to have had no effect, the
1. Suspensive condition is fulfilled; and parties should restore to each other what
2. Object is specific (not generic) they have received.
3. Aside from actual things received, the fruits or
What are the three things that may happen to the the interests thereon should also be returned
object of an obligation pending fulfillment of the after deducting the expenses made for their
suspensive condition? production, gathering and preservation. (Art
1. May be lost 443)
a. Without the fault of the debtor – 4. Rule in 1189 will apply to whoever has the
OBLIG, EXTINGUISHED duty to return in case of loss, deterioration of
b. With fault of the debtor – DEBTOR improvement of the thing.
PAYS DAMAGES 5. Courts are given power to determine the
c. Partly with and partly without the retroactivity of the fulfillment of resolutory
fault of the debtor – If complete loss, conditions.
USE RULES ON LOSS; if partial loss,

2. May deteriorate (value is reduced or 1193 – Obligations for whose fulfillment a day
impaired) certain has been fixed, shall be demandable only
a. Without the fault of the debtor – when that day comes.
Obligations with a resolutory condition take effect at
once, but terminate upon arrival of the day certain. E.g. I will support you until Jan 1, 2021.

A day certain is understood to be that which must Requisites of a valid period:

necessarily come, although it may not be known 1. Must refer to the future
when. 2. Must be certain (sure to come) but can be
extended. If eliminated subsequently by
If the uncertainty consists in whether the day will mutual agreement, the obligation becomes
come or not, the obligation is conditional and it shall pure and is immediately demandable.
be regulated by the rules of the preceding Section. 3. Must be physically and legally possible;
otherwise, the obligation is void. (E.g. I’ll give
Period – certain length of time which determines the you my house one year after your death.)
effectivity of the extinguishment of obligations
Example 1
Period / Term Condition A ordered goods from B. The goods were supposed to
As to fulfillment: event Condition is uncertain if be paid for when they arrived from the US. It was
which must happen it will happen or not, as proved that for goods to be able to leave the US, the
sooner or later at a date a fact. US government had to give a certificate of priority and
known beforehand or a permission; otherwise, the goods will remain in the
time which cannot be US.
Issue: Is the arrival of the goods in Manila from the
With reference to time: May refer even to the US, a term or a condition?
always refers to the past
future Held: Condition. Arrival of goods in uncertain, owing
to the different requirements that had to be complied
As to influence on Causes an obligation to with first. (Smith, Bell & Co vs Sotelo Matti, 44 Phil
obligation: merely fixes arise or to cease 874)
the time or
efficaciousness of an Example 2
obligation The clause “until the defendant shall have obtained a
loan from BDO, or after it has obtained funds from
other sources,” should be considered a condition
Different kinds of period (NOT A TERM), for obtaining funds may or may not
1. Definite – exact date or time is known and happen. (Berg vs Magdalena Estate Inc, 92 Phil 110)
2. Indefinite – something that will surely happen Example 3
but the date of happening is unknown A lease on a “month to month basis” is one with a
definite period. (Santos vs CA, L-60210, Mar 27, 1984)
3. Legal – period granted under the provisions of
law A day certain – that which must necessarily come,
4. Conventional or voluntary – period agreed although it may not be known when (Par 3, Art 1193)
upon or stipulated by the parties
5. Juridical – period or term fixed by the courts 1194 – In case of loss, deterioration or improvement
for the performance of an obligation or for its of the thing before the arrival of the day certain, the
termination rules in Article 1189 shall be observed.

6. Ex die – period with a suspensive effect. Here, 1195 – Anything paid or delivered before the arrival
the obligation begins only from a day certain. of the period, the obligor being unaware of the
In other words, upon the arrival of the period. period or believing that the obligation has become
due and demandable may be recovered, with the
E.g. I will support you beginning the first day of 2021. fruits and interests.

7. In diem – period or term with resolutory Payment or delivery made before the arrival of the
effect. Up to a time certain, the obligation period
remains valid, but upon arrival of the said
period, the obligation terminates. E.g.
A was supposed to pay B P1 million on Dec 31, 2005. PERIOD WITHIN WHICH RECOVERY MAY BE MADE
But believing that the obligation was due and As regards what has been paid – BEFORE debt
demandable already on Dec 31, 2004, A paid B the P1 matures
million on said date. May A recover from B on Jun 30,
2005? How much? As regards interests – Even AFTER maturity bec.
creditor was in bad faith (but right prescribes after 5
Yes, A may recover from B on Jun 30, 2005 because he years from premature payment under Art 1149, NCC).
paid on the belief that the obligation has become due
and demandable. Even if A is bound to pay B sooner *No recovery if debtor knew that payment was not
or later, still, it is unjust to deprive A in the meantime yet due and despite that still paid prematurely. This
of the money as well as its use (interest). applies regardless if creditor is in bad faith or not.

He can recover P1 million plus interest, computed as *Presumption is the debtor knew of the
follows: prematureness, but may be rebutted (Manresa)

P1,000,000 x 6% (interest per year) = P60,000 *”W/in 8 years” is different from “within the 8th year.”
P60,000 ÷ 2 (Jan1 - Jun30, 2005) = P30,000
P1,000,000 + P30,000 = P1,030,000 1196 – Whenever in an obligation a period is
designated, it is presumed to have been established
E.g. for the benefit of both the creditor and the debtor,
Suppose A had paid prematurely knowing fully well of unless from the tenor of the same or other
the existence of the term, how much can A recover? circumstances it should appear that the period has
been established in favor of one or the other.
A can recover nothing. The law does not give him such
right. To be able to recover, A: GR: Term is for the benefit of debtor and creditor
1. Must have ben UNAWARE of the period; OR This means that debtor need not pay prematurely and
2. Must Have believed that the obligation has creditor cannot demand prematurely.
become due and demandable.
*This only applies where the parties themselves have
Since A did not have either of these conditions, he fixed a period, and not to a case where the parties
cannot recover. Reason: After all, A is supposed to pay have authorized the Court to fix a reasonable term.
B sooner or later so why let him recover since,
anyway, it was A’s fault that premature payment was EXCEPTIONS
made. 1. Term is for the benefit of the debtor alone.
He is required to pay only at the end, but he
E.g. may pay even before.
On Mar 1, A sold B a particular car. It was agreed upon
that payment and delivery were to be made on Mar E.g. D will pay Bank E for a car loan within 5 years. D
31. But on Mar15, A delivered the car and B paid for can pay Bank E even after a week from contracting the
said car. Pending the arrival of Mar31, should B return loan.
the car plus damages and should A return the price
plus interest? Practical purpose: To save from further interests

No obligation to return. While it is true that Mar31 2. Term is for the benefit of the creditor alone.
was the date for payment and delivery of the car, the Creditor can demand at anytime even before
subsequent actions of the parties concerned show the term expires, and he cannot be compelled
that booth implicitly agreed to the changing of the to accept payment from debtor prior to the
date specified. stipulated period.

Even if there had been no change in the date agreed E.g. D promised to pay Bank E on Dec 1, 2005, with
upon, still, it is a reciprocal obligation. In reciprocal the creditor given the right to demand performance
obligations, pending the fulfillment of the condition, even before said date.
(and therefore, also pending termination of the
period), the interests and fruits are deemed to E.g.D promised to pay his loan with Bank E on Dec 1,
compensate each other where has been premature 2005, and D cannot prepay the said loan prior to said
performance on both sides. date.
Practical purpose: to earn more from interests in the
entire duration of the obligation. WHEN THE COURT MAY NOT FIX THE TERM
1. When no term was specified because no term
was intended. In such case, obligation is really
*Acceptance of partial payment even before a pure one, and demandable at once, unless
expiration of the period means a WAIVER on the part absurd consequences would arise
of the creditor of his right to refuse payment before
the end of said period. (Lopez vs Ochoa, L-7955, May 2. When payable on demand
30, 1958)
3. When specific periods are provided for in the
1197 – If the obligation does not fix a period, but law
from its nature and the circumstances it can be
inferred that a period was intended, the courts may 4. When it appears that a term is really a
fix the duration thereof. condition (e.g. debt is payable only after the
debtor’s estate’s other debts have been paid,
The courts shall also fix the duration of the period for this does not depend upon the exclusive
when it depends upon the will of the debtor. will of the debtor)

In every case, the courts shall determine such period 5. Period within which to ask the court to have
as may under the circumstances have been probably the period fixed has itself already prescribed
contemplated by the parties. Once fixed by the
courts, the period cannot be changed by them. WITHIN WHAT PERIOD MUST THE ACTION TO FIX
WHEN COURT MAY FIX A PERIOD: Within the proper prescriptive period for specific
1. When duration depends upon the will of the performance, if a period had been originally fixed, but
debtor to be counted from the perfection of the contract.
a. When my means permit me to do so Right exists by operation of law from the moment
b. I’ll pay you little by little such agreement was perfected. EXTRAJUDICIAL
c. As soon as possible DEMAND IS NOT ESSENTIAL for the creation of the
d. As soon as I have money cause of action to have the period fixed. (Calero vs
e. In partial payments Carrion, et al. L-13246, Mar 30, 1960)
f. When debtor is “in a position to
discharge his obligation” >> This is not the same as the DEMAND
2. When although the obligation does not fix a required to declare a person in default.
period, it can be inferred that a period was
intended >> Written contract prescribes after 10 years
a. Contract to construct a house where
the period was not stated HOW COURT FIXES PERIOD
b. Donation where the land was given By considering time probably contemplated by the
provided certain construction was to parties.
be made on it
c. An obligation with indefinite period, 1198 – The debtor shall lose every right to make use
such as when the time for the of the period:
payment of a subscription of shares of
stocks has not been fixed. 1. When after the obligation has been
d. As long as the tenant shall see fit. contracted, he becomes insolvent, unless he
e. As long as tenant pays the stipulated gives a guaranty or security for the debt;
rent 2. When he does not furnish the creditor the
f. In a sale on credit, when parties guaranties or securities which he has
forgot to state in the INVOICE the promised;
period of payment 3. When by his own acts he has impaired said
guaranties or securities after their
*When the court fixes the term, does it amend or establishment, and when through a
modify the obligation? NO. Art 1197 is part and parcel fortuitous event they disappear, unless he
of all obligations contemplated. Hence, whenever a immediately gives new ones equally
period is fixed, the court merely enforces or carries out satisfactory;
an implied stipulation in the contract.
4. When the debtor violates any undertaking, A will give B this car or this ring or this fountain pen. A
in consideration of which the creditor agreed does not have to give B all three things enumerated.
to the period; Just one would suffice.
5. When the debtor attempts to abscond.
In the example given, may A compel B to accept half
When the debtor loses the benefit of the period, the the car and half the ring?
term is extinguished and the obligations becomes
demandable at once. NO. B cannot be forced to accept. The creditor cannot
be compelled to receive part one and part of the
Daguhoy Enterprises vs Ponce, 96 Phil 15 other undertaking.
Example of paragraph 2: Debtor instead of making a
mortgage in favor of the creditor, makes it in favor of OTHER EXAMPLES:
another person. Because debtor fails to furnish the 1. A borrowed money from B. At the maturity of
promised guaranties, he therefore loses the benefit of debt, they agreed that A will give B either the
the term. sum lent or a particular house and lot.

In par 3, note that what has been lost is the security, 2. A insured his house with B, an insurance
not the object of the principal obligation. Thus, even if company. Per the contract, if the house is
due to a fortuitous event, loss of the security will damaged or destroyed, B may either pay for
generally make an obligation, immediately due and the damage or have the house rebuilt in a
demandable. sufficient manner.

Example of par 4: Employee commits substantial Compare Art. 1199 with 1206, NCC:
breach of employment contract, employer may 1206 – When only one prestation has been agreed
terminate employment even if there was fixed upon but the obligor may render another in
duration for the job. substitution, the obligation is called facultative.

In par 5, there is no need for ACTUAL absconding. The loss or deterioration of the thing intended as a
Intent and attempt to do so is sufficient. substitute, through the negligence of the obligor,
does not render him liable. But once the substitute
HOW TERMS ARE COMPUTED (Art 13, NCC) has been made, the obligor is liable for the loss of
Year – 365 days each the substitute on account of his delay, negligence or
Month – 30 days fraud.
Day – 24 hours
Night – From sunset to sunrise FACULTATIVE OBLIGATION – Only one object is due
but the debtor may substitute it with another object.
If months are designated by their name, they shall be
computed by the number of days which they 1200 – The right of choice belongs to the debtor,
respectively have. unless it has expressly been granted to the creditor.

In computing a period, the first day shall be excluded The debtor shall have no right to choose those
and the last day included. prestations which are impossible, unlawful or which
could not have been the object of the obligation.
1199 – A person alternatively bound by different G.R. the debtor
prestations shall completely perform one of them. Exception: when right is expressly granted to creditor

The creditor cannot be compelled to receive part of LIMITATION ON DEBTOR’S CHOICE

one and part of the other undertaking. Debtor cannot choose prestations which are:
1. Impossible
ALTERNATIVE OBLIGATION – one where one of the 2. Unlawful
two or more prestations which may be given, only one 3. Could not have been the object of the
is due. obligation

E.g. E.g.
A is bound to give B (1) a pack of shabu, (2) gold poop the obligation is extinguished and X would not be
from the golden bibe, (3) a particular cigarette case, or liable in any way.
a particular fountain pen.
1203 – If through the creditor’s act, the debtor
A cannot choose (1) because it is unlawful; nor (2) cannot make a choice according to the terms of the
because it is impossible. A can only choose between obligation, the latter may rescind the contract with
(3) and (4). damages.

REQUISITES for making the choice: D promised to teach C OBLICON for the year 2020, or
1. Made properly so that the creditor or his to buy C an iPad tablet. If in 2020, C goes to China, D
agent will actually know obviously cannot teach him, and since D is deprived of
the right to choose because of C’s own act, D may
2. Made with full knowledge that a selection is either:
indeed being made (Error in appreciating the
meaning of “alternative” obligations will give 1. Buy the iPad table, or
rise to vitiated consent, and the choice can 2. Rescind the contract with right to recover
later on be annulled.) whatever damages he has suffered.

3. Made voluntarily and freely (without force, Observe that the contract is not automatically
intimidation, coercion or undue influence) rescinded. The law says that the debtor, “may
rescind” implying that he may allow it to remain in
4. Made in due time (i.e. before or upon force insofar as the possible choice or choices are
maturity; otherwise, the creditor can sue him involved.
in court)
1204 – The creditor shall have a right to indemnify
5. Made to all the proper persons (hence, if for damages when, through the fault of the debtor,
there are joint creditors, all of them must be all the things which are alternatively the object of
notified) the obligation have been lost, or the compliance of
the obligation has become impossible.
6. Made without conditions unless agreed to by
the creditor The indemnity shall be fixed taking as a basis the
value of the last thing which disappeared, or that of
7. May be waived, expressly or impliedly the services which last became impossible.

1201 – The choice shall produce no effect except Damages other than the value of the last thing or
from the time it has been communicated. service may also be awarded.

*Choice can be communicated in written or oral form This article talks about the alternative rights of
creditors when loss or impossibility occurs before the
*Once notice has been made that a choice has been debtor’s choice.
done, the obligation becomes a simple one, to do or
to deliver the object selected. It applies when:
1. Right to choose belonged to the debtor
*An election, once made, is binding upon the person 2. Loss or impossibility happened before
who makes it, and he will not, therefore, be permitted selection was made.
to renounce his choice and take an alternative which
was first open to him. 1205 – When the choice has been expressly given to
the creditor, the obligation shall cease to be
1202 – The debtor shall lose the right of choice when alternative from the day when the selection has been
among the prestations whereby he is alternatively communicated to the debtor.
bound, only one thing is practicable.
Until then, the responsibility of the debtor shall be
X is obliged to give Y either object A, object B, or governed by the following rules:
object C. If objects A and B are lost by fortuitous event
before choice can be made, X can deliver only object 1) If one of the things is lost through a
C, because the obligation has become a simple one. If fortuitous even, he shall perform the
later, object C is also destroyed by a fortuitous event, obligation by delivering that which the
creditor should choose from among the substitute, the principal
remainder, or that which remains if only one must still be given
2) If the loss of one of the things occurs through
the fault of the debtor, the creditor may Section 4
claim any of those subsisting, or the price of JOINT AND SOLIDARY OBLIGATION
that which, through the fault of the former
has disappeared, with a right to damages; 1207 – The concurrence of two or more creditors or
of two or more debtors in one and the same
3) If all the things are lost through the fault of obligation does not imply that each one of the
the debtor, the choice by the creditor shall former has a right to demand, or that each one of
fall upon the price of any one of them, also the latter is bound to render, entire compliance with
with indemnity for damages. the prestation. There is a solidary liability only when
the obligation expressly so states, or when the law
The same rules shall be applied to obligations to do or the nature of the obligation requires solidarity.
or not to do in case one, some or all of the
prestations should become impossible. JOINT OBLIGATION – each obligor answers only for a
part of the whole liability and to each oblige belongs
1206 – When only one prestation has been agreed only a part of the correlative rights.
upon but the obligor may render another in
substitution, the obligation is called facultative. *To each his own

The loss or deterioration of the thing intended as a SOLIDARY (or joint and several) OBLIGATION –
substitute, through the negligence of the obligor, relationship between the active and the passive
does not render him liable. But once the substitute subjects is so close that each of the former or of the
has been made, the obligor is liable for the loss of latter may demand the fulfillment of or must comply
the substitute on account of his delay, negligence or with the whole obligation.
*One for all, all for one
The Article speaks of a facultative obligation. It is one
where only one prestation has been agreed upon but Example of joint obligation:
the obligor may render another in substitution. 1. A & B are joint debtors of C to the amount of
P1 M. C can demand only P500k from A and
E.g. only P500k from B.
2. A & B are joint debtors of C, D, E & F, who are
D promised to give C his diamond-studded ring but it joint creditors to the amount of P1M. C may
was stipulated that D could give his BMW car as a demand only P125k from A and P125k from B.
substitute. D, E & F have the same rights as C.

ALTERNATIVE FACULTATIVE Example of solidary obligation:

Various things are due, Only one thing is 1. A & B are solidary debtors of C to the amount
but giving of one is principally due, and it is of P1M. C can demand the whole P1M from A.
sufficient that one which generally is A in turn, after paying C, can ask for
given, but the substitute reimbursement from B to the amount of
may be given to render P500k.
payment or fulfillment 2. A & B are solidary debtors of C, D, E & F,
easy solidary creditors, to the amount of P1M. Any
If one of the prestations If the principal obligation is
creditor like C, can demand from any debtor
is illegal, the others may void, and there is no
necessity of giving the
like A, the whole amount of P1M. In turn, C
be valid and the has to give P250k each to D, E & F. B has to
obligation remains substitute (Nullity of the
principal carries with it the reimburse A for P500k which is really’s share
nullity of the accessory or of the obligation.
If it is impossible to give If it is impossible to give General Rule:
all except one, that last principal, substitute does When there are two or more debtors or two or more
one must still be given not have to be given; if it is creditors, the obligation is generally JOINT, except:
impossible to give the
1. When there is a stipulation in the contract
that the obligation is solidary 3. Tortfeasors (those liable for quasi-delict) are
2. When the nature of the obligation requires solidarily liable. (Worcester vs Ocampo, et al.,
liability to be solidary; and 22 Phil 42)
3. When the law declares the obligation to be
4. Liability of two motor vehicle drivers
Examples when law imposes solidary liability: convicted for reckless imprudence is solidary.
1. Tort or quasi delict Consequently, the employer of each of them
2. Obligations from quasi-contracts is also solidarily liable WITH RESPECT TO
3. Liability of principals, accomplices and THEIR SUBSIDIARY LIABILITY. (Gonzales vs
accessories of a felony Halili, et al., L-11521, Oct 31, 1958)
4. Bailees in commodatum.
May an obligation be joint on the side of creditors and 1. Mancomunada
solidary on the side of the debtors, or vice versa? 2. Mancomunada simple
3. Proportionate
YES. In such cases, the rules applicable to each subject 4. Pro rata
of the obligation should be applied, the character of 5. “We promise to pay,” when there are two or
the creditors or the debtors determining their more signatures
respective rights and liabilities.
E.g. 1. Joint and several
2. In solidum
A and B are joint debtors of C, D, E and F, solidary 3. Mancomunada solidaria
creditors to the amount of P1 M. How much can C 4. Juntos o separadamente
collect from A? 5. Individually and collectively
6. Each will pay the whole value
ANS: C is a solidary creditor, so presumably, he can 7. “I promise to pay,” when there are two more
collect the whole debt. But since A is only a joint signatures
debtor, C is entitled to collect only P500k from A.
1208 – If from the law, or the nature of or the
E.g. wording of the obligations to which the preceding
article refers, the contrary does not appear, the
A and B are solidary debtors of C, D, E and F, joint credit or debt shall be presumed to be divided into as
creditors to the amount of P1 M. How much can C many equal shares as there are creditors or debtors,
recover from A? the credits or debts being considered distinct from
one another, subject to the Rules of Court governing
ANS: Since C is only a joint creditor, he can only the multiplicity of suits.
recover his share which is P250K from A, a solidary
debtor. When there are two or more debtors, or two or more
creditors, the obligation is joint and as a consequence:
Had C been a solidary creditor, he could have 1. Debt shall be divided into as many shares as
recovered P1M from A; had A been a joint debtor and there are creditors or debtors.
C, also a joint creditor, C would have recovered only
P125k from A. 2. Credits or debts will be distinct from one
another, BUT regarding the bringing of action
Actual case samples: in court, the Rules of Court governing the
1. It is NOT ACCURATE to say that the heirs are multiplicity of suits will be followed. This
solidarily liable for the debt of their father. means it would be better to sue all necessary
Before the heirs share in the inheritance, the parties at the same time, notwithstanding the
debt must be paid first. (Carlo, Jr. vs Cabanos, distinct character of the credit or debt.
L-19704, Oct 19, 1966)
2. Individually and collectively for the total 1. Vitiated consent on the part of one debtor
amount = solidary (Oriental Commercial Co., does not affect the others.
Inc. vs Felix Lafuente, [CA] 38 OG 947)
E.g. (Bachrach Motor Co., vs Gamboa, L-10296, May 21,
A and B are joint debtors of C for P1 M. A’s consent 1957)
was obtained by C through fraud. B would still be
liable for P500k, while A will not be liable since the E.g.
two debts are considered distinct from each other. The contract states, “Jose or Maria will pay you P1M,
should this be considered alternative, joint or
2. Insolvency of one debtor does not make solidary?
others responsible for his shares.
ANS: It depends on the intention of the parties. If
E.g. A, B and C are joint debtors of D for P3M. If A is what is intended is to have the obligation satisfied in
insolvent, how much should B pay D? full, the payer being immaterial, the courts may be
inclined to consider the same as solidary, with the
ANS: Only P1M, for his own proportionate share. creditor being given the right to select who would
pay, and in case of partial performance only, he can
3. Demand by the creditor on one joint debtor still ask the other for the balance.
puts him in default but not the other debtors
since debts are distinct. 1209 – If the division is impossible, the right of the
creditors may be prejudiced only by their collective
4. When the creditor interrupts the running of acts, and the debt can be enforced only by
the prescriptive period by demanding proceeding against all the debtors. If one of the
judicially from one, the others are not latter should be insolvent, the others shall not be
affected. Therefore, it is possible that the liable for his share.
share of one joint debtor has not prescribed,
while those of the others have already This article speaks of an indivisible joint obligation.
prescribed. (Agoncillo & Mariano vs Javier, 38 Indivisibility refers to the object. Joint nature refers to
Phil 424) the tie between the parties, who are merely
proportionately liable, unless solidarity has been
LIABILITIES OF AGENTS: stipulated by the parties or the law, in which case, it is
GR: Joint called a solidary indivisible obligation.
Exception: When otherwise agreed upon
LIABILITIES OF CO-PRINCIPALS IN AGENCY: A and B are jointly liable to give C this particular car.
LIABILITIES OF HUSBAND AND WIFE: 1. Obligation is joint but since the object is
After conjugal funds have been exhausted, the indivisible, the creditor must proceed against
husband and wife are liable jointly to creditors of the ALL the joint debtors, for compliance is
conjugal partnership. (Art. 147, NCC) possible only if all the joint debtors would act
(HUMAN RELATIONS) OF THE NCC 2. Demand must be made on ALL joint debtors.
Although the law does not expressly say so, it is
believed that infractors thereof should be held liable 3. If any one of the debtors does not comply, the
solidarily, considering the fact that said violations are obligation is converted into a monetary
either penal in nature or contrary to morals. These are obligation where those who are ready to
perhaps cases where there is solidarity because of the comply shall not be liable for the share of
nature of the obligation. (Art. 1207, NCC) others incapable of compliance. (Art 1224,
EMPLOYEE’S TORTIOUS ACT 4. If any of the debtors be insolvent, the others
Liability of employer is primary and solidary with the shall not be liable for his share.
employees (Arts 2180 and 2194, NCC). However, if the
injured party does not appeal from an erroneous Note: The obligation to pay monetary damages is no
judgment holding the liability to be merely subsidiary, longer indivisible, and therefore, the creditor may go
instead of solidary, the obligation ceases to be against each debtor individually, subject to the
solidary by virtue of the principle of res judicata provisions of the Rules of Court.
5. If there be joint creditors, delivery must be
made to all, and not merely to one, unless E.g.
that one be specifically authorized by the 1. Joint divisible obligation – A and B are jointly
others. liable to X for P1M.

6. Each joint creditor is allowed to renounce his 2. Joint indivisible obligation – A and B are jointly
proportionate credit. liable to give X this car.

3. Solidary divisible obligation – A and B are

solidarily bound to give X P1M.

4. Solidary indivisible obligation – A and B are

E.g. solidarily bound to give X this car.
A, B and C are jointly liable to give a particular car
worth P1.2M in favor of D, E, F and G. A is insolvent 1211 – Solidarity may exist although the creditors
and the debtors, therefore, cannot purchase the car and the debtors may not be bound in the same
to give to the creditors. D and E have renounced their manner and by the same periods and conditions.
rights. The debtors are not in default. How much can
each of the creditors get from each of the debtors? Different kinds of solidarity:

ANS: Since this a joint and indivisible obligation and 1. Active solidarity – on the part of the creditors
since the car cannot be given, it is converted into an or obliges
obligation to give indemnity for damages. Since this a
joint obligation, each debtor is proportionately liable 2. Passive solidarity – on the part of the debtors
and each creditor is only entitled to his proportionate or obligors
3. Mixed solidarity – on the part of the obligors
P1.2M ÷ 3 = P400k (total debt of each and obliges, or on the part of the debtors and
debtor) the creditors

P400k ÷ 4 = P100k (credit belonging to 4. Conventional solidarity – agreed upon by the

each joint creditor, not from parties
each joint debtor)
5. Legal solidarity – imposed by law
A is insolvent, and his share will not be included in the
- D & E having renounced their rights, they get
nothing. A & B solidarily bound themselves to pay a total of
P1M to C, D and E subject to the following terms and
- F has not renounced his right, so he can get P100k conditions:
from B and P100k from C. Over A, F has the rights 1. C’s share will be due at the end of the year;
of creditor over an insolvent debtor. 2. D will get his share only if he passes the CPA
board exam; and
- G has exactly the same rights as F. 3. E will get his share only after E has painted the
house of X.
*A demand by one joint creditor is not a demand by
the others. Here, the obligation is still solidary.

1210 – The indivisibility of an obligation does not In the example given, when will the solidary obligation
necessarily give rise to solidarity. Nor does solidarity be due and demandable?
on itself imply indivisibility.
ANS: While the obligation is still solidary, C’s share will
INDIVISIBILITY vs SOLIDARITY only be due and demandable at the end of the year,
- Indivisibility refers to the subject matter. and E and D’s shares will be due and demandable only
- Solidarity refers to the tie between the parties. upon the fulfillment of the condition.
Supposing the obligation is to be subject to different Example of prejudicial act: should not be performed,
terms and conditions, the following is the solution: otherwise, there will be liability for damages.
the creditor may recover that part which is pure and However, in the case of remission or condonation,
unconditional, and should leave in suspense or which is really prejudicial, the solidary creditor is
pending the right to demand the payment of the allowed to so remit, and the obligation is
remainder until the expiration of the term or the extinguished, without prejudice to his liability to the
fulfillment of the conditions. other creditors. (Art 1215, NCC)

1213 – A solidary creditor cannot assign his rights

Solidarity is still preserved by recognizing in the without the consent of the others.
creditor the power upon the fulfillment of the
condition or the expiration of this term, of claiming GR: Solidary creditor cannot assign his rights
from any or all the debtors, that part of the obligation EXCEPTION: If all others consent.
effected by these conditions. (Check the case of Reason: Solidary obligation implies mutual agency and
Inchausti & Co. vs Yulo, 34 Phil 978) mutual confidence.

E.g. 1214 – Debtor may pay any one of the solidary

In 2004, A, B and C bound themselves in solidum to creditors; but if any demand, judicial or extrajudicial
give X P300K subject to the following stipulations: has been made by one of them, payment should be
1. A to pay in 2005; made to him.
2. B if he passes the CPA board; and
3. C in 2007. To whom must debtor pay?
1. To any solidary creditor
Q: In 2005, how much can X demand from A? 2. Exception: Payment must be made to solidary
creditor who made a demand, judicial or
A: P100K. Since this is solidary, X has a right to P300k extrajudicial
(the whole) MINUS B’s share of P100k and C’s share of
P100K, or just P100K. In 2007, X can collect from A, Examples:
the P100K corresponding to C. The moment B passes 1. A and B are solidary debtors of C, D and E,
the CPA board, X can collect from A, B’s share of solidary creditors. May A pay C the whole
P100k obligation?

Q: Suppose X instead made a demand on C in 2005, ANS: YES, provided no judicial or extrajudicial demand
how much can he collect from C? has been made by either D or E.

A: Only P100k, the share corresponding to A, because 2. A and B are solidary debtors of C, De and E,
C’s own share has not yet matured and B has not yet solidary creditors. E makes judicial demand.
passed the bar. There is no extrajudicial demand upon A. To
whom should A pay?
Note that in both problems, the rules is that the
whole solidary obligation can be recovered from ANY ANS: Only to E, who had made the judicial demand.
of the solidary debtors MINUS the share of those with Payment to any other creditor will not extinguish the
unmatured conditions or terms. obligation except insofar as the payee’s share is
1212 – Each one of the solidary creditors may do
whatever may be useful to the others, but not 3. A and B are solidary debtors of C, D and E,
anything which may be prejudicial to the latter. solidary creditors. C makes a judicial demand
on A. Can D and E sue A?
Solidary creditors may do useful, not prejudicial acts.
ANS: In the meantime, NO because C is supposed to
Example of beneficial act: To interrupt the running of be representing already D and E. If judgment is
the prescription, the act of one solidary creditor in rendered against A, and A does not have enough
making a judicial demand upon any of the solidary money, then D, E or C (individually or collectively) may
debtors is sufficient. The law provides that: The still sue B for the remainder. But it is essential that the
prescription of actions is interrupted when they are first action be first terminated.
filed before the Courts. (Art 1155, 1 st clause, NCC)
4. A and B are solidary debtors of C, D and E. C On the other hand, only X will be allowed to prejudice
makes extrajudicial demand upon A, who his co-creditor Y, so X must reimburse Y for P400k,
does not pay. Can D and E sue A? which is really Y’s share of the credit.

ANS: Although strictle speaking, the answer may be in >>There is also novation when there is a change in the
the NEGATIVE, since under the law payment must be term of compliance (due and demandability) of an
made to C, who had made the extrajudicial demand, obligation of one of many solidary debtors.
still, the law should not be construed to effect an
absurdity in that D and E would be compelled to just WHAT IS COMPENSATION?
stand by idly, since C does not institute any judicial Compensation is that which takes place when two
action. Since C’s act (or inaction) is prejudicial to D persons, in their own right, are creditors and debtors
and E, the two (D and E) should be allowed to make a of each other. (Art. 1278, NCC).
judicial demand.

5. A and B, solidary debtors, are indebted to C, D Compensation may be total or partial, depending
and E, solidary creditors. C extrajudicially upon the amount involved. Total compensation
demands from A, but B (upon whom no automatically extinguishes the obligation whether
demand has been made) pays the whole debt known or unknown to the parties. (Art 1290, NCC)
to E. Is B allowed to do that? Is the solidary
obligation extinguished? E.g.
A and B are solidary debtors of X and Y, solidary
ANS: YES, extinguished already. No demand had been creditors to the amount of P400k. But X owes A P400k
made by C upon B. It is only A that is bound, not B. on account of a different obligation.

1215 – Novation, compensation, confusion or Here, we have a case of automatic extinguishment of

remission of debt, made by any of the solidary the obligation by virtue of total compensation. But B
creditors or with any of the solidary debtors, shall should not benefit completely since it was A’s credit
extinguish the obligation without prejudice to the that was used to compensation. So B owes A P200k
provision of Article 1219. for his share of the debt. On the other hand, Y should
not be prejudiced, so Y can recover P200k (his share in
The creditor who may have recovered any of these the credit) from X. (Art. 11215, par2, NCC)
acts, as well as he who collects the debt, shall be
liable to the others for the share in the obligation WHAT IS CONFUSION OR MERGER?
corresponding to them. Confusion or merger is that which takes place when
the character of creditor and debtor are merged in
WHAT IS NOVATION? the same person (Art. 1275, NCC), as when my check
Novation is the modification of an obligation by in the course of negotiation, is eventually endorsed to
changing its object or principal conditions, or by me.
substituting the persons of the debtor, or by
subrogating the person of the debtor, or by E.g.
subrogating a third person in the rights of a creditor A and B made a negotiable promissory note in favor of
(Art 1291, NCC) C and D, whereby A and B bound themselves solidarily
to C and D, solidary creditors. C and D endorsed the
E.g. note in favor of E; E in favor of F; and F in favor of A.
A and B are solidarily liable to X and Y, solidary Notice that A, who is the debtor, now becomes a
creditors for the payment of P800k. A and X agreed creditor.
that instead of paying P800k, A will just paint X’s
house. Here, the solidary obligation of paying P800k is There is merger or confusion of rights here. The
EXTINGUISHED but a new one, that of painting X’s solidary obligation is thereby extinguished but B is
house, has arisen. indebted to A for B’s share of the debt.

If B did not consent to the novation, B will not be WHAT IS REMISSION OR WAIVER?
bound to X and Y in any way, and will not be obliged Remission or waiver is that act of liberality whereby a
to give A anything except insofar as B has been creditor condones the obligation of the debtor. It is
benefitted. that where the creditor tells the debtor to “forget
about the whole thing.” (Art. 1270, NCC) Remission
may be total or partial.
A and B are solidary debtors of X and Y, solidary
creditors to the amount of P4M. X tells A that he was
waiving the whole obligation. Here, the total
remission completely extinguishes the whole
obligation, without prejudice to Y collection from X his
(Y’s) share of the credit of P2M. Otherwise, X’s
remission would prejudice Y.

On the other hand, B does not have to reimburse A

for anything. After all, remission was a gratuitous act,
and A did not have to give anything to the creditors.


A, B and C are solidary debtors of X in the amount of
P3M. X then made a demand from A but collected
only P2M because he was remitting A’s share (of
P1M). How much can A recover from B and C?

ANS: Only P1M from each because the solidary debt

of P3M had been reduced by partial remission to only

It follows that A can be reimbursed the P2M (plus

interest, if any is due), and therefore it is as if A did
not have to pay from his own pocket. This is fair
because after all, A’s share had been remitted.

This example is also a correct illustration of the rule

that a partial remission benefits ALL in that the
solidary debt is diminished so that if A had not been
able to pay, or had the creditor chosen to collect from
either B or C, he can demand not P3M but only P2M.

Observe that although from the said standpoint, all

had been benefitted, the individual shares of B and C
have NOT really been diminished.

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