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How film farming works

New Technology Makes Agriculture

Possible on Barren Land
The film absorbs water and
nutrients but blocks germs and
viruses (left). In the film farming
system (right), the nutrient
“Film Farming” Applies Cutting-Edge Japanese High-Polymer Expertise solution supplied through the
film from the lower drip tube
controls the nutritional value,
while the solution supplied
directly onto the film from the
Have you heard of “film farming”? This is a revolutionary Japanese technology that makes it possible upper tube controls the yield.

to grow crops in the desert, on concrete, in wetlands, on contaminated soil—virtually anywhere. Film
farming uses waterproof sheets to separate the crops being cultivated from the ground underneath.
This method has many advantages. Most notably, it prevents water and fertilizer from leaking, meaning
only the minimum amounts of them are necessary. It is already being used to grow tomatoes in places
around Japan and at overseas locations including Shanghai, Singapore, and Dubai. The technology for
this method, called Imec®, was developed by Mebiol, a small corporation based in Hiratsuka, Kanagawa
Prefecture, about an hour’s ride from Tokyo by train.
The special features of the new technology are to be found in the film, which is made of hydrogel, a
hydrophilic polymer gel used in disposable diapers and other products. The film’s design incorporates
nano-sized (one millionth of a millimeter) pores, which absorb water and nutrients but block germs
and viruses. This means only small amounts of agricultural chemicals are needed, ensuring the
crops are safe to eat. As the film holds on to water, it also makes the plants work harder to get it by
increasing osmotic pressure; the plants create more amino acids and sugar, and so they taste better and
have higher nutritional value.
Dr. Yuichi Mori, Mebiol’s chief executive officer, is a polymer physics researcher. After having spent
around 20 years researching such areas as catheters, artificial blood vessels, and membranes for dialysis
at major Japanese and U.S. chemical and medical equipment manufacturers, in 1995 he founded
Mebiol as a university-born start-up company. At that time, problems related to global warming—water
shortages, soil degradation, food crises—were already emerging. Seeing plants as the key to solving
these problems, he started researching resource- and energy-efficient ways of growing high-quality 1. Lettuce sends out a profusion of fine roots as it works to absorb water and
crops using membrane and hydrogel technologies developed in medical fields. After around 20 years of 1 nutrients from the film, so it is possible to turn the film over without it falling off.
2 & 3. A 1.6-hectare tomato-growing facility in Rikuzentakata, an area affected
trial and error, Dr. Mori and his colleagues succeeded in creating the film farming system. 3
by the Great East Japan Earthquake, has adopted film farming.
At first, it was a struggle to get farmers to accept the film, as they did not really believe it would be
possible to grow crops on it. But Dr. Mori has continued to steadily and enthusiastically promote the
usefulness of the new agricultural method, and now 150 farms around Japan have introduced it. The
method is also being used to promote the revival of farming areas along the Tohoku coast, which were
contaminated by such substances as oil, sludge, and salt as a result of the tsunami that followed the
Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Further, as there is no need to expend the considerable time and
effort required for learning how to cultivate the soil, it becomes much easier for young people with no
previous experience to start out in agriculture. This can contribute to resolving Japan’s problem of an
aging population of farmers and a shortage of people to take over existing farms.
So far Mebiol has applied for patents in 134 countries and has acquired them in 116, while 30
countries have already made inquiries about introducing the technology. Dr. Mori has big ambitions
and has set his sights on expanding worldwide. “Film farming makes it possible to transform barren
land into production bases for high-quality foods. I hope we can contribute to local economic
independence and social stability in such regions,” he says with enthusiasm.

4. Film farming has made tomato production possible even in the desert outside Dubai in the United
Mebiol Inc. official website Arab Emirates. With no water loss, it is an optimal agricultural method for desert regions, where water is
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expensive. 5. Mebiol’s Dr. Mori (right) is promoting the widespread adoption of film farming: “With this technology I’m aiming for ‘anybody, anywhere’ farming.”

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