SPE 124116 A Comprehensive Methodology To Avoid and Remediate Drilling Problems by Real Time PWD Data Interpretation

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SPE 124116

A Comprehensive Methodology to Avoid and Remediate Drilling Problems

by Real Time PWD Data Interpretation
R.A. Gandelman, A.L. Martins, SPE, G.T. Teixeira, and A.T.A. Waldmann, Petrobras; A.D. Mari, ESSS; and
M.S.C. Rezende and A.F.L. Aragão, SPE, Petrobras

Copyright 2009, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2009 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 4–7 October 2009.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper have not been
reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its
officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to
reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.

Drilling offshore oilwells is a very expensive and complex job, in which all efforts must be spent to keep the
annular pressure between a minimum (pore pressure) and a maximum pressure (frac pressure). A lot has been
invested in downhole sensors and data transmission systems but there is a common sense in the industry that very
little is available in real time data interpretation. The correct interpretation of PWD (Pressure While Drilling) data is
a very powerful tool to identify undesired phenomena. The anticipation and remediation of potential hole problems
is an ultimate goal of most real time measurement devices installed on drilling rigs. The accurate quantification of
the phenomena that impact bottom hole pressures is a must on anticipation operational problems. This paper
presents a comprehensive methodology to accurately quantify some of the most common phenomena that occur
during the drilling job. Transient modeling, pattern recognition and AI strategies were considered. The final goal is
the development of a real time computational tool to interpret the operational parameters, identify and remediate
problems, reducing risks, time and costs.
Examples of problems detection (such as cuttings excessive accumulation, kicks, wash outs, hydraulic
packers, instability related issues, etc) will be addressed. Besides, the impact of remedial actions on downhole
pressures and solids concentration profiles will be also detailed.

1. Introduction
The anticipation and remediation of potential hole problems is an ultimate goal of most real time
measurement devices installed on drilling rigs. Among the several sensors available, PWD (pressure while drilling)
measurements gained popularity due to its potential for problem diagnosis (Aragão et al, Teixeira et al,
Rommetveit et al, Green et al). The complete understanding of the physical phenomena governing downhole
pressure is, however, far from being spread among the drilling teams at rigsites. Figure 1 shows a typical PWD log.
These aspects motivated PETROBRAS to start the development of a computational tool to interpret PWD and
mudlogging real time data while drilling. The tool (called PWDaTM - Pressure While Drilling Analyzer) should identify
undesirable phenomena such as deficient hole cleaning, pressure increments due to gel breaking when circulation
is resumed, downhole pressure variations due to drillstring movement (surge and swab), undesirable formation
fluid influxes (kicks), etc and alert the operators. Nowadays, an expert monitors the operational parameters
(bottomhole pressure and other surface sensors data) and tries to identify and/or anticipate problems. Thus, the
identification of potential problems is a subjective process and can vary depending on the expert interpretation.
The proposal of this work is to provide a tool to help the operators to take important decisions rapidly in an
objective way, optimizing drilling job (reducing time and operational costs).
The tool should receive real time PWD (ECD, ESD, internal column pressure and temperature) and
mudlogging (pump pressure, rate of penetration, flow rate, drillstring rotation, torque, drag, bit and hole depth, etc)
data during drilling job and predict ECD (equivalent circulation density), pump pressure and solids concentration
(Gerhard et al). PWD data and real pump pressure are compared to the predicted parameters. Differences
between real and predicted ECD curves (along the time) as well between real and predicted pump pressure curves
indicate some unexpected phenomenon is happening. The different tendencies of real and predicted curves are
interpreted to identify potential problems. Once a problem is identified, the software proposes preventive and/or
corrective actions to be taken.
2 SPE 124116

Figure 1. Example of a typical PWD log. Pressure

2.Bottomhole Pressure Prediction

The global comprehension of the phenomena governing bottomhole pressure is a must for a correct PWD
data interpretation. Bottomhole annular pressure (PBH) is a sum of hydrostatic pressure (PH) and friction loss in the
annular space (∆Pa) as described in equation 1. Note that friction loss inside drillstring and bit contribute to
increase pump pressure, but not annular pressures.

PBH = Ph + ΔPa (1)

Among other topics, the presence of solids in the annulus plays a major role in bottomhole pressure
prediction by two different mechanisms:

1) Solids traveling in vertical portions of the annulus transmit hydrostatic pressure which directly impact
bottomhole pressure. This effect increases with water depths due to the drilled solids loading at the low velocity
annular flows through the riser (that has a bigger external diameter). A common approach for predicting the impact
of solids loading is to consider an average density of the fluid cuttings mixture (ρm), as follows:

ρ m = ρ f (1 − Cs ) + ρ sCs (2)

where Cs is the solids concentration (% v/v) and ρf and ρs are the fluid and cuttings density. The mixture
density will impact both the hydrostatic and the friction loss terms (especially in turbulent flow regime).

2) Solids forming a cuttings bed in a highly inclined or horizontal section may not transmit hydrostatic but
will restrict flow area, increasing friction loss.

Annular bottomhole pressure is usually expressed as an Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD), i.e. the
density of a fluid, which in static conditions (no circulating – no friction loss), would generate a hydrostatic pressure
equal to the dynamic pressure (hydrostatic + friction loss).

ρ mix .g.h + ΔPa

ECD= (3)
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Where, g is the gravity acceleration and h is the vertical depth. Equation 3 can also be written as follows:

ECD= ρ mix + (4)

ECD should be higher than fluid density due to solids presence and friction loss effects. The first step to
interpret operational data is the development of a transient model of solids transportation and friction loss
calculations. The implementation of this model allows the prediction of expected ECD and pump pressure and
compare them with their real values.

3.Methodology for PWD data analysis

The methodology consists in receiving surface and sub-surface sensors information and interpreting the
acquired data. Among the several operational parameters available the most important are:

• Bottom-hole annular pressure

• Bottom-hole annular temperature
• Pump pressure
• Flow rate
• Drillstring rotation
• Rate of Penetration (ROP)
• Torque
• Drag
• Hole depth
• Bit depth
• Weight on bit (WOB)

Based on ROP, flow rate and other additional parameters, concentration profile, dynamic bottomhole
pressure profile and pump pressure are estimated by the transient solids transportation model. The predicted ECD
(Equivalent Circulation Density) is obtained from the predicted annular bottom-hole pressure. Pump pressure, ECD
and average solids concentration predicted curves along the time are compared with the measured values.
Different behaviors between the curves can indicate the occurrence of a non expected phenomenon that must be
identified in order to take correct decisions (corrective or preventives actions).
An example of unexpected behavior is when the real pump pressure and ECD curves present a tendency
to increase while the predicted pump pressure and ECD are constant. There are many possible causes for this
behavior, such as: inefficient solids removal, annular obstruction, drilling fluid degradation, etc, but each one
presents other specific symptoms. For example, if the wellbore walls collapse, besides the increment of pump
pressure and ECD, there may be an increment in torque and drag values. On the other hand, a deficient solids
removal should cause an increment in ESD (Equivalent Static Density), which is the equivalent fluid density in
static conditions i.e., bottom hole hydrostatic pressure only (with the effect of solids loading in the annulus, but no
friction loss, since there is no circulation). The objective of the methodology development is to identify one unique
cause among the several possible by analyzing the other operational parameters (torque, drag, temperature, ESD
etc) which may present a different behavior depending on the cause. Sometimes, however, it is not possible to
distinguish one unique cause for an abnormal behavior. When it happens, a list of possible causes is presented
and, for each one listed, possible preventive and/or corrective actions to be performed. In this case Torque and
drag analysis helps in differentiating some situations.
Several routines to predict hole-cleaning and pressure curves and to interpret differences between
predicted and measured parameters were developed. Some of the routines developed are:

- Electronic Tools Internal Friction Loss Calibration: There are several electronic tools in drillstring
composition, such as PWD, LWD (Logging While Drilling), directional tools (that help to keep the well in the
desirable direction), turbines etc. These tools are placed usually above the bit and do not have a defined internal
diameter. On the other hand, most of the drillstring internal friction loss occurs inside these tools. So, the correct
estimation of electronic tools internal friction loss is a very important step to calculate the predicted pump pressure
accurately. This routine helps to estimate the internal friction losses in equipments and tools based on flow rate
test data. These tests consist in pumping the fluid with different flow rates and to acquire the real pump pressure.
Based on acquired data, the parameters of a function are adjusted to predict electronic tools friction loss with for
any flow rate.
4 SPE 124116

- Annular and drillstring friction losses calibration: Before the bit starts drilling (when there are still no solids
in the annular space) the predicted friction losses in the drillstring and in the annulus are adjusted to match the
measured friction losses. The calibration guarantees that future differences between predicted and measured
curves are due to non expected occurrences and not due to model uncertainty. This calibration is performed
considering ECD measured values for several flow rates. As mentioned above, ECD is composed by hydrostatic
and friction losses components. Once hydrostatic pressure is known (there is no solids in the annulus and the fluid
density is given), the annular friction loss component is determined. The friction loss prediction model is then
adjusted to predict annular friction loss equal to the measured values.

- Solids concentration and pressure profiles: drilled cuttings removal conditions are simulated, generating a
cuttings concentration profile along the well. As time passes and drilling conditions change (ROP, flow rate and
other operational parameters), the solids concentration profile also changes. After the solids concentration profile is
generated, the models (adjusted by the routines described above) predict bottomhole dynamic pressure
(hydrostatic + friction losses) profiles. From this routine, important predicted parameters are generated such as
bottom hole ECD, pump pressure and average solids concentration. These predicted parameters are compared
with measured values.

- Fluid displacement: During the drilling job, different fluids can be pumped into the well at the same time. If
the hole cleaning conditions are not adequate in a vertical well, for example, a certain volume of a viscous fluid
should be displaced to enhance solids removal. If the well is inclined or horizontal, a thin fluid should be displaced
(to increase turbulence and resuspend solids) followed of a viscous fluid (to carry the resuspended solids). This
routine allows the program to account for the impact of viscous and thin pills displacement on friction loss and
solids concentration profile.

- Surge & Swab pressures: Drillstring movement can cause bottom-hole pressure variations. When the
drillstring is tripped out, the pressure tends to decrease (swab effect). When drillstring is tripped in, annular bottom-
hole pressure tends to increase (surge effect). During the drilling job, the drillstring is tripped in and out several
times (for simple connections, bit exchange operations, electronic tools problems, etc). If it is moved with no care,
bottom-hole pressure variations can reach frac or pore pressure (Kimura et al). This routine predicts the increment
or reduction of the pressure due to drilltring movement.

- Gel breaking: One of the main functions of drilling fluids is to transport solids generated by the bit to the
surface. The gelation phenomenon is a very important characteristic of drilling fluids, once it helps to keep drilled
solids in suspension during pumps-off times. However, when the circulation is resumed, an extra energy must be
dispended to break the gel structure formed and pressure peaks are observed (Gandelman et al). Important
parameters governing gelation are temperature, pumps off time and start up flow rate. This routine calculates the
pressure increment due to gel breaking when circulation is resumed after a static period (for a connection, for
example). With the correct account of this effect, the pressure increment after pumps-off time will not be interpreted
as an abnormal behavior if it is really due to gel breaking phenomenon. If the bottomhole pressure increases more
than expected after a static period, some other phenomena may be happening.

Besides the described topics, a modulus for identifying non expected phenomena and predict potential
problems was developed. When the behaviors of a predicted curve and its correspondent real measurement are
different, the interpretation modulus can be used to determine the cause of the problem. The modulus warns the
user that a problem may be happening and suggests corrective and/or preventive actions to be taken.
Figure 2 is an example of how the behavior (tendency) of an acquired or calculated (predicted) curve is
identified. The figure shows the tendency (increasing, decreasing or constant) of the real bit depth curve (red line).
The green line is a step function curve which denotes the behavior of a given variable with time. When the curve
assumes the value 1, it means the value of the analyzed variable is increasing. The value -1 means that the
variable value is decreasing. The value 0 means that the variable value is constant within a noise tolerance.
SPE 124116 5

Figure 2. Behavior analysis of a real curve.

The methodology developed can be used in two different ways: acquiring real time data and interpreting
them while drilling or retro-analyzing PWD and mudlogging data of a drilled well in order to identify causes of
occurred problems.
In the actual stage, the methodology is able to identify several operational problems in vertical wells, such
as deficient hole cleaning, annular obstruction, bit jets obstruction, undesirable influxes among others. The next
steps include the development new methodologies for inclined and horizontal wells.

4.Validation of calculation and interpretation procedures

Some tests to validate the calculus and the interpretation procedures were performed with adequate
results. The tests involved real time data acquisition from a real drilling job, real time acquisition of simulated data
and retro-analysis.

4.1. Tests with Simulated Input Data

With simulated input data (ECD, flow rate, pump pressure, drillstring rotation and other operational
parameters) it was possible to evaluate the response of the calculated parameters when the drilling conditions job
change. For example, the simulated rate of penetration was increased from 5 m/h to 30 m/h, causing an immediate
response in predicted solids concentration and bottom-hole pressure. The solids concentration near the bit
immediately started to increase while the bottom-hole pressure increased slowly as the solids start to reach the
riser annulus, increasing hydrostatic pressure. Figure 3 shows the solids concentration curve (red line) near the bit.
Note that the lower portion of the annulus (just above the bit) presents the larger solids concentration since the
figure shows the situation just a few instants after the ROP was increased. As the time passes (if ROP remains
constant), the solids concentration tend to increase in the whole well.

Figure 3. Increment of solids concentration due to a higher rate of penetration.

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Figure 4 shows a small increase in predicted ECD (red line in the third track) after rate of penetration
(green line in the second track) is increased. Figures 3 and 4 also illustrate the intrinsic transient character of the
models developed and of the drilling operation.

Figure 4. Small increment of ECD due to a higher rate of penetration.

Other interesting result is the simulation of the displacement of viscous and thin pills. When a more viscous
fluid is introduced in a vertical well, the solids transportation condition is instantaneously enhanced, solids
concentration decreases and ECD increases due to the higher density of the new fluid and the higher friction loss.
On the other hand, when a thin pill is displaced, solids concentration increases (due to the poor solids transport
conditions) and ECD tends to increase due to the increase of solids concentration in the annulus. In this case,
ECD may also decrease if friction losses effect is more relevant than hydrostatics (typical of restrict annular
spaces). Figure 5 shows the effect of the displacement of a viscous pill. It is possible to see the thin fluid being
displaced by the viscous fluid and the reduced solids concentration in the annular region with the viscous pill. Note
the predicted ECD (red curve) increases due to the higher fluid density and friction losses. Other parameters
(ROP, flow rate, drilltring rotation, etc) were kept constant.

Figure 5. Effect of viscous pill displacement.

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Figure 6 shows the effect of the displacement of a thin fluid. Note the increment of solids concentration in
the regions with thin pill.

Figure 6. Effect of thin pill displacement.

4.2. Tests with Real Time Data Acquisition

Some tests were carried out at different rigsites in which real time data was acquired for a long period. A
continuous debugging and models/methodology improving process was carried on. After this period, the predicted
values were very close to measured values, showing the models of the methodology are able to predict them
properly. Figure 7 is a screen shot of the methodology analysis during a test. Note the real ECD (black curve in
track 3) and predicted ECD (red curve in track 3) are almost overlapped. The peaks observed in real ECD curve
are due to problems in the rigsite and sensors communication.

Figure 7. Real and predict ECD curves overlapped.

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5.Final remarks
A version for vertical wells of a methodology to interpret PWD and mudlogging data was developed, tested
and currently being implemented for use as a software at rigsites and decision support centers. The methodology
represents a step further in real time drilling data interpretation and will, in the future, play an important role in
knowledge retention.
The next steps are the development of a version for inclined and horizontal wells as well the incorporation
of torque and drag parameter analysis rules, rheological corrections due to temperature effects and oil based muds
thermal expansion prediction.


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