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Executive Summary

The main objective of this business plan is to provide investors

information which necessary to evaluate the scope of Inferno
Company in the market and the potential future growth in the global
market. The market trend analysis and research has shown that there
is great and sufficient room for business like Inferno Company to run.
Inferno Company will have an energetic, young, inventive, responsible
and progressive management style. The ethics and responsibilities
toward environmental protection of the management and employees
eventually stipulate and accelerate the growth and improvement of
Inferno Company.
Inferno Roof Tiles is an invented roof tiles made from waste plastics
and sand. This results in an eco-product which re-engineered waste
into a new functional product. The gap between building construction
and environmental friendly can be closer with the launching of Inferno
roof tiles as a new building material for Malaysian construction.
Inferno Company will work closely to the private construction sectors,
as well as the government sector for the implementation of the Inferno
roof tiles in their new and developing projects.
Inferno Company strives to compete with the current commercial roof
tile companies and manufacturers and become the major supplier of
green roof tiles in Malaysia followed by Asia and worldwide. This
ambitious target is set once the company noticed about the increasing
trend and demand in green building materials and tends in solving the
environmental issues which is increasing in an alarming rate.
The company is seeking for a moderate investment from investors with
the intention to launch and start-up the business to provide building
and constructions industry the best alternative and solution. Inferno
Company is expected to achieve profitability within a year.
1.0 Company Description
Inferno is a freshly established company which was formed to create a
supreme quality green roof tile manufacturing brand aimed at the
Malaysian market. The company was formed with an intention to have
strong focus on the development of green technology and materials as
well as the development of skills at the same time creating job
opportunities. With this aspiration, the company seeks to infiltrate the
Malaysian market with the blue ribbon recycled roof tile solutions
distributed through few platforms, notably E-Commerce, direct supply
in large quantities to construction companies (both private and
government) and retailed stores such as hardware stores.
There has been an increasing demand for roof tile in developing
countries like Malaysia. However, commercial roof tiles nowadays are
usually not environmental friendly and require greater energy to
produce or manufacture. This has prompted the materials engineers to
develop a greener roof tiles which can be manufacture or produce in a
lower consumption energy and eventually reduce the burden of
exploiting raw materials for production of roof tiles.
The product is named Inferno Tiles. It is made of a composite material
which comprises recycled HDPE plastics and sand. Plastics are the
major issues now and by using plastics as raw materials in the product
can reduce the environmental impacts. The embodied energy in
plastics allows the possibility of low energy consumption rate in
manufacturing and hence lower cost is required to produce a piece of
roof tile as compared to the commercial one which made from virgin
materials. However, the performance of the roof tiles has been
conforming and outstand the commercial ones.
Inferno Company strives to be the dominant provider of supreme green
roof tiles. With this intention, strict quality control program,
competitive pricing, timely response towards customers, after sale
services and lean manufacturing will be implemented.
The company not only strives to provide green roof tile but also other
green building materials in future. Green building materials can
provide a better and more environmental friendly construction. Eco-
house which is environmental friendly will be the vision of the
Team Description
Inferno is a partnership, owned and operated by five materials
engineers who had associated with the composite material projects
for years and with the extensive research conducted as well as
collaborations of the composite material projects ranging from
biodegradable food packaging to building and constructions. Two of
the materials engineers had experienced in invention of new materials
specifically for buildings and constructions. Another three materials
engineers had years of experiences in designing composite materials
for multipurpose applications in diverse industries.

2.0 Product
Our product, Inferno roof tile is a green and affordable building
construction material. Inferno roof tile are made from the combination
of HDPE plastics and sand with a ratio of 7 to 3 respectively. Our
company collects or buys the waste plastics from recycle centers and
categorizes all the recycled plastics according to their recycle grades.
After categorization, the HDPE plastic is heated to its melting point.
Then, sand is added into melted plastic and stirred by a mixer. The
mixture will become a paste-like compound and it is poured into a roof
tile mould to compress it to desired shape. Inferno plastic roof tile is
formed after cooled.

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Unit Selling Points (USP)
1. Recycling and re-engineering. Recycling is one of the effective ways
to reduce the amount of plastic to be landfilled. Plastic bags used in
this world per minute are 1,000,000 (Our Product, 2017). However,
plastic takes more than 600 years to decompose (Our Product, 2017).
Inferno roof tile utilizes the plastic wastes as one of the major
materials. This case the waste plastics are re-engineered into a new
functional product. Therefore, possibility of reduction in the waste
plastic being landfilled or burned is greatly increased and accelerated.

2. Environmental friendly. The manufacturing process of Inferno roof

tiles does not create waste because the process is reversible as the
excess from trimming will be collected and reuse in the melting
process. After all, the main ingredients for Inferno roof tiles are most
industrial and commercial wastes.

3. Long lifespan. The Inferno roof tile can last for at least 100 years
because both plastic and sand does not decompose easily and it may
have a lifespan of more than hundred years. This is a credit when this
material is used for refurbishing and the maintenance of the historical
buildings and important buildings which represent the culture and
identity of certain countries or communities.

4. Great performance in strength. Inferno roof tile is having superb

performance in strength than commercial clay roof tile. During
installation process, the Inferno tile will not easily break when impact
exerts from a height while the commercial clay roof tile breaks in no
time. The reason behind this outstanding performance is Inferno roof
tile has good impact absorption and good tensile strength compare to
commercial clay roof tile which is a brittle material. Inferno roof tile
can withstand the force more than human weight; this indicates that
worker can step on it without the fear of breaking the roof tiles during
5. Water, weather and flame resistance. Inferno tile is water
resistance because plastic is having low water absorption properties.
UV resistance of Inferno roof tiles are tested and proven to be
effective when exposed under a hot weather in certain country
especially those Asia country. The colours of Inferno tile will
maintained under hot sun. Inferno roof tile aids in prevention of the
flame spread out along the roof.

6. Soundproof. The noise can be reduced by Inferno tile during raining

day. The impact of rain drop is absorbed as compare to a metal roof

7. Light weight. The Inferno roof tile has an average weight which is
approximately 1.3 kg which is 70% lighter weight compared to
traditional roof tiles. The load applied by the roof tile to the framework
of the roofing system can be reduced, thus the roofing system
reinforcement during building construction can also be reduced.
During installation, the worker can install it easily. Besides that,
transportation cost can be saved as lighter weight of products
consumes less petrol during transportation.

8. Variety. Inferno roof tile can be moulded into many shapes such as
slate, roman, slate ridge and etc. It also comes in a wide range of
colour choices and customization of colour choice by customer is also
9. Low cost. The major materials used are waste plastics and sand.
The material cost and energy consumption is much lower than virgin
plastic. The maintenance and installation cost will be reduced
because not easy to break as compare to clay tile and long lifespan of
Inferno roof tile. The price of Inferno roof tile is RM 12 per square
3.0 Industry Analysis
Roof Tile Manufacturing
According to Department of Statistics Malaysia, the population in
Malaysia is estimated at 32 million in 2017 (Current Population
Estimates, Malaysia, 2016-2017, 2017). With the growing of population,
the number of households needed in the future will increase. The roof
tiles industry is expected to increase in the future. The house owner
will want to use the Inferno roof tiles which are cheaper and better
strength and properties to replace the commercial roof tiles.

3.1 PEST Analysis

Political Factors: Politics can be one of the risk factors to roof tile
industry. Recently Malaysia had been formed a new government, thus
they can change business rules that bring positively or negatively
impact to roof tile industry. Malaysia government had made
announcement to abolish Goods and Services Tax (GST) and
implement Sales and Service Tax (SST) start from 1 September 2018.
Under GST, everyone need to be charged on the tax including supplier,
manufacturer, whole seller and retailer (Sales and Service Tax (SST) in
Malaysia, 2018). The range of taxable become lesser under SST can
bring positively impact to Malaysian.

Economic Factors: Malaysia economic growth rate was increased from

4.2% to 5.9% in 2016 and 2017 (Malaysia Economic Outlook, 2018).
The data showed that Malaysia current economy is in growing stage.
More investments will come in to Malaysia to develop economic.
Government is encouraging people to develop or create their own

Social Factors: Entrepreneurial spirit has been encouraged and

promoted in Malaysia to own businesses. The strong competitiveness
atmosphere causes people hard to find job. Creativities and innovative
is what a company looking for. Inferno Company creates and design a
new production line and product in Malaysia to survive in roof tile

Technological Factors: Nowadays, new technologies and high

efficiency machines are sought by industry. The machines that use in
roof tile industry need to be designed for faster and higher speed and
also ensure the quality of product to be excellent at the same time.
The industry need to be performed efficiency and effective at the same
time. Old machines or second hand machines have lower performance
rate and speed compared to new machines.
3.2 Porter’s Five Forces
Competitive Rivalry: There are lots of roof tile manufacturers in
Malaysia and the market is considered quite competitive. Inferno
Company also created as roof tile manufacturer but have unique and
different with other competitors. Inferno Company is using HDPE to
produce an eco-friendly roof tile. The strength and properties of this
HDPE roof tiles is better than clay and cement roof tile. The
competitive rivalry is minimal because there is no manufacturer
produce this kind of roof tile in Malaysia. Hence, Inferno Company has
tremendous strength and profits in the market.

Supplier Power: The main raw material needed is the waste HDPE
plastics and sand. There are quite a lot of waste plastic supplier can
be found in Malaysia. Waste plastics or HDPE plastics have no much in
value and can buy it at cheaper price. Since there are many suppliers
can be found, comparison on prices between different suppliers can be
conducted and survey to get the most suitable supplier.

Buyer Power: The potential buyers of Inferno roof tile are the private
sector contractor and government sector contractor for residential
construction and non-residential construction in Malaysia. Large
amount of roof tiles are needed for one construction. The different
between Inferno and other competitors is Inferno provide roof tile with
better strength and lower price. This can help to reduce plastic waste
as the raw material used is waste HDPE plastics. Nowadays,
contractors and government are looking for beneficial and effective
ways to reduce pollution and waste. Launching of Inferno roof tiles can
accelerate this event.

Threat of Substitution: In roof tile industry, the requirements for roof

tile are strict where a building and construction material must be
safety and at the same time strength must be significant. It is not easy
to invent a new material to substitute the roof tile. Hence, the industry
will face lesser threat of substitution.
Threat of New Entry: This roof tile business requires changing
technologies to improve the process, huge capital investment is
necessary. Inferno Company faces threat from local and top roof tile
manufacturers which they may also will develop this kind of roof tile in
the future. To overcome this problem, partnerships and reputations are
mandatory for Inferno Company which can help to secure the business
in the market.
4.0 Market Analysis
In past few years, construction industry has a robust growth in
Malaysia due to expansion of economics and development sectors.
According to the Malaysia Country Report by Construction Industry
Development Board Malaysia (CIDB), the collected data showed that
the value of construction project awarded was recorded MYR 141.8
billion in 2015 increased to MYR 229 billion (Country Report Malaysia,
2017). In term of both value and number of project private sector have
occupy 77.8% (RM178.1 billion) and 74.3% (5,091 projects) versus
government sector at 22.2%(RM50.9 billion) and 25.7% (1,764 projects)
(Country Report Malaysia, 2017).
The tiles market has been greatly impacted by the growth in the
construction industry in Malaysia. Nowadays, the amount of existing
residential, commercial and government units increase continuously,
this trend leads the market of replacement demand for tiles increase
at the same time (Gupta, 2018). With growing of urbanization, the
number of households and buildings are predicted to increase and
cause the raising in the demand of tiles.
4.1 Market Segmentations
In regards to the distribution business, there are more than 2,000
construction related businesses annually in Malaysia. All these
businesses could be the potential customers of Inferno roof tiles.
Private and government sector contractor: Nowadays, people
concerns about the environmental pollution. By using Inferno roof tiles,
it can promote the event and activities on recycling of plastic. This
also can be a new and unique selling point of the construction project.
Local businesses: The hardware store and roof tiles suppliers can look
for new roof tiles to promote and sell to customers. This new design
can grab the attention and curiosity of customer to know more
information of this roof tile. The customers may buy the roof tiles for
self-replacement in household.
4.2 Product and Business Analysis
The primary competitive advantage and selling point of Inferno roof
tile is the unique and invention of roof tile which uses waste plastics
as ingredient. This invention is currently cannot be found in market. As
compare the Inferno roof tiles with commercial cement and clay roof
tile, there are some advantages over the other competitors. The
addition of plastic to the roof tiles gives the roof tiles considerable
durability and it is environmentally safe and does not emit harmful
substance. Besides, the Inferno roof tiles do not absorb moisture
easily, thus it can last for a longer time and easy to clean. Another
advantage is the price of Inferno roof tile which is cheaper than
commercial clay and cement roof tile as the material cost and
production cost are lower. According to a study in Science Magazine,
Malaysia is the eighth worst country worldwide for plastic waste and
Malaysia was estimated produced almost one million tonnes of
mismanaged plastic waste (Jenna R. Jambeck, 2015). As using waste
plastic as main material to make this tile, the mismanaged plastic
scenario can also be reduced.

4.3 Competitor Analysis

In current roof tile market in Malaysia, there are many roofing tiles
manufacturers, distributors and wholesalers that provide clay and
cement roof tiles on a regular basis. There are no manufacturers and
distributors produce this type of recycled plastic roof tile in Malaysia
like Inferno. Majority roof tile manufacturers are using clay or cement
as raw materials in production of roof tile. However, there are some
roof tile manufacturers in oversea had started the businesses of
recycled plastic roof tile:
• Resintile (EA) Ltd (South Africa): The primary objective of this
business is to reduce the contamination and pollution of the
environment and at the same time provide a product that is safe, light
and easy to install. This roof tiles are not only cheaper but also eco-
friendly to environment.
• Zhangjiagang Aicheng Machinery (China): China is the top country
worst country for plastic waste which have around 8.82 million tonnes
of mismanaged plastic waste (Jenna R. Jambeck, 2015). Thus, most of
the company started to develop and manufacture product by using
plastic waste. Zhangjiagang Aicheng Machinery has developed a
recycled plastic roofing tile extrusion line. The industry produces PVC
corrugated roof tile by extrusion.
Inferno Company creates a similar production line as the competitor to
produce the recycled plastic roof tile. The production cost and
material cost are lower because the production line and raw materials
are readily available in Malaysia and no import fees are needed.
Inferno roof tiles can supply to local market with lower price and may
export to other countries in the future.
5.0 Marketing Plan
As aforementioned, our main ingredients used to manufacture our
product are waste HDPE plastics and sand as compare with the
traditional roof tiles, which include clay or concrete, metal or plastic
roofing material, our raw material cost is lower. The machines used to
process Inferno roof tile are lesser and therefore lesser worker is
required. Thus, lots of time can be saved from there and a higher
production rate can be achieved. As referring on above points, Inferno
roof tiles can be launched in 15-21% lower price (which is 55% or
above of our manufacturing cost) than the traditional clay or concrete
roof tiles, thus able to earn a higher profit than traditional or
commercial roof tiles.
Our main company target group will be residential constructors
(including private and government sector). As for our product market,
there are some existing customer who joined in contractor
associations such as Master Builders Association Malaysia (CIDB) and
etc. From there, application of community marketing and outbound
marketing is possible to advertise Inferno Company to the potential
customers. By open up a list of prospects of the market of new
building material and been recognized and hopefully able to lead to
word of mouth marketing. Outbound marketing includes direct and E-
mail marketing to communicate with customer on their requirements
and enquiries on Inferno products. Furthermore, the marketing
strategy will be implied is affinity marketing to generates sales and
creates new customers, at the same time, build brand awareness or B-
to-B (business to business) marketing by supporting customers using a
better material selection of our product. This case can be done by
having partnerships with SP Setia, Eco-world, IOI properties and etc.
Moreover, online marketing will be done through social media to
advertise our product and target buyers who aimed at small quantity
for renovation purpose or acknowledge to retailers of Inferno products.
Through Facebook or YouTube channels, such as Tech Insider,
Science Channel and etc, to publish articles or contents to showcase
Inferno Company’s knowledge and expertise on the products,
meanwhile, educate potential customers and influence them without
direct selling. Besides that, search engine such as Google, can be
utilized by creating company website as this is one of the best way to
be recognized as a start-up company. Thus, from the website, cross-
media marketing is possible as provide information are provided
through multiple channels and to contact or cooperate with Inferno
Company or retail stores in no time.
Another marketing strategy will be implemented is Ambush marketing.
This is done by participating contractor Expo and Technology Expo,
which allows capitalization of Inferno products and leverage the brand
equity of others business. Besides that, PR marketing will be fully
utilized to build connection and trust between the customers as long-
term cooperation can be achieved.
Place (distribution)
As a new start-up manufacturing company, customer source is found
by own so our focus of customer will be private residential contractors
followed by government contractors and renovation companies.
Cooperation with retail owners is another strategic approach on
finding potential customers to distribute Inferno roof tiles. Then,
connection with a few green building or huge contractor company
operation shall be made, which needed bulk consumption and
construction amount to sell the product directly to them. Shipping
logistic is then a necessary to transport Inferno products to clients. At
current stage, East Malaysia is Inferno Company’s primary target. As
the company expands, west Malaysia and ASEAN then worldwide will
be the next targets.
Inferno roof tile is a composite comprises of plastics and sand. As
compared with the existence concrete in current market, Inferno
product is more feasibility to customize the shape upon customer
request since Inferno roof tiles does not limit to the traditional model
design. Besides that, most of the current building materials worldwide
used are concrete-based, i.e. clay or concrete tiles which are quite
brittle, Inferno roof tiles have great impact absorption which also
indicates that a safe transportation is guaranteed. Inferno roof tiles
are also readily available in a wide variation of colours. Furthermore,
corrosion like metal roof tiles is no longer a concern for Inferno roof
tiles. Therefore, Inferno products are not only able to achieved the
basic requirements but also earn some extra credits which current
market demands.

6.0 Financial Plan
Funding requirements
Based on the forecast made (refer to tables below), confidently
mentioned that investing to Inferno Company is a reliable investment
and sound business since profit will be made in a few-year-time. In
order to progress, an investment of about RM100000 is mandatory by
Aug 2018. The start-up fund will be useful in the procurement of
equipment and initial operating expenses.
Payback strategy
In the future years, this investment can be gained by a dividend of
excess profit. The profits earned by the sales revenue will generate a
lot of extra fund which can payback the investment and in addition
10% interest which is about RM10000 from the amount of investment
can be guaranteed.
Important Assumptions
The financial projections for Inferno Roof Tile are based on the
following assumptions. These assumptions are thought to be quite
conservative and accurate as well as the financial forecasts.

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