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F u r n i t u r e i s t h e h o u s e h o l d e q u i p m e n t d e s i g n e d fo r a

variety of purposes. It may be made of wood, metal,

p l a s t i c s , m a r b l e , g l a s s , f a b r i c s , a n d r e l a te d m a t e r i a l s . I t

r a n g e s f r o m t h e s i m p l e p i n e c h e s t o r c o u n t r y ch a i r t o t h e

e l a b o r a te m a r q u e t r y - w o r k c a b i n e t o r g i l d e d co n s o l e t a b l e .

I t i s u s u a l l y m o va b l e , t h o u g h i t ca n b e b u i l t - i n , a s a re

k i t c h e n c a b i n e t s a n d b o o k c a s e s . I t ca n e i t h e r r e v e a l o r

hide how it was constructed, and it can be highly stylized.

T h e d e s i g n a n d bu i l d i n g o f f u r n i t u r e i s r e l a t e d to b o t h

architecture and interior design. Throughout history the

functional and decorative aspects of furniture have been

i n f l u e n c e d b y e c o no m i c s a n d   f a s h io n .

It is the mass noun for the movable objects ('mobile'

i n La t i n l a n g u a g e s ) i n t e n d e d t o s u p p o r t v a r i o u s h um a n
a c t i v i t i e s s u c h a s se a t i n g a n d s l e e p i n g i n b e d s , t o h o l d

o b j e c t s a t a c o n v e n i e n t h e i g h t fo r w o r k u s i n g h o r i z o n t a l

surfaces above the ground, or to store things. Storage

f u r n i t u r e s u c h a s a   n i g h t s t a n d o f t e n m a k e s u se o f d o o r s ,

d r a w e r s , s h e l v e s a n d l o c k s t o co n t a i n , o r g a n i z e o r s e cu r e

smaller objects such as clothes, to o l s , bo o k s , and

h o u se h o l d g o o d s .

I t c a n b e a p r o d u c t o f d e s i g n a n d i s co n s i d e r e d a

form of decorative art. In addition to furniture's

functional role, it can se r v e a s ym b o l i c or religious

p u r p o se . Domestic furniture works to c r e a te , in

conjunction with furnishings such a s   c l o ck s   a n d   l i g h t i n g ,

c o m fo r t a b l e a n d c o n v e n i e n t i n t e r i o r s p a ce s . F u r n i t u r e c a n

be made from many materials, including metal, plastic, and

wood. Furniture can be made using a variety

of woodworking joints which often reflect the local


A dream that emphasizes furniture ca n refer to

a t t i t u d e s f r o m th e p a s t , p a r t i c u l a r l y i f t h e p ie c e o f

f u r n i t u r e i s a f a m i l i a r i te m f r o m o n e ' s c h i l d h o o d . C a n a l s o

represent current attitudes and be l i e f s . Self-image.

A n o t h e r p o s s i b i l i t y i s t h e f a m i l i a r e x p r e s s i o n a bo u t h a v i n g
b e e n a r o u n d s o lo n g t h a t o n e h a s b e co m e " p a r t o f th e


Furniture includes objects such as tables, chairs,

b e d s , d e s k s , d r e s s e r s , cu p b o a r d s , e t c . u s u a l l y k e p t i n a

h o u se o r o t h e r b u i l d i n g t o m a k e i t s u i t a b l e o r co m f o r t a b l e

f o r l i v i n g o r w o rk i n g i n .


a. Bookcase
b. Cabinet
c. Chest
d. Credenza
e. Cupboard
f. Curio
g. Dresser
h. Hutch
i. Nightstand
j. Sideboard
k. Wardrobe


a. Bean bag
b. Bench
c. Chair
d. Chaise longue
e. Couch
f . F a u te u i l
g. Foot stool
h . L o v e se a t
i. Ottoman
j. Recliner
k. Settee
l. Sofa (couch)
m. Stool
n. Tuffet
o. Watchman’s Chair
a. Coffee Table
b. Desk
c. End Table
d. Folding Table
e. Gateleg Table
f. Table
a. Bedroom Sets
b. Dinette (group)
c. Dining set (group)
d. Vanity set


a. Bed
b. Headboard


a. Gramophone
b. Piano
c. Hi fi
d. Radiogram
e . T e l e v i s i o n se t
f. Wireless set
Wood Wood is the most important material
and is traditionally used for making

Furniture furniture. It is a soft material and so

can be easily worked with. The finish
obtained is very good and polishing it
once in two to three years can keep it
like new at all times. It can be carved
easily and beautiful objects can be
created. Carved furniture can give a
royal look. Cost of wooden furniture
depends on the type of wood used and
the decorative work involved.
Furniture made of certain type of
wood like oak, teak and rosewood are
very durable and so, are costly.
Wooden furniture is best suited to
homes as these provide elegance and
Bamboo Bamboo furniture is a low cost,
lightweight and environmentally friendly

Furniture type of furniture. Often confused with

rattan, bamboo is not a vine or a palm
but actually a grass.

Bamboo when properly finished

produces a beautiful natural wood-like
tone and is an excellent material for
making many types of furniture like
bamboo chests, dressers, dining tables,
chairs, small tables, sofas, etc.

Bamboo can be finished in varying tones

ranging from green/yellow all the way
to a deep, rich brown color. Finished
properly, bamboo furniture is just as
strong as wood furniture.
Wicker Rattan is among the oldest natural

or Rattan furniture material in use today. Unlike

bamboo, which is hollow, rattan is a
solid timber vine that grows in the
jungles of Indonesia.

Wicker furniture and rattan furniture

can be used indoors and outdoors. This
versatile and durable furniture brings
an island feel to any room of the home.
Wicker looks great in a living room,
family room, or patio. Wicker refers to
any product made with woven vines or
M e ta l Metal materials such as iron, aluminum or
stainless are growing rapidly as the raw

Furniture material of modern and contemporary

furniture. Iron needs to be painted or
coated to avoid rust. That is why, the
aluminum and stainless are more widely

Metal is very strong and durable. The metal

material is usually combined with other
furniture materials such as plastics and
wood. Its slim shape makes the room feel
spacious. The metal material is suitable for
interior or exterior use.
Plastic Furniture made from plastic is printed in
large quantities. Indeed, in the past, the

Furniture plastic chairs were used only in food shops

or meeting places because their storage can
be stacked, so you do not need to be
confused about space. But, with the
advancement of current technology and
design, nowadays, plastic furniture is the
right choice for modern interiors. Its use is
often combined with stainless or aluminum
Glass Using glass furniture has become a fashion
these days in offices and homes. Most of
the offices now a day prefer using glass
furniture, as it gives them a sophisticated
look, and make an office look refreshing and

Glass furniture is easier to maintain, unless

you don’t break it. There are no chances
that glass furniture would ever come in
contact with termites, which is very common
with wooden or cane furniture.
Abaca is made from black banana tree,

it is only found in Philipine, it is from

banana tree layer, in Indonesia called

pelepah. The pelepah is remove from

the tree, especially the outer layer.

Then it is dried into the sun, and after

is completely dry, the material is ready

to twist. The characteristics of abaca

are it is stronger because it is twist,

and also the color of abaca is very

beautiful, so you no need to finish it

with other color

Banana Natrual is same as Abaca, but

it is easy to find in Indonesia, as it is

made from Indonesia. The colour of

Pelepah is bleach by H2O2, so the

black color is gone. And also it is use

the inner layer of banana tree, so the

black color is inside the twist. It is

strong, and have a big twist. This is

suitable for big living set, such as

Dhaka Living set. This material can be

color with other color that you like as

the color is white or beige.

Kooboo grey is rattan skin which is

soaked in the mud for couple of days

to get the grey color in the surface.

This grey color that has become the

kooboo grey is unique because no other

color has to be used as the color is

already beautiful and also natural,

maybe you only put the glossy or top

coat to protect the skin. The kooboo

gray size about 3-5 mm, it is like your

rattan skin material but with brand

new color.
Brankas water hyacinth is made from

water hyacinth. Water hyacinth is a

vegetation that live in the lake or river

or water lilies. The bole of water

hyacinth is used, then it is cut from

the leaf and also the flower. After

that it is dried into the sun until the

color is light brown or yellow. This

material characteristic is very fragile

and have to treat very smooth from

the beginning until you have it into

your home because its still same from

the first stage, and no twisting or

Flat water hyacinth material same as

brankas water hyacinth, the

difference is from the step after it is

dried, it is braided to make the

material stronger and beautiful. It is

very good for living set and dining set.

The perfect color is dark brown color

with black wash or brown wash.

Rattan Peel Natural is same as Croco,

the difference is the skin is already

bleach so the color is lighter looking

and light yellow. It is cut smaller, so it

can be use for small furnitures like

dining chairs without arm. And you can

choose any color for this material.

Seagrass is made from wild weed,

sometime we can find it in savanna. As

other material, we gave to dried it

first, but even that the color is same,

the light beautiful green. This is very

strong material, you can use it for any

furnitures and also any color. The

natural color will be green and very

popular for dining chair.


Hardwood is taken from deciduous trees including oak, ash,
cherry maple and many more. The deciduous trees have broad
leaves, produce a fruit or nut and generally go dormant in the
winter. They grow well in temperate climates.   Certain
hardwood species are not hard enough to withstand heavy
wear and tear and thus, are not recommended for flooring.

This variety of hardwood is finely grained and has a reddish

brown color. Being highly durable, mahogany resists swelling,
shrinking and warping. It is extensively used for quality
furniture such as cabinets, boat construction, wood facings
and veneers.

Walnut is a very strong and finely textured hardwood. The

timber resists shrinking and warping and is very easy to work
with. It is used for making gunstocks, solid and veneered
furniture, novelties, cabinetry and wall paneling.

An exclusive variety of hardwood, Oak possesses good

bending qualities in addition to its durability. It finishes well
and resists moisture absorption. The hardwood is good for
furniture, trimming, boat framing, desks and flooring.

Maple is a finely textured wood variety with immense

strength and hardness. With moderate shrinkage, this timber
machines well and is best used in flooring, fine furniture and
woodenware such as bowling alleys.

Being close-grained, this type of hardwood resists warping

and shrinking. The wood has a distinct feature of reddening
when exposed to sunlight. It ages well and is extensively used
in cabinet making, boat trim, novelties and solid furniture

Rosewood is very hard wood variety with a dark reddish

brown color. This type of wood possesses exclusive fragrance
and is close grained. It is hard to work and takes high polish.
It is good for use in making musical instruments, piano cases,
tool handles, art projects, veneers and furniture.

Teak is a hard and moisture-resistant wood variety. It

resists warping, cracking and decay and is best used for fine
furniture, paneling, shipbuilding, doors, window framing,
flooring and general construction.

Shesham is a rich medium brown wood with deep grains. It is

a part of the rosewood family. The wood variety is highly is
durable, easily carved and is exclusively used for making
furniture, almirahs and cabinets.

Softwood is a general term used for needle-leaved coniferous

tree species and for the wood produced from such trees.
Coniferous trees are evergreen cone-bearing trees. They
include cedar, fir, hemlock, pine, redwood and spruce. They
are often used as structural timber with limited decorative

Pine possesses a uniform texture and is very easy to work

with. It finishes well and resists shrinkage, swelling and
warping. The wood variety is widely used in house
construction, paneling, furniture, molding and for making

This wood variety is lightweight and machines well. Being

nonresinous, it is uniformly textured and has low resistance
to decay. It is used for construction timber, planks, doors,
boards, paneling, sub flooring and crates.

Fir is a wood variety with uniform texture and low resistance

to decay. It is nonresinous, works easy and finishes well. Fir
is food for use in furniture, doors, frames, windows, plywood,
veneer, general millwork and interior trim.

Being light in weight, Redwood is durable and easy to work

with. It has a natural resistance to decay and is good for
making outdoor furniture, fencing, house siding, interior
finishing, veneering and paneling.
Spruce is a strong wood variety that finishes well and has low
resistance to decay. It possesses moderate shrinkage and is
light in weight. Thus, good for use in making for masts and
spars for ships, aircraft, crates, boxes, general millwork and


Wood effect : Furniture made from man made material that looks like real wood.

Wood veneered : Refers to the solid wood layers applied as a finish to furniture

made from a variety of base materials.

Solid Wood: Furniture made from 100% solid wood or a combination of solid wood

with wood veneer.

Wood is a natural material so expect to see variations in the grain & colour. Wood

finishes are affected by light & may darken or lighten over time. This ‘aged’

appearance can be reduced by keeping the furniture out of direct sunlight.  Some

wood ranges have special finishes which require extra care. Oiled furniture for

example may become dry over time & will need re-oiling to protect it.
Carved This bed is decorated with

Furniture carved floral and geometrical

motifs based on native plant
life. During the late nineteenth
century, Cincinnati was a leader in
the art-carved furniture

Carved living room furniture can

give a royal look to your living

Sculpture This sofa is dominated by a

tendency towards sculptural
While, with objects such as
these, functionality, i.e., usability
and comfort often play second
fiddle to aesthetics,
But this sofa meets both criteria
in exemplary manner
Lathe Lathe work includes spindle

Work - turning and deep vessel turning,

carving, chip carving, high relief,
shallow relief, inlay intarsia work,
and furniture joinery.
The lathe work is no longer used
just as an aesthetic provider, but
it works more as a functionality
provider, and that itself
generates its own aesthetic.

Veneer This is a Rosewood veneer work

Work table with sliding needlework bag.

Veneer means a thin layer of

wood glued down to other wooden

Veneer furniture can be an

attractive alternative to solid
wood furniture because it is,
more often than not, cheaper
than solid wood furniture, and
looks at a glance like the real
thing (depending on the quality of
the piece)

Wood This is a square pine and cactus

Inlay coffee table with its solid wood

inlay top. Perfect for a living
room or family room, the rustic
Southwestern style looks great
with leather and many other
casual furniture designs. The top
looks fabulous alone and is the
perfect spot for large art books
or clutter of a busy household.
Bone inlay furniture is so exotic
Bone Inlay
looking and one cannot deny the
Work craftsmanship that is involved. If
the idea of actual bone bothers
you, a very similar look and same
technique of craft is furniture with
mother-of-pearl inlay instead.

Precious This is a table top made

stones of Indian Marble with blue

and orange inlay work

This marble inlay table tops is

handmade and contains marble
slab inlaid with semi precious
stones like malachite, mother of
pearl, lapis lazuli, agnate, Italian
stones, jasperetc.

Sometimes, in some designs a

single petal of a flower may have
as many as 200 semi precious
stones inlaid.
Moulding Crown moulding gives depth and

Work- beauty to the top.

Crown It provides a beautiful finishing

Moulding touch to fine casework such as a
chest-of-drawers, bookcase, or a
secretary desk.

It is simply a combination of
basic profiles, such as coves,
beads, and ogees, joined to
create a dramatic effect.

Moulding Rope twist is used on furniture

Work- around the seat area of chairs,

center areas of hutches and some
Rope Twist Craftsmen use it for a decorative
edge around cabinet doors. Often
rope moulding is stained a
different color to offset the
effect the craftsmen was looking

Stone This stone furniture has shown

Work that the simplicity of a carved

stone can also find beautiful
feelings that accompany
the decoration of our homes.

In a time now, the stone is again

being valued for its aesthetic
appearance once worked.
Smooth The smooth-tube pvc furniture is

Tube PVC a low-cost alternative, important

to a lot of body corporates, and
with proper maintenance, will
outlast any aluminium settings
with ease.
This “Daydream” furniture is
strengthened in the side rails and
legs for commercial use, and we
supply it with a double layer of
mesh for extra strength and
reduced sagging.

Casualine Casualine PVC furniture is made in

P VC America and manufactured from

the highest Furniture grade PVC
available. It is sent directly from
the factory and assembled in the

Brass This is a brass fitted

Fitted cart bookshelf. It is
Furniture different from other
bookshelfs and gives
rich look. Fitting brass
to an old furniture is
like adding modern touch
to an old furniture but
still giving a royal look.

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