Healthy Heart Aid 1

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Health Heart AID

Program Overview
BHSW 3500- Digital Innovation in Workplace Health and Wellness
By Pham Bao Ngoc Vuong - N01238584
1. Who is Healthy Heart AID?
2. Healthy Heart AID services
a. Heart News
b. Health and Wellness Challenges
c. HealthMate Forum
3. How do we engage the users?
4. Behavior Change Techniques

Who is Healthy Heart AID?
Join the Fight,
Treat your Heart Right
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) (2018),

Cardiovascular Disease is a leading cause of death in First

Responders including paramedics, members of the military,

firefighter and law enforcement officers. Their risk of sudden

cardiac stressful duties compared with non-emergency

duties is 34-69 times higher due to atherogenic dyslipidemia
or excess dietary intake and unhealthy lifestyle habits (Varvarigou,
Fariolo, Korre, Sato, Dahabreh, Kales, 2014).

Healthy Heart AID

Healthy Heart AID
A Digital Health and Wellness Program implementing on a website platform
which can be accessed with any device (smartphone, tablets, computer, etc.)
The program target audience is First Responders who are struggling with
coronary heart disease, respiratory disease, obesity and those who are
trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle

● Mission: To build a strong, authentic and resilient First Responders

with healthy hearts.
● Focus: To further the prevention and reversal of cardiovascular
disease as well as the other chronic diseases

Healthy Heart AID

Healthy Heart AID Initiatives
Healthy Heart program is a combination of Heart News and Nutrition & Fitness
Challenges developed and recommended by our registered dietitians and certified
fitness trainers.

The program’s objectives are to:

1. Disseminate knowledge about cardiovascular disease

2. Advocate a healthy diet and regular physical activity among First Responders
3. Create a forum where the users can learn and share their concerns on many
health and wellness topics

Healthy Heart AID

Healthy Heart AID Services
Heart News (Knowledge Initiative)
A healthy heart is central to overall good health. The
more you know about your heart the more power you
have to stay healthy.
Healthy Heart AID provides information on heart
disease through different electronic media assets:
● Infographic
● Blogs
● Videos

Healthy Heart AID

Health and Wellness Challenges
(Nutrition and Fitness Initiatives)
The Healthy Heart AID encourages you to make one or two
small changes at a time and get used to them before moving
to another one
● Active Living Challenges
○ Ex: Stair Climbing in 2 weeks, 30-day plank
challenge, Walking Challenge, etc.
● Nutrition Challenge
○ Ex: Eat fruits and nuts for a snack in 1 week, Eat
fiber-filled breakfast in 1 week, Eat 3
whole-grain foods in 1 week, etc.

Healthy Heart AID

HealthMate Forum (Social Interaction)
A friendly digital environment where you can anonymously discuss
health related topics and get support from millions of other HHA users

Healthy Heart AID

How do we engage the users?

Behavioral Change Techniques

Transtheoretical Model – Stages of Change

To identify the individual’s position in the change process

(Prochaska, DiClemente, 1982, 1986)

● In the signing up process, the user is required to put in

information such as age, weight, height, resting heart rate,
and body fat percentage. Then, the users will complete a
short survey to assess their activity level, eating habits,
sleeping, smoking.
● The information will be systemized and show the user their
lifestyle score and their position on the stages of change

COM-B Model
To corporate capability, motivation, opportunity to enhance
behavior change process and keep it moving forward (Miche, Atkins,
West, 2014).

● Capability: Challenges are ranging from easy to hard levels

● Motivation: Quotes, LeaderBoard, Rewards and Offers
● Opportunity: Achieve a healthy lifestyle with a healthy heart

Nudge Theory
A nudge helps people make better choices for themselves
without restricting their freedom of choice. It accomplishes
this by making it easier for people to make a certain decision.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (1994-2004). Fatalities among
volunteer and career firefighters. US. MMWR Morb Mortal Weekly Rep 2006;

Kales SN, Soteriades ES, Christophi CA, Christiani DC. (2007). Emergency duties
and deaths from heart disease among firefighters in the United States. N Engl J
Med. 2007;356(12):1207- 1215.

Prochaska, J., Diclemente, C. (1982). Transtheoretical therapy. Toward A More

Integrative Model of Change. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice. 19.
276-288. 10.1037/h0088437.

Superko HR, Momary KM, Pendyala LK, et al. Firefighters, heart disease, and
aspects of insulin resistance. The FEMA firefighter heart disease prevention study.
J Occup Environ Med 2011; 53:758–7641.

Varvarigou V, Farioli A, Korre M, Sato S, Dahabreh IJ, Kales SN. Law

enforcement duties and sudden cardiac death among police officers in United
States: case distribution study. BMJ 2014; 349:g6534.


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