Achieve Your Goal Achieve This Goal: TH TH

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Activity 8: Theory of Trying

Student Number:
Tutorial day and time:
Think about a goal you want to achieve and what you need to do to attain it. Chapter 7 discusses the theory
of trying in relation to weight loss, but I would like you to pick another behaviour, like doing more of
something you feel you should do (studing for a final, eating healthier, saving money, playing better sport).

The constructs from the Theory of Trying (11th Ed see page 339; 10th Ed see page 288) are listed in the
Table below. The question for each construct is designed to help you understand the meaning and
think about the factors that impact your goal acheivement. First, decide on a goal and write it at the
top of the table. Then, answer each of the questions in relation to that goal (scale is -3 … -2 … -1 … 0
… 1 … 2 … 3) and briefly explain your answers.

Write your goal here ________________

Act of trying (A week later) Answer ____
Did you try to achieve your Brief Expanation:
goal last week? (Y/N)
Intentions to try Answer ____
I intend to try to achieve this Brief Expanation:
goal next week? (-3 unlikely
to +3 likely)
Frequency of past trying Answer ____
Have you tied to achieve this Brief Expanation:
goal so far this year? (-3 not
at all to +3 all the time)
Recency of past trying Answer ____
Did you try to achieve this Brief Expanation:
goal last week? (yes/no)
Attitude towards trying Answer ____
My trying to (goal) during Brief Expanation:
the next week would make
me feel (-3 bad to +3 good)

Social norms toward trying Answer ____

Most people who are Brief Expanation:
important to me think that I
should try to achieve this
goal during the next week. (-
3 unlikely to +3 likely)
Attitudes toward success Answer ____
My trying and succeding to Explanation should include beliefs about consequences of
achieve this goal would make success.
me feel (-3 bad to +3 good)
Expectations of success Answer ____
Assuming you try to (goal), Brief Expanation:
how likely is it you will
actually achieve this goal? (-
3 unlikely to +3 likely)
Attitudes toward failure Answer ____
My trying, but failing to Explanation should include beliefs about consequences of
achieve this goal would make failure.
me feel (-3 bad to +3 good)

Expectations of failure Answer ____

Assuming you try to achieve Brief Expanation:
this goal, how likely is it you
will fail to achieve this goal?
(-3 unlikely to +3 likely)
Attitude toward process of Answer ____
trying Explanation should include beliefs about consequences of
My trying to achieve this the process of trying.
goal during the next week,
regardless of whether or not I
acurally succeed at the goal,
would make me feel (-3 bad
to +3 good)

Using the Theory of Trying, break down the process of trying to think strategically about how to succeed.

What do you need to do to best enhance your change of success?

What are the most important impediments you face?

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