r5100105 Applied Mechanics

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Code :R5100105 R5

B.Tech I Year (R05) Supplementary Examinations, December 2010

(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Define free body diagram, Transmissibility of a force and resultant of a force.
(b) Two identical rollers, each of weight 100 N, are supported by an inclined plane and a vertical
wall as shown in Figure1. Assuming smooth surfaces, find the reactions induced at the points of
support A, B and C.

Figure 1:

2. (a) Explain the types of friction with examples.

(b) Two equal bodies A and B of weight ‘W’ each are placed on a rough inclined plane. The bodies
are connected by a light string. If µA = 1/2 and µB = 1/3, show that the bodies will be both on
the point of motion when the plane is inclined at tan−1 (5/12).
3. A laminated belt 9 mm thick and 125 mm broad drives a pulley of 1.2 m diameter at 180 r.p.m the
angle of lap being 1900 . The weight of the belt material is 1.16kg/m3 , the friction coefficient between
the belt and the pulley is 0.3. If the stress in the belt is not to exceed 1.75N/mm2
(a) The power transmitted, neglecting the centrifugal tension effect,
(b) The power transmitted considering the centrifugal tension.
4. (a) Explain the terms:
i. Moment of inertia
ii. Polar moment of inertia
iii. Product of inertia.
(b) Locate the centroid of the shaded area as shown in the Figure2.

Figure 2:

5. (a) Define mass moment of inertia and explain Transfer formula for mass moment of inertia.
(b) Derive the expression for the moment of inertia of a homogeneous sphere of radius ‘r’ and mass
density ‘w’ with reference to its diameter.
6. (a) A baloon is ascending with a velocity of 20m/s above a lake. A stone is dropped to fall from the
balloon and the sound of the splash is heard 6 seconds later. Find the height of the balloon when
the stone was dropped. Velocity of sound is 340 m/s.
(b) The acceleration of a particle in rectilinear motion is defined by the relation a = 25 − 4s2 where
‘a’ is expressed in m/sec2 and ‘s’ is position coordinate in metres. The particle starts with no
initial velocity at the position s = 0. Determine
i. the velocity when s = 3metres
ii. the position where the velocity is again zero
iii. the position where the velocity is maximum.
7. (a) A homogeneous sphere of radius of a=100 mm and weight W=100 N can rotate freely about a
diameter. If it starts from rest and gains, with constant angular acceleration, an angular speed
n=180rpm, in 12 revolutions, find the acting moment. .
(b) A block starts from rest from‘A’. If the coefficient of friction between all surfaces of contact is
0.3, find the distance at which the block stop on the horizontal plane. Assume the magnitude of
velocity at the end of slope is same as that at the beginning of the horizontal plane.
As shown in the Figure3.

Figure 3:

8. A weight of 10N attached to a spring oscillates at a frequency of 60 oscillations per minute. If the
maximum amplitude is 30mm, find the tension induced in the spring. Also find the spring constant
and the maximum velocity in the spring.


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