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Apr 2020 Page resized

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McIntosh County Democrat

Distance Learning plan announced

Checotah Middle School Principal “We realize that we will also have stu-
Jason Donathan has announced a Dis- dents with limited access or no access
tance Learning plan that will comply to the Internet,” he said. “In response to
with recent mandates by the State Board this each teacher is developing a ‘packet’
of Education. to deliver instruction to those students.
“We will use multi avenues to deliver “We are doing our best to try and
instruction to our students,” Donathan make these packets as close to our vir-
said. “We will provide instruction in tual students as possible.”
English, Reading, Math, Social Stud- If students have questions they can
ies, FCCLA, Spanish and Computers call the school and their question will
(IXL).” be sent to the appropriate person. Pack-
Teachers will use Google Classroom, ets can be picked up at Checotah Mid-
YouTube, IXL, Zoom, Alpha Plus, Study dle School by appointment. If there is
Island and OAS-Aligned Virtual Educa- a reason the packet can’t be picked up
tion. Students should also be checking please notify the school for other ar-
their school email, Donathan said. rangements.

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