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Bus services operational Report

This report is to asses, articulate and offer suggestions on

improving operations.
The report addresses the Head of city police and public transport department
head, and finally Windhoek city council via the CEO`s office.
This report is compiled by the Windhoek city police officers attached to Bus services via
special operations section head compiled on the 16th July 2019.

This report is written as a result of continua’s re-occurrence of observed

operational shortcomings. And to address the question; what are the best
solutions to be implemented in order to impede such re-occurring
This information was arrived at during daily reports as members perform their
day to day duties and keeping records of challenges faced on duty as well as
questions raised in staff meetings. The main findings were thus, that the issues
hampering operations are repetitive and always the same most of the time.
The significance of such findings is that these related issues influence each
other so much that one incident is always the result of another e.g. early
dispatch of buses equals late police officers at check points etc.

Challenges encountered:
1. The first point to be successful in these operations the team
members are requesting from the management, the urgent need
for equipment especially radios. This is necessary to have real
time communication between city police officers and transport
inspectors, as the use of cellphones currently used pose a lot of
delays. For instance, none-reply or late replies.

2. The other pressing issue that need urgent and full attention is the
creation of municipal regulations, to regulate drivers’ duties and
terms of employment. As of now police officers find it difficult to
charge and arrest for prosecutions when suspected offences
occur. Having arrested drivers on several occasions, we loose
cases as lawyers would ask under which regulation was the arrest
made and in the absence of such regulation’s cases are dismissed.

3. Regular excuses by certain drivers who reason that their machines

switched off thus, trips are un-accounted for or wrong tally`s are
obtained. In the same vein this creates disagreements between
officers and drivers, in instances where officers request a driver to
add the difference obtained by physical count and the machine
total. Therefore, refusal to add by drivers is blamed on machine

4. Cash customers on board do not match with cash registered

customers on the machine-example a total physical count of 87
passengers registers only 7 cash customers, and 80 on the
machine. Contrary, upon enquiries from customers on board as to
“who paid cash?”, almost half of the passenger’s lift-up their

5. There are some lines that have no check points, due to lack of
police manpower like line 11, 4 and 6. We suggest these lines not
be allocated to known problematic/dishonest drivers.

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