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Allen Press

Weed Science Society of America

Wild Carrot Seeds: Germination and Dormancy

Author(s): H. M. Dale and P. J. Harrison
Source: Weeds, Vol. 14, No. 3 (Jul., 1966), pp. 201-204
Published by: Weed Science Society of America and Allen Press
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Accessed: 22-10-2015 23:34 UTC

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responded to diazotization and coupling with a pink 6. . 1966. Fate of the amide and methyl ester of amiben
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color. Thus it appeared that soybean roots reduced 7. CRAFTS, A. S. and S. YAMAGUTCHI.1964. The autoradiography
aromatic nitro groups to aromatic amino groups. of plant materials. California Agr. Expt. Sta. Manual 35.
143 p.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 8. CROSBY, D. G. 1964. Metabolites of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic
acid (2,4-D) in bean plants. J. Agr. and Food Chem. 12:3-6.
This research was supported in part by the supply of 9. CURTIs, D. F. and D. G. CLARK. 1950. An introduction to plant
amiben and derivatives as well as a grant from Amchem physiology. p. 385. McGraw-Hill, New York.
10. FANG, S. C. 1958. Translocation and metabolism of 2,4-D-1-
Products, Incorporated, Ambler, Pennsylvania. C"4in pea and tomato plants. Weeds 6:178-186.
11. HAIJGAARD, G. and L. TUMERMAN. 1956. Reaction of al(loses
with amino compounds. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 65:86-92.
1. ANDREAE, W. A. and N. E. GOOD. 1957. Studies on 3-indole- 12. SUTHERLAND, M. L. 1961. Amiben-C'4 preemergent tracer study
acetic acid metabolism. IV. Conjugation with aspartic acid in soybeans. Technical report. Amchem Products, Inc.,
and ammonia as processes in the metabolism of carboxylic Ambler, Pa. 22 p.
acids. Plant Physiol. 32:556-572. 13. SWAN, D. G. and F. WV.SLIFE. 1965. The absorption, translo-
2. ASHTON, F. M. 1958. Adsorption and translocation of radio- cation, and fate of amiben in soybeans. Weeds 13:133-138.
active 2,4-D in sugar cane and bean plants. Weeds 6:257-262. 14. SWANSON, C. R. 1965. Metabolic fate of herbicides in plants.
3. BAKER, R. S. and G. F. WARREN. 1962. Selective herbicidal U.S.D.A., ARS publication 34-36. 36 p.
action of amiben on cucumber and squash. Weeds 10:219- 15. VANSLYKE, D. D., J. PLAZIN, and J. R. WEISINGER. 1951.
224. Reagents for the VanSlyke-Folch wet carbon combustion.
4. COLBY, S. R., G. F. WARREN, and R. S. BAKER. 1964. Fate of J. Biol. Chem. 191:299-304.
amiben in tomato plants. J. Agr. and Food Chem. 12:320-321.
5. . 1965. Herbicide metabolism: N-glycoside of ami-
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Wild Carrot Seeds: Germination and Dormancy'


Abstract. Germination of wild carrot (Daucus carota, L.) was not be of several age classes so that only a part is at the most
confined to any season but was correlated with abundant soil mois- susceptible age for control at any given time. The
ture in field studies. In laboratory studies, germination per-
centage for any seed lot increased with time as dormancy was over- presence of dormant seeds in agricultural soils provides
come. Further, the germination was not clearly correlated with seed the weed with a reserve that may restore its population
weight, light, or pH, but temperature and the availability of after several years. Seed dormancy presents a real barrier
water were clearly significant. Dormancy was due to the endosperm to the exploitation of modern chemical methods for the
which surrounds the embryo. When part of the endosperm covering
the tip of the radicle was digested or broken off, germination was control of weeds (7).
increased nearly to the potential for a given lot of seed. This paper deals with some aspects of the germination
and dormancy in wild carrot. Wild carrot, which has been
INTRODUCTION classified as a noxious weed by the Ontario Weed Control
Act, 1960, has been found in these studies to be an an-
BSERVATIONS made throughout the growing season in
nual, biennial, or short-lived perennial, propagating by
neglected fields and pastures revealed that the ap- seed. Since attempts to propagate wild carrot from
pearance of seedlings of wild carrot (Daucus carota L.) is cuttings of the fleshy storage organ have proved unsuccess-
not confined to one part of the season. As many as four ful, the maintenance of the population of this weed must
flushes of germination have been observed. Harper and depend solely on the successful germination of seed.
Sagar (5) have shown that seeds of field buttercups
(Ranzinculus acris L.) sown in the autumn germinate in In wild carrot, each fruit develops from a flower in
two groups-one in the autumn and one in the spring. one of the compound umbels (or flower clusters). The
Such a variation within a seed sample confers on butter- fruit is schizocarp, composed of two mericarps which are
cup an insurance against destruction of the whole popula- held together on their flattened faces. Each mericarp
tion in an adverse season. (half-fruit) has five ribs with four rows of large spines
Refinements in chemical weed control techniques de- (Figure 1) and contains a single seed with a small embryo
pend not only on the selectivity of the chemical used but and abundant endosperm. Mericarps are referred to in
also on the timing of the application which must be made this paper as seeds.
when the plant is most susceptible. With delayed dor- Seeds of the Umbelliferae are noted for their dormancy
mancy and irregular germination, a weed population may and poor germination due to immature embryos and
embryo-less seeds, respectively (3). Sylwester (8) found
'Receive(d for ptublicationi Auiguist 30, 1965. Contribution from that not all seeds germinate the first year, but some may
I)epartment of Botany, Onitario Agricultural College, IUniversity of be (lormant up to 7 years.
(Guelph, (Guielph, Ontario, Canada.
2Associate Professor and Graduate Student. The latter's present It has been statedl that fresh see(ls of cultivated carrot
address: Mfantsiman School, Box 14, Saltpond, Ghana, West Africa. (D. carota var. sativuts (Hoffm.)) germinate better when

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several depths of soil. A few lots of 50 seeds in smaller

petri dishes were tested with or without an alternating
pressure. A siphoning device caused a pulse of 1/2 atmos-
phere above normal each 5-min cycle to be transmitted to
a glass jar containing these smaller samples.


Field observations demonstrated the non-uniform size
and appearance of seedlings in all plots. Germination
occurred mainly in the spring, followed by successive
flushes in summer and early fall. The soaking of the
soil by heavy rains influenced the time of germination
and the number of seeds germinating. The first seedlings
to emerge in the spring were on sandy loam. Populations
of similar size range developed on both soil textures with
as many as 68 non-flowering plants per quadrat from
June to September. During the winter, the populations
were severely reduced, even to extinction on some quad-
rats. In June, the largest population was present on sandy
Figure 1. Wild carrot seed: (a) outer curved surface with rows of loam quadrats; however, the lower mortality and the
spines and ridges; (b) surface of seed with fruit coat removed;
(c), (d), and (e) sections showing relative size of seed coat, endo- higher summer germination increased the population
sperm, and embryo. on clay loam. There was considerable difference between
replicates. The population on one clay loam quadrat
exposed to light; the seeds are receptive to the light after dropped from 46 to 25 seedlings between July and
having been soaked (1, 2). However, the light require- September, while on a replicate the population increased
ment becomes less important during dry storage (9). from 4 to 15.
Germination in the dark is increased with increased oxy- After-ripening occurred in wild carrot seeds. The
gen concentration (4). germination level in fresh seed was low and increased
with time for any given collection of seeds. Table 1 gives
Field observations and experimental studies were con- Table 1. Germination expressed as percent of 5 lots of 100 seeds.
Seeds collected September 26, 1963, and stored at 6 C in paper
tiucted in abandoned pastures in Wellington County, 40 bags.
miles north of Guelph. In one study, the location of indi-
vidual plants was mapped several times during 2 succes- Oct. 4 Dec. 6 Jan. 27 Mar. 27
sive growing seasons. Two soil textures, sandy and clay Seed source 1963 1963 1964 1965

loams, in adjacent areas were used. Ten permanent .1...

quadrats (50 x 50 cm) of each texture were mapped, using 3...1 .......1 1 1 5
characteristic symbols for each time of mapping. Five
quadrats on soil of each texture were in areas of low plant
density and five in areas of high density. the average percent germination of five replicates of
Seeds were collected from 10 areas at various times seed. Viable seeds gave increased germination with time,
during each season. Some seeds were tested for immediate which could be attributed to some after-ripening process.
germination, others stored in paper bags at room temper- Even one year after collection, some seeds did not germin-
ature and at 6 C, and some seeds were stored under water ate although they had live embryos which appeared
at 6 C. Testing was conducted on seed untreated, or mature. These seeds still had the potential to develop into
treated in one of the following ways: with and without plants.
seed coat, with light and heavy mechanical scarification, After-ripening normally occurs in the field as seeds
soaked and chilled for several days, kept in the dark, over-winter after having been dispersed in the late sum-
pricked in the endosperm, or with pieces of endosperm mer. However, seed which remains attached to the plant
removed. may be so immature that ripening does not take place.
Germination was tested on weighed lots of 100 seeds. A sample of these seeds was examined. Frequently, the
Hundreds of lots were put on 9 cm diameter (thick) filter seeds of wild carrot in the fields are not dispersed until
paper moistened with 4 ml of distilled water in petri late in the winter. It is possible that these seeds may be
dishes. The petri dishes, in stacks of 7, were placed in blown some distance across the snow. On February 19,
plastic bags or wrapped in new aluminum foil and set 1963, seeds were collected, hand rubbed, and tested for
on moist sand in large (20 liter) jars. The jars were germination. Only three seeds of 1,200 germinated. How-
immersed to the neck in water of a constant temperature ever, wind-blown seeds in the winter, even with ex-
bath at 16, 19, 21, and 25 C and given a continuous tremely low germination, could invade new areas at a
light or a 16-hr photoperiod from a 100 watt bulb at distance.
3gt. Germination also was tested in aerateto water or The correlation between seed size and germination was
pCosphate buffer solutions in Kolle flasks, in petri dishes found to be significant only in some cases. Two hundred
with expanded mica, soil, or sand, and in flower pots at and fifty lots were germinated under standard conditions

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in the laboratory. The lightest lot to germinate averaged Seeds of wild carrot are roughly hemispherical with
0.5 mg per seed, and the heaviest 1.8 mg. Germination a flat side, the curved surfaces being covered with spines
was below 40%ofor all lots of seeds with an average weight (Figure 1). The position of the spines, up or down, when
of less than 0.7 mg per seed, but there was no other cor- the seeds are on filter paper is reported by Cavers3 to
relation between seed weight and percent germination. cause a significant difference in germination. However,
Seed weight increased from the center of each flower tests of 900 seeds showed this not to be critical.
cluster to the outside, and also varied from cluster to When seeds were planted in loam soil in flower pots at
cluster and plant to plant. Seed lots from individual depthsof 14, 1,2, 1, 2, and 4 in, those at .1/ in gave highest
flower clusters were germinated separately, but in only germination. Seeds germinated from all levels, but not all
one case was correlation apparent between seed weight seedlings developing from 2 and 4 in reached the surface.
and percent germination. This occurred with 2,500 seeds Although it may be correctly argued that most weed seeds
from the one flower cluster of highest germination. receive conditions favourable for germination near the
Weight per lot from this plant was 100.9 mg to 77.2 mg soil surface (7), these data on the effect of light and depth
andIgermination from 89%oto 73%. The mean weight of in soil on germination of seeds of wild carrot support
100 seeds was 91.7 mg and the average germination was the observation that most forms of dormancy are broken
79%o.For the seed lots from this flower cluster, there here, rather than supporting a thesis that light sensitivity
was correlation between germination and weight of seed. is of importance.
In Table 2, data are presented showing ranges of seed Seeds were stored underwater at 6 C for periods of
number, weight, and germination from flower clusters 1, 3, and 6 weeks. Germination then was tested on filter
paper in petri dishes and also in aerated distilled water
Table 2. Seeds from selected flower clusters, giving size of sample in Kolle culture flasks. Soaking in water for 6 weeks or
used, mean weight of 100 seeds, and percent germination. less did not adversely affect germination. Subsequent
germination was the same in aerated distilled water and
Number of seeds.. 700 500 1000 800 1300 1900 1000 on filter paper.
Weight, mg ...... 106 100 92 88 84 71 68
Germination %... 19 8 34 35 24 11 15 Phosphate-citrate, phosphate-borate, and potassium-
sodium-phosphate buffers were used to determine
whether pH influenced the germination in 60 lots of
collected at one time in a single field and tested after seed. On filter paper, the pH range used was 3.0 to 8.0,
one year of storage in paper bags at room temperature. and solutions from 5.6 to 9.2. At each pH rating, percent
The most striking feature is the diversity of the data. germination differed sufficiently between replicates to
No evidence was apparent of any pattern or relationship include the means of percent germination for any other
between the number of seeds per flower cluster, lot pH. The pH, per se, had no effect on germination.
weight, and germination. In tests made in 1962, stacks of petri dishes without
Temperature increased the speed as well as percent of plastic bags were placed directly into large jars contain-
germination. During the first week, 80% of the final ing moist sand. Invariably, a gradient in percent germin-
germination occurred at higher temperatures, but only ation was found, with less germination in the upper
50% at the lower temperatures. Table 3 presents data dishes. More uniform and higher germination resulted
when the dishes were first stacked in plastic bags closed
Table 3. Germination, expressed as percent, of 3 lots of 100 seeds with a rubber band and then placed in the jar. Apparent-
each at 16-hr photoperiod and in darkness at 4 temperatures. ly, a more uniform and moist environment surrounding
the seeds was critical, whereas the reduction in the avail-
ability of oxygen from the air was not significant.
When seeds were tested in petri dishes, germination
16 16 hr 18 21 16 hr 34
Dark 21 Dark 33 was enhanced by some severe treatments with sandpaper.
16 hr 20 25 16 hr 35
Dark 28 Dark 26 However, other treatments, milder and more severe, or
pricking, did not improve the rate of germination.
Methods of treatment favorable to germination response,
resulted in seeds which had polished and rubbed surfaces,
for dark and light treatments at four temperatures. These with parts of the seed coats and endosperm removed.
data show that the sensitivity of wild carrot seeds to Examination of the fruit structure revealed that the
light is not a simple matter but is dependent upon the embryo was completely embedded in endosperm (Figure
temperature at the time of soaking and/or germination. 1). When the small cap of endosperm covering the emerg-
Tests were made with alternating temperature and cold ing tip of the radicle was removed, germination under
treating of soaked seeds. The effects of these treatments standard conditions was higher. Tests of 500 treated seeds
were not apparent in any pattern. showed that 55% germinated when the endosperm cap
Germination was significantly lower on wet mica than was removed, whereas only 28%oof the untreated controls
on wet soil. This could be attributed to the difficulty of germinated. A mechanical impedance imposed by a layer
transfer of water to the seed from an open-textured sub- of endosperm over the end of the embryo is responsible
strate. Low germination also was found in field plots on for some seeds failing to germinate.
dry friable muck soil. Greenhouse studies using soils of A siphoning device was used to test the effect of alter-
different textures confirmed the findings from the field nating pressure on the impedance presented by the endo-
plots that seeds were slow in soaking up water in coarse
textured material. 3Personal communication, 1964.


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sperm. Two replicates of 10 lots of 50 seeds each, on mechanical barrier of the endosperm which, normally, is
filter paper in small petri dishes wetted with 2 ml of digested at the tip of the radicle, allowing the embryo
distilled water, were placed in the flask under continuous to grow. In enforced dormancy, the environment prevents
light for 10 days. After that period, germination was germination, for example, when seed is buried in the
determined and ungerminated seeds were examined course of ploughing. Field observations show this condi-
under the microscope. Of the original 1,000 seeds, 400 tion to be frequent in wild carrot.
had germinated and 300 had embryos but were as yet Control of plants such as wild carrot, which propagate
ungerminate(l. These seeds were treated by removing the solely by seed, should be aimed at the reproductive phase
small cap of endosperm that covered the radicle, and then which is most vulnerable. However, control of this weed
were returned to petri dishes for a further period of 10 is complicated by the fact that germination has been
days under standard conditions. With the removal of this found to occur in several flushes, each associated with
restriction of endosperm, half the seeds treated, or 15% a rain that soaked the soil, following the breakdown of
of the original number, then germinated. However, the the mechanical impedance of the endosperm. The popula-
other 150 treated seeds with embryos (also 15%oof the tion of seedlings is not of uniform age, making chemical
original), remained which did not germinate in spite of control of seedlings crude. Control should be aimed at
the removal of the cap of endosperm. The effect of the the prevention of seed formation.
siphoning apparatus was to change the stress on the endo-
sperm cap so that some embryos could overcome the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
mechanical impedance with artificial alternating pres- The authors wish to thank: the Crop Science Depart-
sure similar to a squeezing action. This might have ment, University of Guelph, for assistance in problems of
simulated conditions of freezing and thawing. Other cleaning, counting, and scarification; Mr. P. Tyshuk for
embryos must have the cap removed to germinate im- conducting many germination tests; and the wife of the
mediately. Discounting embryoless or rotted seeds, alter- senior author for cleaning, counting, and weighing many
nating pressure and endosperm cap removal produced thousands of seeds.
80%cof the initial potential for germination.
The pattern of germination of wild carrot and other LITERATURE CITED
weed seeds differs from the remarkably uniform be- 1. CROCKER,
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Book Co., New York.
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dormant or not) and the environment surrounding the Umbelliferae. Proc. Boyce-Thompson Inst. 15:291-297.
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Germination of wild carrot is influenced by tempera- light-sensitive seeds. Botan. Gaz. 71:249-288.
ture but is most frequently limited by the amount of 5. HARPER, J. L. and G. R. SAGAR. 1953. Buttercups-some aspects
of the ecology of buttercups in permanent grasslands. Proc.
water reaching the seed and being absorbed by it. Br. Weed Cont. Conf.:256-265.
Harper (6) has pointed out that the surface of the soil 6. . 1959. Factors controlling plant numbers, p. 119-132.
with its intricate patterns of different types of microsite, In Harper, J. L., (Ed.), The Biology of Weeds. Blackwell,
offers to this and to many other weed seeds an oppor- Oxford.
7. . 1959. The ecological significance of dormancy and
tunity for germination which may be denied the seed its significance in weed control. Proc. Internat. Conf. for
when it is buried under the soil. Crop Protection, Hamburg 4:415-420.
Dormancy in weed seeds has been classified into the 8. SYLWESTER, E. P. 1960. Beware of wild carrot. Hoard's Dairy-
three categories of innate, induced, and enforced (7). In- man 105:330-331.
nate (lormancy is a property of ripe seed as it leaves the TOOLE. 1956. Physiology of seed germination. Ann. Rev.
p)lant. In wild carrot, innate dormancy is due to the Plant Physiol. 7:299-324.


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