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Patient’s Initials:__________________________________ Date of Admission: ___________________________________________ Diagnosis:______________________________________

Age:______________________________________________ Height/Weight:________________________________________________ Clinical Intervention:____________________________
Sex:______________________________________________ Ward: ______ Bed No: ______ Name of Physician:_____________________________

Name of Drug Classification Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects
Generic Name: Therapeutic Class: Chemical: General Indications:  Anaphylactic  Arthralgia Before:
Measles, mumps, and Vaccine Measles, mumps, and Active immunisation reaction after a  Encephalitis 1. Assess the history
rubella vaccine rubella (MMR) vaccine against measles, previous dose or to  Fever
and current health
Pharmacological Class: is a live attenuated mumps, and rubella. vaccine component  Pain, redness,
Brand Names: Antisera & vaccine that produces (including eggs, bruising, swelling, condition of the
MMR, M-M-R II Immunologicals active immunity against Patient’s Indications: neomycin, or gelatin) induration @ patient to
diseases caused by All infants aged from 9  Severe injection site determine whether
Dosage: Pregnancy Risk measles, mumps, and months up until 12 immunosuppression  Syncope the vaccine is safe
1st (0.5 mL) at 9 mos. Category: rubella viruses. months (in the absence of  Headache
to be administered
2nd (0.5 mL) at 12 mos. Category C severe  Nausea
immunosuppression,  Vomiting or not
Route of administration: HIV is not a  Fatigue 2. Educate patients
Subcutaneous (SQ) contraindication)  Irritability about the diseases
injection  Pregnancy  Malaise targeted by MMR
 Loss of appetite
Precautions:  Myalgia
vaccine, and the
 Patient with history of  Rash benefits, potential
cerebral injury or  Hypersensitivity risks and
seizures, coagulation reactions (e.g. contraindications
disorders (e.g. anaphylaxis, 3. Inform them of the
thrombocytopenia), angioedema)
possible side
 Postpone vaccination effects of the
in patients with vaccine, and as
moderate or severe well as the
acute febrile illness. possibility of
 Not indicated for
post-exposure experiencing pain
prophylaxis against and swelling at the
mumps or rubella.
injection site;
 Lactation.
instruct them to
Drug Interactions: apply ice on the
Decreased immune area to reduce
response with immune swelling.
globulin and
4. Store between 2-
therapies (e.g. high-dose 8°C. Protect from
corticosteroids). light. Do not
Reduced therapeutic freeze.
effect with other live
1. Identify patient
2. Assist client in the
administration of
3. Inspect the
parenteral drug
product for
particulate matter
and discoloration
prior to

1. Observe for and
record the side
effects manifested
by the patient - If
the pt. is still on
the first shot,
remind him/her of
date of his/her
second dose of
2. Monitor for
syncope and
reactions 15
minutes after
3. Report severe
Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source:
Vallerand, A.H., Vaccine, MMR: Vaccine, MMR: Vaccine, MMR: Vallerand, A.H., Vallerand, A.H., Vallerand, A.H.,
Sanoski, C.A., & Indication, Dosage, Indication, Dosage, Indication, Dosage, Sanoski, C.A., & Sanoski, C.A., & Sanoski, C.A., &
Deglin, J.H. (2017). Side Effect, Precaution. Side Effect, Precaution. Side Effect, Precaution. Deglin, J.H. (2017). Deglin, J.H. (2017). Deglin, J.H. (2017).
Davis’s Drug Guide for (n.d.) Retreived (n.d.) Retreived (n.d.) Retreived Davis’s Drug Guide for Davis’s Drug Guide for Davis’s Drug Guide for
Nurses, 15th ed. February 25, 2020, from February 25, 2020, from February 25, 2020, from Nurses, 15th ed. Nurses, 15th ed. Nurses, 15th ed.
Philadelphia: F.A. MIMS: MIMS: MIMS: Philadelphia: F.A. Philadelphia: F.A. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis
Davis Company. Davis Company. Davis Company. Company.
/philippines/drug/info/ /philippines/drug/info/ /philippines/drug/info/
vaccine%2C%20mmr/ vaccine%2C%20mmr/ vaccine%2C%20mmr/ Vaccine, MMR: Vaccine, MMR: Vaccine, MMR:
Indication, Dosage, Indication, Dosage, Indication, Dosage,
Side Effect, Precaution. Side Effect, Precaution. Side Effect, Precaution.
(n.d.) Retreived (n.d.) Retreived (n.d.) Retreived
February 25, 2020, from February 25, 2020, from February 25, 2020, from
/philippines/drug/info/ /philippines/drug/info/ /philippines/drug/info/
vaccine%2C%20mmr/ vaccine%2C%20mmr/ vaccine%2C%20mmr/

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