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November-0ecember2010 ISSUE 4-2010

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TaIofa Lava and welcome
to our 4
and fInal edItIon
of Fale News for 2010. ThIs
has been another very busy
and productIve year for
PasIfIka EducatIon Centre.
Last month we held our fIrst WrIter's Fetreat In
the Cook Ìslands. WorkIng wIth NatIve CouncIl,
we were able to secure the servIces of 8rad
HaamI to facIlItate the workshop. 8rad Is re·
nowned for beIng the fIrst |aorI author to take
up resIdency at the |Ichael KIng WrIters' Cen·
tre In 0evonport. EleItIno Paddy Walker, NZ
FashIon Ìndustry PersonalIty and founder of the
womens' assocIatIon PACÌFÌCA, was a guest at
the workshops and Is collaboratIng wIth PEC to
publIsh some of her works.
We would lIke to extend our congratulatIons
to CouncIllors Alf FIlIpaIna and Anae Arthur
Anae for theIr appoIntments to the Super CIty -
our fIrst PasIfIka members.
CongratulatIons must also be acknowledged to
our PasIfIka partners, PacIfIc 8usIness Trust for
theIr 25
AnnIversary....a huge mIlestone
whIch was celebrated on FrIday 19
2010 at theIr |ÌT PacIfIc 8usIness Trust Awards
PasIfIka EducatIon Centre also acknowledges
and congratulates AUT on theIr 10
sary. The close tIes between our two organIsa·
tIons are further strengthened wIth our former
ExecutIve 0Irector, |s PaulIne WInter, headIng
the DffIce of PasIfIka Advancement at AUT. At
the Samoan Sports Awards 0Inner (Saturday
0ecember), |s PaulIne WInter honoured her
Crandfather |anoa |anoa who, upon arrIval from
Samoa, was one of the workers who buIlt the foun·
datIons of the AUT buIldIng In Wellesley then
known as Seddon |emorIal TechnIcal College.
|anoa then attended the College and completed a
trade and now 100 years on, |s PaulIne WInter Is
the 0Irector of DffIce of PasIfIka Advancement In
the very same buIldIng...a wonderful pIece of hIs·
CommunIty Involvement wIth the |InIstry of Pa·
cIfIc Ìsland AffaIrs and the NIuean communIty In
assIstIng to organIse the upcomIng Culture E Arts
FestIval Is ongoIng. Ìnterest In the FestIval, whIch
wIll be held In AprIl 2011 In NIue, has been re·
ceIved from pockets of NIuean communItIes In NZ
and AustralIa · New South Wales and 0ueensland.
Dur communIty PacIfIc Language and Culture
classes have come to an end for 2010 and at the
end of last month we held a graduatIon to honour
those of our students who had successfully com·
pleted theIr course.
CommunItIes and famIlIes are the make up of the
work that PasIfIka EducatIon Centre has pledged to
serve, therefore we remember those famIlIes af·
fected by the ChrIstchurch Earthquake and more
recently the twenty·nIne lIves lost at the PIke
FIver Coal mIne. As we head towards celebratIng
ChrIstmas please remember these famIlIes In your
8lessIngs....|erry ChrIstmas...lookIng
forward to seeIng you all In 2011

CIyde Young-PEC ßoard ChaIr

Page 1 |essage from the ChaIrman Page 4 |y Pathway to UnIversIty-|osese FIngamoto
Page 2 Dur PacIfIc Feference LIbrary Page 5 FrIends of the Fale
Page 2 Language and Culture Student CraduatIon Page 7 PAFT Corner
Page 4 Pastoral Support at PEC
Ìn ThIs Ìssue...
Page 2
For more than J5 years the PEC Feference lIbrary has
been the gateway to knowledge for InformatIon about
the PacIfIc Ìslands. As a lendIng lIbrary the challenge to
maIntaIn the books to an acceptable standard took Its
toll and over the years the stock has been depleted
through loss and wear and tear.
WIth the move to new premIses, we took the opportu·
nIty to update the lIbrary and resource centre. Although
we are no longer able to lend books, users are welcome
to read our books on the premIses. We are constantly
addIng new collectIons to enhance the exIstIng books on
the shelves and have also added computers wIth free
Internet access to help wIth your research.
The lIbrary wIll focus on the hIstory, arts and cultures of
the PacIfIc Ìsland natIons and we are extendIng an open
InvItatIon to all to come and use the resource centre for
your needs.
Ouv PucIIIc HcIcvcncc LIbvuvy
PasIfIka EducatIon Centre In |anukau was the venue for
2010's PacIfIc Language and Culture Student CraduatIon.
A graduatIon ceremony Is always a specIal event on the
calendar that our students look forward to and thIs one
was no dIfferent. WIth classes spread over Auckland -
FanuI In the west to |anukau In the South - the gradua·
tIon Is an opportunIty for our students to meet fellow stu·
dents learnIng other languages and to showcase theIr
Cuests of honour Included our team of Language Tutors,
former PEC ExecutIve 0Irector PaulIne WInter represent·
Ing AUT's DffIce of PasIfIka Advancement and Feverend
Havea Fanga'I'uIha who was on hand to bless our occa·
Samoan Ceneral PractItIoner, |onIca LIva, was our guest
speaker for the evenIng. A student In our ÌntermedIate
Samoan Language class, |onIca congratulated all the
graduates for completIng theIr respectIve courses, some·
thIng she was unable to do as she had to leave mId·
semester to become a mother to a healthy newborn chIld.
|onIca spoke of her experIences as a south·Aucklander
attendIng a central Auckland sIngle·sex Secondary School.
She spoke of teachers who InspIred and motIvated her
along the way, encouragIng her to aIm hIgh and follow her
dreams. She shared her experIences of beIng accepted
Into |edIcal School at the UnIversIty of Auckland and how
her PacIfIc herItage placed her as a mInorIty among her
fellow classmates. Her memorIes acknowledged the Im·
portant role her parents played In supportIng her through·
out her studIes, from prImary school rIght through to
graduatIng as a fully fledged doctor.
After |onIca's address came the formal presentatIons
where one by one, the names of the graduatIng students
were read out and each had the honour of marchIng to the
front of the audIence and receIvIng a CertIfIcate of Cradua·
tIon from theIr respectIve tutors. Even the tutors were hon·
oured wIth a presentatIon made to them by theIr students on
behalf of PEC.
WIth the formalItIes over the Tongan students entertaIned us
wIth some songs and a dance Item called the mc'µlµ'µlµ. Ear·
lIer In the weeks leadIng up to the graduatIon, and In the
spIrIt of frIendly rIvalry and partIcIpatIon, the Tongan stu·
dents had Issued a challenge to the other language classes to
match, or better theIr performance. The Cook Ìsland group
gleefully accepted the challenge and on the evenIng show·
cased theIr learnIng by presentIng a J0·mInute extravaganza
of drummIng, ukulele strummIng, dancIng and sIngIng whIch
dazzled and amazed the audIence.
A specIal presentatIon was made to long·tIme PEC tutor and
"ChampIon of the Samoan Language", Tofaeono Tanuvasa
Tavale, who Is plannIng to retIre from hIs teachIng hIs re·
nowned Samoan language and culture class at the end of the
year. Upon receIvIng hIs gIft Tanuvasa spoke on the Impor·
tance of maIntaInIng our pacIfIc languages and pacIfIc herI·
The evenIng was formally brought to a close by our Feverend
Havea, and the rest of the evenIng was spent enjoyIng a fIne
meal and mInglIng wIth fellow students.

Pasìfìka Educatìon Centre extend theìr conyratulatìons to
all who yraduated from theìr 2010 Lanyuaye classes and
would lìke to thank theìr team of Tutors for the ìmportant
work they have rendered throuyhout the past year. We
look forward to 2011 and another year of provìdìny qual-
ìty lanyuaye and culture classes to our communìtìes.
PucIIIc Lunguugc und CuItuvc Studcnt GvuduutInn
Page 3
Lunguugc und CuItuvc Gvuduutcs Inv 2o1o
Photos left to rIght, from the top- 1. Cuest Speaker 0r |onIca LIva. 2. Cook Ìsland students make a presentatIon to
theIr tutors. J. Samoan Culture and Language expert Tanuvasa offers some words of advIce. 4. SIblIngs |Ikaela, TanIela
and FahIna Napa'a perform the ma'ulu'ulu. 5. 0rummIng and Ukarere Tutor John KIrIa and hIs students showcase theIr
talents. 6. Tonga's answer to ChrIs 8rown, SIone Ahomana dazzles the audIence wIth hIs crIsp dance moves.
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Page 4
TaIofa Lava!! |y name Is
TemukIsa Lemoa. |y role
wIth PasIfIka EducatIon
Centre Is to provIde pas·
toral care and support to
all the students that are
regIstered wIth PEC. ThIs
Is to ensure that all students are here
they are beIng supported durIng theIr
Dne of my fIrst tasks was to hold Infor·
mal IntervIews wIth the students to get
to know them on a personal level and
also to dIscover theIr needs and chal·
lenges. |osese FIngamoto, a natIve of
Fotuma, was one of these students wIth
whom Ì had an Informal chat.
Ì learned that |osese's prevIous work
experIence was as a mechanIc, follow·
Ing a famIly trend but that hIs dream
was to work wIth people - as a SocIal
Worker. CaInIng FesIdence In New Zea·
land, by acceptIng a job offer to work
as a mechanIc, |osese's work soon ran
out and he was made redundant. A pe·
rIod of job·huntIng followed as |osese
searched for a better·payIng job but
the one thIng that kept comIng to hIs
mInd was that he needed to learn
basIc computer skIlls as most jobs
now requIre at least a workIng
knowledge of computers.
When |osese heard an ad on NIuF|
that PasIfIka EducatIon Centre were
offerIng FFEE computIng courses for
Level 2 and J It was as If a gateway
leadIng to hIs dreams was opened
and |osese regIstered hIs name wIth
PEC to study ComputIng Level 2.
Ìn the meantIme Ì set to work lookIng
for a SocIal Work program that
|osese could apply for. We found
one at the UnIversIty of Auckland
whIch |osese subsequently applIed
for and to hIs surprIse he was called
back for a serIes of IntervIews
As anyone who has attended a job
IntervIew before knows, there fol·
lows a perIod of anxIous waItIng and
antIcIpatIon. ÌntervIews for beIng
accepted In a program of study are
no dIfferent to job IntervIews so It
came as both a relIef and a blessIng
that |osese was accepted Into SocIal
Work studIes at the UnIversIty of Auck·
land commencIng 2011.
These are the experIences that make
no two days of my job the same. Ì wel·
come the challenges that the students
brIng wIth them and enjoy the satIs·
factIon that comes from workIng to·
gether wIth the students to fInd solu·
tIons to theIr challenges. So to any of
our current students and also to those
sIttIng at home readIng thIs and thInk·
Ing you have obstacles that prevent
you from studyIng or hInder you from
completIng your course, Ì InvIte you to
come and see me at PasIfIka EducatIon
Centre and together we can overcome
those hurdles. Ì strongly belIeve no
one should be held back from gaInIng
an educatIon, remember "Dbstacles
are what you see when you take your
eyes off your goal"
Ia hanuIa!!
LosIng my trade job thIs year came as a shock to
me. Ìt was the decIdIng factor for me to attend
UnIversIty to obtaIn a qualIfIcatIon In a fIeld of
studIes whIch Ì have a passIon for and Is In great
Ì knew that my computer skIlls were not up to
standard, so Ì enrolled at PasIfIka EducatIon Cen·
tre through an advertIsement by NIu F| FadIo StatIon. 0espIte
the dIstance from Henderson to |anukau and cost of petrol, Ì
travelled each day, Ì managed to focus on the benefIt and the
outcome of attaInIng a Level 2 ComputIng CertIfIcate.
PEC has gIven me an opportunIty to learn and know more about
computers. Ì must comment that after completIng thIs course, Ì
am capable of utIlIsIng thIs skIll at UnIversIty. Ì would lIke to
take thIs opportunIty to say FaIak'sIa (Thank You) to the Tutors
and Staff who made It possIble to study and complete thIs course
In a frIendly envIronment.
-hosese PIngamoto
(L·F) Tutor KonelIo Seumanutafa, Students Sofaea AsIono, |osese FIngamoto, TofI TaImalIe, 0ora SaIlI, Charandeep Fandhawa and
Student Support CoordInator TemukIsa Lemoa.
hy |ataway ta |aiversity

lrieaás at tae la|e
Page 5
9 8
5 4
3 2
1. PEC Staff members KIsa Lemoa and Evelyn Stanley. 2. Language Tutors enjoy a break durIng theIr Profes·
sIonal 0evelopment Workshop wIth CommunIty EducatIon CoordInator Selwyn Tupou. J. Dur talented Tongan
women who helped to facIlItate a Tongan Handcrafts Workshop. 4. TeokotaI ClassIe and TevaIakura Fasmussen
at theIr Level J CertIfIcate In ComputIng CraduatIon at Te Wananga o Aotearoa 5. 8rad HaamI, WrItIng and Po·
etry Workshop. 6. Computer Students enjoyIng theIr break up lunch at Happy 0ays. 7. ChIldren enjoyIng
Aotearoa AutIsm FamIly 0ay, wIth Thomas the Tank EngIne at Clenbrook 7Intage FaIlway. 8. Cook Ìslands Tutor
7anIva LewIs wIth PEC LearnIng |anager NaomI Patterson. 9. FIjIan Handcraft Tutor Cade FaIlala. 10. Evelyn
Stanley, KIsa Lemoa, 8everley |anetoa and LesIelI Ahomana at the PAFT PIcnIc In the Park

PasIfIka EducatIon Centre Is the "Parents as FIrst Teachers" provIder for the AuckIand CentraI PegIon
The months of November and 0ecember have been
busy months for our PAFT program.
FollowIng on from our fIrst outIng, our PAFT |oth·
ers and 8abes enjoyed an outIng In the park. Corn·
wall Park was chosen for Its central localIty and the
provIsIon of parkIng, the playground area, and the
pIcnIc facIlItIes on hand for our use. Dur twIns,
Jason and Leo attended wIth both theIr parents,
Sherman and Nancy. The day turned out to be quIte
hot and we had plenty of cover under one of the
huge trees. FetaauI and her son, |uamaI were also
present and along wIth them they bought SophIe
and her son Noah as guests. Crystal and Dscar and
8rooke and TzIpora and PAFT SupervIsor, CecIly
|antell's grandson, WIllIam joIned In on the actIvI·
tIes. The PEC Support staff, SIone and TemukIsa
along wIth SIone's sIster LesIelI assIsted wIth the
shared lunch whIch was thoroughly enjoyed by all!
To hIghlIght to the parents the PAFT actIvItIes
whIch can be enjoyed In the home makIng use of
what Is 'lyIng' around, Evelyn was able to demon·
strate how to make and how to use sImple play
Items...pegs In the bottle...usIng plastIc contaIners
and fIllIng wIth coloured clothes pegs. Evelyn also
explaIned and demonstrated the use of plastIc bot·
tles whIch can be lIned up and used as skIttles.
There are endless actIvItIes whIch can be trIed and
tested In the home usIng whatever Is on hand,
therefore enablIng parents to save on expensIve
toys. Parents then enjoyed makIng theIr own play
Item to take home wIth the resources that we were
able to provIde. ThIs was an enjoyable day and It
also allows the parents to take tIme out for them·
selves and to be able to meet and converse wIth
other parents of dIfferent ethnIcItIes.
Dn Thursday the 9th of 0ecember we held our
ChrIstmas Party and CraduatIon Ceremony at the
Dtahuhu Town Hall. For those unfamIlIar wIth the
PAFT program, we work wIth parents of chIldren
aged from newborns up to the age of J. Dnce they
reach J years of age they 'graduate' from the pro·
gam, whIch Is an Important mIlestone for them so
we feel It Is fIttIng to honour them wIth a small
graduatIon Ceremony. We had 5 chIldren who
graduated but only J were able to attend the
graduatIon. Everyone had a great tIme and even
'Santa' had vIsIted earlIer and left 2 large baskets
of gIfts for all the chIldren. We look forward to
more CraduatIons In the future and movIng more
and more chIldren onto the next step In theIr
young lIves.
We take thIs opportunIty to wIsh everyone, espe·
cIally our PAFT mothers and chIldren, a very |erry
ChrIstmas and a Happy New Year.

See you In 2011 !!
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1. PEC Paft Worker 8everly |anetoa wIth Wyatt KImI. 2. Dne of the toddlers receIvIng a ChrIstmas gIft. J. Three
of our PAFT Craduates-Lorna Tauna, AthalIa DlIver and Wyatt KImI-wearIng theIr graduatIon capes
J 2

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