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-- ARTICLE I. Preamble
Said contract, hereafter referred to as "the Agreement", is an instrument whose purpose is the
exchange of goods, advantages, power or boon between two parties.
The present Agreement is written, interpreted, applied and concluded under the currently
applicable infernal law and the intent of the parties.
[NAME], mortal of the material plane, Hereafter referred to as “the First contractor”;
[NAME], [TITLE], headquartered at [PLACE], Registered as [HELL REGISTRATION NUMBER],
Represented by [NAME] in its capacity as a Contract Devil, Registered as [HELL
REGISTRATION NUMBER], Hereafter referred to as “the Second contractor”;
-- Article II. Terms of Contract
The present Agreement WITNESSETH:
[1] WHEREAS, the First contractor is a [RACE] mortal born naturally. Considering in his/her
possession a soul unburdened by lien, claim, judgment, prior diabolic transaction or other
encumbrance, or the soul(s) unburdened by lien, claim, judgment, prior diabolic transaction or
other encumbrance of other mortals in exchange for the one in his/her possession, Hereafter
referred to as “the Prize”;
[2] WHEREAS, the Second contractor possesses the ability to grant whatsoever benefit, power
or boon that may be desired, that does not come into conflict with the currently applicable infernal
rules at the date of signature of this contract, Hereafter referred to as “the Advantage”;
[3] WHEREAS, the First contractor wishes to sell, and the Second contractor wishes to buy
Something pertaining to or not unlike The Prize;
[4] NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, and other
good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows:
(a) This Agreement is entered into freely and under no coercion, force, duress, supernatural
influence, extortion nor other threat to life, limb or property.
(b) Any other source of coercion, force, duress, supernatural influence, extortion or threat to life,
limb or property of the First contractor, unrelated to the Second contractor, the represented
entity, his/her other representatives or employees, is not taken into account and does not fall
under the Second contractor’s responsibility.
(c) The Second contractor, the represented entity or his other representatives or employees,
undertake to not threaten or harm life, limb or property of the First contractor in the duration of
the contract. Conversely, the First contractor also undertakes this. Any infringement of this
stipulation is a breach of contract and a default.
[5] In exchange for eternal and unconditional ownership of something pertaining to or not unlike
The Prize, the Second contractor shall deliver to the First contractor the following mutually
agreed Advantage:
[6] In exchange for the conferred Advantage, the First contractor shall deliver to the Second
contractor the Prize detailed below, becoming his eternal property and irrevocable except by
infernal law :
(a) The First contractor undertakes, in the mutually agreed duration of one (1) year, being three-
hundred-and-sixty-five (365) days by the Absalom Calendar, to fulfill his obligations. The First
contractor undertakes to deliver a hundred (100) souls, of adequate quality as defined in Article
III.4(b), to the Second contractor, by an adequate method and in an adequate receptacle.
(b) Upon Death, as defined in Article III.1(a), of the First contractor, the end of agreed duration of
the contract or upon a default of obligations, the Second contractor gains the right to take
possession of the Prize and/or other possessions physically linked to the charnel envelope of the
Prize, based on the obligations detailed in this Agreement, in the form of a unique payment as
defined in Article III.4(a), non-negotiable after the signature.
(c) Under all conditions, the responsibility of the delivery of the Prize is to the First contractor,
guaranteeing the terms of this Agreement with his/her own unburdened soul, regardless of the
nature of negotiated Prize.
-- ARTICLE III. Assurances
1/ (a) Any separation of the soul to its original charnel envelope or spiritual separation of a
duration above five (5) minutes (Golarion), natural end of life, any deadly magic, wounds or
effect, passage of the soul without a physical body or envelope to the astral plane or the outer
sphere, any state allowing the use of a spell of effect of resurrection upon the physical body or
the soul of the First contractor, constitutes the “Death” of the First contractor.
(b) The First contractor accepts that, under no circumstances, he/she shall cause or allow a spell
of necromancy, resurrection or any other resurrection magic to be cast on him/her, that would
allow to retake possession of a physical body after Death.
(c) In the event such magic is cast without the First contractor’s consent, he/she hereby warrants
and agrees that he/she shall forego the call. The First contractor shall have no claim on the
Second contractor’s choice of method(s) for retaining and protecting the Prize, including but not
limited to soul cages, phylacteries or other methods of spiritual imprisonment.
[2] The terms of this Agreement will apply for the duration agreed in the terms of this contract, the
duration of the Prize’s coherent existence, or until time and/or the universe itself dies, whichever
shall occur first.
[3] The First contractor hereby warrants and testifies that he/she has not sold, exchanged,
promised, bargained, pledged or dedicated the Prize prior to this Agreement, and will not do so
for the duration of the contract, to any entity other than the Second contractor or his
representatives, and that there exists no lien, claim, judgment, debt, “unfinished business” or
prior transaction, diabolic or not, that would prevent or interfere in the passage of the Prize to the
outer sphere, or cause the Prize or part of the Prize to stay in the form of a ghost, spirit,
phantom, poltergeist, apparition, or other disembodied consciousness.
[4] (a) The delivery of the Prize, as detailed in Article II.6(a), is to be done in the form of a single
payment when the contract is at its end (under the agreed duration or for any other reason). The
First contractor undertakes to be available so as to be contacted by the Second contractor and
undertakes to be able to deliver the mutually agreed Prize to the Second contractor. The
payment shall be done in one (1) instance, without delay, credit, promise of payment or partial
payment. The payment and its nature are non-negotiable and cannot be a subject of dispute.
Any infringement of these conditions constitutes a default of obligations and a breach of contract.
(b) Concerning the mutually agreed Prize, as defined in Article II.1 and detailed in Article II.6(a),
under the conditions described in Article III.3, a soul must be of adequate quality. Adequate
meaning in this instance, at least, belonging to a mortal being or creature of a sentient and
civilized humanoid race, including but not limited to: humans, elves, gnomes, halflings, tengus,
orcs, dwarves. The alignment of the soul does not constitute a quality criterion.
-- ARTICLE IV. Default
[1] (a) In the event of any default or breach of a term of this Agreement by the First contractor,
the Second contractor gains the right to immediate collection and appropriation of the pledge
given in Article II.6(c), notwithstanding any other magic, pledge, or debt to any other entity.
(b) In the event the Second contractor may reasonably infer in the breach of obligations, in
accordance with this Agreement, of the First contractor, upon demand all obligations of the First
contractor shall become immediately due, and the Second contractor may take any and all steps
necessary to secure its interests therein.
(c) The Second contractor reserves the right to do as he/she pleases concerning the Prize once
obtained, as well as to the bodies and other physical possessions of the Prize, including but not
limited to possession, re-appropriation, reuse, torture, slavery, destruction or disintegration.
[2] (a) In the event of any default or breach of a term of this Agreement by the Second contractor,
the very nature and being of the Second contractor is in violation, and he/she accepts and
warrants with his signature his immediate punishment.
(b) The First contractor shall be invited to participate to the proceedings and deliberations of
infernal justice, as defined in the Dis Amendment on the Soul Trade N°458-B, as well as to the
eventual punishment, including but not limited to reuse, torture, dissolution, disintegration or
complete inexistence.
(c) The First contractor shall receive, in compensation, an advantage from the Second contractor
or his replacement, to be determined by the infernal justice, based on the promised Advantage
herein. The obligations of the First contractor in this Agreement shall be immediately cancelled,
save in exceptional circumstances, as defined by the Dis Amendment on Contract Interpretation
3/ In the event of a dispute between the two parties on the terms, conditions or obligations of this
Agreement, the parties accept and warrant with their signature an immediate and mandatory
summoning, to appear before infernal justice, as defined in the Dis Amendment on Judiciary
Disputes N°72-C.
4/ The terms of this Agreement shall be interpreted under the applicable infernal law of Dis, the
Second circle of Hell, at the time of signature of this contract (Dis Amendment on the Soul Trade
N°458, Dis Amendment on Contract Interpretation N°32, Dis Amendment on Judiciary Disputes
-- THEREFORE, under the currently applicable laws and penalties and under penalty of “Eternal
Pain and Torment and/or Fundamental Dissolution” (defined in the Asmodian Penal Code), in
witness thereof in this Agreement, the parties intending to be legally and eternally bound, have
executed and warrant their obligations in this Agreement from the date of the last signature
(Signature to be preceded by the handwritten words “Read and approved”)
I, the undersigned [NAME], First contractor, certify and warrants with my signature the entirety of
this contract and of its terms, conditions and obligations. At [PLACE] the [DATE] in two (2)
original copies, one of which given to the First contractor.
I, the undersigned [NAME], Second contractor, certify and warrants with my signature the entirety
of this contract and of its terms, conditions and obligations. At [PLACE] the [DATE] in two (2)
original copies, one of which given to the Second contractor.

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