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1) Match the words to their definition (Part II)

Paragraph 1:
1. Tiled a. state of being very careful in noticing details in order to detect danger
2. Dull b. flow
3. Queer c. not very severe but continuous
4. Vigilance d. moving
5. Poignant e. covered with pieces of baked clay
6. Ooze out f. strange
Paragraph 2:
7. Cascade a. ringing sound made by a bell
8. Chime b. good and skillful
9. Mean c. a large amount of something
Paragraph 3:
10. Restore a. careful inspection, examination
11. Pristine b. not changed in any way, fresh
12. Clarity c. to bring something back
13. Confined to d. very beautiful
14. Discretion e. the ability to think about or understand smth clearly
15. Scrutiny f. care of what you say or do
16. Exquisite g. be restricted
Paragraph 4:
17. Subtlety a. a feeling of guilt
18. Grieved b. press with fingers
19. Conscience c. feeling sad
20. Bulwark rail d. the small but important details
21. Squeeze e. ship’s side that is above deck
Paragraph 5:
22. Glamour a. with a lot of enthusiasm
23. Avidly b. very tired
24. Substitute c. stop
25. Attenuated d. smth that is said or written that refers to or mentions another person or subject
26. Allusion e. somth that makes a person or object attractive
27. Cease f. replace

2) Answer the questions:

Paragraph 1:
1) What was wrong with Jon, how did he feel?
2) How did mother behave when he became ill?
3) What did Jon imagine while being sick?
4) What did he tell his mother?
Paragraph 2:
5) How long have they stayed in Spain?
6) What was something that he had again to do because his mother told so?
7) What was Jon’s attitude towards Goya’s picture and why?
Paragraph 3:
8) In what way was mother different from Jon?
9) What made Jon feel uncomfortable?
10) Why did they stop in Paris?
Paragraph 4:
11) How did Jon feel about the journey to Spain?
12) What did he tell his mother?
Paragraph 5:
13) How did they feel towards the end of the journey?

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