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Data Analysis Survey on the Use of Different

Mobile Phone Packages by the Students

The objective of this paper is to analysis the services portfolio of mobile phone
operators of Bangladesh. For fulfilling that purpose services of the mobile phone
operator are categorized into six major part - prepaid, postpaid, internet, value
added services, roaming and devices. In this paper services of the various firms are
presented under these six categories.

The number of mobile subscriber has been increase dramatically. Over the last
two to three years, the number of mobile subscriber in Bangladesh has been more
than or close to more than doubling on an annual basis. The subscriber base had
reached 44 million by mid-2008 and was continuing to grow at an annual rate in
excess of 50%.and the strong growth seemed likely to continue with the drive that
has been developed on the back government’s deregulation process. The
competitive environment has further intensified due to the entry of new operators
into the market. The telecom regulator also disclosed that addition of new
subscriber raised the mobile penetration more than 25% of the country’s
population. Individually Bangladesh’s leading mobile operator, Grameen Phone,
has 18.6 Million customers, Banglalink has 8.64 Million. Robi has 7.57 Million
and Airtal has 12.35 Million Subscriber. On the other side City cell, Bangladesh
oldest mobile operator, has added 2.6 million.
Table Of Contain

Name of % Reason of Maximum Minimum Weekly Maximum

Operator Of use Conversation Conversati Usage Conversation
user on With

Grameen 52 Strong 1 to 3 Hours 30 Min 100-200 Family

Phone Connectio

Airtel 23 Strong 2 Hours 20 Min 50-100 Special

Connectio Friend

Robi 12 Flexible 1 .30 Hours 30 Min 50 Friends


Teletalk 3 Flexible None 10 Min 20 Other


Banglalink 10 Flexible None Min 30 50 Special

Offers Friend

Most of the student are using different kind of mobile phone operator services,
such as Airtel, Grameen phone, Banglalink, Teletalk and Robi. On the analysis we
found most of the student is use Airtel and Grameen Phone. Because this two
mobile operator has trong network connection and has some flexible offers.
Grameen phone and airtel give many offers to there customer. That’s why they
have huge amount of customer. The entire mobile operator services company give
there customer many flexible offers. We found many of student can spend there
time on facebook by given there mobile operating services offers. many student
spend more then 100 tk,per day, and there call duration minimum more then 1 hour
or 3 hours, talking with there family, friend or special friend.

Many students are using 3G network services. All mobile operator services
company has 3G network. They use there mobile network mostly voice call, video
call, sms, and face book or other chatting site. Most of the student satisfied to there
mobile operator services. They also satisfied there customer services, they said that
there customer service is better then other mobile operator customer services. On
our Analysis we found that they can not change there mobile network operator
service if someone suggest them. And they are using one or more seem in there

This country overview assesses Bangladesh, one of the most populous and most
densely populated countries in the world. Despite being ranked as a low income
country, over 50% of the adult population subscribes to mobile services and it has
outpaced all its peers in terms of network coverage.

Mobile operators in Bangladesh are looking to innovative VAS to remain

competitive and respond to the slowing growth in core mobile services. Services
that add value to the livelihoods of the consumer are more likely to support these
goals. While we expect mobile operators to continue to be involved in leading
commercial VAS services, there is still an opportunity for public and private
investment in providing seed capital for the innovation that is not yet ‘market-led’,
with a key role for government in facilitating this process.


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