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As an astrologer, HEALING is the most important tool in repairing the weakness of any planets in an astrological
chart and strengthening the delivery of positive planets. Most important tool is the MIND HEALING and
amongst the healing modalities, I found LAMA FERA as highly powerful healing technique, which has been
followed by the Buddhist and practiced by the Tibetan Lamas.

Lord Buddha developed the healing process which contained around 4,50,000 mantras. Sadguru Sadananda ji
with guidance from Buddhist Saint Mandosa and Tantra Guru Atmananda and Guru Govardhan, (I am a disciple
of tantra Guru Govardhan, my Guru has initiated me as tantracharya Hari Har Nath) selected the healing
mantras and converted them into graphics symbols. These graphic symbols are used for healing any kind of
body ailments, removal of negative energies including black magic, applying the Lama Fera techniques in select
cases even birth deformities can also be healed.

The Energy of lord Buddha is channelled through the Healer and directed towards disease or illness. This system
of Lama Fera can help in increasing spiritual abilities, relieve pain and discomfort caused by chronic disease,
removes unwanted spirits, overcome fear, anxiety, stress and help you connect with higher self. It is considered
as the world’s fastest & most powerful healing technique for physic problems, it removes pressure of thoughts
and increases the vital energy of the bodies.

Lama Fera Healer, pursue the ideas of Buddha and makes it an essential part of his life through meditation. The
Lama Fera can be practiced with the help of 12 symbols which cannot be revealed and as they use to benefit
people. The symbols of Lama Fera have amplitude power to serve highest level of negative energy. The method
of its healing is quite different from Reiki and other types of healing therapies used in modern society.

It helps to coherent the negative energy and unwanted issues in the health and also helps you to gain
awareness, knowledge and enlightenment i.e. through the power of lord Buddha.

Lama Fera can be learnt in two phases, In the first phase one can learn history and the introduction of chakras
used in the therapy, use of healing kit and methods of using it, and the six powerful symbols as mentioned
above with one healer Attunement (Energy Medicine)

In the second phase of learning, one can learn the other six powerful symbols and their use, with two teacher
Attunement, which is been called Master Teacher Level. After this you just need more and more practice to well
understand its vitality.

Benefits of Lama- Fera

 Removal of Stress and Depression.

 Freedom from Anxiety and Fear, helps to ward off evil spirits and negative energy.
 Regular practice helps to increase memory and inspire higher levels of concentration through
 Best treatment for enhancing will power and considered as the best healing treatment for last stage
patients of all disease.
 Past life issues can also be solved
 A practitioner can sense the vibrations and feel change in energy levels.
 Helps clear problems in business, property and health etc. VASTU HEALING works wonder by
neutralizing unbalanced energy caused due to Vaastu defects.
 Balances the seven Chakras
 Promotes chemical processing of body, muscles, bones, digestive disorders and give strength and
radiant energy.
 Direct healing and effect on the root cause of diseases.
 Makes active, alert and self-confiden

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