Progress Report Feb

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Submitted in partial fulfilment

Of the requirement for the award of the degree of











Under the supervision of

Ms. Archana Yadav

Assistant Professor

Spectrum sensing enables cognitive radio systems to detect unused portions of the radio
spectrum and then use them while avoiding interferences to the primary users. Energy detection
is one of the most used techniques for spectrum sensing because it does not require any prior
information about the characteristics of the primary user signal.

Aim and objective

The main objective of our project is to find a radio spectrum which is unused.

We can perform the process by Energy detection method.

We have got the basic idea of cognitive radio, that how cognitive radio network works. We
are currently studying about dynamic threshold. We are practising some MATLAB problems
for our project. Our project involves study of Co-operative sensing. It has two types linear
and non-linear.

Co-operative Spectrum sensing

One of the most challenging issues of spectrum sensing is the hidden terminal problem, which
happens when the cognitive radio is shadowed or in deep fade. To address this issue, multiple
cognitive radios can be coordinated to perform spectrum sensing. Several recent works have
shown that cooperative spectrum sensing can greatly increase the probability of detection in
fading channels. In general, cooperative spectrum sensing is performed as follows:

• Step 1: Every cognitive radio i performs local spectrum measurements independently and
then makes a binary decision Di ∈ {0, 1} for all i = 1, ··· , K;

• Step 2: All of the cognitive radios forward their binary decisions to a common receiver which
is an AP in a wireless LAN or a BS in a cellular network;

• Step 3: The common receiver combines those binary decisions and makes a final decision H0
or H1 to infer the absence or presence of the PU in the observed frequency band.

In the above cooperative spectrum sensing algorithm, each cooperative partner makes a binary
decision based on its local observation and then forwards one bit of the decision to the common
receiver. At the common receiver, all 1-bit decisions are fused together according to following
logic rule

where H0 and H1 denote the inferences drawn by the BS that the PU signal is not transmitted
or transmitted, respectively. The expression (6) demonstrates that the BS infers the PU signal
being transmitted, i.e., H1, when there exists at least n out of K cognitive radios inferring H1.
Otherwise, the BS decides the PU signal not being transmitted, i.e., H0. It can be seen that the
OR rule corresponds to the case of n = 1 and the AND rule corresponds to the case of n = K.

Pm(i)=1- Pd(i)

Fig 1. Spectrum sensing performance over Rayleigh fading channels with SNR = 0; 10; 20 dB for one cognitive

In fig. 1 we see that the complementary receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves
(probability of missed detection versus probability of false alarm) of the energy detection in
one CR are plotted for a variety of SNR values according to Pf and Pd. In the plotting, we use
u= 5 and SNR of 0, 10, and 20 dB, respectively. A close observation of Fig. 1 shows that the
energy detection performance of one CR gets worse when the SNR decreases. This will be the
case when the CR experiences heavy shadowing or fading. In such a scenario, cooperative
spectrum sensing can be applied with the help of multiple CRs.

Co-operative spectrum sensing using Decision fusion rule

In cooperative spectrum sensing, all CRs identify the availability of the licensed spectrum
independently. Each cooperative partner makes a binary decision based on its local observation
and then forwards one bit of the decision to the common receiver. Let D1ε= {0; 1} denote the
local spectrum sensing result of the ith CR. Specifically, fig indicates that the CR infers the
absence of the PU in the observed band. In contrast, fig infers the operating of the PU. At the
common receiver, all 1-bit decisions are fused together according to the following logic rule:

The probability of false alarm by OR rule is given by

The missed detection probability of cooperative spectrum sensing is given by

Cooperative spectrum sensing performance with various fusion rules

Classical energy detection

The Classical Energy Detection (CED) principle (see algorithm 1), also referred to as
radiometric detection, measures the energy received on a primary band during an observation
interval and declares the current channel state Si as busy (hypothesis H1) if the measured
energy is greater than a properly set predefined threshold, or idle (hypothesis H0) otherwise
[7]: Ti(yi) = X N n=1 |yi [n]| 2 H1 ≷ H0 λ (2) 4 where Ti(yi) is the test statistic computed in
the i-th sensing event over the signal vector yi = (yi [1], yi [2], . . . , yi [N]), and λ is a fixed
decision threshold to distinguish between the two hypotheses in equation


Theoretical and experimental performance for the CED algorithm.

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