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IHRM Assignment

Submitted by: Neha Tiwari

Enroll No.: 1704101339
Batch: BBA (1)
Semester: 5

Q) Design a suitable cross-cultural training for

Indian expatriates in an IT concern?

 In today’s world cross-cultural training has become

one of the most important training for the
expatriates who’re taking global assignment, and the
aim is to increase the level adaptability and the
smooth way that they can adapt the culture in the
regions they were assigned for.

 Cross culture in business refers to a company's

efforts to increase its employees' ability to interact
effectively with professional associates and
colleagues from different backgrounds and

 The concept of cross culture is becoming critically

important with the globalization of businesses. Many
companies that seek to expand the markets for their
products devote substantial resources to training
employees on how to communicate and
interact effectively with those from other cultures.
 For example, if an employee of an international
company transfers to another country, they need to
master the cross culture. They must not only learn
the language but adapt to its social norms.

 Respecting other religions is highly recommended in

cross-cultural training, everyone has the right to
practice their own religion and beliefs whenever
wherever they want.

 Depending on your personality and situation, it can

take a while to get settled into your new job. Don’t
worry, with so many changes at once, it’s normal to
feel overwhelmed. And remember, you’re not facing
these struggles alone.

 Learning a new language can be difficult, learning

the ins and outs of a new culture can be even more
challenging. Every country has its own customs and
nuances. No matter where you are, it’s important to
respect the local culture.


Sending an Indian expatriate in IT concern for global assignment is

normal thing which happens every time organizations send expatriates.

Depends to the persons and their competence of fitting themselves in a

foreign country, although there are some challenges which is not only
Indian expatriates face also faced by every other expatriate, such as
the climate changes, society behavior and transportation.

Mentioning transportation may sound bit weird but it’s becoming a

global issue which is faced by almost all the expatriates who are
carrying global assignment in a foreign country.

The advantages of Indian expatriates is they can easily adapt other

cultures, the reason is living India is almost living half of the world,
there are many cultures, languages and religions, and apart from the
main language which is the Hindu language there are more than 22
major languages in India, written in 13 different scripts, with over 720
dialects. The official Indian languages are Hindi (with approximately 420
million speakers) and English, which is also widely spoken

Greetings around the world differ radically from culture to culture and
sometimes they are shaped by religion or superstitious beliefs. Knowing
how to greet someone when visiting another country can help you
avoid an awkward encounter.

# Here is how you say hello in countries around the world.


In Argentina, men greet other men with a kiss, so do not be surprised

or offended if this occurs. Lightly press your cheek against the right
cheek of another for a light kiss.


In Japan, the preferred way to greet someone you’re meeting is to bow

to one another.

#. There are 5 common problems faced by expatriates

A. Having hard time fitting in
If you haven’t actually made the move yet, research the customs before you go.
It’s important to have a basic understanding of the cultural norms before you

Once you have arrived, try to connect with other expats. They can be a great
source of information. Other expats can help you navigate the landscape and
provide cultural insight.

B. Struggling with the language barrier

Unless you’re fluent in the language before you move, you can expect the
language barrier to be a challenge. You’ll need to learn the language if you want
to fit in

Again here I’m stating that Indian expatriate can easily learn any language due to
the environment they lived in.

C. Housing
Navigating your way through a housing market in an unfamiliar city can be
difficult. Ask your coworkers for any advice they may have and seek out resources
to help you through the process

Even though you may want to buy a home, it’s usually better to rent until you’ve
figured out a solid plan.

D. Money management/ managing your expenses

When it comes to personal finances, most expatriates face complicated
challenges. International taxes, benefits, retirement accounts you’ll need to know
how this will impact your finances

It can seem overwhelming to figure out the details, so do as much research as you
can before you move. If you move to your new home with an understanding of
how it will affect you financially, it will be easier to adjust once you’re there.

E. Feeling lonely

When you’re living in a foreign country, it’s essential to form

relationships. Look for events and activities that you’re passionate
about. Try to bond with people that share a common interest with you.
Don’t be afraid to try new things—you just might discover a new
passion or hobby in the process

I would suggest sending men expatriate to foreign countries such as the Middle
East is quite complicated challenging for women.

The expatriate should maintain punctuality and proper formal dress

Do research in advance learn the culture customs and the things which can help
you adapt that culture easily

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