Pe Teacher Trivia Answers

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Teacher Trivia Answers

How many did you get right?

Which teacher (Mr. Sator or Mr. Wojo)…

1. Loved to play Yahtzee? Mr. Sator

2. Played a game called Cribbage? Mr. Sator
3. Played basketball in his kitchen? (Don't do this at YOUR house!) Mr. Wojo
4. Helped make a punch rug of the United States? Mr. Sator
5. Played tackle football with his brother between their beds? Mr. Wojo
6. Played soccer/hockey at his elementary school by taping together two lids
from canning jars and kicking it with his friends between two goals? Mr. Wojo
7. Threw a baseball back and forth with his brother 5,000 times...without
dropping it? (True story) Mr. Wojo
8. Often played Hopscotch? Mr. Sator
9. Made a homemade skateboard out of roller skates? Mr. Sator
10. Pretended he was a sports announcer and recorded famous plays on a tape
recorder? Mr. Wojo
11. Played street hockey in the street and yelled "car" as a car approached?
Mr. Sator
12. Played a baseball board game that had a spinner so often that his fingers got
tired from flicking the spinner so much? Mr. Wojo
13. Played a game called "Pickle"? Pickle is where one person runs between two
bases, which are each "guarded" by another person. wearing a baseball
glove. The two guards have to throw a ball to each other while the runner
tries to run to each base ("stealing" the base) without getting tagged by the
person who has the ball. Mr. Wojo
14. Played a tagging game called "Kick the Can? Mr. Sator
15. Played 4 Square on a neighbor's driveway? Mr. Sator
16. Played 1 on 1 soccer with my brother? Mr. Sator
17. Played a game called "12 o'clock the Witch Come Out?” Mr. Wojo
18. Had (and still does) a large trading card collection of baseball, football,
hockey, and basketball cards? Mr. Wojo
19. Played outside just about every summer day from the time he woke up until
he went to bed? Mr. Wojo
20.Played "hand hockey" in his basement? Mr. Sator

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