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Physical Education Lesson

Grade: 5 Unit: Floor Hockey Date: March 9th and 10th

Activities Benefits Health Cooperation Do It Daily…For Life

Basic Application Function Body Well- Communi- Fair Setting/ Active Living In
Specific Skills of Basic al Fitness Image being cation Play Leadership Team- Effort Safety Personal the Community
Outcomes Skills work Challenge
 

A5-2, A5-5, A5-6

Introduction/Warm Up (5 mins) Assessment/Evaluation/
 Have students line up with backs against the wall. Comments
 Quick warm up of running back and forth across the gym. Forwards,
backwards, sideways etc. They can do a move at the end of the gym
(jumping jacks, pushups etc.)

Learning Activities/Teaching Strategies (20 mins)

 Today we will begin target shooting. Set up two sides of the gym with the net, accuracy checklist
pylons and bowling pins. Practice one at a time per target, and after everyone
has shot once at a target, they can retrieve the ball and go to back of line.  verbal feedback
Encourage the goal of hitting target at least 3/5 times.  observations
 If we have time, we will play an intro game of 5 on 5. No goalies today but we
will consider adding goalies later in the unit. This is because I want everyone
to practice the skills, we have practiced this week and last.
 Split the gym into 4 courts. If not enough nets, use cones as a net. Players
MUST pass the ball three times before scoring.

Closure/Cool Down (5 mins)

 What are some key skills we have practiced?
 We will discuss the positives of the class, as well as areas to improve for
next time! Explain the self-assessment pictures by the door. What does self-
assessment means? ‘Wow’ means you went above and beyond what is
expected for the class. ‘Not yet’ means you are still working hard to get it, or
maybe need to improve your effort or attitude. Remind them it is not for
marks, just a nice way to gauge your own effort and skill, so be honest!
 Have students line up at the door. As they leave, have them tap the self-
assessment photo they feel that they matched up with.

Equipment Safety Considerations

(25) Hockey sticks, balls 1. You may not bring the stick above your knees at any time.
4 nets, pylons 2. No hitting or swinging at the puck while it is in the air.
3. No body checking.
4. When a puck is stuck in the net, the goalie gets possession.
5. Always start the game with a face-off.
6. Only 6 players from your team are allowed on the floor at all times.
7. Play hard but play to keep the opponent safe.

Reflections: What went well? What can improve? Changes for next time? (back page)

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