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Ice Hotel www.englishexplosion.


Shawnie: Would you ever stay in an ice hotel?

Mike: Sounds a little chilly but ya why not!

Shawnie: Ya I was looking up ice hotels and they´re really interesting. My Uncle and Aunt
stayed at an ice hotel once and they thought it was great.

Mike: Wasn´t it freezing cold at night?

Shawnie: No they told me that the bed they slept on had a nice mattress and a warm
sleeping bag.

Mike: What kind of amenities did the hotel have?

Shawnie: There were lots of amenities at the hotel like an ice bar where you can have
drinks out of ice cups, a day spa for spa treatments along with hot tubs and saunas to
warm up.

Mike: Sounds nice! I wonder what the rooms are like.

Shawnie: My Aunt told me that each room had a theme and ice sculptures carved into the

Mike: I guess you would have to like the cold to stay there.

Shawnie: I don´t mind the cold at all, so I´d love to stay in an ice hotel for one night.
So what do say? Ice Hotel

Ice Hotel

Mike: Ok count me in.

Ok, let’s start the questions and answers about this conversation. The questions are in
BLUE and the answers are in BLACK. Try to answer each question. Press pause on the
audio to answer the questions. Then start the audio to continue. Let’s start!

Would Mike ever stay at an ice hotel? Ya, Mike said he´d stay at an ice hotel. Does Mike
think an ice hotel sounds like a cozy place to stay? No, no he thinks it sounds like a chilly
place to stay.

Does Shawnie know anyone who has stayed in an ice hotel? Yes, yes her aunt and uncle
stayed in an ice hotel before. Did her aunt and uncle have fun at the ice hotel? Yes, yes
they thought it was great! Her aunt and uncle had a great time at the ice hotel.

Was it freezing cold at night? No, no Shawnie´s aunt and uncle didn´t think it was
freezing cold at night. What was their bed like? It was super different, their bed was
made of ice but they had a nice mattress and a sleeping bag to keep them warm.

Did they have a spa at the hotel? Yes, yes there was a day spa where you could get spa
treatments. Was there a place to drink? Absolutely, they had an ice bar to get your drink

What were the rooms like? The rooms were obviously made of ice, but each room had a
theme and ice sculptures carved into the walls.

Does Shawnie hate the cold? No, no Shawnie doesn´t mind the cold at all. Does Shawnie
want to stay in an ice hotel? Yes, yes Shawnie wants to stay in an ice hotel for one night.

Does Mike want to stay in an ice hotel? Yes, yes Mike wants to stay at the ice hotel too. Ice Hotel


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