Phrasal Verbs Exercise

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Phrasal Verbs Exercise

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate phrasal verb.

She wants to …………………………. her emotions.

give vent to

run down

put up with

I can never …………………………. indiscipline.

put up

put up with

give up

3. A committee was …………………………….. to

look into the matter.

set up

Phrasal Verbs Exercise

put up

gave up

4. The old man ……………………………… after a

prolonged illness.

passed away

passed off

passed out

5. The workers’ association has decided to

………………………………….. the meeting to a later

put off

put out

put down

Phrasal Verbs Exercise

6. The doctor advised the patient to

……………………………….. smoking.

give off

give up

give out

7. They fought bravely but in the end they had to


give out

give in

give off

8. She ………………………………. her old mother

with great love and patience.

took after

Phrasal Verbs Exercise

took care of

took off

9. The charges of corruption

………………………………. the downfall of the

brought out

brought about

brought up

10. He had to ……………………………… a lot of


get off

get around

get in

Phrasal Verbs Exercise

11. The President’s plane ………………………………

exactly at 4 pm.

took out

took off

took in

12. She was not …………………………….. by his

nice words.

taken in

taken out

taken off

1. She wants to give vent to her emotions.

2. I can never put up with indiscipline.

Phrasal Verbs Exercise

3. A committee was set up to look into the matter.

4. The old man passed away after a prolonged illness.

5. The workers’ association has decided to put off the meeting to a later date.

6. The doctor advised the patient to give up smoking.

7. They fought bravely but in the end they had to give in.

8. She took care of her old mother with great love and patience.

9. The charges of corruption brought about the downfall of the government.

10. He had to get around a lot of obstacles.

11. The President’s plane took off exactly at 4 pm.

12. She was not taken in by his nice words.


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