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2015 Gym Combine

Preliminary Combine
1. All athletes get up to 3 attempts per test.
2. Athletes must perform all attempts before moving onto the next test

• Broad Jump
• 40 Yard Dash
• Pull-Ups (strict pull-ups, full lock out, collar bone to bar) - max # in 60 seconds
• Burpees - max # in 60 seconds. (chest to deck, full hip extension, leave ground, clap

Obstacle Combine
1. All athletes are allowed up to 2 attempts at each event. Only one attempt is required and
2. Athletes must perform all attempts before moving onto the next event

Rope Climbs - Max in one minute. Each rep is a point. (sub: 1 minute chin over bar, start with 3
points, each rest deducts a point.)

Bucket Carry - 5 gallon, 75lbs and 45lbs (male/female) 200 yard shuttle, capped at one minute. 1
point per 50 yards.

Spear / Football Throw - 5 throws. Each time the target is hit is a point. Target should be 12”
diameter, stand 15’ away from target.

Herc Hoist - (sub: Ball Slams) Male = 100lbs / Female = 50lbs (sub: 30lbs /15lbs) Max in one minute.
(sub: Every 5 reps is a point, Athlete must reach fully extended hip and ball fully extended overhead
per rep, and each rep needs a full squat depth per rep)

Burpee 7’ Wall Climb - (sub Burpee Box Jump) - 60 seconds to do as many as possible, reps are
counted by chest to deck. Top of burpee can be used to climb wall unless using substitute - (sub:
Every 5 reps is a point. Burpee standards per above.)

Barbed Wire Crawl - (sub Bear Crawl with shoe) 100 yard crawl, capped at one minute. 1 point per 50

Endurance Combine
1.5 mile time trial, flat surface. Start with 5 points. Lose a point for every 30 seconds above 11


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