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 Translate into Indonesian!

Mother: Uncle:
Father: Aunt:
Parents: Nephew:
Grandmother: Niece:
Grandfather: Cousin:
Grandparents: Friends:
Sister: Family:

Ahmad and Annisa Bahri

Asiyah and musa ali Diana and Hakim Bahri

yusuf hasna ILHAM MARYAM

Answer the Questions!

1. Ahmad is Annisa’ ... .

2. Ahmad and Annisa have a son. He is ... .
3. I have brother and sister. They are ... and ... .
4. My grandparents are ... and ... .
5. Ilham and Maryam are my ... .
6. Diana is my ... .
7. Maryam is Ilham’s ... .
8. There are ... members in my family.
9. Maryam is my ... .
10. Hakim bahri is Asiyah’s ... .

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