Montenegro: (Book by Mladen Zagarčanin)

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Old Town Bar

a guide through the ages
(book by Mladen Zagarčanin)
Chapter Oriental Bar
Bar is a city on the coast of Montenegro, 75 km away from Montenegro. The Old Town, Old
Bar, is mentioned in documents dating from the 9th century. The well-preserved remains of
the walls and fortresses, as well as the beautiful view of the whole city and its surroundings,
oblige the traveler to visit him. At the very entrance to the town there is an olive tree which is
between 2000 and 2500 years old. This is the oldest olive tree in the world. City is known for
its multi-ethnicity. The church of St. George was converted immediately after the conquest to
the mosque, as recorded by Archbishop Marin Bici in 1610. The locals called it Sultan
Ahmet's mosque because it was restored during his reign (1703-1711). The inscription that
testifies to this was built in the monument in 1881.
The Turks also called the mosque of St. George the Londja mosque (londza - from a tour,
meeting, meeting). The church at Londa was killed in a major explosion of ammunition.
“Night between January 8 and 9, 1881, there was a terrible thunder that was rarely
remembered. At about two o'clock at midnight, a terrible gunshot was heard, and the town
was struck by mines so that the church was completely destroyed. "Also, another large church
of St. Nicholas was converted into the mosque, called Orta or the middle mosque.In 1908 it
was noted that St. Nicholas Church is well preserved, but it is known for more shots of the
Montenegrin cannon ghouls. As it was noted, “there are soldier's belongings and antique
items inside weapons, saber rifles and several Venetian helmets." She was suffering also an
explosion of ammunition, but somewhat later in 1910.
At the site of the medieval Passenger Shelter there was a masjid, a mosque without a minaret.
A mihrab and mimber were added to the north wall of the house (a semicircular niche facing
the Mecca and a spinning room) and the space around was used to bury wealthy citizens.
Omerbašić mosque-The mosque of the Omerbasic family is placed outside the city.
It was built by Omer paša and his three sons in 1662. Within this facility, apart from the
mosque, is the Dervish Hasan Turbe. Next to the turbines is a gas station (room for bathing of
the deceased) and one mosque house.Škanjević mosque-It is located opposite the northern
large rampart between the aqueducts and Omerbašić mosque. It is one of the few mosques in
the Balkans which has stone minarets. There is a cemetery around the mosque and the oldest
one is the one on which it says that the minarets were restored by Haseqi Ali-aga in 1234.
According to the Islamic calendar ie. 1819. year. It was destroyed in a fire in 1906 as and
during the explosion of St. Nicholas (Orta Mosque) in 1912. Barutana-Turkish gunpowder
was erected in the early 18th century, and its very ownthick walls are made of rough-hewn
stone to a thickness about 1.50 m. The gunpowder is covered with a dome. There are facades
and two engraved inscriptions in verse. The first is said to be Hussein-Pasha petitioned to
raise gunpowder Sultan Ahmed Khan. When was sent by the Sultan, Sejid Mehmed-aga
ordered that begin construction. Much effort was made by the Janissary aga, Hasan aga. He
ordered the construction work to begin. The inscription is dated between May 6 and June 24,
1166 Islamic year, or 1704.yers.After two years, two repairs were made on gunpowder.This is
evident from the second inscription dated between 8/30/15 and 9/17/17. - Aqueduct-Toward
the north side of city tower 163, an aqueduct was built in the Turkish era to draw water from a
distance of 3 km from the village Brought to Turkey by Bar. It is formed by a channel carried
by the structure undertaken with seventeen arches of different spans. These bows they rely on
columns. In the channel, located on the upper surface,there were interconnected ceramic
tubes, about 30 cm length and about 12 cm in diameter. Faucets-In the 17th century, the
Turks made efficient water supply through the city. Water was carried out by ceramic tubes,
over canals guided by slopes and aqueduct, and it was filled into a cistern (4C). From there it
was distributed all over the city.In front of the main gate of the city (ie in front of the
Omerbasic mosque) is located is a fountain which, according to the inscription, was erected in
1642 / 63,1052. years according to the Islamic calendar.A second fountain was made above
the southern part of the semicircular stairs of the church of St. Nicholas, or Orta mosque (to
this day no traces of this fountain remained). This tap is, according to the inscription built into
the monument of 1881, erected by of some Silashor Zeynel-Abidin in 1169 according to a
Muslimcalendar or 1756 according to the present. Hmam-Turkish bath-Turkish hamam is
made according to the well-known ancient systemconsisting of apoditerium (place for pre-
bath preparation),hypocaust (saunas and bathing areas) and prefurnium (places for water
heating). The space of the hypocaust was occupied by a dome.There was a toilet in the west
room, while the first room was some a kind of locker room with niches under the seating
bank. The space for heating has a high chimney and a vaulted water tank. Fire lodge under
this construction. The clock-is the endowment of Jahijah-aga Ibrahim Osmanov, who rebuilt
the tower in 1753. It is, in fact, a medieval tower or the Venetian age that was reworked in
this monumental an oriental monument by which the Old Town of Bar is most recognized.
Houses in town-The city began to take over shortly after the conquest of 1571 oriental
feature. The houses began to adapt in spirit an Eastern understanding of space and the
philosophy of life, which to some the way resulted in the Bar externally losing the Medieval-
Venetian appearance. However, even though it was born on the grounds of older buildings, it
is Turkish the house is also getting a new dimension in the interior and exterior. Roofs they
are shallower, docks on the doxates are being made. Lightweight wooden construction is very
much used, and the yard with a fenced garden is one of the basic distinctive features. From
constructive forms made of stone very often cut onions, of harmonious proportions and
finesse workmanship.

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