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Evelyn West

FLAN 412
30 January 2020
Mini-Practicum #1 - Advinia Quién (Guess Who)
Topic​: Body parts

What​: ● Finding and giving information activity
● Spanish

Who​: ● Non-native, foreign language learners

● 3rd grade
● Elementary aged learners (7-9 years old)

Why​: This activity is designed to fit into the middle of a lesson in the middle
of a unit on parts of the body. Students will have learned this
vocabulary in a previous lesson, but will be summatively assessed on
the content later in the unit. They will have reviewed the vocabulary as
a class prior to this activity by listening to the body parts song
(​​) and by playing Simón Dice
(Simon Says.) They are then going to play Advinia Quién (Guess Who)
to describe a monster of their choice using their body parts vocabulary
to get their partner to guess which monster they chose. The teacher will
walk around to assess by listening to the pairs as they play and help
students stay in the target language.

Michigan Merit ● 1.1.N.SL.e Ask questions about physical appearance, character
Curriculum: and personality traits of friends, family, classmates and answer
World Languages using a list of traits
Standards and

Learning Objectives:

● SWBAT describe the physical appearance of a monster using body parts and the
associated target structures.
● SWBAT identify which monster matches the oral description given by a partner using the
target structures.


● Monster sheets
(​​) →
Evelyn West
FLAN 412
13 February 2020
Mini-Practicum #2 - Mad Libs
Topic​: Body parts/appearance

What​: ● Reading and writing activity
● Spanish

Who​: ● Non-native, foreign language learners

● 3rd grade
● Elementary aged learners (7-9 years old)

Why​: This activity is designed to fit into the middle of a lesson towards the
end of a unit on parts of the body. Students will have been studying
parts of the body and are now moving into describing appearances.
They will be summatively assessed on the content later in the unit,
shortly after this lesson. The class will start by discussing what
adjectives are and develop a list of adjectives. All of these will be
written on the board. They are then going to play Mad Libs. The
students will receive a quarter sheet with 10 blanks. They will have to
write the word the first blank asks for, and then pass to the left when
instructed. Then that student will fill in the second blank and pass to the
left when prompted, and this will continue until the papers have been
passed 10 times. Then students will get a sheet with all 10 blanks
completed (it does not have to be their own) and put the words in the
blank in their stories. Afterwards, they will read their completed stories
and draw the story to demonstrate their comprehension. The teacher
will walk around to assist as needed. Assessment will be done by
collecting the stories with the monsters and checking to ensure the
pictures match what happened in the story.

Michigan Merit ● 1.2.N.L.a Demonstrate understanding of oral classroom
Curriculum: language in the target language including directions, commands,
World Languages and requests
Standards and
● 1.1.N.RW.e Ask questions in writing about physical
appearance, character and personality traits of friends, family,
classmates, and answer in writing using a list of traits

Learning Objectives:

● SWBAT list adjectives in the target language.

● SWBAT create a short story by completing a fill-in-the-blank form with a list of words.
● SWBAT draw a scene to describe what is happening in a story.


● Mad Libs sheet:

Evelyn West
FLAN 412
2 April 2020
Mini-Practicum #3 - Drawing Monsters
Topic: Body parts/appearance

What: ● Review game/activity
● Spanish

Who: ● Non-native, foreign language learners

● 3rd grade
● Elementary aged learners (7-9 years old)

Why: This activity is designed to fit into the middle of a lesson towards the
end of a unit on parts of the body. Students will have been studying
parts of the body and are now going to review them before their
summative assessment soon. They will be summatively assessed on the
content of the unit shortly after this lesson. The class will start by
watching a music video about the parts of the body which can be found
here: Students can
touch/show the parts of the body as they appear in the song (also as a
way to get them moving.) Then students will be split into pairs or
groups of three (these could be predetermined or students can be
counted off, depending on the needs of the class.) They will be given a
bag with a set of cards with parts of the body in Spanish and pictures to
help aid in comprehension. They will also be given two dice and a
blank piece of paper. One student will draw a card from the bag and
share it with the group. Another student will roll the dice. Using the
sentence frame “Dibuja (number) (body part)” which will be written on
the board. They will repeat this process until they have used all of the
cards in the bag. They will give their monsters a name. Afterwards, they
will share their completed monsters with another group (these could be
predetermined group pairings or students can be assigned randomly,
this depends on the needs of the class.) The teacher will walk around to
facilitate and assist as needed. This activity is intended to be used as a
review of the body parts and as a formative assessment to tell the
teacher if the students are ready for the summative assessment or if they
need more time practicing the target vocabulary. This is appropriate for
these learners because it was adapted for their age/grade level and
allows for interaction through the use of an engaging, fun activity.
Michigan Merit ● 1.2.N.L.a Demonstrate understanding of oral classroom
Curriculum: language in the target language including directions, commands,
World Languages and requests
Standards and ● 1.1.N.SL.e Ask questions about physical appearance, character
Benchmarks and personality traits of friends, family, classmates and answer
using a list of traits

Learning Objectives:

● SWBAT follow oral classroom directions.

● SWBAT create a monster using the appropriate body part and quantity.
● SWBAT present their monster drawings using the appropriate vocabulary.


● Warmup video:

● Paper
● Cards:
● Dice
● Markers/crayons


Assessment will be done as the teacher walks around and monitors, assessing the level of
comprehension based on if students are able to match the correct number of body parts on their
monster to the ones that are picked out of the bag. This activity is intended to be used as a
review of the body parts and as a formative assessment to tell the teacher if the students are ready
for the summative assessment or if they need more time practicing the target vocabulary.
RubiStar Rubric Made Using:
RubiStar ( )

Reading - Analyzing Information : Mad Libs Monstruo Cuento Reading


Teacher Name: Evelyn West

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Identifies Student draws all The student draws The student draws The student cannot
important the main points of some of the main only unimportant draw any of the
the story. point of the story. points. information with

Summarization Student uses 5 Student uses 3 Student uses 1 Student uses no

pictures to clearly pictures to clearly picture to clearly pictures to clearly
describe what the describe what the describe what the describe what the
story is about. story is about. story is about. story is about.

Writing Student has all 10 Student has 7 Student has 4 blanks Student has 3 or
blanks completed. blanks completed. completed. less blanks


Date Created: Feb 13, 2020 07:20 pm (CST)

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Evelyn West

FLAN 412

18 March 2020

Reflection Paper #1: Assessment

Section 1: What is the topic that you would like to teach in the lesson or unit?

For this unit, students will be learning about parts of the body and the appropriate

adjectives to describe appearance. They will be able to name and identify the parts of the body,

and they will be able to describe an individual’s physical characteristics and identify attributes of

physical appearance. For this lesson specifically, students will just be focused on identifying the

parts of the body.

Section 2: What do you expect your learners to be able to do at the end of the lesson

(formative assessment) or a chapter/unit (summative assessment)?

This particular lesson will be done in the middle of the unit. After several lessons of

practicing the target structures and vocabulary, this assessment will be a summative assessment

of the students’ ability to identify and label the parts of the body. This will be done before

moving on to the next part of the unit, which is appearance. Students will be able to identify and

name key parts of the body in the target language using a body outline.

Section 3: How do you know if learners have met the goal/outcome?

The goal is for students to be able to label the parts of the body of an outline of

themselves that they have drawn on large paper. The teacher will read a part of the body aloud

and the students will have to identify that part of the body on the outline of themselves and then

label it. Students will need to be able to accomplish this goal in order to successfully complete
the summative assessment. Whether or not students accomplish this goal and fulfill the objective

will be determined by their ability to complete the task.

Section 4: How will you know how well learners have met the goals?

I will know how well the learners have met the goals based on how many of the parts of

the body they are able to label correctly. If students can label 15/20 of the body parts correctly, I

will consider the goal to be met. If this goal is not met, then I will go back and re-teach before

moving on to the next part of the unit. In order to follow the step-by-step rubric development, I

first decided on the key elements that would be taken into account. For this assessment, the key

elements are accuracy in identification and mechanics. Then, I determined performance levels,

especially what will be acceptable, which in this case the students are either proficient or

emerging. If the students are proficient, they will be able to label 15/20 of the body parts

correctly, but if they are emerging, they will get less that 15 correct and the teacher will go back

and re-teach.

Sample Rubric

Body Parts Assessment

Student will receive ½ point for identifying the part of the

body on their body outline and they will receive ½ point for

correctly labeling that part of the body in Spanish (spelling

Name __________________ counts!)


SWBAT: Students can Student can identify the parts Student can label the parts of

identify and label the parts of of the body and where they the body, in Spanish, using

are located. the correct spelling.

the body in the target

language. __________________ / 10 __________________ / 10

Total: ______________ / 20


This rubric accurately reflects what the most important characteristics and the priorities of

instruction. It is isolating the product that the teacher is looking to see if the students know and

can do and asks them to demonstrate this knowledge appropriately. Because of this, the rubric

accurately reflects the goals of the lesson, and thus the goals of the assessment. Once I know that

this quality has been met, I can go back to my rubric and make sure that all of the descriptions

indicate only observable behaviors and are written in clear and understandable language. After

all of these factors have been taken into account, the rubrics are ready to be used with the


Section 5: How will you report your results to the public?

I would report the results to the public by posting the grades in the online system used to

update and calculate grades. I would also send paper copies of the rubrics home with the

students, so their parents have the breakdown of how the points were distributed. Finally, to

show the results to the school administration by hanging the labeled body outlines either in the

classroom or the hallway to show the hard work the students have been putting in throughout the

course of this unit.

Section 6: Why is it important to think about assessment in the language classroom?

Assessment is an important aspect to consider in any classroom, but especially in the

language classroom because it allows teachers to gauge where students are at in their language

development and if they need more time practicing the target structures from the unit. It allows

the teacher to see what the students know and what they are still learning. It gives them the

feedback on where to focus their time and energy in their teaching. Without frequent and

meaningful assessment, the teacher will not know what the students know and can do, and this

will lead to lessons that have no significance if the students are not actually learning what they

need to be.

Curtain, H., & Dahlberg, C. A. (2016). Languages and Learners Making the Match: World

Language Instruction in K-8 Classrooms and Beyond. Boston: Pearson.

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