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Hkmilton is LieuL R~ M. C . Hamil-
- tee
ton, of 162 Haddon avenue, who ::g'Ahgp1anks were" 7owere
came to the regiment last Novem- and the chosen few, after showin
Sixteen Units Aboard Lady Rodney ber on a transfer-.from the : North their pass to the military police-
were allowed to proceed on board
and Ile de France, Including Many Nova -Scotias'. One of the first persons this write
Hamilton and District Regiments Proud of Sniper met was Lieut .-Col. Jame& Swayze,
The regiment is proud of its DS.O., of Niagara Falls, command-
ing officer of the Lincoln and Wel
Halifax, Jan, 28.-(CP) -Repatriation ~of practically all "Dead-Eye Dick," in the person of "land Regiment .
separate combat units of the Canadian army , overseas was Private Edward Haley, of Mathe- "We have had the worst crossin
completed Saturday with the arrival here of the troopships soi , Ont ., who is by far the best 3n the . history of the war; I hay
sniper in the . regiment . Legend has that. straight from the- boys on th
Lady Rodney and Ile de France, which brought home more it-that he had more than a dozen
1, bridge, and . I don't doubt them
than 9,000 veterans of all services, including 16 complete notches on his rifle butt when hos-
bit," the lieutenant-colonel,exclaim
ed . "There were times when the of
army units. Among units aboard the Ile de France were the tilities ceased . ' ;tub (English expression you know
Lincoln and Welland Regiment, of St. Catharines, Ont., the Captain -A. M. Sweeton, of Lon- neither stood on her ends or prac
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, of Hamilton, Ont ., and don, is going to be a trifle irked
tically lay on her "sides. The -wors
=part of the trip. was at "the begin
the Elgin Regiment of St. Thomas, Ont . when, he finally reaches home . On} ping, . because after that we got
Also returning on the Ile de France were the C.W.A.C. the long journey back he has had -little used to it, but none of--it -wa;
to tote his suitcase down many-a ,
brass band which just completed a tour of England and the long platform but,. like a good sol-
good ." The one question whic
,comes from the ranks is, "Whe
Continent entertaining thousands of Canadian servicemen, diet, he has :never complained. %:'do we reach St . Catharines?"' an
and'part of the cast of the Royal Canadian Navy show, Meet What , lie- doesn't know yet is- that ,that until this
.F proaches Montrealtroop; . train nap
some of- his pals placed 15 pounds
the Navy, which made such ,a great hit in Canada and over- of . useless. scrap iron in it before ; is" definitely th_
$64 question but it .i s now esti-
seas . Officer, in charge of the C.W.A;C. band " was Capt. they left England, and the thought mated by those who think the
Grace McNeil, of Hamilton, Ont., who has been with the of the awful discovery is causing know, about 37 hours after , the
many: a. chuckle among his .brother
group since its inception . Members of the navy show said officers. - train- leaves Halifax. But with con-
British producers had made a film-of the show which is ex- gestion of traffic on the railways ;
as an-arrival'su ch as this presents
pected to be previewed at Ottawa in March. Thirty of the Halifax, Jan. ,27.-"Hullo, Can-
we are again ." That and remembering that the. Lad_
cast have remained overseas to make a final six-week tour was the shout from . thousands of Rodney docked short hours before,
anything can happen.
of the Continent. throats late Saturday afternoon as
the - majestic 35,000-ton liner, Bell
Aow's !the Beer?, Next they went to Arnhem, where- de
i (By John D . Johnstone) ' they were used for guard duty `by France, was eased into her berth In all of Canada it is doubtful
tiny tugs, as she brought to whether"any unit has a more un-
Saint John, N.B ., Jan, 28:-(Ow over the huge vehicle park located these shores
there. In October of last year 10,000 veterans, of this' usual mascot than the Lincoln aid"
troop!' train No. 822)='How's the they. joined the regiment at Am- Dominion's -armed forces . Welland Regiment It is a 15-ton
shirts? mersfort, where cross posting and They were the men of the recce tank named Press :On . Fur-
beer?" Can you buy 4th Armoured` Division who thermore this hunk -.of steel was
What's the news from Hamilton? Tepatriation commence The bat- had . seen action against the enemy transported, by the permission . .o ¬:
When do we get there?" These'tery returned to England on De- from the Falaise gap to Berlin  the Canadian military authorities,
and -hundreds of similar questions cember 12, to wait transfer to and among those thousands were" to :St. Catharines, ' and should be
are, hourly being flung at the Canada . regiments from Hamilton and dis- there for the arrival of the troops :
writer as the personnel of the 83rd Extensive Training trict, the famous Kiltie5, who were It was the pride and joy- of-the
Field Battery (S .P .); R.C.A., and
the Lincoln and Welland Regiment, the Many nY of the men returningg with given, the honour of entering Ber- former commanding officer, Lleut :-
battery are quite capable of lin, the Argyll and Sutherland' Col . R . C. Coleman, D.S .O, . M.C.,
speed on their way home acrossi rehabilitating themselves with ease, Highlanders, the Lincoln and Wel- who used it'in his travels in pref-
the snow-covered countryside of; the extensive vocational land Regiment which fought side
New Brunswick, on the last leg 'due to program which was under- by . side their Scotch friends, and' erence to a jeep. The whole 'unit
hopes ; to see it . :resting peaceably.
of l nine-day journey from South- 'framing taken at Geesten, Holland. A ma-' the . 83rd Battery, R.C.A ., whose' at St : Catharines, where it was
ampton .
The men are in a happy mood chine shop . was set up by Captain war history has few equals. sent recently.
Murphy, of St. Cathar nes, Not often do the Haligonians stir
and much kidding is taking place Roger who has since returned home, as a , boat appears in the harbour.
as the follows while .away the time sheet metal
playing" cards, reading, wanderings work and other dmechanical trades They .,have seen countless thou-
up and down the long train ; or just - ;were eagerly taken up by the men sands come and go, but this day
sitting and looking at the land for and they reached a high degree of they did. As the great vessel drew
which they offered their lives . --;efficiency . Sports, too, were very close, to shore ; bands on the shore
struck up and it was a wonderful
They are fearful° of long parades popular; . and here much is ' .sight to see the crowd; uniformed
and long speeches, but they, have due to Sgt . Eric England, of To- men, veterans and civilians, stand
been assured that if the reception . ronto :
of other units which returned, at attention as the strains of O
There : is one lad in the battery Canada - flowed across the water
earlier can be taken as a measure, I old°'although behails from ,to" :the. nearing liner. As it ended
then, there will be a minimum of very f pleased to everywhere people were dashing
both, reach Hamilton, He is Gnr. Victor up'. . and down the wharf trying in
There-are only four . .officers and . For days, his companions vain to see their personal hero .
83-:-dther ranks returning with the, - Remigio
tell, he has been talking of nothing
83x11 'Battery. Apart from ;Major ,else but "Stella," who, it would ap- Citizens of Halifax and visitors; EURO
wl p .were lucky enough to obtain
Jimniy .. Katie, D.S .O ., who' hails ; pear, has quite a priority on Gnr. passes 14,6939
. from the military to reach
from Toronto, there are Captain Remigio . "She had better be at. the this vantage point, waved fran,
Larry Smith, who, prior to the "station to see me arrive," he warns. tically; and - were CANA
war, worked on the St. Catharines often rewarded
In theiLincoln and Welland .Regi- by shouts from the close approach, ARMY
Standard (he has employed his anent there is but one Hamiltonian ing> vessel . The band-
newspaper training in writing a' switched tq DEMOB IL
very complete history of the entire who is an original° member of the Strauss waltzes and then cut in
unit. He is Sgt . J . S . Knight, 229 with Roll Out the Barrel . HAMILTON
R:C.A, Regiment), Lieut . Harold Maple avenue. Lieut.Col, Swayze,
Smuck, of Caledonia, and Lieut. R, D S .O commanding officer, of Nia- Decks Crowded
H:-' Davis, of 60 Balsam avenue" gara Fans, and Major J . L. Dandy ; On board the French greyhound
south. F .O., are. the only others who can of theonAtlantic, every available
When the war came to an end + PZ

claim the same honour: From space deck was occupied 'by
the' unit found, itself in an occupa- -- - ,humans. The 'gun posts, long
tional role in Germany, but a shorn of their, deadly guns, had
anonth later moved to Goesten,l not an inch to,sare. This was one
'Under the command of Major Nor- , time that even-,the seagulls .had no
rie Stavert, but in August of .1945 place to perch . Nearer came the
Major Kane took over the battery. 1 ,great ship and as she did, ciga-
rettes were thrown to eager,
grabbing hands, - Now faces could
be, recognized. The noise became
tetWic . Even the band was
drowned out.

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