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Recruitment Letter | Individual Interviews

Subject: Hi, ____ | Interest in Participating in Pilot Study about Gifted Education Policies

Dear ______,

We, Sarah Caroleo and Dr. Meg Hines, are presently recruiting teachers to participate in an
interview pilot study. We are both practitioners of gifted education; Sarah teaches gifted
elementary students, and Meg teaches higher education courses for advanced degrees and
certification in gifted education. We believe there is a need to better understand how state
gifted education policies impact teachers’ mindsets surrounding giftedness and gifted

In this study, we are interested in talking with teachers who have taught general education
classes in a public school setting for at least 3 years. Particularly, we would like to talk with
those who have taught grades in which students have already been identified for giftedness.
The primary research question we are exploring is:

1) Does the presence and strength of gifted education policies impact teachers’
mindsets surrounding gifted education?

2) In what ways have policies contributed to teachers’ understanding and commitment

to gifted education?

If you are a teacher who has taught in a public school for at least 3 years and has served
students who have been identified as gifted, please consider in participating in this study.
Your participation will include one to two 45-60-minute online video interviews with Sarah.
Interviews will be conducted during the months of April-May 2020. You will receive a $30
Amazon gift card as a token of appreciation for your time.

If you are interested, please contact us (via email) to let us know. We will follow up with an
email with additional details, a consent form, and a potential schedule of interview dates and
times. We can work with your schedule!

Thank you for your consideration!


Sarah Caroleo |

Meg E. Hines, PhD |

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