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c TECHNICAL MANUAL DXG 325K ° RADIOGRAPHIC. GETIERATOR “THIS MAWAL COTAINS THSPALLATION MALITENANCE QPRRATOR AnD SEREICE, INEORATION. TAME. OE. SOUTER pescaurrioH Introduction — Description 1 Equipment Supplied 3 Radiographic Time Station Notice 6 outline Data 7 Compatibility Inforsation 8 Radiation Warning === = 9 Legol Obligation Taformstion — 10 Operator Instruction and Cautions 2 eat Equipments and Accuracy of Instruments . b IXGI25R PCR List| ——— 8 Installation Information 6 System Calibration #1 2» System Calsbration 62 au System Calibration #3 2 System Cabling Data #1 a Syaten Cabling Data #2 — Syaten Cabling Data #3 25 System Cabling Date #4 2% System Cabling Data #5 = 2 System Cabling Vata #6 w Component Layout: #1 2» Component Layout 12 20 Component Layout #3 aL Drscenri08 ac Component Layout 94 8 Component Layout 5 3 Component Layout 6 Ea DxEIZaN Hoek Plogram = 36 Operation Sequoncy ———-m-e~ 26 System Calibration (=a 5 DxE325R Generator Console Schematic (AI=73605-009) ———nenvns a RCE 1 Part Location (Power & OLP;A2-74616-114) e-em a Power & OLP Schematic (FOB 1342-23616-114) — ——emseomn a ACH 2 Pact tocatson (Rotor & Timer sA2-7961G112) — —eeeen—a— 0 Rotor & Tier Schewatie (POD 2:42-73616-112) —- st HPCE 3 Part Location (KVP mater & mA sljuse;42-73616-116)~ 2 AVP neter & mA oiljust Schematic (PCB 3:42-73616-116) 8 HPCE 4 Pore Location (wh Unit Al-13616-118) Sa ‘nh Unit Schematic (PCW 4:AL-74610-218) 35 PB 5 Pare Lecation (Control Unit 42-72010-124) 36 Kconerol Wit Schomabse (POS 5:A2-73616-124) 0 Pb 6 Part lacatsen (Connection UnitsA2-73605-102) on Connection Unit SchemsLse (PCL 6;42-73605-102) ” PCB 7 Part Location (LY moter;A3-73616-126) oa LY Meter Schematic (PCD 7;A3-73616-126) ~ 6 PCB & Part Location ( Disptay UnitsA1~73610-122) 6 Display Unit Schomatie (PCB.8;A1-73616-122) — 63 iia Selector Schomete (PCB 9;A3-73606-087) wa Mode Solector Sehenatte (PCB 10;A3-73604-005) 6s xO325K RADIOGEAPHIEG GENERATOR MARUAL Introduction This manual contains technical snd installation informaticn for the DIGI25R Radiographic. X-ray Generator. ‘The Location of the control console oad high tension transformer allows ‘9 wide choice of equipment locations; The control console requires ‘9 mininun of valuable apace in the diagnostic room area. A double station AEC (Autonatic Txposure Control) is available a option on table Bucky or wall Bucky stand by using I.E Chenber. Description This generator 4s comprised of two unite: 4 Single-Tube High Tension Transformer and + Control Console. sgh Tension Tvenoforuer ‘The oil-filled rectangular steel HT Transformer assenbly + in two sections. The lover section contains the 300 capacity IT Transformer A compoct shell type unit with a cut core and multsple pr-sary coil design. ‘The upper section of this transformer asseably contains four silicon diotles rated nt 125kVp vihich provide full-vave rectification for the Tray tube, two cnt core filment tranoforers. The additional terminal strips provide Rad. Tube rotor cupply and the prinary of the fitment tranaforwer, and collinstor power supply, ond Federal Standard tigh Voltage Terminals are on the top of the transformer: Connection of the upper and lower section is made by flat spring contacts fat the top of the high voltage secondary cutis. ol & nteel Co The Free-Standing Control Console conteias: the high voltage primary over supply, exposure tixer, mA load compensator, filament poser svpplr, stator power supply, KY compensator, Line voltage conpensator, mole select Jon svitches, overload protection and over-current. protection. ‘The prinary power supply includes @ power Line over-current protection that controts incoming Line pover and primary overload. & signal rotary suitch provides for incoming Line compensation, and tvo rotary type svitchea for A najor and winor control. The f4lanent pover includes old state convertor provides individual adjustments for each aA stations on large snd emall radi raphic stations and space charge adjustaent. The stator cupply includes a solid state relay controlled by a rotor boost time delay, 9 phase ‘shifting capseitor, end current sensing Transistors in ausiliary and main winding in the X-ray tube. The Rotor tine delay is adjustable at installation to accoumodate different anade weights. The radiographic tiner features aolid state impulae timing from 1/120 ;y.01 to 6seconda. nomory"circuit determines the poper yolarity of the srart~ {ng pulse for en exposure based on the polarity of the previously terai- fated exposure, SCR contacting is explored for applying primary power to ‘the igh eeneion trensforuer provide Cransient-froe switching. ALL operator controls and indicators are located on the tap of the control console, Variable controls are provided for the operator selection of mA, tive and mode selection. Also mts weter indicates actual Kray does during the exposure tine, Over-current protection <9 provide by current sensing on incesing line, disconnects two Legs of Line input QULRMENT SUPPLIED * Control Consote 4 Single Tube High Tension Transforner + Pre-Terminared Intereonnecting Cable (10m Approx. 33¢t) (between control console and high tension transformer) sevcirrcartay vtput rat ine ‘ecalquselect fo mt select Tinor sstect Tachinigoe display w wp Line voltage comreneat on LED inet ions Yan (Green) Ready (Green) verted odd Saal (Green arse (edd ackewp (Ba Nod select ont awh at 10K 40 to 150 In 2 RY store, with rotary vlthas for major and wine 505, 1005, 150L, AND 2008, 5 station push-buthon type cult, 1/120, 0.01 to 6.0 second, 28 steps by rotary digital dieplay or anatons display Pro-reading digital display Pro-resding digital display re-reading digital display AV AC por step, with rotary type tay evitoh. Indicates control console poser on aed off Indicates end of the rotor time delay, on adicerapho, The delay Cine is adivctable from 0.4 to 1,5 oncinds uminates actual length of te pseu, on radicgraphic. Huminates nore thn 906 oF tw te at ine of any Hh ad ins combination, Lune Un 40 Bp or higher than 125k soleot, and pelanry over current. Indicates selecting of small focal spot Indicates eelocting of small fora) sot Indicates short of SR unit Puck 1 (CINMRER 1), Bok 2 (CHEER 2) and AEC (tomatic Exposure Controls sh option, wlth 2 pushbutton type ait, Ready suitehs Exposure switch: Field selection suiten: (Option) Density control switch: (Option) Reset switch: (Option) Exposure indseatios Stator supply: Froqueney Starting voltage Running voltage Delay tine Input power requirements (For 2000h at 101KVp) Frequency Current, peak at 2200 AC Regulation Controls the rotor preparatior and Flonent temperature, with single push-button tzpe ‘itch or outside hand sviteh. Controls the radiographic expasure, ‘with single push-button awiteh, or outside hand 5/¥. Any combination of 3 fields on chest and Bucky chanbers are selectable, N; Norsal density setting. 25, 5 Houction of density (Lighter) by approsizately 25% or SOE of the aks exposure at "X", 425, 450; Incrose of density (darker) by approximately 25% of 50% of the mks exposure at" Requived to permit another ratiographte only Af an exposure hag not been properly terainated fand indicated on the AEC control panel ("ABC"). If on exposure has been terminated by the backup generator setting ("GEN"), or 4€ the axinun allowable exposure tne been sensed (Cnte"), the reset control sust be manully ‘operated to allow additional exposures. Audible and LED Indication 60 te 220¥ AC 45 to Ov AC 0.4 to 1,5 seconds.CAdjustable for tube type) 200, 220, 230 and 240 AC 60 tte St or better Naximum nominal Saput power: Approx. 30 KVA inst. Max. allowable Line impedance: 0.05 ohms. High Tension Transformer: Prisary to secondary ratio 1:54 Dimensions Rafer to outline data. Weight: Control console BP Transformer color: Control console HP Transformer Nex. operating enviroment: ‘Tonperature Relative hunénity Statement of accuracy Maximum deviation of peak tube potential Noxinum deviation of tube current from mf selected Accuracy of exposure tine solected: Approx. 48 5 (106 Lbs) Approx. 138 Kg (304 Lba) Light gray with black lettering. Light gray. 38% (00°F) ost 6 kp Range 40 = -49 Vp 50 9 kp 90 = 125 k¥p Range 1/120 [0.01] to 1/10 loa} see. ABOVE 1/10(0.1) see: Deviation 4 10t : * a Accuracy Nearest 1/2 cycle ed AMIOGEATIE TIME SHATIOA (oe) ote aie veo W440 v0 wan ey vas v0 ve a0 20 a ano sno wo Ls no 0 ‘ine sraTiow near ste 0.02 oot 0.05, 0.008 on oz ous outa 02 0.25 oa 08 Lo Ls 20 ‘am esis vite 70 70 720 7 1.00% 2.0 2.68 Ae so a22% 170K nem 3.2 aoa sa te te nam um nm Lk ax eax 1.38 13K 45. 4.2K 1M SELECTED TINE STATION IMOICATICN VERSUS ACCURACY OF EMSRRE TIME 15 1/120,0,01 SbcxND TO 1/10,0,1 SEED ANE NEAREST 1/2 C¥CLE, AIEVE 1/10, 0.1 SECOND ARE =: 72, Compatibility information Certain Kray. tubes have construction features which resslt in non-Linear Cilemeat emiesion characteristics below approsinately 50 kp. ‘This non-Linearity may present difficulties 4a calibration on certain mA stations, This generator is not recomended for uso with the following tube 1) Tube with a sell focus size of 0.2 om oF smaller, 2) Tube with large focus size of 0.6 me or smaller. If it is desived to operate such a tube with this generator, consult the Dong-A X-ray Go. Engineering Department The following X-ray thes are conpatible with this generator. ureko Xray tubes: Diamond oF Bneraid tube housing with RAD 8 oF RAD 68 insert. Machtece Koray tubes; DIS2R-4O, DESIR, TOSHIBA I-ray tubes Ga39%) £7090% aNd £7252 FOCAL, SPOT SIZES OF O.Gaa,1.Oan.1-200 2 oun ND 2.0mm, X-ray and Gosma-rays are dangerous to both patient end operator unless ‘he useful beam can produce serious of fatal bodily dnjursee to ony persons in the gurrounding area 4é used by an unskilled operator. Adequate precautions must always be taken to avoid exposure to the use ful beam, as well as to leakage retation from within the scurce housing for to scattered radiation resulting fron the passage throvrh matter. the authorized to operate, participate in or supervise the operation of the equipment must be thoroughly familiar and comply completely with the currently established safe exposure factors and procederes described 4n the Hational Concti on Radiation Protection and Measuresent (NCRP) "Medical X-ray and Gamma-ray protection for Energies up to 10 Hov~ Equipment Design and Use" NCRP Report=33 as revised or replaced in the future. ‘Those responsible for the planning of X-ray and Gema-ray cquipnent installation mist be thoroughly familiar and comply completely vith the structural shseldiang requirenent outlined én NCRP-34 95 revised or replaced in the future. Foflure to observe these warning my cause serious or fata! bodily injuries ¢o the operator, patient or those in attendance, YOU AVE LEGAL OBLIGATIONS TUNY FAILURE 70 FOLLOW THE MANUEACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS OR MODIFICATION OF ANY COMMON IY USHR OR INSTALLER MULCH WILL AFFECT RADIATION SAFETY, CAUSES THE USER OR TNSTALLER TO ASSUME FULL [RESPONSIBILITY FOR THAT PRODUCT. THE MANUFACTURER 1S REQUIRED TO PRESCRIBE MAINTENANCE INFORMATION AND A SCHEDULE OF PERFORHANCE TO ENSURE EQUIPMENT COMPLIES MITH SPECTFTED PORAMETERS. AFTER INSTALLATION THE INSTALLER MUST SUPPLY MANUFACTURER'S DAT INCLUDENG ‘THIS MANUAL TO TIE EQUIPMENT PURCHASER OR USER. TE EQUIPMENT PURCHASER OR USER MUST FOLLOW MAINTENANCE. INS-RUCTIONS, 10 tik SELECTION S8ITCH: MaIN: [2luninates control console pover OK & OFF. Seer ene READY: Iiluninaves end of preperacion. BOS, 1008, 150L, 2000 end 200L. Y-RAY: Elupinates actual Hengzh of the exposure, SMALL LARGE: Tiusinates selecting of large focal spot. OVERLOAD: Tlluantates nore then 90% of the cube rating factors, lover chan 4OkY or high than 125kVp and overcurrent, BACK-UP: Ilyninates short of SCR. KY METER: Tndseates pre-reading \ Avselecticn. A NETER: Indicates pre-reading tube current. As METER; Indicates pre-reeding ats value LINE VOLTAGE METER: Incoming line indicat> 2 [FIELD SELECTION SwITCH: ‘Any combination of 3 nd Bucky chambers ore seusrroy sures clecticen node fron right Bucky Bucky S¢GlaMER 2) ead tee, SOY MCWWRER 1. (AEC. 48 vaed for option) 0 guiten eng main pover: On fnateace'dasp.” nce SsITOE Selecting kV for radiographic fetch step selects 2. LINE COMPEESATION swITCH: Aéjust this tp seitch uncil 220 display! Digtal]or Needle Indi cox ‘The Mark [Analog] LY Meter. The surten Selecting radiographic exposure tine. Y-RAY SWITGH: Controls radiographic exposure. MAJOR SHIT Selecting bY for r each step selec: ogrphtc 'READY SWITCH: Controls the rotor preparaticn ea and filasene temperstiony OPERATOR INSTRUCTION ‘OPERATOR INSTRUCTYON AND CAUTIONS 2) A COLD X-RAY TUBE SHOULD NOT BE USED OR MAXIMUM Kp EXPOSURES. 2) CONTROL, CONSOLE EXPOSURE TECHNIQUE FACTORS SUCH AS mA, kp MAJOR OR NENOR AND TIMER SELECTIONS SHOULD NOT BE CHANCED DURING PREP oR EXTOStRE, 3) PREPCPREPARKTION) CYCLE SHOULD NOT UE REPEATED, UNLESS AASOLUTELY NECESSARY. 4)IF AN OVERLOAD OCCURS DURING AN EXPOSURE, DIRECT THE X-RAC TUDE AvAY [FROM PATIENT AND CLOSE COLLINATOR, SET EXPOSURE TECUNEQUE: PACTOR LOWEST LARGE FOCUS aA, 70k¥p AT 1/10 [D.1I5EC, MAKE AN EXPOSURE. {IF THE GENERATOR FUNCTIONS NORMALLY, CONTINUE TE EXAMINATION. {IP OVERLOAD CONDITION PURSISIS, SYSTEM REQUIRES THCUNICAL ATTENTION. 2 Test equipments and accuracy of dnsturments The generator is calibrated at the plant with the following equipment with stated accuracies, it Model HC-601 Digital Multimeter Nonufactured by Hung Chang, Korea DC volte: 20.2% of reading, 20.2% of range Ac volts: 40.5% of reading, 20.5% of range oF oquivalent. Digital X-ray tube peak voltage moter Mode KY-2010 Monufactured by Tokyo electric Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japsn Range of measurenen Approx. 10 kp -199.9 kp Withstand voltage: 150 kp (20 minutes continuous power application) 250 kp (transcient voltage pulse, on condition that high voltage cable receptacle ts Filled with insulating 01) Accuracy of measurement: £0.52 #1 dpe (three moses) 21.5% £1 dgt (one year} Delay ein 0 ~ 10 pulse (cynchronized with pover supply) ‘Tine of measurement: 10 m sec./20 # sec, Ilokding eine Approx. 5 see. monitor terminal Tube voltage waveform, measurement tame waveform Dividing oyster of voltage divider: Poratiel OR type Inpedance of voltage divide Resistance 400 M ohms, parallel capacity 50 PF Frequency characteristic of voltage divider: Flat up to 100 kilz Voltage divider ratio: 1+ 20000 13 = Koray tube current moter Node Mt-1201 Nonufactured by Tokyo electede Cox, Led. Tokyo, Japan Measurable rong 120 ak range 15 wh 120 0h 600 mA range 75mh ~ 600 ah 1200 wh ronge 150 nf ~ 1200 = Accuracy: Within 42% (of Fett seate) Measurement time: 50 tle 5 ms, 10 ms(1 pulse), 20 ms(2 pulses) 60 te 5 may 813 me pulse), 16.6 ast? pulses) Delay time: Approx. 10 ms ~ 110 as (continuously vatiable) Holding timer Approx. 7 s0ce ‘npit impedance: 120 mA range opprox. 100 ohms 600 ah range approx. 20 ole 1200 wh range approx. 10 obms vp AND mh MEASUREMENT CAN BE MADE BY DYWALYZER TIT OR HQUIVALENT. * Oscilloscope Nodel TS-10634 Synchroscope Nonvfactured by Tokyo electric industry Go., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan Yertiacl deflection? 3E or equivatent. she MEASUREMENT CAA BE MADE BY BOO0K(Fiuke). Node1 80001 Digital Maltineter. “ DXG325R FCB LAIST [4473605-009] PART NUMER A 73616-1146 A273616-112 12-73616-116 ALTI616-118 12-73616-128 12-73605-102 13-73616-126 N1-73616-122 as 730-07 23-7 5601-065, 7360-063 M-73618-028 1373616230 -73616-024 Ne-73604-022 13-73618-016 13-72604-049 83-73605-069 DescRIPrI0N re - 1 pen - 2 poo - 3 Poa - 4 P= 5 r= 6 ree- 7 rB- 8 reB- 9 Pes = 10 Pop = 11 Pop ~ 12 Pee = 13, Pes = 14 Pep = 15 Pop = 16 pce = 17 PCB ~ 18, SYSTEM FUNCTION POWER, OLP(Overtoad Protection) ROTOR, TIMER. levp METER, mA ADJUSTHENT. sak UNIT. cowreol, UNIT. ccomecrzon uszr. LY METER. (For only digital type} DisPLay WaT. ‘uh SELECTOR. Nope seuecroR. Lp UNIT, RELAY UNE inks CONTROL. up RestsToR. ‘TIME RESISTOR. FIELD SELECTOR. EXTENTION, INTERFACE PCB. 15 INsrALATI0N The follovineg factors should be considered. 1.1 Floor loading of major couponents, 1.2 Poer Line capseity, 1.3. Location of sncoming pover source, 1.4 Space and location of generator components, 1.5. lost. dissipation, 1.6 Regulations and codes regarding radiation shieldiag requtrenents, 1.7 Location of auxiliary conponents(Table, Tubestand, Walt Bucky stand, Cassette holders, ete.)+ 1.8 Conduits and wiring for specific system configuration, Ancluding accessories, 1.9 Adequate space for serviceability. Pover requirements. ‘The pover Line capacity should be adequate For maximum technique factor (kVp, mh and Line) to be applies to the Ieray tube. ‘The maximum capacity of the generator could be Limited due to the Kray tube rating. ‘THE SYSTON HUST BE CALIBRATED AT THE TINE OF INSTALLATION. The pover Line regulation requirexent. 004 WKY ~ 5% regulation at maximum load. 20004 125k¥p ~ 5% regulation at maximum load. 3, Wiring information, (Refer to ayaten cabling data #1 - #6) 3.1 Incoming Line power. ‘The vires fram dsaconnect box to the control conssle should be suffeient size for the Length of the run, use stranded vires. For the maximum load of the generator, the svitch and fuses should be the appropriate rating. Refer to the following inforaation. 16 a3 Poronoter: 0) mh 2b 100 Ky Mextmun mf and Vp Power ine current at 220 ACt 150 4 Suggested rating of distribution ‘transformer: Par) Wire size from distribution transformer to disconnect box: AG 50 fe. aa 100 fe. #00 200 fe. #259 HOH Wire aize from disconnect box: to control console #6 (Approx. 15 £0.) Ground wire sizer ts Disconnect box aviteh rating! 100 4 Fuse of circuit breaker rating: ws High tension transforner. ‘The cable from HT Transformer to tube stand and table include the stator (stator/thernestat) cables are should be draped properly to protected from mechanical abuse. Interconnecting cable between contrel console to High Tension Transformer and table are suppliod. Unpacking [ALL components should be Snspected for any danages. Any danages should be referred to the agency that delivered the equipment. Equipment handling. Control Consol: Hondic by base or crosswide vith two-sheel hand trucks High Tension Transformer: Do not Lift from center of bottom. Do not tip overs Support from outer top edges. IF ANY EVIDENCE THE OLL LEAKS, DO NOT PUT UNIT rHTO OPERATION VETHOUT CHECKING THE OIL LEVEL AT LEAST 2.5 em (1 inch) FRON TOP. v CONDITION OF OLL LEVEL IN ILKGH VOLTAGE TRANSPORNER ‘To oil level should be changed in according to varsat-on of oft toaperature in high voltage transformer. Distance 42 from the oil surface to the top cover, Refer to folloving table and Figures 11 temperature Distance (em) o 1 10° oa a 40" UL LEVEL, cHBcKER — Bem _ bs 8 CONNECTION OF HIGH VOLTAGE CABLE. 1) Ronove the silicone grease still eaisting at the catle head and socket. Wipe it off with a dry cloth. Do not use organic solvent such a¢ alcohol. 2) Remove the clamping ring fix screws 4) Apply the specified grease to the cable head as the Figure below Clamping ring fix screw Key protrusion Specified grease AIL around 03am bout 30am vost Tom Clomping +498 po fot apply If grease! 4s applied heavity grease here heres connection is difticult. 4) Insert the cable head straight in ogreenent with key slot of 5) Tighten the cable head completely. When tighting becomes heavy, wait for grease to flow, and repeat retiting every 10 to 15, 6) Finally, check the tighting state of cable connection, and tighten the elanping ring fix screw by using L-wrench or screw driver. 1” pista reeaY score, | coxrpay DISOLE MODEL: Ma 1208 MARUFACTURED BY TOLYO FISCTRIC Co. Led TOKYO, JAPAN SYSTEM CALIBRATION #1 puGrTaL 100) ay 1 METER 108 PEAK sone OUTAGE, ETER RT Pd ies cowreot ea rca ccoNsoLe TEXSION TRANSEORIER 4 ba iy WoLTAGE no c DYVIDER Pll Pl-2, PUKE ‘ab KETER SYSTEM CALIBRATION #2 isro¥ ‘TEAISFORER praLtzen mca vouTace at RY Tee, SYSTEM CALIBRATION = (GHD) 2 (en stg) Gee] He tei S1G TET & 1a That Pet WASTE 005) WT 3 (Horo Han (nore Ay cSt 3 os. 8 oT clei 1a) {errs 2| B2 (BUCKY 2) of a os (BLE Cy sini (ae tenon GH i ar aewmecr cx y Fi zi A GE. A800) CU CATHODE Li ar 12 (2200 aC) lor-avonk OT lot-caTHone 81-1 Te1-3 e croton ony) 3 G@OTOR HATE) 6 comme au) 20 (9c RS Y Tsl-2 |~7ay gets Bet 781-13 [av ac wor) RE OF BPR TSL~ 7 [av (ac EU) FoR Ge tsi- e[ “Se FLOOR 70 CEILING TRE sTaX FL0OR MOOT TRE Stat covrrat consone To (46 HOT) TO (i¢ FETT Ziv (oc FOS, zaivoc Tar) Bi coucsy 1) 3 Oo CLT GAY TOV CAC 7) Toy (ac HEF Gi 08 Bo caucey 2 BOON (HUEY OOD 2aV_ (DRS 26¥ OC eT Buck sua 3 oh WL 1 SYSTEM CABLING DATA #1 Power DISCONNECTION SWITCH Ta1 OY» APPROX, 15 ft AWG 386 SYSTEM CABLING DATA #2 X-RAY CONTOL CONSOLE ELEPHANT HORSE A3-73605 - 069 elelele RED. fhenmat [sens Te1 [Lt 12 GNO|GND 71 slelelsle CONTROL_CONSOLE arf SSSSio| | SYSTEM CABLING DATA #3 a 28 H 0 5s ‘sft? oc-] 9,78e.— ov HBIRES aly] 1 cono UTTER AS O75 ha/gtO 2 | 12 conn BLK Gane] | 975mm 188 pire #7 n.r2 loave PAS SYSTEM CABLING DATE #3 DONG-A X-RAY CO.,LTD CONTROL CONSOLE HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER BUCKY DEVICE 189 | we ee D aé INTERFACE i PCB A3-73605-069 in c SYSTEM CABLING DATA #4 B %& YOU CAN SELECT “A” OR “B" WIRE FOR T VERTICAL BUCKY STAND IN ACOROING 70 ES t YOUR ROOM CONDITION. are "A" MEANS VIA HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER. REY REMARKS 1 "BY MEANS DIRECT CONNECTION CONTROL TO BUCKY. TOSERANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE a = Neues pcocetore foramen ~~ To DONG-A X-RAY CO.,LTD! | i_t Pe ee 3 ; ; X-RAY TUBE BILL OF MATERIAL e cal COLLTHATOR SYSTEM CABLING DATA #5 paarno.|_oescnrron [ree HANDLE BAR BRACKET | | ————_ I | Gnd TO A A REV) REMARKS: az DONG-A X-RAY CO.,LTD. — = 3 T 6 i 1 “ 1 2 ms —. | BILL OF MATERIAL suet oe [ren] Paar no. DESCRIPTION REO AEC UNIT RESET SW 22AWG 8 CON TO RESET POINT E - TO DENSITY ADJ, RESISTOR oensity| 5 1 Jie : [—— ansust | i 3133 =e | 186 t as | 3 nice e S422 , 1] Pt D RELAY UNIT &é dd le K6 KA +Ke ‘KS iC @ Ws Gz C 2 |@ |2 {8 25126] 27[ 28| - 131 &] 22AWG 4 COND i 8 X-RAY CONTROL j "6 CONSOLE t = A DXG 650R REV) REMARKS DATE Dxq 325R Taucnancee UnLEEE OTHERWISE WaRnED | 1.1 CHAMBER CONNECTION PERE" “sence sce [esc pon PME Ear —- Vos [peace exe [fiers (Pose frame is SYSTEM CABLING DATA 76 see eo FART: DONG-A XURAY CO, LTO. | ' a 7 7 T = 7 7 cr] 1 Peo 1 PCR 3 (kVp METER & wh ADJUST Poe 5 eoroR & TIMER + 12-73616-114) 12-73610-4 (os UNIT : AL-73616-118) (conreot, unit 12) 12-73616-116) 42-73616-124) conponenr LAYOUT #1 50 ohm, 100m n Back conracror RL + 41 ohm, 250m Lave TwCOHING IMPEDANCE MACH Lave macuins PuL? aa’sca RET 9108 71, AUTO TRANSFORMER conponewr Lavour 4: ‘TRANSFORMER WIT 1 93-73605-023, RELAY UNIT | sarano-n MeL POWER Of ‘oxsratr VOLTAGE UT COMPONENT LAYOUT #3 TRANSFORMER UNIT 2 13-73605-025 82 TTERFACE PCB 13-73605-069 conPoner Laxour #4 Hs “TIME CowrRoL ‘SH LV OK COMPONENT Lavour #5 Sw2, KV MIO 3, KV 108 ROTOR PASE SITING CAPACITOR 9 OUTSIDE INTER CONNESTION PCB 12-73622-019 ‘T EVER LEAVE NIL CIRCUIT OPEN ot HIGH TENSION TRANSFORMER OR CONTROL, CONSOLE. COMPONENT LAYOUT #6 ‘OPERATION soquency Tues disconneetor box power onc Fe cPoverity mosory LED s2iyninaces fon PCB 2. Tura control console paver om sin LED {Alunsnates on panel +06 power supplyC+12, =12, 45V). Filament pre-heating. Fan operation. Depress the ready aviteh Filanont heating change (Preheating —~ Nainheating) Filament heating etate sence by uaing Fesiator(i ohm, 40W) ARORA Nowat Rotor start (Approx. 220 AC) Rotor running Chpprox. 50v 40) Ready LED 1Iiuninates on panel. Text operation all stop Depress the Xcray switch Timer operation, Buzzer sounds during set time. ‘oray LED iLlunéaates on pone) ‘during the actual exposure. SCH gate on during the actual exposure length Koray radiation 36 SYSTEM CALIBRATION Te do very important to fully understand all informations and instructions, before install and calibrating aay equipments. Chock 11 connections between each components, refer to aysten calibration HN, H2 or 3, and systen wiring information for kVp, mA, space charge ‘compensation and tiner calibration. A, Bnsure primary 1 ‘transformer. 19 Tl end T2 are not connected at the high tension 2, Check grounding. 2.1 Veréfy all ground connections. 2.2 Neutral to TO1-3 should be less than 0.05 ohms ‘Turn the Line compensator switch, kVp major and minor evitchos ali the way to counter-elock wise. 4, Verify that main power on and off switeh is off positien 5. Turn disconnect box pover on and measure the voltage at the TBI-1 and TBI-2. Record the voltage seasured. Incoming Line power vac RNS ‘Turn disconnect box power off, and connect the lend "LO" to the proper terminal on the panel #2. (Panel #1 ie Line matching panel) Incoming Line voltage Incoming Line matching terainal Ho. 170 ~ 210 1 au = 225 2 226 = 25 3 236 ~ 250 4 If cirousstanoes require opertion ontsic Uieso Limits. the eveten may, in uy instance, function satisfactorily: Hever, it is the Installers nes sponsibility to ensure that such operation does not result in ful] capability of the eyeten. FIRST OF ALL, HISCOWECT THE 12-5 cH CONST CETAGE 7% Connect the IM between terminal A apd #18 cn tho autorteansforwen, and turn disconoct box power cn. urn control console powur on and adjust the Hine compensation aviteh unt 242 AC on the DM, 9, Chock for "0" suitch Heap Lights 10, Check Kip aor and alnor evitoh functions, Select SOwt station an the Kp major soloctor eeatrols 40 to 12sk\p in 10 ip rev a step and ainor solector shaild be O to 18 Kp In 2 Rp et a stop, 1M, Rotor elreut. (CONECT ME TES OF CRSSTANT YOLTHCEY Rotor tine delay 12 sot for 1,0 oncom To vorlly this ajustaont procosd ae Fol lox, connect isolated osciIoscope botioen PII-E and M24 oe PISS.INNK.AC 290¥) 11.2 Beproce the ready gultch on the contol console. 11.3 Verify the rotor tle delay ond after the dolay tine Ube "REAM LED should be illuminates, 114 Rotor troct and run voltage can be chicked and ro-adjusted at tts yoint ‘The rotor boots voltage should be appraxinately 220V AC,and the running slkuld be Vetween 40 to SOF AC {MS SETTING AccwaOATES MST X-RAY TUBES 11,5 17 necessary to re- jot the roloe tine delay, aust RA on fete 12 1a 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 a3. a 13.2 133 13.4 13.5 14 wa 16.2 143 FAloment boost. Ensure ehat primary Yeads (71,12) are not connected at che high tension trensforner- Connect Bt between TP G on PCBS and Pint on Interface PCD. Select 200 mA,1/10 [0.1] sec. and 7OKVp. ‘Turn the generator power on. Depress the ready switch end observe the filenent through the Kray tube port. Depress the ready svitch and record the voltage measured, Primary filament voc ‘Tener calibration. Select an exposure tine of 1.0 second on the control console. Depress: Ready S/W ond wast for rotor time delay "READY" LED Andscation. Moke an exposure and verify yellov "X-ray" LED is s1lusinated and audible indication for 1.0 second. Yellow "X-ray" LED exposure Light and audible indication say not be observable on short tise selections. Check 11 time selection position in this manner. IE necessary adjust R46 for 1/120 second starting pulse and R50 for aaster on PCB2 controls all time station. 1h calibration. Ensure that incoaing pover fron disconnect box is off. [NEVER LEAVE. ML CIRCUIT OPEN OF HIGH TENSION TRANSFORNER OR Co¥rTROL CONSOLE. Connect high tension transformer primary leads TL and 12. Refer to systen calfbration fl, #2 or #3. ‘The following safety precautions are observed. 3° wa 145 14.6 47 15. 15,1 © Koray tube port should be blocked. { Eeposure technique factors ate should be well within tube ratings. * Exposure intervals are long enough to prevent tube heating. ‘The seaming yore Line sll be po sorse 5 regulation. IF repustion| ‘exceed St, the generator must be derated to a level such that @ full oad exposure causes no more then a 5% drop on the paver lines Turn disconnect box power one Tuen the generator on, select 200 mh, 70 kip and 1/10[0.1] second. Make an exposure and neassure the X-ray tube current, AL mA stations are calibrated with Galle for exert) long high tension cables at the factors, due to neal radiographic eystew the cable Length should be Approx. La for coiling spect tute suport 5 Ut calibration may be necemsary. Adjust al wh stations follows. Poo - 3 nA station Adjustment pot. 50s Ra 100 § Ra 1501 Rat 200 Rao 30 R39 ‘Space charge compensation should be checked as follow Select 20, 1/1K0.1] sec. Nake an exposure at 50, 70 and 100K¥p and record the mA during each exposure, 50 Kp mm 70 kvp at 100 ip mA 40 15.2 15.3 Space charge compensation con be odjusted ali mh stations ax follow. Pop - 4 mh station Adjustment pot. 508 RS? 1300 s R38 150 139 200 1 160 00 kal Record the actual mA and XVp during each exposure on the space Space charge compensation record sheet. mA atation selected so 50 50 100 100 100 s 8 8 1501 150 200 200 1 200 300 300 1 200 kp selected 50 70 100 50 70 100 so 70 100 7% 100 so 7 100 ip kp kp kp Bp Wp wp wp Wp ip ip Wp Actual mk resding mh ee mt mt mt By a mt Actual ip reading || kup kp ep kp wp kup wp ip wp wp kp Wp kp wp wp 42 BLANK FOR USHR 43 16. 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 mm ma 1.2 an3 ra 174 Generator to pover line watching. Select 50 mi, 70 Kp and 1.0 secon, make an exposure ond soasure the Lube voltage during exposure, Select 300 aA 70 kVp and 1.0 second exposure. If tube rating permit, and measure the tube voltage during the exposure. Tf Wp at 300 mh ie some as Kip at 50 mh the RI incoming Line matching resiator ia set property. IE kip at 300 mA so higher than Kip at S0/mA, resistance to Line matching resistor Rl. Repeat exposure necessary to adjust Rl. levp calibration. Connect test equipment as shown system calibration #1, #2 of #2. Select 200 a, 70 Kp and 1/10 second. Moke an exposure ond measure the actuat tube voltage. ‘Adjust all mA stations follows. res - 3 sos R29 100 Rw 150 L Ra 2001 R26 300 R25 vp meter vertical compensation Select 200 mh, 1/10 sec. Make an exposure at 50, 70 ord 100 kp ‘and record the during each exposure. kp retuat Actual selected ieip reading ih reading 50 kp weep ms 70 Wp kp = 100 kp kp “ 46 17.4.2 kp moter vertical coapensation can be adjusted all af station as follows. eB 3 nk vation Adjustment por. 508 Re 100 § R7 150 RS 200 L RS 300 Ra 17.4.3 Refer to the space charge compensation record sheet. 17.5 Re-check all aA station for mh and kVp indication versus actual read-out on test equipment. 18. Bucky eiveuse eests Select Bucky Al and versfy that the Bucky operates during prep ‘and exposure cycle. TE two Buckys are installed, verify Bucky #2 circuit 26 operational. 19, Over current protection test, ‘This generator provides primary over current protection, 19.1 Set the generator 300 mA, SKY at 1/1X(0.1Jsac. Make expusure and adjust R 3 until the primary over current protection circuit is functioning than back slightly R 3 on PCB 1. (primary over current protection) 19.2 Verity "OVERLOAD" LED on the control console iilunminates. 19.3 ‘The general should be cleared once by using "OFE" syitch after over current protection is detected, 20. 20.1 an. ‘Tube protection efreuit. ‘The "OVERLOAD" LED i1luninates any combination of mh, k¥'p and time, exceeding 90 2 of the tube rating. If overload occurs, no preparations Autonatic exposure control, (Optional) The double station automatic exposure control 48 a8 an optéonal device, it is factory installed and tested. The double detection is made by I. chanber for this generator. (Refer to ayaten cabling data) 46 X-RAY CONTROL DEVICE KOB1 ELECTRIC WIRE LINK X-RAY control device table XG 325R koB1 scot, at, 0.75 ow x . satan OLE 08 aaa aie 7 2am, VEL, Oo = i putore G20 nee 2 Tete, 12; RD, 098 venue sv BN ggg. MOE _ RAY, UC OV, MIT, 0.75 it Dee eA ge eeeceensioeten eee _ STARE, BLK, 0.75 d con ets whore BLU ype; ca ow aw, 0.75 929), $$ ccrter w £ fatay wos |? ue aay no RELAY UNIT PCB P-2 RELAY — + weit %q— panel BILL OF MATERIAL (A fener fren paar cetcapron [aco PREPARE START EXPOSURE START ff B E { 1 | i le ' HT xy PRIMARY : ! || rewor 1 1] HIGH voutace |] ReGuLaToR ' 1 | TRANSFORMER i ! ' | ' yo rept | ' Hl i i i | ! I i 2 i i SEQUENCY TIME ! { A xray |? i] wv CONTROL 8 CONTROL 1 i “Lowa TUBE Pol H OR 1 ' FULL-WAVE L . WERT) FetuLaToR t [4 ' 1 | RECTIFIER ' ' i 2 P| 4 ! t | le i t i 1 t ' c 1 FILAMENT ROTOR 5 { ' { CONTROL & CONTROL ¢ t ea | SOOHZ( SMPSI (ssR) i i FILAMENT c i} uv | ' HEATING jy con ( 1 TRANSFORMER 4 Be I ! iB t + i | i ' r . . B i | CONTROL CONSOLE HIGH VOLTAGE ' constant | | TRANSFORMER 1 Ls} voutace t REAR pare ‘ ‘SUPPLY i ToreRAnces UNLEES OTHERWISE wannTD PATE i i FUCA menson=snoveone ane Mm - I ' a eee tor oe ores i I SURFAEE no 8FG rence] os nls sem weer Lo a Tresee ore fesse "otf Ey | sruace ore |e -ars [273 [P=ONGIZ 5R, DXGESIR BLOCK DIAGRAM |* _ i DONG-A_ X-RAY CO.,LTD) PA “ wa on deeeh ee owe loane a | Len oe ~ 7 a T a 5 7 T 3 T 2 7 8 Tt Ss REP Eoe 2 eR A 51,2 = cece 8a ¢ WSG0S I 7 I a % wa ae af mph ame oss Fe Ly METER ace x57 03 WISH sak C0 ive ss "ee | hey I, oh ae gon 3 OE Ba aun sik BY Pay ap, Lise roan sit ut S @ [See |e Lor a! om e S - Bp D +i “noe aD — [De Zz a “ et ae scostesze et f wu PA gate 3 fare R63, 127K os Stowadg ———— Jat : lol Frze aa = essa @ A aan is . ee Be] Bee wr Ld pone c 3 pn ses ° my, |u drive f ar, | Ba Patan wel * ps, pr6; mesos: or TW SISTORS ARE ULWATT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE, SISTOR VALUES ARE [1 ORM, LES. ARE 11 HICROFARAD, Tae 1n2 4 oo | cacise an a8 TGR . i « ' a C a 1 ga tee > “ ‘ove ale § q wt L x an i j co Jetted «| 55S r ¢ ¢ Aber oa ane OR coh D: uous | ops TL 7 Fame oa) te a ey fk Be ost ites a 8 4 a last a c veo I$ 258 FE ey 2 nde § = at i ae = ES BL totoa nven seme | TREE ‘aad PS Seo RTE [sees ode [age seetie | he T T TST GooNGA RAY OL LTB Fou. FLU.TINER FUSE nereR on MORIZOITAL dam den 4 Homo, oa REFER [ow ed 802 rewgaucn ist dav jo ae fax JC Bis 2 a7 et Fam a a ie C7-CBiaparzsv apy BOTHRLID se cu? ev Sona 6 1 | 0K i 3 wit ft a + sme ile s & Sasa T ist i we 86 a7 ee a" ¢ Lge bY Ahly po Be Von gy 8 r ad. ST [ebecse Reel pee [ror | x t t on 2 ma, 1 | satan ast se atsn0k wo |({e_ 7 O al? tL MAARDUSTA —__rahulo| 4 safo ET a s002 cor ES Tease Phe pone? ri me (areca ctl rere 5 a aT | (eels 5 « . | ats 1351 ee I seated, { 1 fix Re) L t SMT If colnet mo fal ab Hewat ST TC reyenaesn st °q ts te peg Je yea > tis ses Sn: 6001 5 87 DeOseH [a 73616=007 [at=73629-001 Dye sin Tater onr ‘i ‘pxeesom | 7 im a a—| = 7 33 GEODNGA KRAY CO. CTO: Age Bae swan Tee ee S208 RELAY | ss ee le ng rage ee 5 ” oe rot aE e aa a foot wo.nFe02 fe saat i oe es ' az 1 ts poppogpeneeso eat Remsen | Sepa 0090000900000 agoooogoooosbabo0000 0005 G000800095005) Le u i peLay UNIT “TRANS UNIT u Pi t oR 73616 -126 | agree a (AS. swer tor 1 men] ranTno. | _bescRlPTion ete E COM osrosa # nos "2 nH Fi aH 101 334) 27) 26, 25) 38) 39] uaeC) $R3 CIECS SRS fons fo.z7¥e 0H oo cor coK| ' Oa BV ay mos 7 5Y cs a 3 or o1 8 eve £ Lav a | P=" METER SCHEMATIC [1] At-73616-001 1_| Al-73629-001 es PR ey RY, 15K, 1eW 1 505 100s 750L 2001 FOOL is oO+ °. °. Pim? Ping 7 Pim Pins Pins ° Gor 305 700s 50 7OoL 300L > (BJ (EY ty Ib eo ; oO oO oy om Poet 8 A : Al [AropCAW pueraoananove ce ae wi] or sexe NONE [Sn - A par mA SELECTOR SCHEMATIC | DONG-A X-RAY CO.,LTD. A - Oly Ag | 7360-6 festa BILL OF MATERIAL | 130042088 fren] Pare no. escRIPTION neo [Aa jacket : E Op ine D B2 ° ee) oO 81 7 po, Pinz? sw10 8 A T A I REV REWARKE [pate “b-2° | prgpgngsetow Une [#7 [rma FEMEE Snce occ [ses feos’ [some NONE ERE | 3 Pisce SFE | -S8 [Ears [OM _MODE SELECTOR SCHEMATIC A OXG 650F DONG-A CRAY CO.,LTD] | DXG 3258 [Prey Ag | 7360¢-088 use9 loare’ 89.4.2, [are sneer or To (As! Pl -1<— o1 YJ GaN 7 i WAIN D2, 4 RN YZ o iD READY 03 4, YEL 7 rf LD XRAY Ds 6RN 7 ot an a 5 4 RED 7 1 TARGE 06 a {ken Gy D over ma 07 ty Red Qa 73604-0463 prem iernt a iLL_OF MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REO A Aa [Bmensintasove une are mma 125 [sence NONE ee LED SCHEMATIC OXG656r R 1 DONG-A X-RAY CO.,LTD. 73604-043 DXG325I Ro | [AT 73605-0097 Pry ae eave A 3 lencer 1 or } PCD 8 PART LocATION » | . 8 7 | [os ‘ 2 f 2 [4 8 . a ox, . u Ce ee 4 a [ee lee Put dee [ue L Bin oe lS, pales » Lad 1€ Ge [ng G Wer BF ° ba] PS Gea ° by stir ne | tar sh Ti caecrrow F 6 BRE sonaw | a AM Ak 4 a boa 1 Pc a Gok ndetog t 12-2 (CONNECTION UNIT) 1, ALL FUSES ARE SLOW BLOW TYPE. is 73605 - 044 be~ Pour 0Lf Pee a Aa-> 1832 \ ore z0ans Msi50i6 tet “EL 1833 — Gry « o a 183-7 KBPC15-06 680,112 arr 02,4/15016 RN qe3-6 BRN * | 03 MJ 15016 FAN AC1I0V TB3-9 eine FAN 80*80%25 pS ts te3-5 3B ange as Fromm vio + ;oS+ 183-6 rae., Rata BILL OF MATERIAL i | [Ren] raat no. DESCRIPTION REO 2OAWG 4 RH wor tee Wey one ale nove 25 ,DNG550,DYGHSOR, DIGESORE LY GSE ANDDD NOTC2 FoR D16325R DXG55 1 g i 1 east a DXG65, jt _ AS ses |2 peace ofc. [ox eee aay, CONSTANT VOLTAGE SCHEMATIC TNO. SHEET OF : 1 Bilt OF MATERIAL A3-~ 73605- 023 [rem] pant No. DESCRIPTION war, [REQ] 22 995, 7 - Z ' ! © 8 | off a g le 150 150 150 150 150 z/® 4 a 7 Be . s so a 310 e g/@ D 8 z|@]} » 2 efeli* g 0100 110 200 20 0 18 @ | ne] 5 c nm s : 4 e ¢ ® | oO} @ 14-305 ® i ® aoe 1203 56°55 675819 "10" "12131615 '16 17 1819 20 : 9 TRANSFORMER UNIT 1 PNL. A3- 73605 - 023 _ # fie 28 a, : B 4 z | - - az GENIAL —voLERANce nev. eManxs c = an ae SURE WRT BEES FG 7 [RARE + MGR Hi fat TRANSFORMER UNIT1 PNNW® oxGss9R [1 Bajo kbar a earna_anatt or ORE ie 7 3 . useb ov [neo] nase et fe de AAs - 13008 028 a 8 7 TT 6 T 5 ' 4 T 3 "TGQ DQNG-A X-RAY CQ. LTD. ne 4 240 12,40W 70 RED 230 £ vyeuow 220 230 210 220 . EET GRay 200 0 8 EID vote 190 233i no 13,1000 _15 2 {TEED Vict i+ temas FTECTIGREEN ORANGE 20AWG ose ae {TSETS ORANGE = —+—_ a a" ° > atace 20 TEE Tee 2 TEED) ORANGE C0, 8 ery 20AWG 1 BILL OF MATERIAL 208W6 22AWG DREESTR - axeise PRY en DONG-A X-RAY CO.,LTD. 73605 - 023 eo sveer 1 of 2 lonre Py g.2¢ lave TRANSFORMER UNIT? SCHEMATIC Bil oF warenTAL i ren] pant a Descmiprion [wer [neal | , E 4a i iS © © i == ares +n i 00 | . i fe ° | “] | i E b i tT | 3020 a | fel bt Is D Bi al : “ Dy|- L 16-84 HP i R2 = | © © 1 ‘ A 9 $48 ras [© ele e ; © | allo ® 4 a TTS Ss SST 89 WD 2 1516 oe - #1? TRANSFORMER UNIT2 _A3-73605- 025 ; Gisuetet eta a8, 8 230 = 2 [A io a Genital yousnance nev. AemanKs powre Per Ga Ny paaeml TRANSFOMER UNIT 2 PNLA, “ss “| Raa NO SHEET — OF TREY A ~ 73605 “025 @2 DONG-A 63° A BROWN _20AW/ nT nae G Th, 6W Als- 1336-215 = BLACK _208WG FEST) BROWN R21 Low BLUE 73605 -025 tren) OF MATERIAL c » 10 2 eo BLUE 20AWG re : 110 _ 3 165 A4- 81336-2186 IC Airset VIOLET” B REV] REMARKS [BATE TRANSFORMER UNIT2 SCHEMATIC |A joare eae loare paar] DONG-A X-RAY CO.,LTD S| JOR iT RT RPE AS, Pipa Co.Filamen? Common Co. Filament Common mp2 { 2 | Cs.filament_ Small Cs.Filament Small a} to mtereace | 3 LCs.Filement Small Cs.Filanent Small : PCB ; | Ce-Filament Large Ce, Filament Large i 5 /CoFilanent Large C.. Filament Large 5 sf M1 I \ ore i 17 La [ono GND | P3-7 ROTOR COMA W) ROTOR_COM,(W) Pe 7 ROTOR _MAIN(B) ROTOR MAIN(B) 2 3 | ROTOR AUX(G) ROTOR _AUX.(G) 5 jew cM 4 5c cH . LOC For electro magmetic Lock DCs For electro magnetic Lock | ¢ paras ~ pe- “ = a 3 |_0 VAC OVA ; g | 110 vac 110 VAC 5 —| 49 | Bucky.2 BUCKY. 2 Lope PS-_ BUCKY SENSE BUCKY SENSE +6 7 [BUCKY SENSE BUCKY SENSE 4 5 Lee SENSE CM SENSE 5 1 [-EP_SENSE cH SENSE a 5 | THERMAL SW. SENSE THERMAL SW. SENSE e A a fee} REMAARS bare tas [ule oe ee ores 11 SE are ee DXG 375R 11 DONG-A X-RAY CO.,LTD jeeey an ; 5 -06' Oxe 300R [1] poor | 3| 73605 -069 vseoov [neon] nerves are 90.6.1 leave onre ewer or iT JA2—r302 Cc PIT Gob o.Flaneot_Conean =F? s 7 Ss falan figment Semi 5 csfilanes soa mee q To HahG VOLTAGE ‘ lent Lats R Teansronve® Areas Filgnent —Larce ie 4 $s r oprah rl (60 vite 2 spare) e[™ nase FORE ART | ata ter Cy_nwuogian 32) Tia ties aa eaesel alin . ‘ WF Tt i CONTROL DAT NF rSH-620CR6.0¢.250V 2A) we wR CUSE FOR ALCO _ A FETERLINY JUMP REUSE. FOR FL El nae, HETERLP THERA as THERMAL : Mes com OTE CGH 7 Heacarren aoe PAR ‘ 4 PROTA AURAL Ano AUXIG) : cH | poe cH ; 3 pot cM i cM SENSE : ° CH SENSE a ve 2 par) oH) 2 pcs | | cs fer dace masses Louk sc De = 7 | cw 2 1 [ovac iio vac e BUCKY CORTOWACH SL 7 oelee peers FL UAY SSE BUCKY SENSE a an BUC sen BUCKY SENSE al el In cx 1 sare [23 ear sense t Fa) 3 [rigenat Se see TE z 1 ra CUTSIE INTER CONNECON PCB SO] re 90.4 tonne, lowe [A 2 = 73522-010 sl 7 7 7 7 2 Ba oonG-A RAY COVUTD. ' ut [4 ae 2| 3 ee ns 5] 3 |w i |e | | [bo é i 7 | em a 5 olan soz 3 cm sense 10 ho | ae fi 781i | gNo controt>> | 12 2 |oce Ble ase |B Jaco ji i |acoy 12] 6 is| INTER 13 |aciiov 0 | Ye] CONNECTION. 4g gion BND.| 8 |p ) gzr3ez0n [38 pe oe 8 bucky % 49 | ened N2 | 3 aI a 20| Guo n > 2B = 12 a ts ff i TE ts [2 | sco 5 T 3 | ee} tt fe 2 Bp 3 ef 13 | Ee 12 42 1 a [5 USE FOR ] [ust For 3 7 ALCO mA U FLUKE mas METER METER ja nev aEWARRE ome 7 ie d25 [2 tease ge: [E22 ESTs [PM HIGH TENTION xPMR scHEMATIC [A _ DONG-A X-RAY go,uTe A | 73619 011 ayy | 3 | pare onze loare Be leerretier : BILL OF MATERIAL _ | Fe 73605-047 TB6IFor AEC) X= RAY GENERATOR SIDE AEC Tsa 3} {atu awe p75 Rye 3 +2V- TSA 5 ion A 02, treme TSA 4 ie ane GND TSA-10) DP Swi g— Exposure Stop TSA- 7 3 ga PT TYPICAL INTERFACE TO X-RAY oe : GenenaroR ee yap (AEC = DXG325R, DXG650R} | CHAMBER.1.© TSB- 5 Oa p3 | | CHAMBER. 2© TSB- 3 P64 4-4 . . OQ——ho use | | Rad GNo TS 9} >On i GaP i Ket SS Power TSI 1 Deep A a ‘Auto 35(C OV) i af 01.2,3;1N4003, 1A 200V) Diode : far el 16 ;RBIS3(1 5A 200V) Bric i Power TSt- 3} £9, ew ® ‘puto 36IACTIOV) D4;RB1S3( ),Bridge Diode. ORE OAS: A2;KH-103- 4C{0C 12V 4POT),Relay, | TO Connection 8? 93 TB6;Terminal ‘Block 12P,(250V 20A), i PCB Rg ik Mode Selector PCB. | i a2 15 DC kVp @ TSA11 ress 270 : 10 oer —7856 i _ 10 conte Console rosy mA@ TSA 1 Ut noise in 2 Toranances oncEFT ornenwae WANTED B filter HT "ANGULAR fomenerone pave une ARE mr aA TSA 2} —out - Iva 7a TORPAGE wo BEE PCIE] = 08 a] ea BILL OF MATERIAL \A3! 73106-303 [Fen] Pant no DESCRIPTION REO 4 GREEN 22AWG Nes = 4 ” a YELLOW yes | D iD , = BLACK = a. a ns | aoe ns | ; le ee c ORANGE 0 c sw | 4 1B B Al a . Movas|pmsce ore [tors [ese [™©pensity apvustT scHeMaTiC |* SORT DONG-A X-RAY CO.,LTD! | DXG_325R. [x 73605-009 eRe aT [PIO | A, | 76104-303 seo ON wal ‘sey no. leave $9. 8.28/04 DATE sxeey__oF T F L T 1 2 T aod saeTonnce ALL power in the system should be turned off, renove the fron: cover from the Control console, Perform the following maintenance checks; + Vorify free action of pushbutton, and all pushbuttons are interlocked. * Gheck PREP ond EXPOSURE svitches are working snooth. * Check Line Compensation, Mojor and Minor kVp selection svitelies are working properly. 7 Verify alt connections are tight, including high tension cables. * Vorify the High Tension Transforner chassis shows no signs of damage o any 011 leakage, © Chock any signs of defective woters. Turn systom and coatrol console power on. © Verity "MAW" LED s1tuminated. Depress "REN" switch and check "READY" LED illuminates end of the prep cycle is completed, % Close the collimtor shutters and make an exposure. {50 mi, 70 kp, 1/1010.11 see.) Check "READY LED, and ‘X-RAY" LED ond audible signal indication should be on during the Length fof the exposure tine. * Confirm that power Line 1s edequate, timer, mh calibration, and satety circuit is functioning properly. (Piner, mA catsbration refer to system coltbration section of this sanval) ° Verity that the exposure should be terwinstes when the X-Ray switch is released ‘The fitoment emission characteristics of X-ray tubo go through « change vhich is reloted to the total watt-luve of FAlamont on time, amd the peak teaperatures:used. The Anitisl evaporation rate Se generally high, making the filonent change rapidly during the fire hour of use. The norwal change is in the direction af an sncrease in emission ckoracter Ssitic. After several thousand prep cycle the rate of change levels off, roquiring filament correction at Lens Erequant intervals. 2 NAINTRNANCE SCHEDULES AND HATHA MA This maintenance date sheet ie provided to record that this mcintononcs hhos been accauplished. To maintain this systen in condition urder the specifications ond it's paroncter, the maintenance schedule described in the Generator Technical Manual must be aaintained, “This shest should be used to record that this maintenance has been accomplished. Control Console seria} mamber High Tension Transforner serial number: ave of manufactured: ate of snstallation: Farst Calibration (20 days after instellation or after caliurated by Second bration (00 days ater installation or after Calibrated by Subsequent Colibration (every 180 days) Calibrated by I First 2500 exposure) Date fret 7500 exposure) Date Date LT 3 DResase mage st CONTROL, CONSOLE ASSY. ¢A1-73605-00) es ema pm psu eas a " ev ower suey suz ms PART Wo. A-73605-009 13-73616-009 n9-73605-023 A3-73605-025 10-73629-008 n3-73605-006 -ez01-909 n76616-229 e761 ns73505-066 Atronon-020 aereoi-tat an-Taaesse atc7eu01-208 Mer01-200 Mereton-a0 sa-7ot01-111 na-0n336-806 nansan-102 hese orro acs souraarie an mac ra. assy TRANSFORMER. CET LANL ASST. [RANSFORNER UNIT 2 ERL ASS, FLAT UNIT PAL ASS, YEFAGE P8 PRL ASSY. Sex aun Mes, 0.2508 es. so, famstavT VOLTAGE ENLT ASSES TARY TAY sUsooR, 11 AosIRTONSPR2 Coasenklon ton S37 est Bort k= canner 58) 1 sLAM 2 aay EAP se23 rostTIOn TINE SEL Hist surToy su, ER th (eEAOY 8 9 28 Pst gu LAM LA wena UTARY TAP Ss FOSITIONCORRSHTY a) st murtow s¥,2 cHNCUIT RESET 9) -nvra-eanysroerFR som: 280¥5 125% TERNENAL flor 3 POSITIOW 504.25 Sart neg eaRe vst MT, coRSOLE(AT-73605-007) ra em m roan te Pat ne rent ewe reas eas rene o ear rene reo ART Wo. --01336-908 As-r6n0b-775 ss-76001-701 sw-ss101-s03 ssossto1-0s7 saanor-n50 svssnt0r-o0n Ae-sm0i-058 Aesano-rs0 sites perro A2-73616- 116 sa-racte-nie Ane 3616-124 s2-73603-102 -3102-001 m-r6t6-120 sa 7600-047 A3-73600-05 As73608-008 Deseaiprro CURRENT smCE TeANSrORNER Tz ‘corTacton a 5,358, cOHL, nea HEALY, rcant-2nemn. ae2a¥ US 0,54, SLOW BLOW TYPE FISH 1A, SLOW BLOW TYPE FUSE 1A, SLOW BLOM TYPE FISt 108, Stow BLOW TYPE FUSE 5A, SLOW BLOW TYPE Fase YOLNER 25pNAE Ja PONER,OLP Pr ASST oon THM eR ASST. vp rETEE/W aoUST asst. sh UNIT Pon ASST. oto. CT PCR ASS. URNEETION UNIT PCR ASS Ley eve saczny DISPLAY URIT 1 FER ASS, 9h SeLecTOR 8 ASST, roe seLeno #e8 assy. La ont 9 xo pave ust {COFTREL. CONSOLE(AL=73605-009, Poo rene Pons ea PART 0, a73616-028 Ae 73616-022 A3-73616-110 Ase76t0-an6 na73616-198 aaerse2%-aan As-73604-048 Desearerton 1p weststo® Hee Ass ‘Tn RESistoR Pom assy. is CONTROL Pen ASST. Freuo setenron MUAY UNIT Pen ASST, lieeracs om assy. RTENTION PR ASS. eo oe bxasesr Pare List TOMR,OLP PCDICAR-T8616-114) er. er. Re, 3,0. 26,1014 sits pr,20 vs pie 21-24, 34,58 59,61,62, 05-08, 30.51.71, Re 612,29 5,56 Ris ms PART Wo. a2-79616-114 ngera6i6-114 As-73016-113 n-o6a1-228 ne-gea1a-a01 -At-64406-009 Ai-ou4oe—ets M-50155-103 M-56131-1 At-se131-001 e-n139-201 At-76602-101 At 16603-153, At-76602-089 AM-T6605-189 M=76603-199 pescarrrion PoMR,oUP Asst PONT, OLP SCHEMATIC POWER,OLP PCD. e498 te ts24 te 7912 noIse PL Lavan iRACEL 968 i ‘TR. 25C1959, NPN, 389 500m Dobe, 1840 200¥,18 ‘28 DIODE, 1N759A,12¥, 20K ZENER DICDE,1N4T28,9.30, 76M, ‘IGE DIODR,KRPCE-04, 400,84 DIODE, 1N5485, 6004, 34 1s, Ris. rs, res. 1981/40, 5% $70,174, 5% 5.1K, 1/4, 9% mH, 1740, 5% 111/48, 5% 268 1/4, 5% 320,170, 5% a -26- xoa2en PART LIST POWER, OUP eD1(A2-73616-114) in 16,18 nitig 120,25,73 n6,20-33, Ret 446,48 Rts mr Rs Roe nes Rte ns 72 are 155,54,57.64 s6-40,42,43, Roe Ra6 6124-7436 ca,17-22 PART NO. M-7e602-191 M-16603-192 n-76602-077 As-Toges-125 As-16603-067 A4-76593-108 A-T6603-113 M-76603-150 Ne-T0603-099 As-T0009-187 t-76611-088 At-T0900-218 Mi=70609-118 M-76660-215 M-T6660-218 -T6660. 10665. 7 76668-407 8110-013 M-s3112-007 DescRIPTion ws, Res. res. es, 2s, 1s. es. Res, tor. por. por. 420, 1/489 590, 1/45 i, 1740, 1008.1 748,58 510,174, 5% 29%, 1/58 35K, 17,59 220K, 1/48, 5% BOK 1/48, 8% 8.28, 1/4858 220K, 1/405 127K, 1/49, 6% 18K, 1/4, 5 51,68 5ex15, TURNS 5K, 1748, 5% 10K, 15 TURNS 4 TURNS 220K, 18 TORS 78,4 TURN 1K.1 Tu tus, s0v, IL 2 o4u,250 CERNE ea. ie Dxos2se PART List Pow, ouP Poni (az-73616-114) 4 cata ca cu ke Bow FL rent wha PART Wo. Aesa101-109 Ne-89101-10 At-s101-088 At-T0n01-065 Medi 2 M-44ns-022 at oanid-02t At-s9re1-003 anne pescRIPTioN CAP. 1906uF, 359 CHEMICAL CAP. 4.70, 58 CHITA CaP. 100us,25¥,cHRAICAL RELAY YL ANER CLAN Ie socker 16P te socket, 14? 1e Sooke, PUSH 9.5A,SLOW BLOW TYPE HEAT Sik, OLACK FACING, 29417925 Pon Enter 9, pxasesr PART LIST ROTOR TIMER PoDe(A2~79616-112) re REP, 91-3,5-9 12-14, 16-19 223 15,20 221 25,25,26 28202,34,36 bs 15,33 ee,at 18,35 pis,s7 pas PART 0. neera616-412 273616112 ns-as616-111 atoesit-011 neat ateui2 4421-062 e-s080 101 at-s6133-105 ne-so1si-a1s M-s6131-001 At-se131-012 Aesoizenie ht-56152-201 -56132-202 t-56192-203 escriPrion POTOR TIMER ASSt ie aot ie 4019 1c weiss ie TWPsa-1 ‘TR, 2501959,qPN, 350, 5004 TR, TIPA WP 100¥,68 {T3ER. DIODE, 144738, 8. 2¥,31mA ‘ZENER DIODE, 1NGT2A,2.9¥, 76m, ‘owen DIODE, NTA, 12, ‘natok DIODE, S1¥H20, 200V, 690aA Lp, RED, sm sTARDARD LED, GREE, 3am STANDARD LED. YFLLOM, 3am STANDARD Re. -29- pxos2sr PART List ROTOR TIMER PoBR(A2-T9616-112) ime RE SAL 116 19,24, a2ta6.a0, 44,31,35,98,61 42, 48,64,68 3, 48,52,53,64 15,7, 18,29,27 5, 86,53, 72,73, 12,13 117,21, 28,26 ” Rio,69 kee R50 157,60 Res 6s a ec 3-6,28,30 ct, 20,21,26 PART wo, At-Te603-101 at-re660-211 At-16603-085 Ne-16502-066 M-16600-077 e-1660-025 n 609-003 t-76602-081 ne-to560-210 ‘M-16606-060 As-Tos6e-221 M-16683-109 t-76682-000 M=76609-125 At-sa101- At 53101-976 DescRIPTION TES. 10K, 1/40 ROS. 2.2K, 1/49, 5% ES. 470,1/40, 9% RES. 1K 1/4058 ES. 10 1/08, 9% PES. 4.7K 1/4, 88 RS. 15,174, POP. 1K, 15: TunDS res. 9 61/28, 5% Por, 200K, 15 TURKS ES. 22K, 1/45 RES. 108, 1/4158 RES. 140K, 1/40, 9% exp. 1 uP, 25, CHERICAL CAP. 4T0uE, 28 ,CHEIICAL exp. 220,250 cHHtCAL en, 0 -40- Dxag25R PART Lis TOR TIMER PoB2(A2-73616-112) ine c9,19,04 cis o11,12,31,92 cis c13-15,18,22 cr cas 7s car ma Kt ene wi spe wrI,2 PART 0. Ae-ta101-109 nest 10-043 eo ss112-068 At-oo112-045 M-so1ie-oa7 Atsou12-087 aes nese ne-ss113-059 Mosa11-08 ne-su M7680 Af-62801-001 M644 t-082 ae-6441t-025 4414-021 A-#1999-001, besceiPrion cap. cap. iF, 95¥,CHBMTCAL 6.108, 58¥ Pua 9.1u, 259 ceRaatic 0. 01uF, 25¥,crRAMIC CAP. O1uE, 190V, CERAMIC cap. car. cx. car. 9. 047uF, 259 ,CERAMIC 9.001uP, 100¥, FILE ‘uP, 25¥ craton 198,250 TARTAL uF, 25¥,TANTAL, camomteat, suz2en,seo-c27s RELAY bi-pe12¥ EAT SIMK, BLACK FACING, 29617425 1e socker, 16° te sone ar Pen EJECT sornTeR TM WIRE GREEN NOISE FILTER CFI a68 1M 2298 rn. -90-1- xoa26R PART List UP MTERYn ADJUST PERACAL-72616-116) re er. er. AB bt bs-2 pie Rilnt4,50,54,56 Bios 20-29 16-22,49 ns, s2 R53 5,36 00 R90-01,46,47 cr cat o.6 ors. PART NO, a2-72616-116 A2-73616-116 A8-13616-115 Na-o4e11-225 A-outzse Ae-se120-T10 -sorsa-103 At-sorst—10 M-70609-101 ‘4-T6606-077 M-766650-216 M-76503-125 1M4-16603-085 N4-70609-471 Mt-79693-093 M=76609-108 testa 4 M-52101-075 Mes3312-007 Drscrirrton KVP METRY AA ADIUST ASSY AVP METER/mA ADIUST SCHBWTIC KVP sirTER/aa ADJUST PCB. [MRIDOE DIODR,S1VB20,200¥,¢00mA D1oo8, 1Nt063, 2000, 18 "EER. DIODE, 1N759N, 12¥, 2004 RES. 16, 1/48, 9% mS. 11/2058 Por, 206,15 Tus RES. 100, 1/48 9% RES. 2.2K, 1/40, 0% ES. 680, 1/48, 5% RES. 8.2, 1/4, 5% es. 4.7%, 1/44, 58 RES. 10K, 1/0, 9% ‘CaP. Tu, 354 {CHEMICAL CaP. 4,70, 36", CaEAICAL CAP. 10tue, 264 ,CHEMICAL CaP. 9 04zuP,25¥ CERAM -o1- xo325R PART List VP METER/ah ADSUST POBS(A2~73616-116) axa AB > TPi-s.TR & ows wha atseei At-ot44-028 tous 22 At-a1309-001 ‘aston, Leok27 1c socks, oP te socxer, 14 Test FOUNTERR NOISE FILTER CFL 6B 1H 2231 sue wine, DxGS258 PART LIST sma UNIT POBACAI~13616-118) ira PART 90. RP, At-ra6i6-118 1. aLreiee Rar, aaca616-117 AB At-oeent-2at > M6441 1-241 F M-o4en1-200 ou t-otei2-201 1 at-oear 1-801 Kit M0441 1-018 ” Mt-ot4at-062 au.e.7 At-ano1-101 45 ats De-a,1-t8 ——AL-S6199-103 pis At-s61a1-095 pat Mt-36151-100 Riad, 20,29,38 31-33, 58712, 64 45059, 6006889 15,8758, 00,05, wre RI5,16,43 Af T668D-099 8,25, 102 DiscRiPrion at m WUT Assy 4049 seat ue mus 1966 TPsai-1 ‘TIPA1 en, 0n¥,64 2801958,NPR, 35V, 508A DIODE, 194098, 200¥,14 ‘evan DIODE, 144733, ‘eta. DIODE, ANTON, 128 IV, 4908 A RS. 10K, 1/48, 5% ns, rs. ATK, awk 3740, 95. 22,1748, pa. bxas2sr Paer List sma UWIT PORACAL~75616-118) ia PAR no. DESCRIPTION at, (M-T6605-084 US. 2K, 1/46 ,99 35,78 MoT6608-009 RES. 8.9K, 1/4N,99 236 At-76508-105 RES. 15K ,1/4M, 9% ner MAT6009-106 HES. 16K,1/44, 5% R761 M-Tos6N-218 POT. SK, 15 TURNS m9 M=T6603-061 RES. 1.5K, 1/48, 0% a1 ,2 AM-T6603-094 RES. 5.1K, 1/44, 5% Rau MoT6613-355 RES. 100,$5,% 6 AS=T6603-187 RES. 300K, 1/4¥,9% Ree Nf-T6603-105 RUS. 12K, 1/48, 0% not RES. 200, 1/4, 5% 65,92,95, RES. «701/48, 5% 94,95 RES, 820,1/10,5% kn THES, 9.9K,1/48, 5% R80 AMT6699-118 RES. SIK,/A,58 ms M-16609-077 HES. 1K,1/48, 0% Ree, M-Te665—019 POT. 10K,1 TUR mes 100,008 wie 8-1,26,27 su, 26¥,cHEHICAL 8, 9,01,18-07 19,21 047ur,28V CERAMIC cus our, 257 cAI 23,24 tue, s0¥ era cas 190u8, 190¥,cHEAICAL rnp. bxoaasn PAR 1 veh UT PCBACAL-79616-118) vat can,29 A.BD.P GH ies The reas neta PART Wo. Ac-sa101-084 M-se41g-075 Ata 81300. DescatPrio8 ‘OxP. L9bur, 25¥,cmaHICAL 1c socket 16P 1c socker 14P ‘Test POINTER pen einer NOISE FILTIR crt aon 1H 229M ro, 9 pxgsast Pan List CONTROL, UNIT PCUS(A2-75016-138) ren PART DescRIPTioN eo, EE. A2-79616-188 CONTROL, WT ASS 10 ne. 22-73616-198 CONTROL WHT seHEWTIC Le a. de-ras16-129—cowmmoL. uRIT Few Le a At64404-001 10. TAOS Le Be Ateeaiz-s01 1c. tab24 Le D A6e412-105 16. Ls Le Ee At-oetit-282 16. 4518 my ou Aseuii222 16, 4050 20 8 M-es4t-921 1c, 4972 Le Me-suti-o19 te, 4071 Le K AM-68411-925 1c, 48L Le ha aeoauti-221 16, 4040 ae op t-o4421-062 16, TUPS2I-t 2a a2 M-80801-005 TR, 284965,PNP, 120¥, 04m Le 5,79 M-#0801-001 TH, 25C1959,NPR, 357, 500m D1,2,4°6,12,18 AM-86132-103 DIODE. sNbees, 200¥, 14 oy 16 pa At-061S1-014 ZENER DIODE. 1NA735, 6.2", dima 10 be,i7 ‘AM-86192-202 LED. GRLED, sam STAKDARD 20 Do,13 ‘N6-86132-202 LAD, YELLOW, 2m STANDARD 2 um AL-T6BIS-005 RES. 5,507 Le 2,3,6,17,31 AL-T650-125 ES. 100K, 1/4W, 5% 19 36,28,48,42 39 98 pxcs2si rawr Last cconTHoL u8iT PCBS«A2-73016-138) ra PART NO. DescRIP en R1-9,14,18,23, AMTOGRS=181 RES, 198, 1/49, 5% 25, 26,23,90,35 37,39,41,43,51 53,36,57,60,61 6466-69) 20,46,47 —AA-T6605-007 RES. 1K, 1/4V.5% Rio M=T6604-876 RBS. 4990,1/28, 1% Ris AG-TESOS-153 RES. 1N,1/4, 05% Res AeAT66OS-113 RES. S3K,1/4, 5% 1R18,22,27,28 AL-T6603-088 HES. 2.2K, 1/4, 5% 50,52,54,56,62 6 RE1,16,49,68 — AL-T6685-093 RES. 4.78, 1/40, 0% iz M-T6660-216 FUT, M-16660-215 POT. 10K,187 AG52101-084 CAP, 1004, 25¥,cHAMCNL oe M-59101-076 CAP. 10uP,26¥, CHEMICAL, 3,912 AG-83112,048 CAP. 0. 1UF,25¥, FIL on ‘M-59112-008 AP. 0.0807uP, 25, FILM (65-8,10,13,14 AL-B9L12-047 CAP. 9, 047uF,25¥,ceRAIIC 21-27 oust M-82101-097 CAD, 9,010F, 100¥,P11a O77 CAP. 22uP,26V. CHEMICAL, ra. a5. xGs26R PART List CONMOL, UNIT FERS(A2-73616-138) ima B.P.G.M Lt > Tito wie PART wo neu M-o441s-022 nt-oesis-o21 M-81399-001 SCRIPTION te socks, 16° 1c soca, 14P te sacs, ‘esr ForNren Pee BIECT NOISE FILTER FI e681 22m sine WIRE bxcaes paar List omeReT Ion GRIT PeacEA-Pe0 129 ve ne. ve, rer, as Pu PL2nts me rans PART 0, At=73605-102 az-7s60s-102 A3-73605-101 ‘-sosot-o0t ah-76603-081 ‘MeTe603-108 asszni-onn sesmor-ane Na-ssz01-294 M-siz01-299 atesszo1-a9s aosiaar-208 Aaess2m1-017 Mesz201-014 a-szz0n-707 seosn201-707 ‘Messz01-011 ssx201-013 Drs n Comecrtow an? Ass. conection init scam omeecrion wrt Pee mR, 2501959, BES. 1361/00 MES. 10K.1/4W, 58 onECHOR PE 7-naDe-Ans ONETOR 051-02 HOUSING 1009-028 WAFER lcowwcTox 3051-04 HowsiNG 5013-040 WAFER amasctow s0si-19 wows Re 5045-130 WAFER conecvon 505-03 nousr¥e 5005-058 WAFER onNEETON ss1-o8 HousENG Smscoea War onmgcron 3239-08 nisin Sena WATER conccroR 3239-05 snosiNe conection 5239-01 nousaRe S708 NAR Commctom HF N4—s¥PA-7, 5405 HEADER scvecron 9239-02 HnuSENG Saran Ware eoxnbcros 529-04 nowsG SHIN KAP -96- xen pane 11ST DISPLAY UNIT 1 peRTCAL-73616-120) ren ant 0. gee, grer36teen20 ar. Atraene-t20 mr. aesetenn9 a sa-stos-on2 saconann-279 5 Meoeant-2it 0 si-snnnn-a2e Gath sa-peot-in8 a N-saar=t6e ht Ni-o14as-055 ° saeonags-055 Bsi-147-9_ates6130-002 sit Aves 30-001 mL ae s6121-008 Ds6.8,951119 ateH6199-109 a pa-7o6nt-ans 2 7601-005 n n= 76603-066 ” N-76603-158 B56,20-11 —aM-76609125, ss Ria terse rast sa-re6on-as7 Descarerton Display eRiT 1 ASs¥. DisPLar UnIT 1 seHenaTie Display OMT 1 eR re nor Ie as. ie ana 6 nos te asi te ae 1e 700 DISPLAY LED(C.8) 49517 DISPLAY LEDEC.E) suDsi0 ‘exe prong, 733 Dione mona ES. St.2m,50 eS, 2.2K 1/00 ES. 4708, 1/4K,58 Res. Mayet HES. oe 174K, BES. MeL Res. 2z0t/a¥ 280, Deca parr ust Diseuay UNeT 1 ReRT(AL=73416-1201 es fe m PART Wo. na-sann2-049 sesaniz-a47 Nesannz-04s mesauaz-ovn ‘Mesat 2-009 Mesni01-076 sasonane-029 iroeanene7 M-canieaes Mesvzo1-2a7 Mess201-209 Aeeze01-020 asmzai-out Descaupr ow ow. ar, oon rub, 258 cena ene. caotor.25n caRame cme. Ostet. 25v conan ‘a. sone, 25 ceRane he. tome. 2A 1 socks nae Te socket 1 soccer. 14? oonvtaTon sost-a7 nousine 50074 WAFER omnctor s05t-19 nousiNe “ONS-8 WAP iar si cemazemon 9239-02 nonstna Sortcnay UnRER 2 iE oRERN an x85 paRr Lise A SELECTOR PCEO(AI-73408-087), res wr. ner. nat 20-73400-047 A3-73601-007 A3-0608-046 sso10%-0n1 N-st201-292 s-sxz01-297 veseauprroy ASELECTOR. ASSY. ve SELECTOR semenartc SELECTOR ren ust Burton su 2c0Rc 7 onweevoR 2051-07 novsixe SOs5-070 WAFER oNNEGTOR s051-m2 woUSING SS-078 NAPE ors xaaes age List NODE SELECTOR POBDCAR=72604-% en wer, ur ver, suo Pant 0, " 73601-04% As73600-005 As-72600-044 Atreno-0t AM-snz01-2ns Desa robe SELECTOR ASS. one stuecron seumari¢ hoe sevrcron pew PUSH AUTTON sw 2erReUIT convseroe 505t-07 wousine SSS-078 WAFER -101- agus arr ust LE UNIT PeBLOCAI-73600-043) en er. PART Ho, A-73608-009 19-73608-083 23-73408-082 aasense-102 sa-ses2-108 sa-se132-101 Mesra01-209 Desearyin tap bt ass. aD mtr scurmarie usp nt roa Len, cHREN, Sum STANDARD LED, YELLOW, Sam STARDARD LED RED. Sem STANORRD cowwrcrae sosi-9 noust¥e Souteaay MAP 102. Dro325 par Last PLAY wry een az-ra6i6-139) rn PART DesceaPrro ne. ner. LTBI RELAY UY ASS 1 ner, Anrye6eI RELAY UNIT srapeaTIG 1 ms AzT6N6-188 RELAY ORT eR ' he samsuani-aor 16 TP 991 , oy sa-cnazi-023 16 moctoaa 2 1.2.7-19—aMeeDeoI-IaL—EHTHPAT tN ‘ a6 M-tosot-car —tRIac sea a 46 M-totar~630 TRL 233055 80H a 6 nreantate 2 31.2.5,6 ——aMeS6LZ0-710—_sRIOGE plone,st¥D20 ‘ Dah.7.8I0— A4-36133-101 DIODE 1RA003 » Mathie 20 PNAS aN AAAS bovts,21 /M-56152-202 LD ERSEN, ten stan 5 Past DUYeI7«19——at-36152-201 —LED\RED, 3am STANDARD 6 phy de38 15,40 Av-so192-203—LaDyYELLo¥saom sTaNtARD 2 DI-17,39—AESS6133-201 MODE THAW 4 as MMATO6LI-ON9 RES. 56 5K054 > mye AN 76606-015. AS. 2.941708, 2 Ai-76606-060 RES. 300,1/2¥.5% 2 MeuELIAWT RES, BROS 2 R821 IT MoPeRUSeGaS HES, BaKI/AMAE ” =103- DxG3OsR PART LIST OLAY UNIT PgRL(AZ-73616-124) inn come] wa rea nae Bit 65.6.9 a co 4.205115 15.6 Fr-9.12417 £1,2.566 4100103 ra PART Wo. Aa-7600-083 N-76603-080 st-766503-049 a= 76603-086 M-7o615-256 76606-025 sa-7e603-077 Av-soiot-208 assn10-191 A-smia1-819 si-sant0-031 sa-ronor-as6 79305-077 sv-7on01-045 s4-76001-069 7105-010 sa-70n05-012 Aa-s01-ane ss-se1t0-am st-o28at-o0t Av-oze-070 ‘aa-sxze1-707 DescaiPriow es. tes. wes, fs. res, nes. ws. ow. ow. 181/45 20,1798, 58 100,379, 58 sro.ty98 31 ossnw, se 101/24, 58 ket 70, a50,cHRtTCAL, 0.0170 620072 FILLED 3008/2308(0.5.89 ot 2anF/so0vCINPAN) OTL FILLED 49. 0.0089F, 1000 FILA otaygtu-in-ne pe12v new m-2e¢ pevay pear FELAY,s8120-K oIZY DPOF 2007 BR SoLDKRINT GLAY SOCKET, APOT Hen SouDRRIN se ear ravers T¥PFY smxoencren TYPE) SeARPPD CcONBECTOR LSBA-THPA-7.5405 HEADER TgaBR-a4D-2,54R SWEREE FLAT CARLE 780 me -104- anse sane vst DLA UNIT pews (Az-73626-198) 2 myn Pioas en. ne me wm PART 0. M-sraar-n7 sesxor-ans MM-snz01-a4e Assz01-o18 -so201-o16 aessz01-292 sazoi-o12 Aesrz0r-ant Meso201-015 Descaspro ceoneecron oxnnreror cemesretoe connotoe ceseotoe eer conaecton conten connector J WORE soni-o ponsiae 35-008 UNFER 52-04 oust S048 UAPRR S508 ons SOn3-DAN FER 5239-05 sousNG STS-058 WAFER sau? nousane SP73-078 VAPER Ssnsi-o7 ous SONs-12a WAFER 23-07 YoHSING S270 WAFER sara nousine Sonn Mara 5237-06 aus S77-DUN NAPE care ra, 106-1 igzsse exRT List ‘he CONTROL. PORI2(AR-72616-120) ran sr. er. aat 0, me7.616-190 s3-73616-130 Aeeroene-ia atessznt-2ne At-44ar-160 iesexor-010 te 76603-089 Atoaan4-079 anen2 erona4essn Descarrian is cokTEO, ASS, hs CONTROL sctERATYC ae CONTROL Pot onRCTOR S1-07 HnUSING S74 FER 1 nors.stanP Ie worst RES. 2.38,1/4H 52 1 soccer, 16P 1¢ socket 14? oTaRY TAP sw, 24 Positron -05- xca2s par List OUP RstsToR PCERSLAM-73616-024) ve PART Wo. Descervo¥ er. Me7616-028 OL? RESIS Assy er. Mi-7a616-024 OUP RESISTOR omIEUATIE er. Me73616-023—oLP HESISTOR vee of Av-sozo1-208 — conucTar s051-0n wousine Sa5-04A RAPER smc AM-7EL0H~394 ROTARY TAY S28 POSITION R N¥-76609-060 RES, 300,1/4¥.58 saair M-7e603-057 RES. 2051/0452 R36./eIDu13— AM-70603-056 RES, 200,1/48,52 Taatainea0| mana MM=76603-051 RES. LaOI/AMLE Bi3g11612——Ate76603-009 RES. 1004144652 Tear am -106- Dxcyase paRr LST TUNER RESISTOR PoBIA(AA-723616-022) wer, ser. eer. PL % Pa nose nas muy.t0 ne PARE No, as1s616-022 as-r6n6-a2e ss7a616-021 awesszot-29 saeTeLOH- 358 ‘4 716601-100 MMe T6601-762 vu401-#28 74401-798 h-76601-868 nv-reso-930 -76601-992 st-r660-000 Abcrosot-147 Dsetrrow ‘Tn REsisToN ASS. Tuck RESHSTeR scieRaTiC HMR RESISTOR PCR ovwEcToR 5051-02 HowsiNG suns-nan AFL SOTARE TAP 5,24 PostToH aS. ra0.1/AWy IE RES. Lette t ttt es. 2.808, 1/4W 18 RFS. 216E 1 /At RIS. 830K, ES. bm 1/4W4 1 WES. 7.3K, 1/0858 Fes 3.21 /6612 aS. WoeAR LAKE ean. -107- DKCS258 PART LEST ILD SELECTOR POBIS(A3-73410~-016) ire er. ae. ake, ant 0, s7s1e-a16 Aastn-ane sa-7ae0-018 asaz01-299 sa-7e107-a31 Descereriom FIELD SELECTOR ASS. FIELD SALECTOR scienatic FIELD sALEErOR ron Ccovvreron s051-05 oust¥s S043-080 NAFER PUSH-UTTON Sw,GREEN,2 ciROITT ea, xcs258 paRr Last RTENTION PCHRE(AI-73604-049) im rer. ee, xt cwe sewxer PART Wo. 23-73601-009 13-73608-008 19-72600-048 -s3z01-60 aae1ztat-oi0 Desearprioy XTENTIOR PeB ASSY. persxriow pow oNWECTOR, og?-a4nn-a0s eu aracet -109- acaese Paer Last "TRANSFORMER MET 1 Pa. (AI-7360=028) Hm wer, wer. ver. n ™ Mae Paar vo 19-73605-023 As-73605-023 no-73605-022 aeosa6-0n2 on336-008 a1 00-ca8 nacsenza-o0t scat Priot TRANSTORNER UIT 1 PRLAASSE, THANSFORNER INIT 1 PML. SCHEMATIC TRANSFORNER UNIT 1 RL. 2308LS088 THAMseoRMER sow 240,230,220,210,3004190.0, =20,04230522040) TRMRSEORNER, YOKE 110, 104-1548, 2040 200 TERRI, BL, 108 uns PULtHR_«(e,Beyz5028) SX-008 250028 19, -u0- ara2se exer vast TRANSFORMER UIT 2 PRL. (A3-73405-075) rer ter. a D1 u ms PART 0. Av-73cos-075 sa-rssoseo75 sver36os-028 aesstor-iae aaeso120-206 Ate 7616-256 iemi336-210 Aeansae-ait ‘e300-000 ‘M-1300-008 Descaserroy TRANSFORMER (IT 2 PNAS. ‘TRANSEONMER CULT 2 FNL SCHENATHE ‘eausFonnen ant 2 pxL,2308150e5 AP. L000 7 ennce rone,eaPeIs-06 res. 1 TRANSEORNER (770, 20,0-904082) ‘TRANSFORM 110,082-24,20, 1a) TERMINAL ck, to ‘oneENAL Lax. em. ane mes paar Lse ONSTANT YOLTAGS SUPPLEAD=P36n-44) ren ver, ner, 1 a2 Fou nat to, A3-73605-008 15-73605-008 -t-01300-000 A-nova1-703, a-sn1z0-am1| msnara an rosao-07t aerestt-are s120-206 sa-sz001-025 Descaipriow CoustanT WNIT ASST. constanr wT scum TEARINAL stock, 10° TR. nso Fa, 1108 ae,noenoeDS ‘hP. 22060, 1000 CIRMIEN, BES. ani yewest iS. w70.2%,58 EDF rODe eNPENS-Dm sslesruare sono ar steamer) rang ton cease a1 Daca2se PART List eB PoWYT(N3-73603-069) es mr. ve ver. ra Pant v0, ns-760%-009 13-13605-069 A9-73605-060 aessz01-017 ae-ssz01-019 sv-szar-o18 Descare tion IeTEEFACK ASST. FTeREAce scHenaric reRFAcE ‘neeTeR 5229-00 nousiNa Soro WAFER connector 4239-10 vousine Sarrcinn WAFER counnecton 5239-05 mows 520-058 WAFER i ou Dacre pant Last ‘OUTSIDE snTER co toncAZ=?3622-010) in arr. eer, wm a om P oy Pe ne aoigte7sa Pant 0. naer22-010 Aa-r622-010 na-7a22-009 M-roi0s-053 N-se120-250 v-so133-an5 Nv-a1a00-267 Aessz01-017 sv-saz0n-017 M-ss201-014 nessz01-011 2339-001 ‘OPTSHDE ATER cnwypETTON Asst. OUTSIDE tmr=K cane fo rma OUTSIDE TTR emINECTION PoE Tones sy, inn (2n as0UKe ELM toDr kane-05 tone, Laan ‘TERHIMAL, STRIT,A-I-S-TPESSA,20 LES mmceToR. 5234-08 Hause ‘200-008 HAP eonectoR, 239-10 House S2P3-10n WAFER feouern,522-05 mbes 5271-080 RAPER ‘emesECTOR, 5219-07 pgs 5273-078 uAPRR enneeran, 379-02 Ie Spring uaPeh ‘reser porete sour seer ne, oe Danse ener LST UGH TeRstON TRANSFORNER(AD-7362-003) ren ter sa1,scz PART Yo, n2-73622-008 As-31506-093 as-ansae-050 asrs017-022 na-73617-020 M-79621-810 DesenrPrion (OUTSIDE 19TER cORNRETION ASST. ‘Men voLTAGE TRansronnes PILAR HEATING TRANSPORTER sank car ‘amma, srae5,6P ‘TMM, s12105,5P HUGH VOLTAGE wecrTFLER 1258¥" 115.

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