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Activity 1

Discuss these questions in groups

•Why do people study other languages?

•What languages have you learned?
•In what situations?
•What have you found easy about learning different languages?
•What have you found difficult?
•Why might that be?
•Have you ever learned any languages that use a different alphabet?

Roleplay Activity 2

Someone has taken up a new English course and is

telling a friend about it.



Roleplay Activity 2 Student A

You have taken up a new English course at ICANA.

Tell your friend about it.

Useful Language:
• I’ve …
• … for/ since…
• Students …
• The material used in class …
• … have to ..
• … are allowed to …

Roleplay Activity 2 Student B

Your friend has taken up a new English course at ICANA.

Ask him/her about it.

Useful Language:
• How long …?
• Are students …levels?
• How often …?
• Is the material sent / emailed …?
• Do you have to …?
• Is… needed?
• … allowed …?


Past Passive Quiz Activity 3a

Past Passive Quiz

1- The Eiffel Tower _________________(build) in 1750. (False: in 1889)
2- The first e-mail __________________ (send) in 1971. (True)
3- Chess __________________ (invent) by the Egyptians 1500 years ago
(False: The Chinese)
4- The first coins _________________ (use) 600 BC. (True)
5- The first modern Olympics ________________ (hold) in Athens in 1896.

Past Passive Quiz Activity 3b

Past Passive Quiz

1- Basketball ___________ first ___________ (play) in Africa. (False:
in America)
2- The first credit card __________________ (use) in 1945.
3- The first car ___________________ (build) by Ford in 1910. (False:
Gottlieb Daimler in 1885)
4- The first Levis jeans ____________________ (wear) by cowboys.
(False: Miners)
5- The first steps on the moon ___________________ (take) by Buzz
Aldrin in 1969. (False: Neil Amstrong)


Archaeologists from the future Activity 4

It’s the year 3000. Imagine you are part of the team of the
clueless archaeologist you saw in the video. Some very
strange artifacts from the 21st century have just been dug up.
Get into pairs, A and B.


Archaeologists from the future Activity 4 Student A

Part 1: Describe these artifacts in detail without mentioning

their names and tell Student B what each was probably used
for. (use the prompts provided next to the picture).

Pre modern era 1970 1950

circa 1980 Hair ornament? Child’s toy?

Child’s toy?

Part 2: You’re an expert on the 21st century. Listen to Student

A’s description of some objects and, if you recognize the object,
tell him/her what it was actually used for.


Archaeologists from the future Activity 4 Student B

Part 1: Describe these artifacts in detail without mentioning

their names and tell Student B what each was probably used
for. (use the prompts provided next to the picture).

1800 1990 1950

A brooch? A robot? Woman’s purse?

Part 2: You’re an expert on the 21st century. Listen to Student

A’s description of some objects and, if you recognize the object,
tell him/her what it was actually used for.

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