Booklet Int 2 U5 A4

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Intermediate 2 Unit 5 - Life 3B 11/8/2016

Intermediate 2 Unit 5

1 2 3 4

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Discuss these questions in groups Activity 1

•Are you interested in history? Or in specific

parts of history? Which ones?

•Have you ever watched any documentaries,

read books, or seen movies or TV
dramatizations that have interested you
especially? If so, why?

•When you travel, do you like to visit historical

places? Which is your favorite one?

Intermediate 2 Unit 5 - Life 3B 11/8/2016

Role Play Activity 2

A famous archaeologist is being interviewed about his
childhood and how he chose his /her profession.


Role Play Activity 2 Student A

You are a famous archaeologist. Your are being
interviewed for a documentary about your early life.

Useful Language:
•I used to…
•I didn’t use to…
•I was (taught / told / etc.)
•Before that, I had/hadn’t (read /
imagined / studied, etc)…
•I enrolled…

Intermediate 2 Unit 5 - Life 3B 11/8/2016

Role Play Activity 2 Student B

You work for Discovery Channel and your are
interviewing a famous archaeologist. Ask him/her
questions about his/her childhood and how he/she
chose his/her profession.

Useful Language:
•I used to…
•I didn’t use to…
•I was (taught / told / etc.)
•Before that, I had/hadn’t (read /
imagined / studied, etc)…
•I enrolled…

This used to be my playground Activity 3

Discuss the questions in groupsss

a. Is the song about good memories or bad memories?

b. Was the playground a safe or a dangerous place to be?

c. What did the singer do in the playground?

d. How does the singer feel now?

Intermediate 2 Unit 5 - Life 3B 11/8/2016

Role Play Activity 4

Two Friends are talking about a date one of them has had


Role Play Activity 4 Student A

You’ve had a blind date. You don’t quite believe most of
what he/she said. Tell your friend about it.

Useful Language:
•S/he told me…
•S/he said (that)…

Intermediate 2 Unit 5 - Life 3B 11/8/2016

Role Play Activity 4 Student B

Your friend is quite naive. He/She’s had a blind date.
Ask him/her questions.

Useful Language:
•Did s/he tell you that…?
•Did s/he say that…?
•Do you believe that?
•What did… about…?

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