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Course: International Relation English I /2020



1. Read this paragraph.

My father died when I was nine, and so my mother was a widow1 with four young children. She
remarried five years later, so now I have a stepfather. As he is not my real father, I call him by his first
name, which is Dieter. I’ve got an elder2 brother called Thomas and two younger sisters, Anya and
Claudia, who are twins3 . We’re a close family4 . My mother is an only child5 , but I’ve got two uncles on
my father’s side. One is married with two children, and the other is married with three children, so
altogether I have five cousins. I get on well with6 Uncle Rolf, and he always tells me I’m his favourite
nephew. Of his nieces, I think he likes Anya best. Recently my brother Thomas got married. His wife’s
name is Sabine, so I now have a sister-in-law7 as well.

1.1 Represent the family tree of the family in the paragraph you have read.

TOPIC 2: POSSESSIVE FORM: Common mistakes It’s more common and more natural to say ‘Thomas’s
wife’ (NOT the wife of Thomas) or Anna’s younger sister’ (NOT the younger sister of Anna).

1 Look at the family tree you have represented, then complete the sentences below.

1. Dieter is my mother’s ________________________________________________

2. Anya is Dieter’s _____________________________________________________
3. Claudia is Anya’s _____________________________________________________
4. My mother was my father’s _____________________________________________
5. Sabine is my mother’s __________________________________________________
6. Thomas is Rolf’s _______________________________________________________
7. Claudia and Thomas are ________________________ and _________________________
2. Correct the following sentences rewrite them in possessive form.

1. We stayed at the hotel of my uncle. ____________________________________________

2. The favourite colour of my wife is yellow. _______________________________________

3. When is the birthday of your girlfriend? _________________________________________

4. What is the name of your English teacher?. _______________________________________

5. Are you going to the wedding of my brother? _____________________________________

6. The books of all the students are in the library. _____________________________________

TOPIC 3: VOCABULARY; Which words are being defined?

1. Your current boyfriend is the one that you have now.
2. _______________________ means get married again.
3. _____________________________ are two children born to one mother at the same time.
4. ______________________________ is the noun when two people are friends.
5. _______________________________ is a woman whose husband has died.
6. ______________________ are two children born to one mother at the same time.
7. An ____________________________ is when you do not have brothers or sisters-
8. Your ____________________________________ is the man who is married to your mother but
is not your father.

TOPIC 4.RELATIONSHIP: Over to you: Answer the questions for you.

1. Are you an only child? If not, do you have elder brothers or sisters?__________________
1. Do you get on well with other members of your family? __________________________
2. Are you a close family?_____________________________________________________
3. 4 Who was the last person in your family to get married? When? _____________________
4. Who’s your best friend?____________________________________________________
5. 6 How long have you known him/her?__________________________________________
6. How did you get to know each other?__________________________________________
Differences Between Future Tenses

1. We use "going to" to talk about a planned activity for future. 

For instance:

A: There is a good movie on TV tonight.

B: Yes. I know. I am going to watch it.

A: Why is Betty in a hurry?

B: Because she is going to meet her brother at the bus stop at six.

2. We use "will" when we decide to do something at the time of speaking.

For instance :

A: What would you like to drink, sir?

B: I will have a glass of milk, please.

A: Oh, you have left the door open.

B: Have I? I will go and shut it.

3. We use "going to" for prediction in the near future. The speaker is sure because there
are signs about it. 

For instance :

She is standing at the edge of the cliff, she is going to fall.

A: What is the problem? There are strange noises in the lift.

B: I think the lift is going to break down .Let’s get out!

A: I feel cold.
B: Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain.

A: What is the matter with you?

B: I feel terrible. I think I am going to be ill.
4. We use "will" for prediction in the remote future 

For instance :

A: How is he, doctor?

B: Don’t worry. He will get better.

A: The bridge is not so safe.

B: Yes. One day it will break down.

5. We use "will" for requests, invitations and offers.

For instance :

Will you shut the door, please? (Request)

Will you come to the cinema with me? (Invitation)
That bag looks very heavy. I will help you. (Offer)

6. We generally use "will" for prediction with the following verbs and phrases.

Believe , expect , hope , think , wonder , I’m sure , I’m afraid ...etc

I believe he will pass the exam. 

I hope he won’t leave us.
I am afraid he will fail the exam.
Do you think they will divorce?

7. We use "will" with the adverbs Perhaps, probably, certainly

We do not use going to in this case.

Perhaps they will support you in the election.

Jackson will probably go to London next year.
8. We use "will" to express promise, not going to 

I will study medicine at university. 

I will stop going to the casino.

9. We use "will" in a question tag after imperative, not going to.

Do it today, will you?

Don’t look at your friend’s paper, will you?

10. We use "will" to give an order or state our wishes, not be going to.

Will you turn on the lights?

11. We use "will" to express an action in necessity in the future, not be going to. 

You will have to pay a fine if you don’t pay your tax on time.

12. We use "will" for threat. 

Study hard or you will fail.


 1. "Where are you going on holiday?" I don't know yet, maybe ___ to India.

I will go
I am going

 2. Are you watching the game? It's 5 - 2, they ___ win the match!
are going to

 3. I think you ___ like this movie.

are going to 

 4. We ___ get married next year.

are getting

 5. I can't join you at the party, I ___ away for two weeks.

will be
am going to be

 6. You ___ Mr Thompson tomorrow at 10.00.

will see
are seeing

 7. Have you heard? Jean is pregnant – ___ have a baby.

she will
is going to

 8. This exercise looks really hard – I ___ help you.

am going to 

 9. Don't forget that we ___ out with Sue and Peter tonight!

are going
will go 

 10. Look at that beautiful sky! It most certainly ___ rain today.

isn't going to

2. Write the correct form of going to or will to complete the dialogue.

LAURA: What are you doing this weekend, Jan?

TANYA: I _____________ (see) a new play tomorrow at the Royal Court theatre.

LAURA: Have you got the tickets yet?

TANYA: NO, I __________ (get) them this afternoon, actually. Would you like to come?

LAURA: Oh, thank you. That would be nice.

TANYA: OK, I _________________ (get) you a ticket too.

LAURA: Great ... what time does it start?

TANYA: Eight o'clock, but we ________________(all meet) in the Green Cafe at 7.15.

LAURA: OK, I ________________ (meet) you in the cafe, but, er...

I_________________ (be) there around 7.30.

TANYA: That's fine.

LAURA: Oh, one other thing ... I've got no money at the moment... I

__________________ (pay) for the ticket on Saturday. Is that OK?

TANYA: Yes, that's OK, no problem.

LAURA: Great! Why don't we go eat something in the restaurant?

TANYA: That's a good idea. I ________________ (phone) the others and see if they want to
come too.

LAURA: Good, and I ________________ (book) a table for us.

TANYA: Great! I ________________ (meet) you there in a moment.


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