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1. Describe the need for CIM and the issues addressed by CIM.

2. What are the different types of manufacturing? Make an assessment of the extent of computer
control in specific cases of each types of manufacturing.

3. What are the various activities of a manufacturing plant which can be carried out through computer

4. Discuss the main elements of CIM systems.

5. Differentiate among physical integration, application integration and business integration. Give
specific examples of each.


1. Prepare a chart showing the data required and data generated in the various
segments of a manufacturing industry?
2. What is a database?
3. What are the objectives of a database?
4. What are the disadvantages of a database?
5. How does the conventional file system differ from a database?
6. What are the four classes of data in manufacturing?
7. What are the desirable features of a database management system?
8. Describe the three database models.
9. Study typical data in a factory and analyze how you can classify the data.
10. What is a relational database? Give an example.
11. Describe the architecture of a database management system?
12. What are the essential requirements of a relational database management
13. What is a query language? What are the major types of query language?
14. What is SQL?

15. Give an example of the use of SQL to access a database?

16. What is the role of PDM in drawing office management?
17. What are the features of PDM which help speedy product development?
18. What are the benefits of PDM?

1. Discuss the need for flexibility in manufacturing in the present manufacturing
2. Compare FMS with transfer lines and CNC on the basis of volume and variety
of parts produced.
3. What is a FMC? How does FMC ensure flexibility in manufacturing?
4. How does a turning centre differ from an FMC?
5. Describe the essential elements of a flexible turning cell.
6. Describe the additional subsystems that make a machining centre a flexible
machining system.
7. What are the various innovations introduced in tooling for flexible manufacturing
8. How is tool life monitored in FMS?
9. Discuss the importance of in-process monitoring of workpiece quality in FMS.
10. What are the benefits of FMS?
11. Discuss the relevance of FMS from the point of view of work centre utilization.
12. Describe the principle of an automated storage and retrieval system.
13. What are the major elements of FMS?
14. Discuss the importance of materials handling system in FMS.
15. Describe the types of materials handling devices used in a FMS.
16. How is an FMS optimized?
17. What are the different types of data associated with FMS?


1. Discuss the importance of process planning in product development.

2. What is the need for computer aided process planning? What are its advantages?
3. Describe the structure of a process plan.
4. What are the major modules of a process planning software and the databases
5. What is the need for CAD based process plans?
6. Discuss the principle and advantages of group technology coding.
7. Classify a component using either OPITZ or MICLASS system.
8. Discuss the principle of variant process planning.
9. What is generative process planning?
10. What are the modules of a generative process planning software?
11. Compare variant and generative process planning methodologies.
12. Describe any one computer aided process planning software.
13. Discuss how group technology is used in designing manufacturing cells.
14. How could artificial intelligence (AI) be used in generative process planning?


1. What is the significance of quality control in CIM?

2. Define total quality management and explain its relevance to CIM.
3. What are the objectives of computer aided quality control?
4. Discuss the important benefits of computer-aided quality control.
5. Explain the method of part inspection using a CMM.
6. What are the important features available in CMM software?
7. Discuss major non-contact inspection methods.
8. What is the working principle of computer vision systems?
9. How is post-process metrology incorporated in CNC Machines?
10. Describe the features of a flexible inspection system.
11. Discuss the integration of CAD database and CMM operation.


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