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11/3/2020 Guide to CAD Layering Standards

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11/3/2020 Guide to CAD Layering Standards

A layer in cad is a way to differentiate between the different lines that are
drawn on a page. The layer can be assigned properties such as linewieght,
line type and colour and can be made visible or hidden, amongst other

You can use layers in a drawing for each different object type or
construction element. For example, you can assign all objects or lines that
are walls to a “Wall” layer. All sanitary ttings could be assigned to a
‘Fittings’ layer. Windows can have their own layer, furniture can have its
own layer and so on.

Layers should be used in every drawing, no matter how large or small the
project. If you are an architectural practice it is important to adopt a
standardised system, or stick to a standard set of layers if you are a
student, not only for good practice but also because layering your
drawings can save you a huge amount of time.

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Why we should never draw everything on
Layer 0! 2/22
11/3/2020 Guide to CAD Layering Standards

Layers allow us much more control over a drawing, and ultimately allow us
to save time and money. By using a good layering system we can allocate
properties to a layer and ensure the appropriate element is assigned to
that layer. If later we decide we want to amend the properties, we don’t
have to go through and change each individual line, we just have to change
the layer properties and all the changes will appear on every line on that

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In AutoCAD layers are also very useful for setting up layouts and plot
sheets. They allow us to control what information is viewed on different
drawings. For example, on a 1:200 site plan, we would only want basic
elements to be seen, so the layers that are not necessary can be switched
off in that particular viewport. We would keep landscaping layers
switched on, but we would turn off mechanical and electrical layers, or
annotations that would be better suited to a more detailed plan, for

Another bene t of using layers is that you can select and modify items in
bulk on a particular layer. Instead of individually selecting items that you
wish to copy or amend, you can quick select all items on a layer (if the 2
drawing has been layered correctly). 3/22
11/3/2020 Guide to CAD Layering Standards

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Standard Cad layers

So, I hope I have convinced you that using layers is a fundamental part of
the drawing process. The next question is, what layers should I use?

There are a few different classi cation systems available, and this article
is focussing on the use of layers in the UK. From the research I have
carried out, the CISFB system which has been used widely, lacks layers for
more modern systems and has resulted in practices having to modify the
layering system which has created a non standard format. The Uniclass
system is a little more complicated, and that has been used as a basis for
the AEC UK Cad Standard. This standard was developed from 2001
onwards and provides more up to date CAD usage.

You can download the full document here: Version 4-0-2 is the
reference document I used for this article.

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One stop to have your kitchen and furniture made

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What the layers stand for:
A layer name can be broken down into elds, these elds classify the layer. 4/22
11/3/2020 Guide to CAD Layering Standards

Field 1: Role

Field 2: Classi cation

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Field 3: Presentation

Field 4: Description

Field 5: View – optional

The full details of each eld can be downloaded in full from the link to the
AEC [UK] cad standard document. Here I will provide an overview to the
codes for each eld. 5/22
11/3/2020 Guide to CAD Layering Standards

Field 1

The letters de ne the author, or owner of the data. This therefore allows
various disciplines to use the same element codes all within one drawing
while still being able to differentiate between the layers. 6/22
11/3/2020 Guide to CAD Layering Standards

Field 2
Classi cation
The element code describes the building element or component. It uses
the single Uniclass 2015. It is possible to break down these codes into
very detailed representation of building elements, but often it is
acceptable to group items together into broader terms. For example, a
curtain wall layer is Ss_25_10_20, but this could be denoted as Ss_25_10
which is the general code for walls.

The pre xes of these codes refers to:

SL – Spaces/locations

Ef – Elements / functions

Ss – Systems

Pr – Products

Z – non physical elements

In simple architectural terms, Ef might be used for general CAD work, Ss

for detail work or components, and Pr for t out or components that are
produced. The best thing to do here is browse through the different
categories, link below, to give you an idea of the different classi cations in
each category and when they would be used.

There is a vast list of different element codes, possibly too many…? So for
the purposes of clarity, I have selected a few of the more common layer
classi cations to demonstrate here. Most practices would select the
layers that they use regularly and create a template based on those
common layers, rather than use the entire list to create a bulky le, and
plenty of time wasted searching for the correct layer to use.
Access the full list of all the classi cation tables from the NBS website

An example of some of the more common element codes are listed below: 7/22
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11/3/2020 Guide to CAD Layering Standards

The Zz category provides a layer for trees and planting which can be
confused with the same in the Pr and Ee sections. The Zz tree and planting
can be used for generic tree placement, and aesthetic presentation to
enhance a drawing, for example an elevation or visualisation model. The 10/22
11/3/2020 Guide to CAD Layering Standards

Ef section would be used for generic plants in the design, and Pr for
de ning detailed vegetation layouts or landscaping works.

The Ef classi cation list is quite limited, but this allows for a more simple
use of the layers at early design level, and moving on to the Ss
classi cation as more detailed design commences.

[in 2016 the classi cation codes were changed quite signi cantly, and in
my opinion have become a bit more complicated than they used to be. I
still use the older system for some of the architects I work for, and for my
own projects, not because I don’t link change (…!) but because it does
seem a lot more intuitive and user friendly. These new classi cation codes
take a bit of time to get used to.]

Field 3
This eld indicates the type of CAD data associated with the element.

Field 4
These are used to describe the element of the layer, as seen in the
previous table for Field 2. 2

Field 5 11/22
11/3/2020 Guide to CAD Layering Standards

These are added to part of the user description eld and provide
information as to how the elements are shown.

This eld has become optional over time – I don’t use it myself.

So with all that said and done, lets take a look at some examples of the

List of the common layers: 12/22
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11/3/2020 Guide to CAD Layering Standards

The key to working with all these layers is having a good template set up.
This means that when you start a new drawing or project you can quickly
go to your template and get started with the correct layers, rather than
setting up a new drawing every time.

I have put together a list of the most common layers that I would use,
keeping it to a minimum where possible. I have created a cad drawing with
these layers and it is available to download. The cad drawing is a normal 14/22
11/3/2020 Guide to CAD Layering Standards

dwg le but can be saved as a template if you wish. All the layers are saved
– with no properties assigned, that is the linetype, line weight are all by
layer, and the colour for each layer is set as white. It is simple to go
through and assign colours to each layer to correspond with your own
plot style. Feel free to download my layer template for your own use. 15/22
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11/3/2020 Guide to CAD Layering Standards

Download CAD Layer Template

I hope that this article has helped clarify the cad layering standards that
are currently used today, and that the template will be useful to you. Links
below to some of the reference documents that provide a more in depth
look at the layering standards, classi cations and codes. 2
If you have any questions please feel free to drop me an email or comment
below 🙂

References: 17/22
11/3/2020 Guide to CAD Layering Standards

Download the full document AEC UK Protocol for Layer

Naming here
View the AEC UK standards website here
Access the full list of all the classi cation tables from the
NBS website here

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Suraj Patole on April 3, 2018 at 9:14 am

Thank you for your post of ‘ Guide to CAD laying Stander’s’.
But actually it’s not opening…


Emma on April 3, 2018 at 3:52 pm

Can you explain what is happening when you try to open

it, what version of CAD you have and any other details
that will assist me in helping you? Thanks

Reply 19/22
11/3/2020 Guide to CAD Layering Standards

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Suraj Patole on April 4, 2018 at 8:48 am

Actually it’s not opening, i am using AutoCAD 2016 version.

When i click onto the page it’s not forward to next page.
Send me the template to my email id.
You are doing great work. Keep it so many people will be
learning more about this.


Suraj Patole on April 4, 2018 at 8:49 am

Actually ypur post is not displayed in my Mobile view.

Is it only open in computer??


Salvador Gonzalez on January 6, 2020 at 6:00 pm

Emma, best wishes for 2020 new year.

As usual, your information is always useful.

Best regards and thank you very much

Reply 2

Emma on January 7, 2020 at 6:18 am 20/22
11/3/2020 Guide to CAD Layering Standards

Thank you 🙂


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