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National Physical Education Standards

SHAPE America. (2013). National pe standards. Retrieved from

● Served as a lead teacher at a summer camp for

Standard 1 - The physically literate individual students with disabilities at James Madison
demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills University, HPEP 564
and movement patterns. ● Developed a curriculum for Virginia SOL and
national standards, HPEP 530

● Created a strategic curriculum framework at a

Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies secondary level, HPEP 530
knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and ● Planned a lock in with physical activity at a local
tactics related to movement and performance. church HPEP 520

● Created a curriculum that teaches physical

Standard 3 - The physically literate individual education skills, HPEP 530
demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and ● Adapted a variety of activities for students with
maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity disabilities at a summer camp HPEP 564
and fitness.

● Collaboration with peers during a camp for

Standard 4 - The physically literate individual students with disabilities, HPEP 564
exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that ● Built a respectful, close relationship with fellow
respects self and others. classmates and professors during graduate
experience, HPEP 530 and additional courses

● Discussed the importance and benefits of physical

Standard 5 - The physically literate individual activity to students at an adapted physical
recognizes the value of physical activity for health, education camp at James Madison University,
enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social HPEP 564
interaction. ● Wrote a grant for playground equipment, HPEP

Advanced National Physical Education Standards:

SHAPE America. (2008). Advanced standards for physical education. Retrieved from

● Wrote an article to be published, HPEP 520

Standard 1. Professional Knowledge ● Wrote a research paper on the topic of how
physical education can help students who have
experienced trauma, EDUC 502

● Wrote a grant for playground equipment at Luray

Standard 2. Professional Practice Elementary School, EDUC 502
● Planned a lockin for a community church, EDUC

● Worked with other teachers to lead a lockin for a

Standard 3. Professional Leadership community church, EDUC 502
● Taught lessons to peers HPEP 530

National Health Education Standards

Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]. (2016). National health education standards. Retrieved from
● Created a unit focuses on mental health, HLTH
Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts 525
related to health promotion and disease prevention to ● Wrote a scenario and determined the cause of a
enhance health. communicable disease, HLTH 501

● Planned a unit focused on bullying, HLTH 525

Standard 2: Students will analyze the influence of ● Planned a unit focused on the effects of
family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other cyberbullying, HLTH 525
factors on health behaviors.

● Planned a unit on students creating a campaign to

Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to stop bullying, HLTH 525
access valid information and products and services to
enhance health.

● Taught a lesson on health concepts in to peers,

Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to HPEP 530
use interpersonal communication skills to enhance ● Taught adapted PE and health concepts at a
health and avoid or reduce health risks. summer camp, HPEP 564

● Wrote a personal health education philosophy,

Standard 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to HLTH 525
use decision-making skills to enhance health. ● Created a lesson based on cultural differentiation
to enhance health EDUC 571

● Created health and physical education to use in

Standard 6: Students will demonstrate the ability to my future classrooms, HLTH 525
use goal-setting skills to enhance health. ● Created a leadership and a coaching philosophy
to use in my future classroom, HPEP 504

● Created activities in a health curriculum teaching

Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to students about health-enhancing behaviors and
practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or avoiding or reducing health risks, HLTH 525
reduce health risks. ● Advocated to students the effects of bullying both
short term and long term, HLTH 525

● Wrote a journal article on advocacy for health,

Standard 8: Students will demonstrate the ability to HPEP 520
advocate for personal, family, and community health. ● Created a unit for students to advocate for
bullying awareness, HLTH 525

Responsibilities and Competencies of a Health Education Specialist

National Commission for Health Education Credentialing. (n.d.). Responsibilities and competencies. Retrieved
● Wrote a grant to enhance the health of students at
Area I: Assess Needs, Assets and Capacity for Health an elementary school through a playground,
Education HPEP 520
● Assessed the needs of the population at an
elementary school to enhance their health, HPEP

● Wrote a curriculum unit for bullying in high

Area II: Plan Health Education school, HLTH 525
● Discussed overall health at a community event,
HPEP 520

● Included health topics in lessons for a unit

Area III: Implement Health Education curriculum on illicit drug use, HLTH 525
● Taught health concepts for adapted PE in a
summer camp, HPEP 564

● Researched materials including information and

Area IV: Conduct Evaluation and Research Related statistics to include in a developed health
to Health Education education curriculum, HLTH 525
● Conducted Research on trauma informed
teaching, EDUC 502

● Formulated a proposal for a grant to enhance

Area V: Administer and Manage Health Education health of students through a playground, HPEP
● Created a health curriculum, HLTH 525

● Acted as lead teacher to students at a summer

Area VI: Serve as a Health Education Resource camp, HPEP 564
Person ● Served on a committee at my school and gave
information from my research about trauma
informed teaching, EDUC 502

● Presented my internship experience to my peers,

Area VII: Communicate and Advocate for Health and HPEP 681
Health Education ● Wrote an advocacy assignment for health, HPEP

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