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System Access Information

This paragraph gives you the generic system access information needed to run this process.

System Landscape

System Landscape, this Process is built in

ZDC 400

Solution Components used in this Process

SAP Agricultural Contract Management

Commodity Price Engine

Please check the currently valid system IDs and active clients on the tab strip SYSTEMS of this
process in the Demo Database.


Predefined User Password Component

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The vendor split functionality allows users to split load between different vendors, defining
percentages or quantity. After saving and releasing the Load Data Capture, Goods Movement and
Application Documents are created automatically in the background.

Collation is a feature that allows the selection of an application item that was split, and collate all
children items of a same parent back into a new application item. The new application item will have
the same properties as the parent item before the split.

This exercise intends to perform a collation (split reverse).

Process flow
1. Capture Commingled Loads with Vendor Split

2. Collate application items

Capture Commingled Loads with Vendor Split


Load Data Capture is one of the key functional areas within the SAP Agricultural Management
solution. It comprises the Load Data Capture (LDC) transaction and the Orchestration Framework
(OF) to streamline the capturing, on arrival or departure, of certain attributes of a purchased or sold
load. These attributes are used to determine whether a load conforms to the requirements of the
contract in a planned scenario, to select an appropriate contract to fulfill, or to generate a spot
contract or unassigned load in unplanned scenarios. Load Data Capture allows users to capture
weight, grade, and other logistical data for bulk shipments (both inbound and outbound) of agricultural

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commodity products, while the Orchestration Framework oversees the generation of follow-on

1. Call up the transaction as follows:

System Menu Path SAP Easy Access  Agricultural Contract

Management  Load Data Capture  Maintain

Transaction code /ACCGO/UIS_WC

2. Double click “Create LDC Object” on the left side

3. Enter the following:

Field Data

Application Instruction 07 – Accumulate to store

LDC type Incoming

Event Unload

Mode of transport 01

Event location See Master Data table

Storage location See Master Data table

Material See Master Data table

Vendor See Master Data table

4. Click button

5. Double click in the LDC ID-field

6. Select Weight Details Tab and enter the following:

Field Data

Certification category 01

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UoM See Material Master at MM03 transaction

Gross weight 200

7. Select Analysis Details Tab and enter the following:

Field Data

Certification category 01

Analysis type 01

8. In case the Characteristics are not retrieved from the Master data please perform the following

1. Click on - Add Characteristics

2. Click on to select all Characteristcs

3. Click - OK

9. Enter the following for every line item:

Field Data

Characteristic Value1 Characteristic value (e.g.10)

Characteristic Value 2 Characteristic value (e.g.2)

10. Press Enter and check if all status-fields turn green - Succes
11. Select Vendor Split Tab.

12. In Vendor Split select Ad-hoc or, if any split profile was uploaded by default, choose Edit

Button to make the fields editable.

13. Enter the following data to create the vendor split information:

Use the buttons to create the table:

- Create line

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- Delete line

- Toggle between split percentage or quantity

Vendor % Split Quantity Application PO

Instruction Vendor

Vendor from LDC Header information 70 140 07 X

See Master Data table 30 60 10

(Should be different than the Vendor inserted above)

14. Click button - Save.

15. Select - Back

16. Note down the LDC ID for further reference: _____________

17. Select line and press - Select for Release

The status should turn into Released

18. Click button - Save

The status should turn into OF Excecution Successful

19. Select the line and press - Recovery Report to display Orchestration Framework Recovery

20. Select the line and press or double click on the ticket detail line - Document Flow to display
the document flow of the automatic document creation. You can note down the numbers of the
reference document for further references.

21. Note down the Application Document ID for further reference: _____________

22. Select - Exit to return to the SAP Easy Access Menu.

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The Manual Application Workcenter has a specific area where comingled application
documents can be displayed and processed. One of the functionalities available is Collation.

1. Call up the transaction as follows:

System Menu Path SAP Easy Access  Agricultural Contract

Management  Contract Application  Manual
Application Workcenter

Transaction code /ACCGO/MWC

2. Double click Commingled.

3. Enter the following data:

Field Data

Application Document Your Application Document ID

4. Click button

5. Select the parent item of the application document and click button to Collate the items

and reverse the split performed when receiving the load.

6. In the confirmation pop up select Yes.

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7. Check the new item created, that should have the same vendor, application instruction and
status from the parent vendor, but will have the sum of the chlidren’s quantity.

8. Return to the SAP Easy Access Menu.


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