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California, 20km UCLA

Workout 05-06.10 30min 2mile

0715 after breakfast, cleaning room, morning inspection

0730 morning inspection

0730-1600 class

Indoor obstacle course test / military mov (gymnastics class, IOCT)

Plea boxing for male – Plea combatant

Room inspection sheet (1 gig)

Certain duties and respo: take out the trash, deliver laundry, cleaning duties.

Lunch 1150 – 3 min until assembling for launch formation

Can’t talk outside, walk akongside walls inside buildings

12 pax at table (additional duties at lunch), serve drink

Upper classman permission

Ask upper classman how many days do they have until graduation

Lunch 1210-12.30
your assignment for next time consists of 3 tasks ... a pdf from the platform to be
solved, one task related to writing and u have to submit it and to read tasks 2/p. 3334,
task 4/pp 35-36

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