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Writing assignment.

Land Forces Academy “Nicolae Balcescu” has a wide range of buildings and facilities in which permanent
staff and students are displaying their activities. Some facilities are similar to civilian office buildings
while others are army specific, such as ammunition storage facilities.
Military housing includes barracks in “Daia” and students accommodations. Three mess halls can
be found in two buildings, both students and permanent staff are having their meals, daily. The HQ
building can be found near the main gate entrance. Moreover, the LFA has a military museum,
swimming pool, fitness center, modern laboratories, auditoriums and classes for all study groups.

Ex. 1
1.A military base is a facility directly owned and operated by or for the military or one of its branches
that shelters military equipment and personnel, and facilitates training and operations.
2. In general, a military base provides accommodations for one or more units, but it may also be
used as a command center, a training ground, or a proving ground.
3. In most cases, a military base relies on some outside help in order to operate.
4. However, certain complex bases are able to endure by themselves for long periods because
they are able to provide food, water and other life support necessities for their inhabitants while under

Ex. 2

1.armory = n. secure location where weapons are stored

2.assault course= e (jump, crawl, climb, run)
3.barracks= g. living accommodation for single junior-enlisted service members
4.chapel=k. provide religious services
5.commisary= c. on-base grocery store
6.firing/shooting range= d. shoot at the target, load weapons
7.gym/fitness center= t. work out, lift weights
8.HQ= p. make plans, issue order
9.indoor range= o. small-bore weapons are fired
10.infirmary=m. have a regular checkup; receive treatment when ill
11.main gate= s. show your ID, sign in
12. on-base housing/married quarters=h. living accommodation for families, spend time with your
13. mess hall= i. soldiers and NCOs have meals when at work
14. parade ground/square or drill square=b. troops assemble for inspection, attend ceremonies, do
parade drills
15. PX/NAAFI shop/NATEX= q. on-base department store
16. orderly room= f. the administrative work/office of a barracks
17. Quartermaster’s stores (QMs’ stores)= j. the place where a unit’s stores, clothing and equipment
are stored
18. motor transport (MT) (UK)/ Transportation Section (US)/ Transportation Motor Pool (TMP)=I. a
unit’s vehicles are kept and maintained
19. guard room= a. a place used by the troops responsible for the security of the barracks
20. Officers’ Mess/Officers’ Club=r. of meet, eat and relax. Single of sleep (Uk)

Ex. 3

1. Officers’ Mess/Officers’ Club

2.main gate
3. armory
4. indoor range
5. commissary
7. infirmary
8. Quartermaster’s store
9. on-base housing/married quarters
10. mess hall/cookhouse
11. parade ground/square
12. orderly room or HQ
13. assault course

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