Start A Juice

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15 Steps
To Starting A Juice Bar From Scratch
Is the Juice Business
Right For You?
Are you ready to start your own juice business?

Are you needing to get clear on the tangible
steps that are needed for you to successfully
open your own juice bar?
Share A Juice with Me and I Will
Tell You What I Know

Hello, my name is Andrew McFarlane.

Now I spend my time
I have been in the Juice industry for a long time. I know helping people like yourself
the Juice industry is not easy, but it can be personally and
all around the world launch
their juice businesses.
Before starting my own Juice Business in 2011, I did not
have any prior experience. I have never even worked
in a cafe and served tea much less run a food service
business. Needless to say, the learning curve was steep.
With that, I was still able to open multiple locations and

I don’t say that to brag. I say that to let you know it’s
possible to be successful in this industry. If someone like
me with no experience and no mentorship can become
successful, I know you can too. This book has been Andrew McFarlane.
This book will give you a broad overview of the many
things you will need to consider as well as implement in
the process of opening your juice bar.

This book is being presented in a step by step sequential

order for a reason. As you continue to read, you will
understand how all the steps are connected.

I have seen people all too often do things in

a chaotic sequence, unfortunately,
wasting their money and their time.

This book is not

It not
business or overly detailed processes on how each step
is executed. There is so much that can be said about the
science of running a juice bar that I could write about it for
days. That time will come, but now is not the time...
How To Go
Through This
Take notes.

Write the things you do not understand down.

Be aware that this is an OVERVIEW. Some of you

will be ready to go into great detail and some
of you will not. This checklist is for those of you
who want to see the process from a 10,000 ft
perspective. For those of you who are ready to
go deeper, I will share with you where you can do
that by the end.
Get Clear On Why You Want
To Start A Juice Bar.

This is so important . I repeat. This is SO IMPORTANT . If you are not clear on why you are considering

The more clear you are on why you want to start a Juice Bar, the better

Do you just want to make money ?

Do you want to help the world get healthier?
Do you want to build a community?

I recommend you to write your answers down. As you move through this book, this will invite a deeper
commitment to these answers. There is no right or wrong answer. This is for the sake of you knowing
what you want to accomplish and then accomplishing it.

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Get Clear On How You Will Position
Yourself Within Your Business.
This second step is also extremely important. Your business is an extension of you. Your personal
success is the success of the business.

Make sure you find yourself in a role that you are gifted at and enjoy. This way you will be of the greatest
service to your company and through that have a greater chance of success.

Do you want to be more on the floor Do you want to focus strictly on the
Managing your business day to day? marketing?

Do you want to be almost completely hands off

and have other people run all operations so you can
focus on simply making major decisions?

Once again there is no right answer. Only what is right for you…

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Create Your Business Plan

This is one of those steps that will be in tandem with many other steps. You will need to do a lot of
research to fill everything in appropriately.

If you are finding investors you will surely need this. If you are not, you will STILL need this. It’s your
ROAD MAP. Those who leave home without it get lost along the way…

Prior to signing your lease, you can get all the information you need on a non committed basis.

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Create Your Budget

Your budget will be either based on how much you have

to spend.

Or how much you plan to raise.

Your Budget will be dynamic so make sure you update it

constantly as you are spending money.

Consider this your financial road map.

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Figure Out Your
Unique Brand Position

Once you get clear on this, you will implement your

brand strategy into ever aspect of your business.

The marketing.

Name of your
The staff Uniforms.
Why will your product and service be unique?
How your staff
Think about this one deeply. There are so many The design of communicates
places people can go. Why will they come to you? the space. with your

All of these things should express your:


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Develop Your Menu
There are a number of things that need to happen as
part of this development…

You will need to cost your menu as you design the


Visit the STARTAJUICEBAR.COM page on YouTube if

you have not seen the video on how to Cost Out Your

One quick story that I love to share…I remember one month when I was looking to make our

decision….It’s important to know your costs.

Next, you will need to Name Your Drinks.

Remember your Unique Brand Position as you do this.

Create a menu that is not too large or too small. Be sure to launch your menu in stages.
6-7 Juices and 6-7 Smoothies. You can always add more. Having too much can be a detriment
to your business in its launch phase

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A brief announcement…

I am aware that you will need a more detailed outline

start your juice business.

have a chance to receive the most COMPREHENSIVE

VIDEO GUIDE to Starting a Juice Bar known to date.

I am sharing this with you now because I do not want

you to get discouraged if there is something in this
book you do not understand. I know that this can
seem like a lot of information, so not to worry.

By the end of this book I will share with you how you
can access this online video course.

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Find Your Vendors

Finding your vendors is also part of costing your menu out. You
will need to know where you are going to source your dry and wet
ingredients and what the costs are.

Do not

to an ingredient, you will not be stuck looking for Vendors at

that point.

This happens all the time so you need to plan for it.

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Find Your Location

How much do you want to spend on rent

each month?

How big do you want your location to be?

What businesses are in the area that you

can cross promote with?

What is the ideal area?

Do you want your location to be a sit

down space?

Once you have answered all these

question, you will need to talk to the
landlord and negotiate the lease terms.

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Look For Equipment Vendors.

Your equipment will be a reflection of your menu.

Based on the items you are making you will have
specific equipment needs.

Make a list and ask around if you are not clear on

exactly what you need. This step requires a lot of detail for a few reasons:

• First, your equipment has to fit into your kitchen like a glove. NOTE ALL THE DIMENSIONS

• The NEXT REASON is for the Health Department. In most places that are in the U.S., we
have a health code. Part of that Health Code is to have compliant equipment. This means the
equipment either has to be ETL, NSF or UL listed. Check with your local department to get
clear on what they need for your equipment specs.

• Finally, most people over look this, but for the sake of electrical, your space may need a new
panel based on the needs of your equipment. You will need to give the equipment specs to
your contractor when the time comes to receive a quote.

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STEP 10:
Hire an Architect

Your architect should be familiar with the food industry.

Do not, for example, hire someone who only has experience in designing homes.

Your architect should also take care of gathering the proper permits from the city, as this
will be a process to get the plans approved.

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STEP 11:
Hire A Contractor
In the state of California, and I assume throughout the
U.S., your contracting needs to have a GC License,
(General Contracting) if he/she is legally allowed to service
your project. Otherwise, this person will not be allowed to
pull permits from the city to actively do the work needed
on your location.

Also, be sure that this Licensed Contractor gives you an

Itemized bid.

This is the place that most Juice Bar owners waste

most their money. Both parties may not have a
clear understanding of the scope of work that is to be
performed. Unfortunately, contractors have been known
to overcharge their clients when they are not being
properly managed.

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STEP 12:
Create Employee Manual

Your employee manual will have everything relevant to working for the company. Rarely can this
manual be too detailed.

Your manual should include Everything from Menu, to uniform policy, to how to report sexual
harassment in the work place. Include down EVERYTHING!

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STEP 13:
Hire And Train Your Staff you get closer to opening and your permits from all city departments are being approved.
Until the space is licensed and seen fit for your staff to work, you will only be able to have
conversations with your staff about operations in the business.

Take time to train your staff and budget for that time.

When you open your business, your customers first impression is extremely important. If your
staff does not come across well trained and your operations are not efficient, it will not be likely
that you will be given another chance to prove them otherwise.


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STEP 14:
Order Your Inventory

Make sure you have a place to store everything and you time it
just right.

Most Dry Goods shouldn’t take more than a week to show

up. Whenever your contractors are almost complete with your
buildout and you have the space to put things away nicely, you
can order your dry goods.

You will order your wet goods (produce, things with a shorter
shelf life) once you are just a day away from opening.
Your vendors should have a 1 day turn around.

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STEP 15:
Open Your Business

You are now ready to open!!

As I mentioned in the beginning of the e-book, this is a broad overview.

I have created an EXTREMELY DETAILED and comprehensive video E-Course on How To Start A
Juice Bar . This course goes over everything that was discussed in this book at greater lengths and

If you have made it this far through the e-book, I can only assume that you are really serious about
making this vision a reality. I commend you for your commitment! This video E-Course is for people like
you, who want to dive deeper in order to open their Juice Bar with a greater understanding.

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The Juice Bar Master Blueprint
Video Course Will Show You How To:
• 5 Proven Methods For Marketing Your Juice Bar For Maximum Sales...
How to target and sell to your ideal customers... and most importantly, connect with them in
deeper ways that make them trust you, like you, and become raving fans and repeat buyers.

• 7 Secrets For Creating Healthy, Delicious & Highly Profitable Menus...

How to choose the “right foods” in the right proportions and combinations that require less
time, less effort, and low cost to produce, but most importantly, that people absolutely crave.

• Includes My 6 Tried And True Methods For Preventing Your Costs From “Eating” Your
If you don’t watch your costs carefully, you will quickly find it almost impossible to grow your
juice bar, even if you’re making a killing at sales, do this to spend less and profit more.

• How To Get The Best Roi On All Your Equipment...

Equipment mastery is a big bottleneck for most juice bar owners. This is an area I’ve finally
mastered, after years of struggle and financial loss. I walk you through every piece of equipment
you’ll ever need for your juice bar and how to get the best ROI on all your equipment.

• Step-By-Step Course With...

5 hours of never before seen video content. 10 document templates that I actually use to run
my business.

To access this E-Course go to :
I can be reached directly at

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